HomeMy WebLinkAboutCheck 245172 • CLEMPREA URIER O 'GAS EDIT SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 1 DATE: 05/26/2015 CITY OF CARMEL acctpay1crm TIME 09:45:59 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - VOUCHER REGISTER VENDOR NAME CHECK NO DATE DESCRIPTION KEY ORGAN-ACCOUNT P.O. INVOICE AMT CHECK AMT INDIANA LEAGUE OF MUN C-T 245172 05/13/15 SBA SCHOOL-CORDRAY 101-5023990 210.00 210.00 TOTAL HAND WRITTEN CHECKS .00 TOTAL COMPUTER-WRITTEN CHECKS 210.00 TOTAL WRITTEN CHECKS 210.00 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT EACH OF THE ABOVE LISTED VOUCHERS AND INVOICES OR BILLS ATTACHED THERETO, ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I HAVE AUDITED SAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH IC 1-10-1.6. CL K TREASURER WE HAVE EXAMINED THE CLAIMS LISTED ON THE FOREGOING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER REGISTER, CONSISTING OF 1 PAGES, AND EXCEPT FOR VOUCHERS NOT ALLOWED AS SHOWN ON THE REGISTER, SUCH VOUCHERS ARE AVOWED IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF 210.00 DATED THIS 15-r DAY OF _ , eZ0 I S PASSED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, IND A BY A VOTE OF -1 AYES AND 0 NAYS. PRESIDING OFFICER COUN L RE ID 401111r 4_, ATTEST: • SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 2 DATE: 05/26/2015 CITY OF CARMEL acctpaylcrm TIME: 09:45:59 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - VOUCHER REGISTER VENDOR NAME 41, CHE NO DATE/ DESCRIPTION KEY ORGAN-ACCOUNT P.O. INVOICE AMT CHECK AMT /0...- 4 , 0 „.. ' A : CLE• -TREASURER Cordray, Diana L From: Carter, Ronald E Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 4:14 PM To: Sharp, Rick; Finkam, Sue; Rider, Kevin 0; Carol Schleif (schleif©indy.rr.com); Seidensticker, Eric; Snyder, Luci; Cordray, Diana L Subject: this morning's claims I have done further research on the claim submitted by Diana that was before us this morning. That claim was for $220 and, as those of you who were in attendance recall, I asked that it be held for further investigation due to my recollection of a state statute that prohibits the payment of seminar fees for an elected official after he or she has lost a primary. While that is the case, I find that in this instance it does not pertain to this matter since the seminar is being held in Marion County. Therefore I would ask that it be paid in the next claims run. Best regards, Ro-w Ronald E. Carter City Council,At-Large City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 317-710-0162 www.carrnel.in.gov