HomeMy WebLinkAbout253592 01/22/16 J`/ t• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366799 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BROADCAST MUSIC, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******805.00* s ,?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 630893 CHECK NUMBER: 253592 +.y��TON cod CINCINNATI OH 45263-0893 CHECK DATE: 01/22/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4358300 27412428 805.00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES .................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 2 <::.:::.:::.•:::...::... :. ..:......... >< CCiak ::.EINE2536475 x. 23Lt12.y.28 >�1...... USD 805-00 — _..- .. . .................................................... Pay Online:www.bmi.com/payments JAN Attn:Accounts Paable Y 2536475274124280000008050018POBox30893 Carmel Clay Parks& Cl�icy ,natir0 , X263 6893 Rec/Monon Ctr 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel IN 46032 Contact us: (888)492-6264 www.bmi.com/email ....................................... _.. _ .... ...... ..... .... ......... ......... __._.. - _ .. ...... ........................................................ Please return the above portion with your payment Correspondence written on this notice or sent to this address will not be recognized by BMI 8 «::<:::>:BlltBti::Btttl::�Xd W [bd::>::::»::>:z:>:<:>:z::<::;;:<::z:>:z::>:::»»>::»::::::>::>::>::d..Iti :............ 27412428 $0.00 $805.00 1 $0.00 1 $805.00 De$c ttClt:><::::»;::::><>;;;>«:::':<?:::>::::>::::>::;;::>::::;::::<:::::::<::<:>::>::<:::>:>;><:>s:>::::>:::>::::>::>::::::::>::>::[:>::::>::>:<:::>zz::>:>111iaiCiu#1#:Diid:.Rt:EI3U::'.:'. ........................................................................................................... Account#2536475 Carmel Clay Parks&Rec/Monon Cir 1411 E.116th Street Carmel IN 46032 --01-JAN-2016_-—INV _ 9039792_ -__ Estimated Fee 01/01/2016-12/31/2016 _ $80 If you are billed quarterly or semi-annually and your payment is 90 days past due,the unpaid balance of your Annual Fee is now due in full. BMI customers have the following online features: Manage your account online using the account and billing numbers appearing on the top of this invoice at:www.bmi.comAge. For the best online experience,please use the Google Chrome browser. Make a payment at:www.bmi.com/payments using the account number and billing number above to login. In addition to American Express,MasterCard, Discover and VISA,we now accept payments from BOTH business and personal checking accounts. Recently held a Special Event with gross revenues in excess of$25,000 or more? These events should be reported within 90 days as outlined in your BMI Local Government Entities License agreement. Please contact your BMI representative at 877-264-2137 to request a report form. Connect with additional savings for your business at:www.bmi.com/jbi-www.bmi.com/dell-www.bmi.com/fedex. The license fees and/or balances payable per this bill are covered by Purchase Order(s)29272 Broadcast Music Inc. 10 Music Square East Nashville,TN 37203-4399 Page 2 of 2 ---------------------------------------............................ ......................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... .......... ------------------------------ Profile Details X..: if� ........... .. .............. ................. ..................... .. .......... . ............ .............. .... 'A .................... .......... ............. XXXXX.. ............. ........... —X: x ... .. .......................... ............. now .1 q......... "Th, .1 - .........M V . 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'I"V...........".. ................ ...... ............ .. ......... ....... . . ..... .... ......... .......... ........... ........... . . ......... ....... .. .. .......... ....... ... .. .. . ... ................ 1411 E.1161h Street Carmel,IN 46032 Profile Adjusted Previous Fees Adjusted Change in Fee Details Profile Annual Details Fee Base License Fee 0.00 805.00 805.00 Population 83293 Broadcast Music Inc. 10 Music Square East Nashville,TN 37203-4399 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 366799 Broadcast Music Inc. Terms P.O. Box 630893 Cincinnati, OH 45263-0893 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1/2/16 27412428 Annual Music License 2016 39426 $ 805.00 Total $ 805.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer i ' Voucher No. Warrant No. ______ ' 368709 Broadcast Music Inc. ` /Hkxmed 20 ~ P.O' Box 83O803 Cincinnati, OH 45263-0893 ` In ' 805.00 ` / ONACCOUNT CVF APPROPRIATION FOR � / 1098NonmmCenter PO#,or INVOICE NO. ACCT#JTITLE ' BoordK8mOmbena Dept# ' 1091 27412428 4358300 $ 805-00 ' { hereby certify that the attached invoco(s), or ' biU(o)ia(aro)true and correct and that the materials orservices itemized thereon for | ` which charge iomade were ordered and i received except � ( ' � � January 15,2016 ` 'P� \ Signature Is 80,5.00 \ Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification h . /mo claim paid motor vehicle highway fund � - � -