HomeMy WebLinkAbout116th - American Aggregates (2)I;I11,Y iiiJ'I'I!Il:ill Hi,' TAXATION -
Exempt for Benno, 1.13
'a,h cr1 to Ind u (. (re iiu Iint,vin WARRANTY
lG'.,h,y u!' _I, it ��N .I'I/I.)
{ "' `�% / A.14. 95.4576
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Parcel n
PmJerr: ETP -8006( )
Pant;: 29
Rad: 116th Stroot
¶. AI10 remnant BITHFHOETH, mar N°nr ;can Anq rens tes fornorr�4m ,
X05.1.: -yr , u•�roub io11 of (lino 31181.101f"�nvd. IMIOn. Ohio 4541,1_ nuthorlagdf4dt
huojneau in r—
a_ P.
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n iiumi:'nr Couny, In lb: Su u' q' Indiana
Ccn'ry rrtdW :..tu lour
BOARD OF' PUBLIC WORKS OF TL: C1'. t OF C,l'R34EL of die Ciryof L'ormd in rhe State of Indian far and In
j (Inc -•.___( 51;60 ) __.. Dolan. the
radix whereof .'i hereby acknowledged, the following described Rail Estate in Hamilton County M the State of Mow, to wit
A par: n;. thu Etat Half of tho couthoaot Ouertor of Suction 33, Townohlp 10 North, Range 4
Scot, Hamilton County, indlann dcocribed eo follow,' beginning at a point on the mouth lino
of .^.aid half-7uartor portion North 09 dugreen 5b minutoo 32 coconut, Soot 162.54 feat from the
nouthwoet corns. of paid hest -quarter coction, which point of hoginning in tho oouthwoot
corner of the owner'', land; thence Horth 0 dogroan 19 minutoo 53 oocund', Hent, along tho woot
line of oaid owner'a land, 45.00 foot; thenca North 89 dogr000 58 minutoo 32 oecondo Eaot
839.00 foot; thunea South 71 degree° 35 ml.nutea 25 e000nd, Eaot 79.06 foot to the north
boundary of toot 1'.6th Street; thane, North 09 deg/oars 50 rinutoo 32 neconde Coot, Along tho
boundary of cold E^,et 116th Street, 246.04 foot to the oast lino of ',aid ',action; thonce
South 0 d,,roeo 01 minute 20 necondz Seat, along maid moot line, 20.00 foot to the south lino
of Grid half -quarter section; thence South 89 d' -reed 56 minutoa 32 eoconde Hoot, along said
moth liau, 1,160.61 feet tc the point of beginning and containing 1.036 aero',, more or loam.
The portion of tha above-doucrLbed real emote which to not already ombracod within public
rightsof way contelno 0.503 acre,more or leas.
Also, an ease:Aunt In and to tho following-doncribod real o.tato, to witi A part of tho Boot'
Half of tho Southoaot guartor of Section 33, Townohlp 18 North, RAnge 4 Rant, Hamilton
County, Indiana daocribed ea follow]' Commencing at the aouthwaat corner of oaid half-
quertor ooction;,t»Rnce North 09 dogr000 50 minutoo 32 oecondo'Eaat, along the south lino of
caid half -guar ffr.,Aft4on, 162.64 foot to the oouthwout cornc.r of the owner's land; thence
North 0 degp#AitY4, a 53 oecondo Woot, along the woot lino of paid ownor'o land, 45.00
foot, LhonFo 1361.Y -1i, ,,Jegreeo 58 minutes 32 moconde East 214.00 toot to the point of
beginni'.g gf-l;lfi'd Cnd inhioni thence North 0 dograeo 01 minuco 28 oecondo Hoot 30.00 feet;
thence North::gel, 00;58 minute° 32 coronae Eaot 125.00 foot; thence South 0 dogmas 01
minuto 28 aeuonde-feat30.00 feet; thence South C9 degrees 58 minutes 32 oecondo Hoot 125.00
foot to the point of beginning and containing 0.086 acro], more or lou, for the purpose of
conoiructing a driveway for oervice to the owner's private property, which oeoemert will
rav of to the owner upon the completion of the ahoy,-dsoignatod project, in all events, not
to exceed throe yearn from the time of tido inotrument.
Subject to an casement for Sanitary Sower and Utllltioo, which eaaemont wan convoyed Hay 4,
1989, oy American Aggrugatao corporation to the City of Carmol, Indiana, by virtue of a
Manemont recorded Juno 16, 1909, an Instrument 'lumbar 89-12403, in the Office' of the Recordor
of Hamilton County, Indiana.
Subject to an oaoomont for Road Dedication, which oeoemont woo convoyod Nay 15, 1956, by
lliil:am H. and Dorthn N. Kollar, huoband and wifo to the City of Carmol, Indiana, by virtue
of Dedication recorded Nay 23, 1956, in Miocollanoous Record 46, pogo 472, in tho Offico of
the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana.
Subject to public rights of way, casement', and rootrlctiona of rocord.
Tiir Inrrrument Prr, ared Ry Nordop D. Over,
Return Dwi;o rlerh-Trosn r._,_Clfv of Oa®el
fact 1
Atlonwy at Law
Ms grantor shall dear and convey ftee of alt le.ues, lleensa, or other ln;crass both legal and e7xt nbl mill
e,ci nbranrce of any kind or dmra:ser en. In and under sold land a: cm:Ma
It ix understood batmen the pasta hereto, and their eueceemre la tile, haw made a covenant herein which rhell
nut with the.trd, Mat all land: hsre!nbrfore deserlbed are convu)rd In fee slmfle end not msroly,(or right of waypcq:estJ, (WNW
ao renTSIO:sty Hew whatsoncr aie 1,uended to remain In rhe gramme(?).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tha said American Aggregator: Corporation
Im.i h_•'rcuxta in their hand and :salrhh 7.ithdry of December
- vJUu 0 • / -Qi BY:
Leona A. feel:, Potor �W. 1 mole, P.P.`//'Treasurer
BY: ��L ,�
Eric E. Pollhert, Comptroller & Secretary
1994 •
doe A. ;Tottery
Before me, a Notary Public in and for Said County And State,
personally appeared Peter W, rrinble, V.P. & Treas. at.d Frio E. Ilellhart, Comptroller
& Secretary of American Aggregates Corporation, an being first
duly sworn, acknowledged the ax/ecut.ion of the foregoing Deed for and on
behalf of said orporation. !L//3/"% ,
Notary Public (fe 0- -1.
1JK� county of , PRIn Li.
Printed NemoLEONA A. PETRO ryQ • Pnyir
fir' /iv SIT of Ohio
My Commission Expires Nov. 14, 7999
Data of axplratlo