HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationIndiana Montessori Academy Feasability Study 12640 Shelborne Rd. Carmel, IN 46021 Vive Design, LLC Kami Guerrier 12449 Meeting House Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 781-640-9793 info@vivedesignforlife.comSchematic Design Document for zoning review. 04/03/2015 SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0”Existing structure is located based on site survey provided by property realtor and therefore is approximated - to be VIF. Int/Ext dimensions of existing structure have been verifi ed. Pr o p o s e d n e w s t r u c t u r e ( 8 2 1 0 S F ) Ex i s t i n g s t r u c t u r e t o r e m a i n ( 2 1 6 0 S F ) Ge n e r a l N o t e s : • R e f e r t o o w n e r , K r i s t i n a S p e n c e , I n d i a n a M o n t e s s o r i A c a d e m y ( 1 2 7 6 0 H o r s e f e r r y R d #1 0 0 , C a r m e l , I N 4 6 0 3 2 , 3 1 7 - 5 6 9 - 1 2 9 0 ) f o r a l l q u e s t i o n s p e r t a i n i n g t o f e a s a b i l i t y st u d y . • T h e s e d o c u m e n t s a r e N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N . A l l f u t u r e w o r k s h a l l b e p e r - fo r m e d i n s t r i c t c o m p l i a n c e w i t h c u r r e n t f e d e r a l , S t a t e , a n d L o c a l c o d e s , r e g u l a t i o n s , an d a u t h o r i t i e s h a v i n g j u r i s d i c t i o n . 59 9 . 9 8 ’ 24.50’55.90’250.53’ 61 0 . 0 0 ’ Alternate possible access point off of Shelbourne. Pr o p o s e d a c c e s s o f f o f e x i s t i n g p r i v a t e l a n e c o n n e c t e d to r o t a r y a t S h e l b o u r n e & 1 2 6 t h . T o b e e x p a n d e d . Vive Design, LLC Kami Guerrier 12449 Meeting House Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 781-640-9793 info@vivedesignforlife.comSchematic Design Document for zoning review. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1/4” = 1’-0” 04/03/15 -Existing structure is located based on site survey provided by property realtor and therefore is approximated - to be VIF. Int/Ext dimensions of existing structure have been verifi ed.Indiana Montessori Academy Schematic Design 12640 Shelborne Rd. Carmel, IN 46021           IMA | 12760 Horseferry Road, Suite 100 | Carmel, IN 46032 | 317.569.1290 www.IndianaMontessoriAcademy.org www.Facebook.com/IndianaMontessoriAcademy info@IndianaMontessoriAcademy.org April  13,  2015     Dear  Members  of  the  Board  of  Zoning  Appeals,     Indiana  Montessori  Academy  was  founded  in  August  2011.    We  started  our  Montessori  pre-­‐school   with  5  students  and  have  experienced  wonderful  growth  in  the  Carmel  Community.    We  currently   have  about  65  students  enrolled  in  two  Primary  classrooms  and  one  Elementary  classroom.         We  are  recognized  through  the  Association  Montessori  Internationale  (AMI).    AMI  is  the  Montessori   organization  founded  by  Dr.  Maria  Montessori  in  1929  to  uphold  her  work  in  building  her  Montessori   principles,  philosophy  and  pedagogy.  AMI  is  headquartered  in  Amsterdam,  The  Netherlands  with  an   AMI/USA  branch  in  Rochester,  NY.  "Teachers  with  an  AMI  Diploma  hold  a  credential  that  is   internationally  recognized  by  Montessori  schools  and  classrooms  around  the  world."    AMI/USA    Schools   with  an  AMI  certification  have  gone  through  a  rigorous  review  process  and  strive  to  uphold  the  ideals   promoted  by  Dr.  Montessori.    The  standards  are  set  and  you  can  be  assured  your  student  will  be   fulfilled  by  an  authentic  Montessori  experience.    For  more  information  on  the  standards  upheld  by   AMI,  please  visit:    www.ami-­‐usa.org       Indiana  Montessori  Academy’s  mission  is  to  provide  an  environment  for  children  to  foster  their   natural  love  of  learning;  develop  socially,  academically  and  emotionally;  and  build  a  strong  sense  of   community  all  utilizing  the  concepts  and  practices  founded  by  Dr.  Maria  Montessori.  IMA  believes  a   respectful,  thoughtful,  peaceful  child  will  create  a  peaceful  and  sustainable  future.     In  addition  to  our  commitment  to  Montessori  education,  IMA  has  adopted  10  goals  to  become  a   ‘greener’  environment  for  our  children.    