HomeMy WebLinkAboutFifth third 6565002668727 September 2015 0 • • 04-0930 —..."�"�"`� Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 09/01/2015 - 09/30/2015 FIFTH THIRD BANK CITY OF CARMEL LIQUIDITY MGMT Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 FIFTH THIRD BANK AS CUSTODIAN FOR Account Contacts — CHERYL COOPER(317) 383-2795 CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA — THOMAS BLAIR(317)383-2479 LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT - ARICA RATLIFF(513)358-5972 "INVESTMENT ALLOCATION SUMMARY O Fixed Income- 100% Last Statement This Statement Percent of Est.Annual Estimated Description Market Value Market Value Assets Income Yield - Cash and Equivalents $63,146.13 $60,803.01 0% $1.82 0.0% , 401" Fixed Income '$14,895,551.50 $14,923,920.00 100% $177,000.00 1.2% Total Account Value $14,958,697.63 $14,984,723.01 1000/0 $177,001.82 1.2% Net change in total account value 0.2%Increase . , ACCOUNT SUMMARY ACCOUNT OVERVIEW Income Cash Principal Cash Investments* Total Current Period Calendar YTD Beginning Balance $63,146.13 0.00 $14,895,551.50 $14,958,697.63 Income Earned Income $6,686.86 $6,686.86 Interest $6,686.86 $60,855.74 Distributions $(9,029.98) $(9,029.98) Total Income Earned $6,686.86 $60,855.74 Change in Market Value • $28,368.50 $28,368.50 Distributions Ending Balance $60,803.01 0.00 $14,923,920.00 $14,984,723.01 Cash $(9,029.98) $(69,501.25) *Investments represent the activity in your equity,bond&other security holdings Total Distributions $(9,029.98) $(69,501.25) Security Transactions REALIZED GAIN/(LOSS) SUMMARY Purchases $0.00 $(9,851,156.84) Sales $0.00 $9,756,368.00 Current Period YTD Net Security Transactions $0.00 $(94,788.84) 0 Short-term gain/(loss) $0.00 $0.00 Change in Market Value $28,368.50 $4,474.66 8 Long-term gain/(loss) $0.00 $(10,987.00) Net realized gain/(loss) $0.00 $(10,987.00) 0 Z , , ,d, INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE Capital Preservation g Capital preservation with an expectation of principal stability,and an emphasis on current income. 0 3 m L • 0 0 1 r Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 Page 1 of 8 04-0930 ,g11)....___ Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 09/01/2015 -09/30/2015 FIFTH THIRD BANK CITY OF CARMEL LIQUIDITY MGMT 1 F'" ''s PORTFOLIO POSITIONS Current Market %of Cost Accrued Est.Annual Est. Quantity Symbol Description Price Value Acct Basis Income Income Yield Cash &Equivalents r .. .j , (, ;,,=,, 0.0100 CASH $1.000 $0.01 0.0% $0.01 60,803.0000 FIFTH THIRD BANKSAFE TRUST $1.000 $60,803.00 0.4% $60,803.00 $0.17 $1.82 (INCOME INVESTMENT) CUSIP-316775907 Cash&Equivalents- Total $60,803.01 0.4% $60,803.01 $0.17 $1.82 250,000.0000 COMENITY CAP BK SALT LAKE CITY $100.155 $250,387.50 1.7% $250,000.00 $110.27 $1,750.00 0.7% 09/08/14 0.700 03/08/16 CD CUSIP- 20033AGL4 2,000,000.0000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK $100.211 $2,004,220.00 13.4% $1,995,092.00 $3,229.17 $12,500.00 0.6% 11/15/13 0.625 12/28/16 CUSIP-3130A0065 800,000.0000 FREDDIE MAC $100.429 $803,432.00 5.4% $803,383.20 $3,247.22 $7,000.00 0.9% 08/16/13 0.875 10/14/16 CUSIP-3137EADS5 1,500,000.0000 FANNIE MAE $100.100 $1,501,500.00 10.0% $1,540,441.50 $10,494.79 $24,375.00 1.6% 09/27/10 1.625 10/26/15 CUSIP-31398A4M1 250,000.0000 GOLDMAN SACHS BK USA NY $100.042 $250,105.00 1.7% $250,000.00 $452.05 $1,250.00 0.5% 05/22/13 0.500 11/23/15 CD CUSIP-38147JFG2 250,000.0000 KEY BK NATL ASSN OHIO $100.035 $250,087.50 1.7% $250,000.00 $403.13 $1,125.00 0.4% 05/22/13 0.450 11/23/15 CD CUSIP-49306SRV0 250,000.0000 LUANA SVGS BK IOWA $100.278 $250,695.00 1.7% $250,000.00 $234.93 $1,750.00 0.7% 02/13/15 0.700 02/13/17 Investment Account 65-65-002-66687274;;; Page 2 of 8 0 • 0 04-0930 -""421)".....".------ Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 09/01/2015-09/30/2015 FIFTH THIRD BANK CITY OF CARMEL LIQUIDITY MGMT PORTFOLIO POSITIONS (continued) Current Market %of Cost Accrued Est.Annual Est. Quantity Symbol Description Price Value Acct Basis Income Income Yield Fixed Income (continued) CD CUSIP_549103QZ5 1,300,000.0000 US TREASURY NT $100.704 $1,309,152.00 8.7% $1,302,746.54 $571.43 $13,000.00 1.0% 09/15/14 1.000 09/15/17 CUSIP-912828D98 2,000,000.0000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS $100.414 $2,008,280.00 13.4% $2,002,272.33 $8,080.60 $17,500.00 0.9% 10/15/14 0.875 10/15/17 CUSIP-912828F54 1,500,000.0000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS $100.620 $1,509,300.00 10.1% $1,500,063.62 $4,426.23 $15,000.00 1.0% 12/15/14 1.000 12/15/17 CUSIP-912828G79 1,500,000.0000 US TREASURY NOTE $104.095 $1,561,425.00 10.4% $1,576,352.69 $19,616.17 $46,875.00 3.0% 04/30/10 3.125 04/30/17 CUSIP-912828NA4 1,000,000.0000 UNITED STATES TREAS $102.453 $1,024,530.00 6.8% $1,025,589.29 $7,846.47 $18,750.00 1.8% 10/31/10 1.875 10/31/17 CUSIP-912828PF1 100,000.0000 US TREASURY N/B $103.284 $103,284.00 0.7% $104,039.40 $756.15 $2,250.00 2.2% 11/30/10 2.250 11/30/17 CUSIP-912828PK0 'F'., ' 1,500,000.0000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS $99.818 $1,497,270.00 10.0% $1,492,270.65 $3,150.61 $9,375.00 0.6% 11/30/12 0.625 11/30/17 CUSIP-912828UA6 o 600,000.0000 US TREASURY N/B $100.042 $600,252.00 4.0% $597,822.32 $1,137.23 $4,500.00 0.7% a 12/31/12 0.750 12/31/17 o CUSIP-912828UE8 M u Fixed Income- Total $14,923,920.00 99.6% $14,940,073.54 $63,756.45 $177,000.00 1.2% 0 Total Portfolio Positions $14,984,723.01 100.0% $15,000,876.55 $63,756.62 $177,001.82 1.2% m 0 1 Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 Page 3 of 8 04-0930 ------01_ Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 09/01/2015 -09/30/2015 FIFTH THIRD BANK CITY OF CARMEL LIQUIDITY MGMT BOND MATURITY SCHEDULE YEARS TO MATURITY PAR VALUE %OF TOTAL $12,300,000 1 Year or Less $12,500,000 1 Year or Less $1,500,000 10.90% Total 1 Year or Less $1,500,000 10.900/0 $10,000,000 � �` a six ix 2 to 5 Years`-, 2 Years $5,600,000 40.60% $7,500,000 V'u 3 Years } $6,700,000 48.60% i•• .� Total 2 to 5 Years $12,300,000 89.10% II!III1I1IfIJIZII $5,000,000 Total Bonds $13,800,000 100.00% a T � $2,500,000 :j'et,2,`,:i. - $1,500,000 SO Y � 1 Year or Less 2 to 5 Years Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 ,; Page 4 of 8 • • • • • 04-0930 ___ 4101 ••' • Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 09/01/2015-09/30/2015 FIFTH THIRD BANK CITY OF CARMEL LIQUIDITY MGMT v _ ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Cost Income Principal Date Description Basis Cash Cash Corporate Interest 09/08/15 COMENITY CAP BK SALT LAKE CITY $148.63 09/08/14 0.700 03/08/16 CD INTEREST.70 PAYABLE 09/08/15 ON 250,000 PAR VALUE Total Corporate Interest $148.63 U.S.Government Interest 09/15/15 US TREASURY NT $6,500.00 09/15/14 1.000 09/15/17 INTEREST 1.00 PAYABLE 09/15/15 ON 1,300,000 PAR VALUE Total U.S.Government Interest $6,500.00 Other,Income 09/01/15 FIFTH THIRD BANKSAFE TRUST $0.20 INTEREST 09/01/15 FIFTH THIRD BANKSAFE TRUST $0.46 INTEREST p, 0 09/01/15 FIFTH THIRD BANKSAFE PREMIUM $37.57 INTEREST Total Other Income $38.23 Cash Distributions Z 09/02/15 CITY OF CARMEL $(7,284.11) AUGUST LAM INCOME o Total Cash Distributions $(7,284.11) 0 Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 Page 5 of 8 04-0930 " • Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 09/01/2015-09/30/2015 FIFTH THIRD BANK CITY OF CARMEL LIQUIDITY MGMT ACCOUNT ACTIVITY (continued) Cost Income Principal Date Description Basis Cash Cash Trustee/Agent',Compensationv ,�,�,;.; 09/22/15 FIFTH THIRD BANK $(1,745.87) COMPENSATION AS OF 08/31/15 Total Trustee/Agent Compensation $(1,745.87) Cash.EquivalentsSales: 09/30/15 FIFTH THIRD BANKSAFE TRUST $(2,343.00) $2,343.00 MONTHLY MONEY MARKET WITHDRAWAL Total Cash Equivalents Sales $(2,343.00) $2,343.00 * * * * End of statement for Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 * * * * Investment Account 65-65-002-6668727 �-+-;- Page 6 of 8 Fes,: • . •