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253885 1/26/16
�! CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 117785 .;: ® '1• ONE CIVIC SQUARE HP PRODUCTS CHECK AMOUNT: $*******569.63* 4,, ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 68310 CHECK NUMBER: 253885 '�',IFnN'� INDIANAPOLIS IN 46268 CHECK DATE: 01/26/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 2253028 569.63 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER # 157073 WARRANT# ALLOWED 117785 IN SUM OF $ HP PRODUCTS PO BOX 68310 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 12530280 01-7202-05 $569.63 Voucher Total $569.63 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund ExL;elience in Distribution. HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:0b68 _ 4220 Saguaro Trail 'N Y.`'O' lndiaiiapoiis,IN 46268 Certificate Number 2006-005 CE Pnone::317-298-9950 FAX 317-293-0459 Date:1,13/2016 Ship To#: 1 000227: CARMEL'WASTEWATER TRTMNT I SOLD TO#:C001915 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CARMEL WASTEWATER TRTMNT PLANT *DEL B T 8-330 CLOSED 12-1 ** 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 4.62$0 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280. US - - --- - -_..:_ --- ---- - Invoice No. _Invoice.Date _Terms TCus_tomer Purchase Order No. Sales Represe_ritative 12530280 1/13/2016 Net 30 S15739 Barbara Roberts _0 - --- --- - --:: Order:No. Order Date �. Shi Via Customer Reference :. Customer Servic-- e Contact S02696889 1.11212016 IN00 -- - V-Extension# 1300 Ordered B/O Shipped UOM item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount 1:00 . 1:00 PK 175614 107313 Paper bags GK-S-Coach 14.56000 1:4.56 10/pk9 f/Super Coach Pro.1.0 G.K S-.Coach PRO 2.00 2.00 CS 172143 KC 25639 Kleenex 25639 88.48000. 176.96 MOD HRT Roll Towel Wht 700'6rl/Cs 1.00 1,00 CS 109216 KC 070.01.Cottonelle 07001 72.33000 72.33 Coreless Tissue 2ply 36/800/,cs 1.00 . 1..00 CS 128544 KC 91552 Luxury.Foarn 91552 59.24000 59.24 Skin Clnsr Cassette p q a - 1000m I. 6/.cs 1.00 1.00 CS 110533 Johnson 3350727 RTD 3350727 94.31000_ 94.31 # 52 Alpha HP MultiSurface Clnr 1.51- 2/cs 1.00.1 1..00 .EA 109204 14"E-Z.G.LIDE FLOOR" 10144.6 42.90000 42:90 - TOOL W/BRUSH 1.00 1.00 CS 110166 Johnson 4578 Crew 4578 37.80000 37.80 9.5% HCL Cling Bowl Clnr Quart 12/32oi%s 2.00. 2.00 BX 107649 Lens Cleaning_ LQT100 5.30000.. 10.60 Towelettes.Anti- Fog/Anti-Stat 100/bx - 1Obi jcs 1.00 1,00 CS 112384 HP Can Liner 43x4:7 RP-S4694-X 48.98000 .48.98 XXH Black Hevi-Tough 10016s.010/10) 1.00 1.00 EA 999907 Fuel Sutcharge 1003081 11.95000 11.95 Remit to and make checks payable to : Subtotal: 569.63 HP Products. Sales tax: 0.00 PO Box 683i0 Invoice total: .569.63 Indianapolis, IN 46268 .Amount paid: 0.00 Total due: 569:63 Pagel THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Standard Terms and Conditions.Apply.Reference online at http://www.wolseleyna.gom/terms_conditionssale.html ffx�b�- �Uj f3A:FERGUSON.ENTERPRISE Excellence in Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 INVOICE 4220 Saguaro Trail Certificate Number 2006-005 Indianapolis,IN 46268 � Phone:317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date:1/13/2016 Ship To#: 1 CARMEL WASTEWATER TRTMNT I SOLD TO#:C001915 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CARMEL WASTEWATER TRTMNT PLANT *DEL B T 8-3:30 CLOSED 12-1 ** 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 US Invoice No. I Invoice Date Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 12530280 1/13/2016 Net 30 S15739 Barbara Roberts 0 -- -1 Order No. -Order-Date- - -Ship-Via-- - Customer-Reference-- _ -- - —Customer5ervice contact--- -- S02696889 1/12/2016 INOO Extension# 1300 Ordered B/O Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount Backorders Remaining- Item No. UOM Description quantity 104969 EA 101155 REPL BRUSH 1.00 F/EZ GLIDE 14"TOOL 113862 CS GOJO 7255 PR02000 1.00 Nat Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner 2000ml 4/cs 114058 CS KC 05843 WypAll L30 1.00 EconoMizer Wiper 11 x10.4 W ht 24/70/cs 179661 EA 834000 Cloth Bag f/ 1.00 Super Coach Pro 10 Remit to and make checks payable to: Subtotal: 569.63 HP Products Sales tax: 0.00 PO Box 68310 Invoice total: 569.63 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Amount paid: 0.00 Total due: 569.63 Page 2 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Standard Terms and Conditions Apply.Reference online at: http://www.wolseleyna.com/terms_conditionsSale.htmi