The  enclosed  pamphlet  and  overview  document  lists  our   goals  that  have  been  put  into  daily  practice.     Please  visit  our  Facebook  Page  for  additional  photos  and  information  about  our  community.    It  is  our   hope  to  expand  to  a  building  with  land  that  will  house  our  three  classrooms  and  give  us  opportunity   to  continue  to  expand  on  our  green  initiative  with  our  children  and  families.    We  look  forward  to   many  years  of  growth  and  partnership  in  the  Carmel  Community.     Thank  you  for  your  consideration.     Kind  regards,         Kristina  Spence   Head  of  School     ijiji IMA’s Green Pamphlet 2/4 02/08/2014 “The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth.” -Maria Montessori At Indiana Montessori Academy, your child is working beyond the walls of his/her classroom. Did we knock down the bricks...? Of course not, but as part of IMA’s green adventure, your child is experiencing an increased exposure to nature and to gardening. This will provide a closer connection to their environment and a context for their future learning in science. wall-less classrooms Welcome to our “We cannot create observers by saying 'observe,' but by giving them the power and the means for this observation and these means are procured through education of the senses.” -Maria Montessori How do we do that?  Nature is brought inside for your child to work with: from simple observation to seed picking to art work;  Your child brings works outside (weather permitting); e.g., scrubbing the easel is a popular one!  Your child takes nature walks;  Your child tends the garden and follows its life cycle. Scroll down and follow our stories... we mounted the squares we leveled the ground we laid newspaper to avoid weeds we filled our raised beds with compost we planted our plants in squares we marveled at watching them grow we saw flowers blooming followed by fruit we picked them when mature we couldn’t help tasting them Our square-foot garden story The garden grounds your child in growth and decay, predator-prey relations, pollination, carbon cycles, soil morphology, and microbial life: the simple and the complex simultaneously. Here at IMA, the children have started a work... a long work. They have been building their own heirloom seedbank. Our seedbank story It all started around Earth Day 2013 when all the school children chose a seed packet and planted some seeds. Since then, the children have been working on creating their school seedbank. After planting a variety of seeds, they watched the seedlings grow in their greenhouse, transferred them into the garden, cared for them all summer long, waited for the flowers or fruit to dry so they could collect the seeds in fall. They stored them in small glass jars! They are ready to plant in spring! Our school garden to table story Making Pesto 1 2 3 4 5 We cut the most healthy leaves of our basil plant in the garden we washed them and we all set up to work one friend ground the walnuts one friend shred the basil leaves one friend grated some parmesan cheese we all took a turn to mix the ingredients with olive oil we tasted it with freshly cut vegetables 6 7 Cooking with raw ingredients from the garden teaches your child where food comes from and the natural cycles that produce it. It also teaches them healthy lifelong nutrition habits. From watching a roly poly to feeding the birds, looking at a ploughed corn field, collecting leaves, finding natural objects or climbing a tree... your child is seeing living systems: every organism from the smallest bacterion to the variety of plants and animals, including humans. Our watching nature story “To set the children free, let them have fair play, let them run out when it is raining, take off their shoes when they find pools of water, and when the grass of the meadows is damp with dew let them run about with bare feet and trample on it”. -Maria Montessori ... Nature is all around us! And indoors... “There is no description, no image in any book that is capable of replacing the sight of real trees and all the life to be found around them in a real forest. How often is the soul of man - especially in childhood - deprived because he is not allowed to come in contact with nature”. -Maria Montessori ijiji Don’t forget to ask your child about the garden and the seedbank!! Here, at IMA, we are hoping they keep sharing their adventure with you. Thank you! ~ The IMA team A Greener IMA: 10 Propositions IMA | The Village of WestClay | 12760 Horseferry Road, Suite 100 | Carmel, IN 46032 | 317.569.1290 www.IndianaMontessoriAcademy.org info@IndianaMontessoriAcademy.org Researched, Written and Impassioned by Emmanuelle Schwarz, Spring 2012 Below, find a table describing 10 propositions for a greener IMA. Our guiding principle is for the interactions between the children and their environment to be consistent with the Montessori philosophy which embodies holistic qualities. Goal Suggested Actions 1 Adopt A Green And Sustainable School Supply List − Create a school supply list as green and sustainable as possible. − Questions to ask ourselves when choosing a product: • Can we avoid this product? • If not, what is the best alternative possible: how is this product made? Where does it go after we’ve finished using it? 2 Adopt A No Waste Lunch - Enforce a no waste lunch by removing the trash cans from the classrooms (only compost and recycling containers are available). - Talk about it at Parent Orientation and show some examples of lunch boxes and containers to the parents. - Obtain a worm bin, if possible, and explain it to the parents. - Reinforce it after each lunch by making the children bring their non- compostable or non- recyclable items back home. - Write an insert in the newsletter. 3 Adopt A No Waste Organic Snack - We will have “bringing snack” a work by giving the child a special heavy duty bag (with his classroom name) on Friday to go to the store and bring fresh produce by Monday for the weekly classroom snack. - Create a binder of simple recipes involving seasonal fresh raw products that the children can follow. - Healthy raw/primary products mean they are not processed, without any corn syrup, without any chemicals. By definition, they have no packaging. They come from the earth. They are picked by the child and chaperone at the loose fruit and vegetable section. - As much as possible, these are local, seasonal and organic. - Flowers have no artificial colors (it is difficult to teach botany with artificial colors). - “Preparing snack” will be a real daily work...like bread making (no more pre- made bread), peeling carrots (no more baby carrots in plastic bags), cheese cutting (no more cheese sticks). A Greener IMA: 10 Propositions IMA | The Village of WestClay | 12760 Horseferry Road, Suite 100 | Carmel, IN 46032 | 317.569.1290 www.IndianaMontessoriAcademy.org info@IndianaMontessoriAcademy.org Goal Suggested Actions 4 Adopt An Annual Collect My Own Seeds Month: October - Collect our own Heirloom seeds from our flower and vegetable garden year after year. 5 Adopt A Green Cleaning Chart - Action taken in Goal 1 related to the supply list. - Re-teaching ourselves our ‘grandmothers’ tricks while still meeting cleaning standards. - Communicating to our IMA parents. 6 A Look At The Classroom Material: Can We Be Greener? - Avoid buying plastic: choose glass, stainless steel, ceramics, wood. 7 Greening School Events − Find alternatives to ‘throw away’ items at social events (plates, silverware, glassware, napkins). − Make table cloths and let the children decorate the edges. − Make our own ice cubes in the school fridge. − Use cloth napkins for Birthday Celebrations. − Donations for cutlery, plates? 8 Future Green Building: A Look At Materials, Energy And Water - Materials for green buildings - Energy reductions - Water savings 9 Greening Our Outside School Time: Recess At The Park And Vegetable Gardening - No use of pesticides on school grounds. - We will ban ourselves going outside when pesticides have been sprayed. We will work with the local landscapers to stay informed of the pesticide schedule. - Put up the green house every march and start planting seeds in egg cartons. 10 Official Change To The Mission Statement To Include A Green Aspect. - We are proposing by having taken all these actions, could we really reach organizations supporting green projects on trash reduction, water saving, recycling, or educational grants. 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