HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for PC 02-16-16 One One Six ApartmentsOne One Six Apartments PRESENTED BY STEVEN D. HARDIN, ESQ. Plan Commission - Introduction | Request for DP/ADLS Approval | February 16, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Petitioner: TABLE OF CONTENTS Todd May, VP Development John C. Hart, III, Development Coordinator Tab 1 Executive Summary J.C Hart Company, Inc. 805 City Center Drive Suite 120 Tab 2 Carmel, IN 46032 Aerial Location Exhibit telephone. 317.573.4800 fax. 317.573.4808 Tab 3 Development Plan Attorney: Steven D. Hardin, Esq. Tab 4 Rex A. Ramage, Land Use Architectural Elevations Consultant Faegre Baker Daniels, LLP Tab 5 600 East 96th Street, Suite 600 Floor Plans Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 telephone. 317.569.9600 Tab 6 fax. 317.569.4800 Landscape Plan Tab 7 Lighting Tab 8 Signage Tab 9 Existing Phase 1 Photos Tab 10 Development Plan Findings of Fact Sheet EXECUTIVE SUMMARY One One Six Apartments Phase 2 W͵/͵ IğƩƷ /ƚƒƦğƓǤͲ LƓĭ͵ ΛͻW/ IğƩƷͼΜ ƩĻƭƦĻĭ ully requests DP/ADLS approval for Phase 2 of One One Six Apartments. Phase 2 is located on 3.26 +/- acres located just north of 116th Street on the west side of Guilford Road. Phase 2 includes three (3) buildings with a total of eighty (81) apartment units located between Phase 1 and Guilford Road. The goal of Phase 2 is to link the exis ng apartments with the eastern retail buildings along Guilford Road while con nuing the building loca on and placement pa ern established by Phase 1. The western buildings of Phase 2 are posi oned in a north and south axis with the primary orienta on of these buildings re Ť ec ng back to Phase 1. The eastern most building is L-shaped with two front facades. The northern face is the longer front façade and is oriented to provide a front face to the front edge of the townhome development to the north. The shorter front façade is facing east as a front façade extension along Guilford Road. The building design and placement for this phase of the residen al component places as many parking spaces within the buildings as possible to reduce site parking spaces while posi oning buildings to provide as much building mass as possible along the connec ng proper Ļƭ͸ ĻķŭĻƭ͵ Phase 2 represents approximately a $9 Million investment into the community and lies within the Amended 126th Street Expansion TIF District. The proposed Development Plan and Architectural Eleva ons may be found at Tabs 3 and 4, respec vely, followed by the Ť oor plans at Tab 5. The Landscaping, Ligh ng, and Signage exhibits may be found at Tabs 6, 7, & 8. Thank you for your considera on. AERIAL LOCATION EXHIBIT One One Six Apartments Phase 2 116th Street Site ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS (BUILDING TYPE 1) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Building Type 1 Front Elevation Rear Elevation Side Elevation Side Elevation ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS (BUILDING TYPE 2) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Building Type 2 North Elevation South Elevation East Elevation West Elevation ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS (RECYCLING BUILDING) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Elevation Detail ElevationElevation ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS (MATERIALS KEY) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 FLOOR PLANS (BUILDING TYPE 1) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 First Floor Second Floor FLOOR PLANS (BUILDING TYPE 1) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Third Floor FLOOR PLANS (BUILDING TYPE 2) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 First Floor Second Floor FLOOR PLANS (BUILDING TYPE 2) One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Third Floor th 116PhaseII AQuantitativeAnalysisofthe PUDRequirementsandtheLandscapePlan February1,2016 LandscapeAreaLandscapeRequirementLandscapeProvided* NorthBoundarya.ExhibitDBuffer(fence,columns,anda.Fence,columns,andlandscapingas landscapingasshown).showninExhibitD+9evergreentrees. b.Building#3baselandscaping(5shadeb.6shadetrees,6ornamental/evergreen trees,5ornamentaltrees,24shrubs).trees,and31shrubs. c.Streettrees30ЎЉ͸oncenter.c.StreettreesЌЎ͸oncenter. GuilfordBoundarya.Streettrees30ЎЉ͸oncenter.a.Streettrees20ЍЉ͸oncenter. b.Building#3baselandscaping(3shadeb.5shadetrees,3ornamental/evergreen trees,3ornamentaltrees,15shrubs).trees,and24shrubs. SouthBoundarya.Buildingbaselandscaping(none)a.9shrubs. AdjoiningCommercialb.Parkinglotperimeter(none).b.5shadetreesand34shrubs ParkingLot WestBoundarya.Parkinglotperimeter(none).a.62shrubs. AdjoiningCommercial ParkingLot SouthBoundaryalonga.Streettrees(none).a.StreettreesЋЉ͸oncenter. RowlandBoulevardb.Parkinglotperimeter(none).b.16shrubs(and3shadetrees). c.Buildingbaselandscaping(none).c.1shadetree,2ornamentaltrees,30 evergreentrees,and4shrubs. WestBoundarya.Perimeterlandscaping(none).a.2shadetrees,6ornamental/evergreen treesand42shrubs. b.Buildingbaselandscaping(none).b.4ornamental/evergreentreesand44 shrubs. c.Parkinglotperimeter(none).c.2ornamental/evergreentreesand7 shrubs. ParkingLotInteriora.1shadetreeper9parkingspaces(11a.15shade/ornamentaltrees. shadetrees). *Basedonthisanalysis,the116PhaseIIprojectmeetsorexceedsthelandscapestandardssetforthinthePUD Ordinance. __________________________________ LarryHemp,HempDesign Landscape Exhibit - Pond Cross Section One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Looking North LIGHTING One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Building Front Coach Light Specifications LIGHTING One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Building Rear Coach Light Specifications LIGHTING One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Site Pole Lighting Specifications LIGHTING One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Site Pole Lighting Specifications LIGHTING One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Site Pole Lighting Specifications LIGHTING One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Site Pole Lighting Specifications LIGHTING One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Site Pole Lighting Specifications SIGNAGE One One Six Apartments Phase 2 SIGNAGE One One Six Apartments Phase 2 Details PHASE 1 PHOTOS One One Six Apartments Phase 2