HomeMy WebLinkAbout253324 01/15/16 0�( ���'� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 061515 ONE CIVIC SQUARE D L Z CHECK AMOUNT: $****35,895.00* :' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 157 EAST MARYLAND ST CHECK NUMBER: 253324 M�i'ruN�°' INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 01/15/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 211 R4350900 32632 820064 35,895.00 116 HAZEL DELL RAB DE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. D L Z ALLOWED 20 157 EAST MARYLAND ST IN SUM OF$ INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 $35,895.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Engineering PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/Fund AMOUNT Board Members 32632 I 820064 I 43-509.00 I $35,895.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2200 Encumbered 211 Prior Year bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, January 08, 2016 . Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ESE. INNOVATIVE IDEAS 2-11 — 1Z-%9509 00 EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN ARCHITECTURE•ENGINEERING•PLANNING UNMATCHED CLIENT SERVICE SURVEYING-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES December 30, 2015 Mr.Jeremy Kashman, P.E. One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: 116th Street& Hazel Dell Parkway Roundabout Design (Des#1297561) DLZ Project No.: 1463-0982-90 Dear Mr. Kashman: Enclosed please find our invoices in the amounts of$35,895.00 for the subject project for services performed through December 12, 2015. The project status to date is as follows: Li Tasks Completed and Future Tasks o Stage 3 Plans in progress. o R/W Engineering Complete. Li Geotechnical Report complete. Pavement design and LCCA submitted to INDOT for approval. Ei Proprietary material request for lighting approved by INDOT. Li CE document approved by INDOT. L) Rule 5 approved by Soil&Water District. Utility coordination in progress. El Appraisals and Review Appraisals completed and submitted to the City. 2. INFORMATION NEEDED Li None 2. Budget/Financial Issues LI None If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at your convenience. Very truly yours, DLZ INDIANA, LLC A C A0 20, 16 Haseeb A.Ghumman, PE, PTOE C!, 10 Z CWAV Transportation Department Manager cc: GKF, File 157 East Maryland St.Indianapolis,IN 46204 -OFFICE 317.633.4120. ONLINE WWW�I DLZ.COM Akron Arlington Heights Burns Harbor Chicago Cleveland Columbus Detroit Evansville Fort Wayne Frankfort Hammond Indianapolis Joliet Kalamazoo Lansing Louisville South Bend St.Joseph Toledo 3�1 5214 S. East St., Suite D-2, Indiana alis, lel 46227 _ 317.781.9723 Fax 317.781.9727 e www,rwssouth.com INVOICE BILL TO: INVOICE DATE December 11,2015 Ha_seeb Ghuman, PE,_PTOE J INVOICE NUMBER 15-1211-01 Project Manager SERVICE PROVIDED Appraisal&Review- DLZ Indiana, LLC PROJECT 116th&Hazel Dell 157 East Maryland Street AGENCY City of Carmel Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 COUNTY Hamilton PROJECT!DES# 1297561 DELIVERED TO: CODE N/A Jeremy Kashman, PE SHIPPED VIA USPS Priority Carmel City Engineer PARCEL NO' 17ESCRIPTICSN n. _ Tt3TALFE *.' 1 Appraisal(Thomas M.Crowley Rev.Trust) $ 1,975.00 1 Appraisal Review(Thomas M.Crowley Rev.Trust) 970.00 2 Appraisal(Mansion Real Estate,LLC) 14,400.00 2 Appraisal Review(Mansion Real Estate, LLC) 6,560.00 4 Appraisal(Purse) Revocable Trust) 3,200.00 4 Appraisal Review(Purse) Revocable Trust) 1,520.00 5 Appraisal(Randolph&Gretchen Martin) 2,925.00 5 Appraisal Review(Randolph&Gretchen Martin) 1,395.00 I See Attached Fee Revision Summaries 1,2,4,&5 Expense Reimbursement for Landscape Estimates(See Attached) 300.00 2 Expense Reimbursement for Sign Relocation Estimate(See Attached) 150.00 DLZ Account No.: 1463-0982-90 SUBTOTAL $ 33,395.00 LESS PREVIOUSLY PAID $ - ; TUTAL:AM4UNT D9JE $ :;:'' ';'33;395:00 DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO: MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Jeff Anderson RWS South, Inc. (317)781-9723 5214 S. East Street, Suite D-2 email:jell@rwssouth.com