HomeMy WebLinkAbout253415 01/15/16 �! CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351502 �1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO INC CHECK AMOUNT: $.....1,600.00` : CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 78731 CHECK NUMBER: 253415 v;ETON_ ? PO BOX 78000 CHECK DATE: 01/15116 DETROIT MI 48278-0731 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 R71162173802 1,600.00 OTHER EXPENSES -.. (* .....:.......-:..-...........�.�..;...,.....:.,�..:..�....... .,....................,....�...................,......�.-.....................8....*,.'6�. ......*8. 6..A..B.R..."O.:."L."O. KV..':I.*IN.."L.:.'L ntal E4...*R:.':.'.*D INDIA317-O91-2323 623.*-': *.:.I.-"..9'.'..,.'.*. : :.. UNOERG� U N � NE O MacAllister Rentals Contract Nor. i"VO00No **** 6t#'X ...- SHO NG Please Remit Your Payment to: 1621738 871162173802 & PiIMP MacAllister Rentals Dept. 78731 P.O. Box 78000 Page 1 Detroit, Ml 48278-0731 RENTAL RETURN INVOICE ._-11�1.�.:.�:�:­.........�.:..::��­.�_...:::�::.....-­1.�.�".:.X.....-::.:...:�..�.-..:.-:...:......­..I.....:............-.:-..I,..-..._...:,:.......:,.:-...;,,......I:I..:..:.....::,...;..­.....:..:.........-.,:.:*::..-:....:...:.-..:..........:*...-.....:.:..:.�.,..-.:.:.:....'..;...:....:...........--�.-;-.::..-...�.�.:.......-..:....:-.-%:.....1....-..:.,.-:........:...:......:.X....:.........:..-.I.'.....-..,-:.:.....:-':....:...-...,...'...:.I-,.-...­::..:.*:.....:..*....:..:......::....:...'....-.%..*....:..:._...,.X..-.........I..-:.,I...�.:­...-:..*-..:,._X....;-­:......:.....::....;:..%-IX..-..I.......:....-'..�..-..;.:..'�.-,:..-..I-._.­.----....:.:..-:.:.....,.­ 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I ..,. .: ..::, I1 - � Exempt Total1600.00 I IMPORTANT! Please note and acknowledge safety instruction by initialing here: DECLARE DAMAGE WAIVER (Damage waiver is not available on crane rentals). I nitial here: ; . : . : : , , * .. - - - - *If declined current insurance certificate must be on file with MacAllister Rental.By his/her Initial Customer will provide guard railing,planking,out riggers,and other safety accessories as required,per safety instructions.initial here: Purchaser/Lessee upon failure to pay balance when due shall be liable for all expenses incurred in collection of said balance including but not limited to attorney's fees and court costs. it is agreed by the parties hereto that reasonable attorney's fees shall be one-third(1/3)of any amount owned by Purchaser/Lessee. Net 10 days unless otherwise specified.A service charge will be applied to all past due'accounts.This agreement shall include the above terms and conditions as well as those set forth on the reverse hereof. I ACCEPTED BY CUSTOMER RMPINV (040..2015) MASTER RENTAL AGREEMENT TERMS AND PROVISIONS I. MacAllister hereby agrees to lease to the named Lessee,meaning all lessees jointly and severally,and Lessee hereby leases from MacAllister,under and subject to the limns and provisions hereof until the end ofthe term specified(Term) the personal property described as"Equipment"rented together with all present and future attachments,replacement parts,repairs,and additions and all proceeds thereof. 2. It is understood between the parties that MacAllister is not the manufacturer of the equipment herein rented,nor the agent of the manufacturer of said equipment and that no warranty against patent or latent defects in material,workmanship,or capacity is given,nor that said equipment will meet the requirements of any law,rules,specifications or contracts which provide for specific machinery or apparatus or special methods;other than that of the original manufacturer orsaid equipment and as set forth In themanufacturer's catalog and representations wherein said machinery and equipment is listed and described.No representation or warranty is made as to the year of manufacture of any equipment.MACALLISTER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTY,IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED,OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 3.MacAllister shall use reasonable care to see that the equipment is in proper working condition before shipment to lessee. MacAllister will not operate or test the equipment unless such operation or test is deemed necessary by MacAllister or unless Lessee shall request such operation or test in writing,in which event the Lessee will be notified of the time and place of such operation and test,and shall be permitted to be present during said operation and test. If having requested it,Lessee fails to be present at the time of operation and test,Lessee agrees that said equipment as turned out is in proper operating condition. 