HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008A Junior Water Works Bond pay request #61' Carmel Utilities 5 City of Carmel Utilities 760 Third Avenue S.W .. Ste. 110 • Carmel. IN 46032 Phone: (317) 571-2443 • Fax: (317) 571-2265 www.carmel.in.goll CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA WATERWORKS 2008A DEPOSITORY ACCOUNT WATERWORKS JUNIOR LIEN REVENUE BOND, SERlES 2008 FUND DISBURSEMENT REQUEST #61 Pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Depository Agreement (the "Agreement") between the City of Carmel, Indiana (the "City") and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (the "Depository"), dated September 18, 2008, the undersigned hereby requests and authorizes the Depository to pay the following amounts out of moneys on deposit in the City'S Depository Account #23200000: (1) to the persons listed on the Disbursement Schedule attached hereto as payment of construction or other related Project costs in the aggregate sum of $319,193.38 Capitalized terms herein have the meaning ascribed to them in the Agreement. Dated thise90 ~ay of ~\J~2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA BY~CA Diana L. Cordray, IAMC Clerk-Treasurer, City of Carme CARMEL UTILITIES Register of Claims 12/20/2011 PAYMENT REQUISITION NO. 61 VENDOR ADDRESS FUND AMOUNT OF CLAIM MEMORANDUM Wire Instructions Ace Technologies 5955 s. Emerson Avenue Ste 500 Indianapolis, IN 46237 Cons $ 1,629.02 engrg svcs Corbitt & Sons Construction 8728 Robbins Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Cons $ 10,019.85 engrg svcs Fifth Third Routing No. 042000314 Accl No. 7652286860 Corbitt & Sons Construction Corbitt & Sons Construction 8728 Robbins Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Cons $ 30,720.76 engrg svcs Fifth Third Routing No. 042000314 Acct. No. 7652286860 Corbitt & Sons Construction Crossroad Engineers 3417 S. Sherman Dr Beech Grove, IN 46107 Cons $ 1,300.00 engrg svcs Denney Excavating Inc PO Box 506 Plainfield, IN 46168 Cons $ 4,956.00 fill F & K Construction 2055 W. 150 S. Flora, IN 46929 Cons $ 131 ,052.74 construction F & K Construction 2055 W. 150 S. Flora, IN 46929 Cons $ 120,089.55 construction KD Landscaping 17377 Little Eagle Creek Westfield, IN 46074 Cons $ 12,385.00 landscape repair Martin Marietta PO Box 93186 Chicago, IL 60673 Cons $ 333.18 rip rap H.J. Umbaugh & Associates 8365 Keystone Crossing Ste 300 PO box 40458 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Cons $ 2,734.53 bond fees H.J. Umbaugh & Associates 8365 Keystone Crossing Ste 300 PO box 40458 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Cons $ 2,272.15 bond fees H.J. Umbaugh & Associates 8365 Keystone Crossing Ste 300 PO box 40458 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Cons $ 1,516.36 bond fees Utility Supply 6310 South Harding St. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Cons $ 184.24 pipe TOTAL $ 319,193.38 ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS We have examined the claims listed on the foregoing Register of Claims, consisting of 1 page, and except for claims not allowed as shown on the register uch cl ' 5 are hereby allowed in the total amount of $319,193.38 LJ/1qj;; Date .. • ACE Technologies, LLCInvoice I 7301 E. 90th Street Suite 103 Indianapolis, IN 46256 October 04, 2011 Job No: J09038 Carmel Water Invoice No: 0002879 Ken Rhodes City of Carmel 3450 W 131st St Carmel. IN 46074-8267 Job J09038 Plant #1 Professio~1 Services fro~ September 01.2011 to October 31,2011 Phase 01 Labor Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Process Control 3 27.50 90.00 2,475.00 Totals 27.50 2,475.00 Total Labor 2,475.00 Total this Phase Total this Invoice $2, .007Outstanding Invoices Number Date Balance 0002698 4/4/2011 2,520.00 0002759 6/2/2011 2,790.00 16A.Q·O?V~'{0002816 8/3/2011 1,604.75 0002817 8/3/2011 14,931.05 Total 21,845.80 PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO: 5955 S. Emerson Avenue, Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46237 Job J09038 Invoice 0002879 Billing Backup Wednesday, October 05, 2011 ACE Technologies, LLC Invoice 0002879 Dated 