01-08-15 CITY OF CARMEL CARMEL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 8,2015,6:00 P.M. CAUCUS Room,CARMEL CITY HALL In attendance: Members: Becky Feigh,Jennifer Hershberger,Justin.Moffett, Carol Schleif, Luci Snyder Advisory: Nick Davis • HPC Administrator: Mark Dollase,Raina Regan Guests: Kevin Rider,Wendy Rogers,Kevin and Terry Tharp 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Chairperson Carol SchIeif. 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes(10-2-14) Jennifer Hershberger moves to approve the October 2,2014 meeting minutes,Luci Snyder seconds.Motion passes(5-0). Jennifer Hershberger moves to adopt all meeting minutes from April 26,2012 through August 14,2014,Luci Snyder seconds.Motion passes(5-0). 4. Hearing of Visitors No discussion 5. Certificate of Appropriateness No discussion 6. Report on Staff Approvals No discussion 7. Financial Report—Luci Snyder, Treasurer RuskinARC invoices have been approved and paid through claims through City Council. RuskinARC will be billing the City quarterly, instead of monthly. Commissioners discussion about developing a procedures manual for designation. Some discussion over the cost for the certified letters to building owners for the Johnson Addition noticing. Commissioners ask staff to research fees charged by other preservation commissions. One idea presented by staff is the possibility of noticing property owners at the beginning of the process as well. Commission will hold a work session to discuss procedures manual and/or refining the Rules of Procedure to provide clearer guidance for designation of districts. 8. Old Business a. Rules of Procedures Jennifer Hershberger moves to re-adopt the Commission's Rules of Procedure,Luci Snyder seconds.Motion passes(5-0). b. Resolution CC-11-03-14-04:A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Cannel,Indiana, Recognizing the Historic Contributing Buildings Survey as Accepted by the Carmel Historic Preservation Commission Reported that the Council adopted the survey at the November 3, 2014 council meeting. Survey is now available online for public access at: https://www.ruskinarc.com/city-of cannel/carmel c. CD-201.4-01: Johnson Addition Conservation District Reported that neighbors have expressed interest in applying again for status as a conservation district. Commissioners discussed the options available in regards to the Main Street properties. Research will be done as to the best way to treat the Main Street properties in any future application. Three Main Street property owners(or their representative)were in attendance, Wendy Rogers, Terry Tharp, and Kevin Tharp. All expressed concerns about the way the original process was carried out. Asked questions of the Commissioners and Staff in regards to the conservation district process. Commission appreciated their comments and will take them under advisement as they move forward with the process. 9. New Business a. Ordinance D-2198-14 An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel,Indiana, Adding Chapter 2,Article 5, Section 2-188 (Historic Preservation for the City of Carmel)(b)(9)to the Cannel City Code Ordinance proposed by Council members Sue Finkham and Ron Carter which will require monthly reporting by the Historic Preservation Commission to the City Council. Ordinance will be heard at the next Finance,Administration and Rules Committee on Thursday, January 15,2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the Caucus Room, City Hall. b. Indiana Landmarks Contract for Professional Services Jennifer Hershberger moves to continue the Commission's contract with Indiana Landmarks for Professional Services,Luci Snyder seconds.Motion passes (5-0). c. Commission Member Re-appointments Chairperson Schleif has requested Mayor Brainard reappoint Jennifer Hershberger and Justin Moffett to the Commission. d. Election of Officers Jennifer Hershberger moves to re-elect Carol Schleif as Chairperson,Becky Feigh as Vice- Chairperson, and Luci Snyder as Treasurer,Luci Snyder seconds. Motion passes (5-0). e. Meeting Schedule for 2015 Commissioners provided with the meeting schedule for 2015. This was provided to the Clerk- Treasurer's office and noticed appropriately with the media. 10. Announcements No discussion. 11. Adjournment Jennifer Hershberger moves to adjourn the meeting, Luci Snyder seconds. Motion passes (5-0). Meeting adjourned at 7:33p.m. f f ; go C zrperson Carol S eif Recordi Secret<�� �� aina Regan