HomeMy WebLinkAboutTMT/Street/38,903.80/Landscape maintenanceT.M.T., Inc. Street Department - 2015 Appropriation #0043 - 504.00, Amendment #1; P.O. 32541 Contract Not To Exceed $38,903.80 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES THIS AMENDMENT TO THE GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT ( "Agreement ") entered into by and between the City of Carmel and T.M.T., Inc. (the "Vendor"), as City Contract dated May 7, 2014 shall amend the terms of the Agreement by adding the additional services to be provided by Vendor consistent with the Scope of Work attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A ". Furthermore, the terms of the Agreement shall be amended to include the E- verify requirement as stated in Indiana Code § 22 -5 -1.7 et seq., which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B ", as well as the required E- verify Affidavit, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C ". Also, pursuant to I.C. § 5 -22 -16.5, Vendor shall certify that in signing this document, it does not engage in investment activities within the Country of Iran. The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall not otherwise be affected by this Additional Services Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment as follows: CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA T.M.T., Inc. by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety By: mes Brainard, N ate: I / Ma Date: A Burk-, Memier Officer Lori S. Wats Date: ATTEST: Diana Cordray, IAMC, Cler - Treasurer Date: —! —1 /S:K'minclsWra Saes 8 Gads S.a lStreed101i1T.M.T.. I,, Addl Scs Amend 3-27,20/2 with E. Verif, Iaogtvgcdoc.2/27/2015 2:20 PM) By: a_ Authorize ig to e SU Z „ �r . , 0 „_ Printed e't r-^:-k- Title FIDITIN: ,2c'? ;C71 Last Four of SSN if Sole Proprietor: Date: 3 1 1 ) I February 5, 2015 To: Dave Huffman Street Department City of Carmel 1719 WEST 161.' STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 317- 867 -3691 "TREES WITH A WOMAN'S TOUCH" From: Suzy DuBois T.M.T., Incorporated Fax: 317 - 867 -5920 Concerning: Mulch, Weed Control and other Landscape Maintenance Dave, Please accept this letter as our commitment to support the scope of work which includes the tree ring mulching and weed control maintenance west of US Highway 31 and East of US Highway 31 as defined in the specifications from.last years bid package. The assumption is that the tree count totals will be the same as last years growing season. We will honor the pricing from the previous year for the same tree counts. Total for West of Highway 31 $19,933.55 Total for East of Highway 31 $18,970.25 Please let me know if you require additional information or have any questions. Thank you once again for the opportunity, Suzy DuBois T.M.T., Incorporated T.M.T., Incorporated EXHfBET 1„f3 City of Ctrme1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES WEED CONTROL FOR TREE RINGS Application All tree rings shall be treated with a pre- emergent and shall, throughout the growing season, be periodically spot treated with a Round- up /Surflan mixture or hand pulled, as needed. Tree root suckers shall be treated with 'Sucker Stopper' /naphthaleneacetic acid to regulate tree root sucker growth, as needed. Frequency a All tree rings shall be treated with pre- emergent a minimum of two (2) times a year, the first mandatory application to occur no earlier than March 17th and no later than May 16t", and the second mandatory application to occur no earlier than September 1" and no later than October 17th. MULCH AND WEED CONTROL FOR TREE RING LOCATIONS The project consists of, but may not be limited to, landscape maintenance for the right -of -way, landscape easements and medians of: LOCATIONS # of TREES # of TREES West of US HWY 31 Sidewalk to sidewaik Back side of sidewalk Oak Ridge Rd; (136th St to 146th St) 117 Illinois St; (116tSt to 136th 5), w /trees at 116th St for a block in each direction, does not include from W Main St south for 1000', which contains pear trees 421 27 across from Meridian Medical Plaza - only Springmill Rd; (W Main St to 146th St) 53 Ditch Rd; (136th St to 146th St) 83 Towne Rd; (116th St to 146th St) 270 W 116th St and Towne Rd; (southwest corner) 22 Shelborne Rd; (116th St to W 131St St), include trees north of W 131" St 224 67 at 116th St and Shelborne Rd - only 136th St; Oak Ridge Rd to Ditch Rd 300 W 131" St (then also named W Main St); (Shelborne Rd to Springmill Rd), includes trees west of Shelborne Rd 512 126"' St; (Shelborne Rd to Towne Rd) 177 W 1415t St (Ditch Rd to Towne Rd), north and south sides 86 TOTAL 2359 r0 ♦9��� y f. 3 Citv . f Car. el DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Adams Dr; (City Center Dr to W Carmel Dr) and ( NW corner of Adams St /City Center Dr) 42 W Carmel Dr; (North side east and west of Adams St) 13 Congressional Blvd; (City Center Dr to Pennsylvania St), median only 51 College Dr; (east of Pennsylvania St), median only 9 Pennsylvania St; (103rd St to College Dr), Include trees south of 103rd St 95 23 Old Meridian St; (Pennsylvania St to Guilford Rd) 19 Grande Blvd; (Guilford Rd to Old Meridian St) 53 W Carmel Dr; (Old Meridian St to Pennsylvania St, north and south sides) 16 TOTAL 2247 EXHIBIT 323 City of ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 -2584 ORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL - 1997 l e INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATE NO. 003120155 002 0 FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 35- 60000972 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 32541 THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES, M VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SUP; SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE 1CHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION 2/24/2015 T. M. T. Inc /ENDOR 1719 W. 161st Street Westfield, IN 46074 SHIP TO Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46074 (317) 733 -2001 JNFIRMATION 5��13u 5 RACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Account 0043 - 504.00 1 Each Mulching & Weed Control - West of 31 1 Each Mulching & Weed Control - East of 31 Send invoice To: Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46074- PLEASE INVOICE ON DUPLICATE $19,933.55 $18,970.25 Sub Total: $19,933.55 $18,970.25 $38,903.80 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT Carmel Street Department SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS • SHIP REPAID. • C.O.D. SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. • PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL SHIPPING LABELS. • THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99, ACTS 1945 AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. DOCUMENT C fNTROI Nn 3 2 5 4 1 ORDERED BY TITLE CLERK - TREASURER VENDOR COPY PAYMENT $38,903.80 • A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. • I HEREBY CERTIFY AT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN THIS APPROPRI "' OF NT TO PAY FOR TI-J ABOVE ORDER.