4.The Lessee agrees to maintain the machinery and equipment in the some condition as when delivered to it by MacAllister,less nomial wear and tear,and to pay all claims and damages to the equipment during the life of this contract,and to return said property in as good condition as when received by MacAllister,and to pay freight demurrage,storage,switching,drayage,trackage,or other charges against said equipment from the time the same shall leave MacAllister up to and including the time of its return to MacAllister.MacAllister reserves the right to charge Lessee for excessive undercarriage wear and tear. 5. For rubber tired equipment.Lessee acknowledges that repair and replacement of tires are not included in the rental rate and agrees to pay for the repair or replacement(with an allowance for reasonable depreciation)of any tires returned to MacAllister in a damaged condition regardless of the cause of damage.Reasonable wear and tear is expected,however,it is agreed rubber abrasions(gouges.tears,cuts,grooving,and removal of rubber in pieces)or damage to castings is not reasonable wear and tear. ' 6.The receipt and acceptance by Lessee of saidequipment will constitute acknowledgement that said property has been accepted and found in good,safe and serviceable condition,and fit for use,unless Lessee makes claim to the contrary to MacAllister by registered mail with return receipt demanded,addressed to MacAllister's homeoffice within three days aller receipt of said equipment. The complaint shall set forth specifically and in detail the complete nature and condition of the property received. 7. Should any of the machinery,equipment,or appurtenances be received by Lessee from any drayman,railroad company or any other carrier transporting same in a damaged condition,or with any of the machinery,equipment,parts or appurtenances missing,it shall be the duty of Lessee to obtain from said drayman,railroad company or other carrier a written acknowledgement of the damage or shortage. The failure on the part of Lessee to obtain such statement or acknowledgement upon its receipt and acceptance of said machinery,equipment,parts and appurtenances shall be treated as an acceptance of said machinery,equipment,parts and appurtenances in good,safe,serviceable condition and fit for use. Any damage or loss which has occurred and is not covered by a written acknowledgement or statement as aforesaid,or which occurs after acceptance of said property,shall be repaired and replaced at the expense of Lessee. if the machinery,equipment,parts or appurtenances are damaged or lost in transportation and the Lessee furnishes to MacAllister a written detailed acknowledgement and statement from the carrier setting forth the character of damage and loss, MacAllister agrees to use reasonable diligence in having said damage repaired and loss replaced within a reasonable time,but the equipment shall be deemed to have been delivered on the date of acceptance thereof from the carrier. 8. In the event of notice to MacAllister by Lessee that the equipment is not in good,safe and serviceablecondition and fit for use upon its arrival,MacAllister shall have the right to put said equipment in good,safe and serviceable condition and fit for use,within a reasonable time,or cancel this rental. 9.MacAllister shall not be liable in any event to the Lessee for any loss,delay,or damage orally kind of character resulting from defects in or deficiency of rhe equipment hereby rented or accidental breakage thereof. 10. Lessee shall immediately notify MacAllister of any accident involving the equipment. MacAllister may repair said machinery for the Lessee,using reasonable diligence to make said repairs upon demand. In the event any work is done outside of MacAllister's regular hours,by reason of which MacAllister shall be required to pay double time or other overtime charges to its employers,or to anyone doing the work for Lessee,all such charges will be paid by Lessee to MacAllister. In the event of accident or breakage of any part of the equipment,and upon receiving written approval from MacAllister,Lessee may have the same repaired by any competent person,Finn or corporation at its own expense or, upon notice to MacAllister as to such breakage or accident. 11. In the event Lessee accepts the machinery and equipment,as herein provided,and thereafter the'said machinery proves defective or unfit for use,or if for any reason Lessee desires to discontinue the use of said machinery or equipment, the only remedy of Lessee shall be to return the machinery to MacAllister and terminate this contract as herein elsewhere provided,by paying all rental charges and other charges herein provided for. 12.Lessee agrees to pay any and all charges for work or inspection by any labor union.MacAllister may,at its option,refuse to do any repair work on(he equipment in time of strike,or any cause beyond its control,or in violation orally ruld affecting the equipment. MacAllister reserves the right to remote the equipment from the job at any time when,in its opinion,the equipment is in danger because of strike,war,civil disobedience,or any other condition which MacAllister determines may threaten the equipment. 13. Lessee agrees to comply with and conform to all municipal,state and federal laws relating to the operation of said machinery and to pay all costs and expenses of every character occasioned or involving the use or operation of the machinery or equipment,and to pay all legal assessments,taxes or public charges which may be levied upon said equipment while in the possession of the Lessee. 