Indianapolis, Indiana 46227 Federal Tax ID:35-1970723 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Parcel 1 (Thomas M.Crowley Revocable Trust) Original Fee-Per APA Appraisal Fee Review Fee Additional Comments Short Form $1,500.00 $675.00 Additional Land T pe $600.00 $270.00 Temporary t Perpetual RNV $0.00 $0.00 Excess Land Value $0.00 $0.00 Cost-to-Cure(2) $400.00 $180.00 u~ AH Land Im rovements Taken $325.001 $145.00 Building Improvements Taken v $0.00 _$0.00 Additional Approach $0.00 $0.00 Land Damages $OA0 J $0.00 Buildin Rama es_ V $0.00 $0.00 Travel $150.00 $150.00 $2,975.00 $1,420.00 Parcel 1 (Thomas M.Crowley Revocable Trust) Revised Fee-Per Scope of Work =:Ajj raisal Fee Review Fee Additional Comments Short Form $1,500.00 $675.00 Add�flonai tared Type ° <. . t00 $O.t)Q 0,00 _ NIA Tempora %Perpetual R1W $0 00 $0.00 Excess Land Value $0.00 $0.00 Cost to -Cure All Land Improvements Taken $325,001 $145.00 Buildin improvements Taken $0.00 $0.00 Additional Approach $0.00 $0.00 Land Damages $0.00 $0.00 Building Damages $0.00 $0.00 Travel $150.00 $150.00 $1,975.001 $970.00 Parcel 2(Mansion Real Estate,LLC) Original Fee-Per APA Appraisal Fee Review_Fee Additional Comments Long Form-Commercial $5,000.00 $2,250.00 Additional Land Type $750.00 $335.00 Temporary/Perpetual RIW $0.00 $0.00 Excess Land Value $0.00 $0.00 Cost-to-Cure(13) $3,250.00 $1,495.00 All Land Improvements Taken $500.00 $225.00 Building Improvements Taken $0.00 $0.00 Additional Approach $2,400.00 $1,080.00 Land Damages $0.00 $0.00 Building Damages $2,400.00 $1,080.00 Travel $150.001 $150.00 - $14,450.001 $6,615.00 Parcel 2(Mansion Real Estate,LLC) Revised Fee-Per Scope of Work Appraisal Fee Review Fee Additional Comments Long Form-Commercial $5,000.00 $2,250.00 Additional Lp and�T a 3. � y (_) „?$2250.00 $100500 Comer Non-;Corner,Floodplain,Flood way , Temporary%Perpetual RIW $0.00 $0.001 Excess Land Value $0.001 $0.00 Cost-to-Cure(2),w, $500.00 $230.00,, Only 2 CTCs Required All Land Improvements Taken $500.001 $225.00 Building Improvements Taken $0.001 $0.00_ Additional Approach ...__.._... PP ..� � $2.400.00� $1 080.00 _- ,. 1.1 land Damages � $1,200.00 , $540 00 �Dim1 !shed Utility of Comer Site Building Damages $2,400.00 $1,080.00 Travel $150.00 $150.00 $14,400.001 $6,560.00 Parcel 4(Edward L.Pursel&Virginia R.Pursel) Original Fee-Per APA Appraisal Fee Review_ Fee Additional Comments Long Form $1,700.00 $765.00 Additional Land Type $0.00 $0.00 Temporary/Perpetual R/W $0.00 $0.00 Excess Land Value $0.00 $0.00 Cost-to-Cure(8) $1,600.00 $720.00 All Land Improvements Taken $350.00 $155.00 Building Improvements Taken $0.00 $0.00 Additional Approach $0.00 $0.00 Land Damages $0.00 $0.00 Building Damages $600.00 $270.00 Travel $150.001 $150.00 $4,400.001 $2,060.00 Parcel 4(Edward L.Pursel&Virginia R.Pursel) Revised Fee-Per Scope of Work AoDralsal Fee Review Fee Additional Comments Long Form $1,700.00 $765.00 Additional Land Type $0.00 $0.00 Temporary/Perpetual RNV $0.00 $0.00 Excess Land Value $0.00 $0.00 Cost to-Cure,(2) __ $400. 00 All Land Improvements Taken $350.00 $155.00 Building Improvements Taken $0.00 $0.00 Additional Approach $0.00 $0.00 Land Damages $0.00 $0.00 Building Damages $600.00 $270.00 Travel $150.00 $150.00 $3,200.001 $1,520.00 Parcel 5(Randolph D.Martin&Gretchen R.Martin) Original Fee-Per APA Appraisal Fee Review Fee Additional Comments Long Form $1,700.00 $765.00 Additional Land Type $0.00 $0.00 Temporary/Perpetual RIW $125.00 $55.00 Excess Land Value $0.00 $0.00 Cost-to-Cure(5) $1,000.00 $450.00 All Land Improvements Taken $350.00 $155.00 Building Improvements Taken $0.00 $0.00 Additional Approach $0.00 $0.00 Land Damages $0.00 $0.00 _ Building Damages $600.00 $270.00 Travel $150.00 - $150.00 - -- - - _ - - - $3,925.00 $1,845.00 Parcel 5(Randolph D.Martin&Gretchen R.Martin) Revised Fee-Per Scope of Work Appraisal Fee Review_Fee Additional Comments Long Form $1,700.00 $765.00 Additional Land Type $0.00 $0.00 Temporary/Perpetual R/W $125.00 $55.00 Excess Land Value $0.00 $0.00 Cost to-Cure. a $0.00, $0.00 