HomeMy WebLinkAboutKroger E-commerce landscape plan stamped approvedR / 1 s / L-1-J Uf' I E- Commerce Directional Signage '�. I I •,.� : X1'1 i � EXISTING SHRUB ROW EXISTING KROGER STORE ,_ cr �I Wall Mounted Signage I ®o�sN�elw� .11 lit ik t r *�/ +t' ! Speaker :. . North -6-2, — West — o. 7' EXISTING TREE ROW Srl a uie E Ir I _ 4_ I PLANT LIST CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QUANTITY I CAR -M Carex morrovvii'Aurea Variegate' F 1 GAL. 24 - JUN -A Juniperus aquamata'Blue Star r< 4 I 5 2' HGT, I Malus'Adirondack' ADIRONDACK CRABAPPLE 1.5" CAL. *r SINGLE TRUNK, i TAX -B III I I ,_ cr �I Wall Mounted Signage I ®o�sN�elw� .11 lit ik t r *�/ +t' ! Speaker :. . North -6-2, — West — o. 7' EXISTING TREE ROW Srl a uie E Ir I _ 4_ I PLANT LIST CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QUANTITY REMARKS CAR -M Carex morrovvii'Aurea Variegate' VARIEGATED JAPANESE SEDGE 1 GAL. 24 - JUN -A Juniperus aquamata'Blue Star BLUE STAR JUNIPER 5 GAL. 5 2' HGT, MAL -A Malus'Adirondack' ADIRONDACK CRABAPPLE 1.5" CAL. 2 SINGLE TRUNK, i TAX -B Taxus x media'Brovmii' BROWNS YEW 3 GAL. 1 5E T BEHIND CURB, 3' O,C. Note', suer 13LA commitments on July 2f, 201 b, landscape along the south property line to be more aestretically pleasing ana create a better to the property to the south. 1 2 MAL -I 5 JUN -A � k 24 CAR -M I,I Curbed Island wC," Landscaping''- J ...--r FiGn APPROVED CITY OFICARMEL r URBAN FORESTER DATE t. All planting beds to incorporate DeWitt weed b or equivalent, between a m nlmum of three inches of shredded hardwood bark oR� ac i r yt C /o II /.. frii /i/if mulch and a minimum of six inches f tapso I. Sou "`h — d.4' `I - .. fr��rrC r plonl'ng bed$ before and after mulching at rates specified by the I ...--r FiGn APPROVED CITY OFICARMEL r URBAN FORESTER DATE t. All planting beds to incorporate DeWitt weed b or equivalent, between a m nlmum of three inches of shredded hardwood bark oR� ac i r yt C /o /.. frii /i/if mulch and a minimum of six inches f tapso I. k 2. An approved pre– emergent herbicide shall be ppl'od in all plonl'ng bed$ before and after mulching at rates specified by the manufacturer 3 All soil in designoled planting areas to be loosened by londscope CONTRACTOR to depth of 6 prior to planting 4. 1t is the expressed r p sb ldy of the CONTRACTOR to provide . and verify that the too.oil the planting are s is not aver nfree .stones, compacted and is reasonably from subsoil, downed – U nber, brush, roots, stumps, rubbish, broken concrete, and any 4 other malaria! that may impede the establishment of the x proposed plant material. 5. All disturbed lawn areas to be seeded or sodded. b. All trees and evergreen plant material to be balled end burlopped. a unless otherwise noted. 7. All shrubs may either be container grown, or balled end 0 burlaaced - 9- Tree caliper size indicates the diameter of the trunk taken at 5" .F .bore ground level. 9. Keep the soil of all balled and container plants moist until they S are planted. 10 All materials shall meet ar exceed ANSI specifications of quality. `6 15- All proposed plant materials ore shown at mature growth. Space 3 tJ a as indicated on plant list or to proper horticusturol methods. gy 2. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for weeding. watering, and -0 _O maintenonace a1 all plant materials until final acceptor- • • L= Ramrehp dkbd, YE TREE PLANTING DETAIL BENCHMARK DATA PROJECT BENCHMARK: _ — U.S.G - S Datum benchmark information: Description, locolior, date. etc. t3.4. Elevation = xxxx,xx SITE BENCHMARK: _ Description, location, dale, etc. _. - - - -` 13,M Elevation - xxxx.xx bbelieerd"wa. dpk*k Jtt 0 as n x a Mrabmta fimdixiiinde. Raoar2ffiy oms s®I to Inbes lid of ma gas. sore& Herod oflhe pl+ th"lliwrik `is v WFxCCi I�rr Z< aZ¢�VICE f� c OQis 'mom �e R 5 0 a E .I le, 2015-6146 OT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION .,xTE: lull 30, d01i SG]S, UT A; LANDSCAPE PLAN EXI1161T 3 oR� ac i r yt C /o /.. frii /i/if k BENCHMARK DATA PROJECT BENCHMARK: _ — U.S.G - S Datum benchmark information: Description, locolior, date. etc. t3.4. Elevation = xxxx,xx SITE BENCHMARK: _ Description, location, dale, etc. _. - - - -` 13,M Elevation - xxxx.xx bbelieerd"wa. dpk*k Jtt 0 as n x a Mrabmta fimdixiiinde. Raoar2ffiy oms s®I to Inbes lid of ma gas. sore& Herod oflhe pl+ th"lliwrik `is v WFxCCi I�rr Z< aZ¢�VICE f� c OQis 'mom �e R 5 0 a E .I le, 2015-6146 OT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION .,xTE: lull 30, d01i SG]S, UT A; LANDSCAPE PLAN EXI1161T 3