14. Lessee agrees to pay MacAllister for all loss and damages occasioned by fire,theft,flood,accident,explosion,wreck,and act of God or any other causes that may occur during the life of this rental,and until such machinery has been returned to the possession of MacAllister and accepted by it For the purpose of finding the valuation of said property in order to determine the loss,damage or injury thereto,it is agreed by the parties hereto that the value as herein before stated shall bea tme and fast value forming a basis for such adjustment. When equipment leased is deemed to be a touhl loss,Lessee agrees to pay MacAllister the manufacturer's suggested price of the equipment. In making such adjustment iris underst6od that no rentals theretofore paid or due apply to the payment of sueb foss,and it is further understood that MacAllister shall solely make the determination of whether the equipment is a total loss. 15. Lessee further agres to hold harmless and indemnify MacAllister from and against any and all loss,damage,expense,claim and/or penalty arising from any action on account of any injury to person or property of any character whatsoever occasioned by the operation,handling or transportation of any of the equipment during the rental period,and agrees to indemnify MacAllister from and against any and all such claims regardless of whether such loss was caused in part by the act;omission or negligence of MacAllister. 16. Lessee further agrees to insure all equipment rented from MacAllister with full insurance coverage as required herein,insuring the equipment against loss or damage arising from any cause whatsoever,including but not limited to earthquake,flood or mudslide.MacAllister will provide Lessee at the commencement of time term of this Lease,and which shall be incorporated herein by reference,a separate document entitled"Equipment Rental Insurance Requirements' detailing the necessary coverages and terms thereof,but which terms shall in least contain,but not by way of limitation,provision for:L)MacAllister as a'loss payee'and'additional insured'as applicable;2.)waiver of subrogation against MacAllister and its insurers on all claims;3.)Lessee's insurance shall be primary and non contributory;and,4.)Providing said insurance to cover any and all damage.arising from any or all perils,including but not limited to damage occasioned by fire,theft,flood,explosion,accident,vandalism,electrocution, act of God,or any other damage that may occur without limitation as to cause during the life of this rental. Lessee shall within one(I)day from the receipt of the equipment provide to MacAllister proof of insurance relative to the equipment from a carrier and in amounts acceptable to MacAllister. The.proof of insurance shall contain at)cast(1)a certificate of insurance(2)naming MacAllister as additional insured and loss payee,(3)clearly describing coverage for the equipment,and(4)disclosing the name,address and phone number of the company providing the coverage. 17. The title to the property herein rented and to all replacements thereof or substitution thereof is,and shall remain,with MacAllister,and said machinery and equipment shall not become a part of any building by being placed therein or by being annexed thereto. Where the equipment is annexed to any property the Lessee shall furnish MacAllister with a landlord's release,which shall permit MacAllister to remove the equipment from said property at any time during the life of or after expiration of this contract. 18.The Lessee agrees,whenever requested by MacAllister,to give MacAllister the exact location of all of the machinery and equipment covered by this contract and further agrees to give MacAllister immediate notice of any levy attempted upon said equipment,or if said equipment from any cause becomes liable to seizure,and to indemnify MacAllister against all loss and damages caused by any such action. MacAllister shall have the privilege at all times of entering any job, building or location where the above property is being used for the purpose of inspection and reserves the privilege of removing said machinery and equipment without notice if it is being overloaded or taxed beyond its capacity or in any manner being abused or neglected. Lessee warrants that it has the express permission of all land owners upon whose land the equipment is used to so use the equipment. Lessee further warrants that it will not move the equipment from one project to another without MacAllister's advance approval,which notice of movement shall be in writing. 19.This agreement cannot be assigned without the written consent of MacAllister.The equipment hereby rented shall not be nib-let without the written consent of MacAllister. 20. Should any of the provisions of this rental be violated by Lessee the rental for the entire period herein specified shall become forthwith due and payable and MacAllister,or its agents,may,without notice,enter the premises occupied by Lessee without being a trespasser thereon,and take possession of and remove said equipment with or without process of law. In the event of any action as hereinbefore set forth becomes necessary the Lessee agrees to pay,in addition to other charges herein specified,all costs of removal of said machinery from the possession of the Lessee and all freight,demurrage,storage,labor or other charge on or against said property incurred during the removal,shipping and return to the possession of MacAllister at its home office or equivalent point designated by MacAllister. 