NIA .. All Land Improvements Taken $350.00 $155.00 Building Improvements Taken $0.00 $0.00 Additional Approach $0.00 $0.00 Land Damages $0.00 $0.00 Building Damages $600.00 $270.00 Travel $150.00 $150.00 $2,925.001 $1,395.00 Glenn W. Adams 3430 Butler Court Fort Wayne, IN 46808 10$0 Sold To Griffin Real Estate Services, Inc. Invoice Address 202 West Berry Street,Suite 820 10/16/2015 City,State,Zip Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Terms 30 Days Net For services rendered in connection with submitting appraisals for deciduous and evergreen trees,shrubs,and related landscape materials for parcels located in Hamilton County,Indiana. Total $300.00 Thank Youl 1parcd]`2 Signarama Carmel Shruti,LLC 514 W.Carmel Dr. "e Carmel IN 46032 United States �/ The way to grow your business. Phone:(317)575-1805 sales@signaramacarmel.coni http://wNw.signaramacarmel.com EI N#:46-5055669 ......................... Invoice# 25948 - SITE SURVEY ...............I............ ................. ...... ---------------- Sold To Contact I Shipping/install I Griffin Real Estate Services,Inc. Lowell Griffin Phone:(260)422-0894 202 West Berry Street Email:lgriffin@griffinres.com Fort Wayne,IN 46802 Address:202 West Berry Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 ............................. .................. .............. ...... .. .... .... Quote# Quote Date Sales Rep Payment Terms PO PO Date 1 111 9120 1 5 Travis Neal 50%Deposit tneal@signaramacarmel.com Balance Due .......... .............. ...............-................... Items # Item i Qty Unit Price Total Tax .......... ;1 Labor-PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 $150.00 : $150.00: $0.00: PROJECT MANAGEMENT FEE Total SubTotal Total Tax Final Price Paid i Net Due (Tax Percentage) ............................................. $150.00 $0.00(7.0%) $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 Toms And Conditions 1.Pricesvalid for 30 days. Payment terms and conditions apply. Unless otherwise noted payment terms require a deposit to begin production on this order. In addition,an approved layout proof is required before production begins. .2.We want to make sure your order Is accurate.If we are manufacturing a sign you will receive a proof to review prior to us placing the sign into production.You will need to approve the layout prdvid6d. 3.Signs are warranted for a period of 11 year against workmanship defects plus any other product component warranty.We can not provide any warranty on items not provided by our services such as existing sign components or items provided by you for our use.Warranty requests on purchase orders or terms do not superceed this agreement unless specifically noted on our invoice. 4. Please understand that payment Is expected as described In the terms. Late payments will be charged a$35 late payment fee plus interest charges and collection costs(including attorney fees and collection agency fees)on any outstanding balances from the invoice date. Sign-A-Rama maintains all rights to produced products(including removal of any signs)until the Invoice and any applicable charges are paid in full. 5. All materials and workmaship is to be performed to common industry standards.Other reasonable terms and conditions may apply based upon the type of work requested.We have specific conditions related to copyright protection and installation standards. If you have concerns related to a specific task please ask as they may apply to your project.Changes to the scope of work my change the applicable Orris and conditions. By signing this agreement you are agreeing to all these term and conditions,directly noted or not 6.It we do not receive full payment within 30 days of delivery we reserve the right to charge the remaining balance to credit card on rile. 7.There is an additional 3%credit card convenience fee if credit card is processed. ............................... ........ 'for Griffin Real Estate Services,Inc. ........... Net Due $150.00 i Signature i i Date - --PrinfedOnll/19/2015-10:20-ESTbyTN. --Page 1 of 1