10/4/2011 8:27:05 AM Job J09038 Plant #1 Phase 01 Labor Professional Personnel Hours Process Control 3 IJA Alvarado, Israel 8/16/2011 2.50 Coordination meeting with taylored and gaylor. IJA Alvarado, Israel 8/17/2011 2.00 Function description for Flow splitting. IJA Alvarado, Israel 8/22/2011 3.00 system configuration and setup for plant layout drawing. IJA Alvarado, Israel 8/29/2011 5.00 Softener functionality verification and document creation . IJA Alvarado, Israel 9/712011 8.00 Update functional specification with new AOI. IJA Alvarado, Israel 9/9/2011 4.00 Walkthrough of meeting. IJA Alvarado, Israel 9/12/2011 3.00 Plant #1 Graphics introduction Totals 27.50 Total Labor Rate Amount 90.00 225.00 90.00 180.00 90.00 270.00 90.00 450.00 90.00 720.00 90.00 360.00 90 .00 270.00 2,475.00 Total this Phase Total this Job Total this Report 2,475.00 $2,475.00 $2,475.00 $2,475.00 Page 2 Document G702™ -1992 Application and Certificate for Payment TO OWNER: City ofCarn1el, Indiana Board of Public Works and Safety 760 Third Avenue SW Carmel, TN 46032 FROM , CONTRACTOR: CoAJ;dt:-SO .... > PROJECT: VIA ARCHITECT: City ofCarmel -Carmel Disconnect 106th & & School Parkway APPLICATION NO: 3937-3 PERIOD TO: November 16, 20 I I CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: PROJECT NOS: / / Distribution to: OWNER ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation Sheet, AlA Document G703, is attached. 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM ......................................................................... $ 56,135.00 2. NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS ......................................................... $ -14,676.22 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line I ±2) ..................................................... $ 41,458.78 4. TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE (Column Gon G703) ........... $ 41,458.78 5. RETAINAGE: a. 0__% of Completed Work (Column D + Eon G703) $ 0.00 b. 0 % of Stored Material (Column F on G703) $ 0.00 Total Retainage (Lines 5a + 5b or Total in Column IofG703) $ 0.00 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE ............................................................ $ 41,458.78 (Line 4 Less Line 5 Total) 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT ..................................... $ 31,438.93 (Line 6 from prior Certificate) 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE .......................................................................... I $ 10.0 I<).8~ 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE (Line 3 less Line 6) $ 0.00 CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Total changes approved in previous months by Owner $ 6,570.0C $ 31 ,266.0~ Total approved this Month $ 10,019.85 $ O.O( TOTALS $ 16,589.85 $ 31,266.0~ INET CHANGES by Change Order $ -14,676.2: The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, infornlation and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor tor Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is no~ due. By: " Y"~ _ .. ,...J.x;.c-~ Date: Novcmber 16, 20 I I oJ r-.,. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /~daYOfMv~ :Jo II Notary Public: Stacie M.Helm ---f\ ---4.!/) () 1_ A My Commission expires: April 14,2015 I nr~~ ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations aml the dala comprising this application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and beliefthe Work has progressed as indicated, the quality ofthe Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AMOUNT CERTIFIED .................................................................................. $ 10,019.85 (AI/ach explanation ifamollnt certified differs from the amollnt applied. Initial all figures on this Application and on the Continuation Sheet that are changed to conform with tile amount certified.) ARCHITECT: By: Date: This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. AlA Document G702'" -1992. Copyright © 1953, 1963. 1965. 1971. 1978. 1983 and 1992 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING : This AlA· Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treatios. Unauthorized roproductlon or distribution of this AlA" Oocument. or any portion of It. may result In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted 10 the maximum extent possible undor the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 10:31:19 on 11/16/2011 under Order No.2037927486_1 which expires on 1212612011, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1163356995) 1 ~ s AIA Document G702" -1992 Application and Certificate for Payment TO OWNER: City of CarnIeI. Indiana Board of Public Works Rnd Safety 760 Third Avenm! SW Camlel. IN 46032 PROJECT: City of Cannel -Cannel Disconnect 106th& &Colk.-geAvt: APPLICATION NO: 3937-4 PERIOD TO: November 16.2011 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction Distribution to: OWNER X ARCHITECT: FROM CONTRACTOR: CO A.b jiJ I -: So AJ) VIA ARCHITECT: CONTRACT DATE: PROJECT NOS: I I CONTRACTOR FIELD: OTHER CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment. as shown below, in connection with the Contracl Continuation Sheet. AlA Document G703. is attached. 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM ......................................................................... S 97.214.00 2. NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS ......................................................... S -19,426.0!l 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (line I ± 2) ..................................................... S 77.787.92 4. TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE (Column G on G703) ........... $ 77.787.92 5. RETAINAGE: a. 0__% of Completed Work (Column D + Eon G703) s 0.00 b. 0 % ofStorcd Material (Column F on G703) s 0.00 Total Rctainagc (LlOes Sa + 5b or Total in Column lofG703) ................ $ 0.00 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE ............................................................ $ 77.787.92 (line 4 less Line 5 Total) 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT ..................................... $ 47.067.16 (Line (, from prior Certificate) 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE .......................................................................... I S 30.720.7(] 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE (line 3 less Line 6) s 0.00 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONSrHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Irotal changes approved in previous montbs by Owner $ O.OC $ 50.146.84 Irotal approved this Month $ 30.720.7f. $ 0.00 TOTALS $ 30,720.7<: $ 50.146.84 $ -19.426.08NET CHANGES by Cbange Order The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, infomlation and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates lor Payment were issued and payments receivcd from the Owner. and Ihat current ~:wd;'"OWd"~J Dale: November 16. 20 I IBy: ... i <:?", C;; ~~ State of: Indiana • Notary Public: Stacie M.Helm My Commission expires: April 14. 2015 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents. based on on-site observations and the data comprising this applicalion. the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's knowledge. infonnation and beliefthe Work has progressed as indicated. the quality of the Work i~ in accordance with the Contract Documents. and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AMOUNT CERTIFIED .................................................................................. S 30.720.76 (Allach explanation ifalllo/Ult certified difJcrs/rolll the 0111011111 applied. II/itia! all figures 01/ this Application alld on the Continuation SheellllOt are chal/ged 10 conform I\'ilh the (II1/01ll11 certified.) ARCHITECT: By: ____________________________ Date: This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor named herein. 1~5uance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. AlA Document G702 TU -1992. Copyright 10 1953, 1963. 1965. 1971, 1978. 1983 and 1992 by The American Instilute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: Tht~ AlA" Document h protecled by U.s. Copyright lRW and tnttlm.llonel Trealles. Unaulhorbed rvproductJon 0. dlslrfbullon of this AlAi> Document. 0'.ny ponton of It. may result In !leVare civil lind nrimlna.1penallle, omd will be.pmsecuted to the m3xirnum Wltont possible under the Ihi. This doclJ'l1enl was produced by AlA sol\ware at 09:39:12 on 11128f2011 under Order No.2037927486_1 which expires on 12126f2011. and is not for resale. User NOles: (1382434409) 1 CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317-7BO-1555 City of Carmel -Water -Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 11654 John Duffy Date OBI31/2011 760 3rd Avenue Suite 110 Project US 31 AND 146TH STREET WATER Carmel, IN 46032 EASEMENTS For services performed July 30 through August 26, 2011 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These professional services were provided in accordance with our proposal dated March 9, 2009, and P.O.# WOB655, # WOB975, & #W09096: Units Amount Document Recordation RIW Management RIW Staking Contract Amount Percent Complete Total Billed Contract Amount Percent Complete Total Billed Contract Amount Percent Complete Total Billed 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 1,300.00 100.00 1,300.00 BOO.OO 100.00 BOO.OO Current Billed Current Billed Current Billed Total 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1,300.00 0.00 1,300.00 Invoice total I 1,300001 )W \( City of Carmel -Water -Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 11654 Invoice date 08/3112011 Page 1 of 2 City of Carmel -Water -Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 11654 Project US 31 AND 146TH STREET WATER EASEMENTS Date 08/31/2011 City of Carmel -Water -Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 11654 Invoice date 08/31/2011 Page 2 of 2 6982 DENNEY EXCAVATING INC POBOX 506 PLAINFIELD, IN 46168 Phone: (317) 423-0738 Fax: (317) 423-2260 CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES E11347 -CITY OF CARMEL SOLD SHIP TO TO3450 W. 131ST STREET 3450 W. 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 CARMEL, IN 46074 CARMEL E11-347 2,478 16,17,18,28 AI\lD 30 * means item is non-taxable 2.00 4,956.00* LOCATED AT NOBLESVILLE CSO JOBSITE AND TRUCKED OUT BY CITY OF CARMEL ON NOVEMBER CYDS OF FILL MATERIAL ONLY TOTAL AMOUNT 4,956.00 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INVOICE DATE: August 15,2011 COMPANY NAME: F & K Construction, Inc. AND ADDRESS 2055 W. 150 S. Flora, IN 46929 TELEPHONE NO.: (574)-967-4543 FAX NO.: (574)-967-3934 PROJECT NAME: 10(jh Street Path from Westfield Boulevard to Keystone Parkway PROJECT NO.: 09-09 INVOICE NO.: 7 Construction pay items as per Progress Pay Estimates No. 7 as shown on the attached invoice for work completed between the dates of July 1,2011 to July 31,2011. TOTAL PAY THIS ESTIMATE: $145,614.13 MINUS 10% RETAINAGE: (-) $14,561.42 TOTAL NOW DUE: $131,052.71 Submitted by CrossRoad Engineers, PC Project Representative -signed name Date Mitchell Grosser Project Representative -printed name CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INVOICE DATE: September 29, 2011 COMPANY NAME: F & K Construction, Inc. AND ADDRESS 2055 W. 150 S. Flora, IN 46929 TELEPHONE NO.: (574)-967-4543 FAX NO.: (574)-967-3934 PROJECT NAME: 10ffh Street Path from Westfield Boulevard to Keystone Parkway PROJECT NO.: 09-09 INVOICE NO.: 8 Construction pay items as per Progress Pay Estimates No.8 as shown on the attached invoice for work completed between the dates of August 1, 2011 to August 31, 2011. TOTAL PAY THIS ESTIMATE: $120,089.55 Release 9% Retainage: (+) $45,308.00­ TOTAL NOW DUE: $1-65;397:8S :f.JJ / I'J (J, cJ <Jr.s..;. ,J Submitted by CrossRoad Engineers, PC proiefR£~ive -signed name ~ bate Lance Stahley Project Representative -printed name KD Landscaping, Inc. 17377 Little Eagle Creek Westfield, Indiana 46074 Phone 317-896-9180 Fax 317-867-0626 E-mail kdlandscaping@aol.com Bill To: City of Carmel 3450 W. 131st 8t. Carmel, IN 46074 Atention Jeff Carpenter Invoice Invoice Number 28488 Invoice Date 10/14/2011 Web Site P.O. No. Terms Project www.kdlandscapinginc.com NET 0 Quantity Description Rate Amount 2 "106th & Westfield" Removal of 11 truck loads of bad sub soil Pulverized topsoil and labor to spread Seed straw and hydroseed NO WARRANTY Erosion Net 2" -2 1/2" Caliper Trees Dump Delivery Discont per Kurt 1 ' ~& 3,700.00 4,320.00 2,070.00 445.00 350.00 780.00 970.00 -600.00 3,700.00 4,320.00 2,070.00 445.00 700.00 780.00 970.00 -600.00 Thank You for your business. We appreciate it very much. Total Due $12,385.00 Page 1 of 1 Ma==rt=in=M=an=·eHa==M=at=e=ria=IS=~ P.O. Box 30013 Raleigh, NC 27622-0013 Visit eRocksTIIat _.mart/nmarletta.com IJOB NAME: MISC JOB TAX EXEMPT TRK SOLD TO: CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W 131ST STREET CARMEL IN 46074 001547 002205 SHIP TO: MISCELLANEOUS JOB EXEMPT TRUCK 10675 M GRAY RD Indianapolis IN 46240 PAYMENT TERMS: NET 30 DAYS· AIR Dist Business No. Order No. Customer PO Dest. Job No. No. Unit 116621063 SO P4HSPG 666602 25102006 Ship Date Product Description Quantity UM No. No. 12101/11 0027 17.19 TN "SUBTOTAL" 17.19 17.19TOTAL Business Unit Name North Indianapolis Quarry Unit Price Material Amount 15.95 274.16 274.18 274.18 Cust. No. 236534 Freight Rate 59.00 Invoice Date 12/05/11 Freight Amount Taxes & Fees 59.00 59.00 Invoice No. 9941129 TOTAL 333.16 333.18 H. J. Umbaugh & Associates Celflfled Public Accountsnta, LLP 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300 P.O. Box4(U58 Indianapolis, IN 46240-0458 (317) ",5-1500 Ms. Diana Cordray, ClerK-Treasurer City of Carmel CityHaJl One CIvic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice No. 124793 Date 0411812011 Client No. C00600 For professional services for Cash Advisory Services rendered in accordance with the Engagement Letter. Waterwor1<s Depository Account $ 2,734.53 Current Amount Due $ 2734 53 See attached for detail of fees. H. J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suhe 300 P.O. Box 40458 Indianapolis, IN 46240-0458 (317) 465-1500 Ms. Diana Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer City of Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice No. 125675 Date 0711812011 Client No. COO600 For professional services for Cash Advisory Services rendered in accordance with the Engagement Letter. Waterworks DepoSitory Account $ 2.272.15 Current Amount Due $ 2.272 15 See attached for detail of fees. H. J. Umbaugh & Associates CertHled Public Accountants, LLP 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300 P.O. Box 40458 Indianapolis, IN 46240-CU58 (317) 465-1500 Ms. Diana Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer City of Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice No. 126653 Date 10/1912011 Client No. C00600 For professional setVices for Cash Advisory Services rendered In accordance with the Engagement Letter. Waterwor1<s Depository Account Current Amount Due $ $ 1.516.36 1 516.36 See attached for detail of fees. INVOICE UTILITY SUPPLY COMPANY Branch: 03 USCNW INDY 6310 SOUTH HARDING STREET INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46217 US 317-783-4196 INVOICE 1051414 Invoice Date I Page 1112312011 14 :29: 14 I I of I ORDER NUMBER 1054955 Bill To: CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION 3450 WEST 131 ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 US Attn: K LOVEALL Customer JD: 100753 Ship To: CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION 3450 WEST 131 ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 US Ordered By: Mr. JOHN MASCARI PO Number Term Description Net Due Date Disc Due Date Discount Amount JOHN M. Net 30 DAYS 12/23/2011 12/23/2011 0.00 Order Date Pick Ticket No Primary Sales rep Name Taker 11 /22/2011 14:44:44 1056327 ANDY NUGENT ZSTIERWALT Quantities Item ID Item Description Pricing UOM UnltSia Unil Price EX/etrded Price OrderedI Slrlpped I . . rl UOM Remamlng UIIII SI.e .~ t::l Carrier: CUSTOMER PICK UP Tracking #: 1.00 1.00 000 EA 12PW EA 184.2400 184.24 1.0 340FT OF lOIN -121N POLY WRAP 1.0000 TaUlf Lines: 1 SUB-TOTAL: 184.24 TAX: 0.00 A FINANCE CHARGE computed at a periodic rate of I 112 % per month (18% AMOUNTDUE: 184.24 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) is applied to PAST DUE ACCOUNTS OVER 30 DAYS .