21.Lessee agrees to pay MacAllister all sums due hereunder when they become due. 22. Lessee agrees that if any of these provisions are breached and MacAllister demands the return of the equipment this rental agreement shall constitute authority to the watchmen or other persons responsible for the equipment to deliver all or any part of the equipment to MacAllister or its agents. 23. In case any matter is written or typed into this printed contract other than such as is necessary to fill in blanks provided herein,such matters shall be deemed an addition to the contract and it is specifically understood and agreed that such added matter is not in any manner whatsoever intended to alter the mearing or intention of the printed clauses of the contract and in case of conflict and inconsistency between the printed portions and.thewritten or typed additions,the printed portions shall control any written or typed clause in conflict therewith and the latter shall be treated as void. 24. Both MacAllister and Lessee agree that no modifications of this agreement shall be binding upon MacAllister unless such modification,cancellation,addition thereto or notation shall be in writing duly signed by MacAllister and duly approved by an of icer of AlacAllister at the home office of A•taeAllister. 25.This rental before becoming effective must be approved by an Officer or other authorized representative of MacAllister. yh ne,,.n n'<r�r m,y�iccute�lea sf essee's name m a funancing statemrnt or file a financing statement sighted only by MacAllister covering equipment or goods delivered or to be delivered to Lessee under this agreement for `information purposes'or otherwise and also covering proceeds and future advances.-This agreementconstitutes a reservaiiorof Tule o- ray A�,tteemau wn re erence osue ranuaciibue. - 27.This agreement and acceptance of this agreement is subject to corrections for arithmetic errors in computation. 28. MacAllister reserves the right to replace a rental unit with a like rental unit. 29. Lessee agrees to maintain the rented equipment per factory recommended lubrication and maintenance intervals and keep scheduled oil sample records. MacAllister reserves the right to ask for maintenance records for the rental period. Should said maintenance records not be available and factory recommended service maintenance is required,MacAllister will perform the appropriate service work at the Lessee's expense. 30.MacAllister's rental machines will befall of fuel when they leave MacAllister's premises. L,es'seeagrees to rewm said rental equipment full of fuel or be charged with appropriate fuel backcharge. 31. RATES. Rates am based on one shift operation-8 hour/day,5 day/week or 40 hour/week,160 hour/4 week rental month. Unless quoted otherwise,hours used in excess of"one"shift(i.e.in excess of 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week or 160 hours per month)will result in an additional shift rate being charged,and hours used in excess of a two shift operation(i.e.greater than 16 hours/day,80 houWweek or 320 hours/month)shall result in yet an additional one shift rate being charged. 32. Aggregation Clause: The terns and conditions of this Master Rental Agreement shall cover all equipment,machinery and appurtenances leased by Lessee from MacAllister both presently and in the future. It is the intent of MacAllister and Lessee that this Master Rental Agreement shall be construed as,and shall be,the only rental agreement between the parties,even though Lessee may hereafter execute additional Master Rental Agreements. For instance,if Lessee leases one piece of equipment from MacAllister under this agreement in January,then another in May,both pieces of equipment shall be constrhed as having been leased under one agreement:this Master Rental Agreement. 33. Damage Waiver: Lessee specifically acknowledges that the payment of a fire,theft,or vandalism damage waiver with respect to any equipment leased front MacAllister does not satisfy Lessee's obligation to insure the.equipment nor absolve Lessee of damage to the equipment caused by the negligence or carelessness of Lessee.The damage waiver does not insure Lessee from damage to the equipment caused by Ccssce,its agents,or others acting under Lessee's control or operation of the equipment with Lessee's active or constructive permission. 34. Jurisdiction: The parties agree that any disputes arising hereunder shall be resolved in the courts of Marion County,Indiana,and Lessee specifically subjects itself to the jurisdiction thereof. Farther,Lessee agrees that in the event MacAllister is required to employee an attorney for the purpose of enforcing the terms and conditions hereof,or with respect to the collection of any amount due hereunder,MacAllister shall be entitled to recover its attorneys fees,cost of collection,and all other reasonable expenses associated with such proceeding. 