HomeMy WebLinkAboutC300-Erosion Control Plans-C304CrA CrA CrA CrA CrA CrA CrA Br Br MmB2 CrA CrA CrA CrA CrA Pn Pn CrA CrA CrA CrA Br CrA CrA CrA CrA 672(33(/:(57+ $/:$<621 (DVWWK6WUHHW)LVKHUV,1 SKRQHID[ & 2 + 6 ' 5 ) ' ' 1 6 5 4 2 4 6 ' 9 . ' & ' * 8 # & + 4 ,  # & 0 + 0 # + ' ' ) 0 + 4 ' 0 1 + . # 0 5 ( ' 2 4 1 56#6'1( 5 APPROVAL PENDING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DO NOT MOW OR SPRAY SIGNS ARE REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDE LIMITS OF BIO SWALES. INCLUDE PLANTING SCHEDULE AND WHICH QUALIFIED NATIVE PLANTING PERSONNEL OR ORGANIZATION WILL BE INSTALLING OR CONSULTED FOR INSTALLATION. OUTLETS TO PONDS USED AS POST CONSTRUCTION WATER QUALITY BMP'S WILL NEED TO HAVE A DEDICATED EASEMENT AND BE RECORDED AS SUCH ON THE PLAT WITH A SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION, (i.e. SPECIFIC POND OUTLETS ARE TO BE PLANTED WITH A WET MESIC SEED MIX) THE END GOAL IS TO ENSURE THAT EVEN THROUGH A CHANGE OF LAND OWERSHIP; THE BMP WILL STILL BE RECORDED ON THE PLAT AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY WILL TRANSFER. ALSO, SPECIFY THAT ANY MODIFICATION TO THIS WATER QUALITY BMP ON THE RECORDED PLAT WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM THE PLANNING COMMISION AND THE CITY OF CARMEL - MS4. GATHER SPECIFIC MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE FOR THESE PLANTINGS AND FOR THE POND ITSELF, AND INCLUDE THEM IN THE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THIS PROJECT. STORM WATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION NOTES: (A) All storm water quality measures, including erosion and sediment control, necessary to comply with this rule must be implemented in accordance with the plan and sufficient to satisfy subsection (b). (B) Provisions for erosion and sediment control on individual building lots regulated under the original permit of a project site owner must include the following requirements: (1) The individual lot operator, whether owning the property or acting as the agent of the property owner, shall be responsible for erosion and sediment control requirements associated with activities on individual lots. (2) Installation and maintenance of a stable construction site access. (3) Installation and maintenance of appropriate perimeter erosion and sediment control measures prior to land disturbance. (4) Sediment discharge and tracking from each lot must be minimized throughout the land disturbing activities on the lot until permanent stabilization has been achieved. (5) Clean-up of sediment must be redistributed or disposed of in a manner that is in compliance with all applicable statutes and rules. (6) Adjacent lots disturbed by and individual lot operator must be repaired and stabilized with temporary or permanent surface stabilization. (7) For individual residential lots, final stabilization meeting the criteria in section 7(b)(20) or this rule will be achieved when the individual lot operator: (A) completes final stabilization; or (B) has installed appropriate erosion and sediment control measures for an individual lot prior to occupation of the home by the homeowner and has informed the homeowner of the requirement for, and benefits of, final stabilization. 7(b)(20) Final stabilization of a project site is achieved when: (A) all land disturbing activities have been completed and a uniform (for example, evenly distributed, without large bare areas) perennial vegetative cover with a density of seventy percent (70%) has been established on all unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent structures, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures have been employed; and (B) construction projects on land used for agricultural purposes are returned to its preconstruction agricultural use or disturbed areas, not previously used for agricultural production, such as filter strips and areas that are not being returned to their preconstruction agricultural use, meet the final stabilization requirements in clause (A). TYPICAL FLAT/RECTANGULAR/ROLLED CURB INLET FILTER TYPICAL CURB BOX INLET FILTER TYPICAL ROUND INLET FILTER SOILS MAP SCALE: 1"1000' Map Unit: Br - Brookston silty clay loam Br--Brookston silty clay loam This poorly drained soil has a seasonal high watertable above the surface or within 1.0 ft. and is in depressions. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. The native vegetation is water tolerant grasses and hardwoods. The surface layer is silty clay loam and has moderate or high organic matter content (2.0 to 5.0 percent). Permeability is moderately slow (0.2 to 0.6 in/hr) in the most restrictive layer above 60 inches. Available water capacity is high (10.0 inches in the upper 60 inches).The pH of the surface layer in non-limed areas is 6.1 to 7.3. This soil is hydric. Wetness is a management concern for crop production. This soil responds well to tile drainage. Map Unit: CrA - Crosby silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes CrA--Crosby silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes This is a somewhat poorly drained soil and has a seasonal high watertable at 0.5 to 2.0 ft. and is on rises on uplands. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. The native vegetation is hardwoods. The surface layer is silt loam and has moderately low or moderate organic matter content (1.0 to 3.0 percent). Permeability is very slow (< 0.06 in/hr) in the most restrictive layer above 60 inches. Available water capacity is moderate (6.2 inches in the upper 60 inches).The pH of the surface layer in non-limed areas is 5.1 to 6.0. Droughtiness and wetness are management concerns for crop production. This soil responds well to tile drainage. Pn - Patton silty clay loam In a typical profile the surface layer is very dark gray and black silty clay loam about 12 inches thick. The subsoil is dark gray, olive gray and light olive gray, mottled, firm silty clay loam about 26 inches thick. The substratum, to a depth of 60 inches, is calcareous and is olive gray and gray silt loam and light silty clay loam. In some areas, the surface layer is less than 12 inches thick or the substratum is stratified loamy material. In some areas calcareous loam till is at a depth of less than 60 inches and part of the subsoil below a depth of 40 inches formed in glacial till. Many areas that are surrounded by eroded soils have an overwash of light colored soil material on the original surface layer.