35. Accidents: Without demand Lessee shall notify Lessor immediately(and in any event,within twenty-four(24)hours thereafter)of each accident involving any equipment covered by this Master Rental Agreement. Lessee shall include such information as is known,including,but not limited to the time,place,and nature of the accident or damage,the names and addresses of parties involved in the accident(s),including but riot limited to persons injured,witnesses,and owners of property damaged. Lessee shall promptly advise Lessor of all correspondence,papers,notices,or documents whatsoever,received by Lessee in connection with any claim or demand involving or relating to any equipment or its operation and,together with Lessee's employees aid in the investigation and defense of all such claims and demands,and in the recovery of damages from third parties liable therefore. 36. Rental Protection Plan: This paragraph is in force provided Lessee a)accepts the"Rental Protection Plan"through the proper indication thereof on the front of this contract,and pays at the time of equipment rental,orally extension of said equipment rental,an additional son equal to 14 percent of lite gross equipment rental charges:b)Lessee takes reasonable precautions to protect equipment and does not intentionally damage said equipment;c)Lessee does not amuse any loss or damage by negligence,including but not limited to negligent use or operation of the equipment in a reckless or abusive manner. Notwithstanding the purchase of a Rental Protection Plan,Lesseeshall nonetheless remain liable for a)25 percent of the manufacturer's list price not to exceed S25,000 for stolen equipment and b)50 percent of the cost of repairs of any damaged equipment. Nothing herein to the contrary,the following risks are expressly assumed by Lessee as its exclusive responsibility, a)Damages caused by use or operation of the equipment in a manner inconsistent with the manufacturer's instructions,or contrary to this contract;b)Loss or damage of accessory equipment such as welding leads, electric cords,bits,batteries,hoses,tires,tubes or harnesses,etc.:c)Loss due to operation of the equipment by a person other than an authorized operator per the contract or any dishonest act by Lessee or by person(s)entrusted by Lessee with the equipment,including Lessee's employees,subcontractors or agents;d)Loss of damage due to flood,storm,earthquake or other external causes;e)Loss or damage due to exceeding rated capacity,misuse,abuse,negligence,or improper servicing of equipment;f)Seizure or destruction of equipment by order of governmental,authority;g)All loss or damage caused by vandalism,malicious mischief,disappearance,theft or wrongful conversion of equipment not reported by Lessee promptly(within 24 hours)to the police and Lessor by filing a formal written theft,vandalism or conversion report;h)All loss or damage to equipment resulting from nuclear reaction or radiation,or radioactive contamination from any other cause;i)Loss or damage as a result of the striking of overhead objects with equipment;j)Loss or damage to equipment occurring during the loading,unloading or transportation by Lessee;k)Loss due to the equipment being upset or rolling over:nt)Loss or damage to equipment due to the exposure and contamination from hazardous material, This rental protection plan will not be effective unless at the time of such loss or damage the Lessee's account with Lessor is current. In any event,accrued rental charges cannot be applied against the purchase,or the cost of repair,of damaged,stolen or lost equipment. In the event of any loss,damage or destruction to equipment,Lessor will be subrogated to any rights of Lessee to recover against any person.Finn or corporation. Lessee will execute and deliver to Lessor whatever instruments and papers are required,and take all other necessary steps to secure is Lessor such rights. Lessee will cooperate fully with Lessor and/or its insurer!s)in the prosecution of those rights and will neither take nor permit nor suffer any action to prejudice Lessors or its insurer's rights with respect thereto. The rental protection plan is not insurance and does not urotect Lessee from its negligence,nor from liabiliry to others arising out ofpossession,use or operation of equipment. 09109 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351502 MACALLISTER MACHINE CO., INC. Purchase Order No. DEPT. 78731 Terms PO BOX 78000 Due Date 12/28/2015 DETROIT, MI 48278-0731 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/28/201! R7116217381 $1,600.00 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and -orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 /'A1r -'•nom` Nyl' , c Date Officer VOUCHER # 156968 WARRANT # I ALLOWED 'I 351502 IN SUM OF $ MACALLISTER MACHINE CO., INC. j DEPT. 78731 PO BOX 78000 DETROIT, MI 48278-0731 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members 1' PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT i' Audit Trail Code I R7116217380 01-7362-06 $1,600.00 a: I 1 I li r, r I Voucher Total $1,600.00 I r Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund