HomeMy WebLinkAbout252954 01/11/16 1 u!.F.4q� �! ,• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357697 .; ® �;• ONE CIVIC SQUARE DIRECT TV CHECK AMOUNT: $*******144.97* �9, ?a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO 6OX 60036 CHECK NUMBER: 252954 M�«oN_�, LOS ANGELES CA 90060.0036 CHECK DATE: 01/11/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4349500 27438527121 144.97 CABLE SERVICE ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE AMOUNT DUE ?I NN 081112351 01/10/16 $31.49 27438527121 To contact us call 1-888-388-4249 Summary__ MOVING BUSINESS? State�„�ent_paf`e:-X21271115 Previous Balance 144.97 YOUR Page 1 of 1 for Payments -25&.4 Call DIRECTV for special offers. CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC#2 urrent Ch'argesFees �1 !97Ay For Service at: dj t enters&Credits WE OFFER ATTN SCOTT LEOERE Taxes 0.00 �S A WA6 6 12RBE MOVE 1235 CENTRAL,PARK DR E Amount Due $31.49 ASD 1.8666.945.90658 CARMEL,IN 46032-4421 Activity CIL a 5 � `� 1001lg- Start End Description Amount Previous Balance 144.97 12/16 Payment-Thank You -258.45 -- Current Charges for Service Period 12/21/15-01/20/16 12/21 01/20 Business Choice Monthly 102.99 12/21 01/20 SonicTap Music Channels Monthly 37.99 $. Fees 12/22 RSN Fee 3.99 AMOUNT DUE $31.49 'i a: c ~ Important Information Our electronic payment processing system does not read comments enclosed with your payment.Please do not write comments mnthe!:IioYhomnmfyour bill ucenclose correspondence with your payment. How to Contact 0s PHONE: 1�888.388.4249 U.S. MAIL: ' EMAIL: diredv.cono onnmercia|emaii D|RECTV. LLC Business Set-vice Center P.O. Box 5392 Miami, FI_33l52'S392 Commercial Viewing Agreement You received your DIRECTV Commercial Viewing Agreernent wit!) your contract. The Commercial Viewing Agnzemoerk describes the terms and conditions upon which you accept our service. Please consult the Cornmercial Viewing Agreement forcomplete in{orrnatinnabout billing and payment onyour account. Errors or Questions About Your Invoice If you have a question about your invoice, please call or write to us as soon as possible.You must contact us within60 days oio�h/q��sb7Dx��idy�}Tr"3���8�-U���� d���7the'i�J����\����l�x�date /nurdertnavmUan administrative late fee and-� �--- '= ' possible disconnection of your service.We wilt notreport you account asdelinquent ortake any e effort to resolve ctairris informally. Any claims'not so resolved may be resolved only through binding arbitration, as provided in the Viewing Agreement. When you provide a check as paynueot, you authorize useither to use information from your check to make one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. We may issue a draft against your account for the arnountofthe check ifm/ecannot ooKect the funds a\first presentment. Returned Payment Fee |furbank nrother financial institution refuses tohonorthepayment, drah' ordecitennorinstrunnentyou subnoiitupay this '- bill, including electronic debits\udebit cards and bank accounts,you may beassessed areAurn*d payment uf$3D.O0orthe maximum amount permitted bvapplicable law- For}rnmed|abaclmsed-capQoning issues, call 1.800.D|RECTV. fax 3O3.483.6266or email C6asedCs@di d».cmrn. For formal inquiries, contact L.Warren, Sr. Manager: email CiosedCaphons@directv.coru. cat[31O.964.1U18. fax 303/\83.&266 urmail LoClosed Captions, P.O' Box 6550. Greenwood Village, C880155-6S5B� Thank you for choosing DIRECTV. pomrammmy'pricing,terms and conditions subject tochance all any umn mnsmvaemic,sn�oumiueuo�siuemau�.�cn1so|nccTv DIRECTAff o|RsoTv/aaregisteredt�uema�o/omsCnLuz AT&T,m°AT&T mooa�uaoom,rxr&rmaruucontained herein are trademarks o,AT&T /nteuecmmo,AomTafnuateucvmoan/es.m/uth°rt,"a°m°rk~^"^= A" m—k~—^ ~ ~~­­^^'* ;-~ —~— ~--�-~'^ U' Paula Schlemmer From: Commercial CustSat<CommercialCustSat@directv.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 11:03 AM To: Paula Schlemmer Cc: Audrey Kostrzewa; csheeks@carmel.in.gov Subject: Case#6482921;Acct No: 056203803 Name: CITY OF CARMELICARMEL CLAY COM [Incident: 151229-000103] It AJ W�� 1 t+..r .4 5• I.. .....:y > `! _ ty- �.( Case# 6482921; Acct No: 056203$03 Name: CITY OF CARMELICARMEL CLAY CQM ,D.iseussian'Thread - . . . ' R'espouse't'ia Email(Pearine Smrth)� fi _ 12J0i201511`02�AM - . Good Morning Ms. Paula Schlemmer, Thank you for contacting DIRE�C V,..home of the best Sports Programming. As requested, I have transferred 16Kh J$'A z"xr , the rn s p ped p , �en f'r$113.418 fr1pm account 081112351 to account 056203803. If you have any questions or concerns,please feel free to contact us. As a reminder, DIRECTV does offer a great recurring payment feature in which you can process payments with a credit/debit card or bank account. This is to ensure that your services are not interrupted and the account does not incur late fees. Thank you for trusting DIRECTV with your business. Have a great day? { Best Regards, Pearline Smith Customer Satisfaction Group At DIRECTV we strive to provide the finest in satellite television entertainment and outstanding customer service. If you have any additional concerns,please contact us at 1-888-388-4249. Our Customer Service Representatives are available 7 days a week from 8:00 am to 1:00 am. Auto Response� � Dear Paula Schlemmer, Thank you for your message. The DIRECTV team is reviewing your request and will provide a response within 24 business hours '.Y stamer ,By Email' aula Schlemmg., { 12J2912015 1 l 3d.A1VI; 1 Pearl; Please see attached check stub and invoices. You have requested I send them, so that you can correctly apply the payment. The total payment was applied to account# 081112351,and should have been split as indicated on the attached check stub. Please be sure neither,account is assessed any late fees, as any late payment is due to Directv applying the payment incorrectly. Thank you. Regards, Paula Schlemmer Accounts Payable Coordinator [CCPR-GOLDMEDAL--EMAILSIG-01] Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation 1-411 East 116th'Street Carmel, IN 46032 P 317.573.4023 pschlemmer@carme1clq ayparks.com<mailto:pschlemmer@cannelclUTarks.com> carmelelayparks.com<hga.*//www.cannelclayparks.com/> From: exchg l@,carmelclayparks.local [mailto:exch01 @ rm ca elcl parks.local] Sent: Tuesday,December 29, 2015 12:24 PM To: Paula Schlemmer Subject: Message from KMBT—0552 image File Attachment imageOO I jpg, 5061 bytes,Added to incident application File Attachment SKMBTC55215122912230.pdf, 82533 bytes,Added to incident 'Question #151229-000103; -Date Created: 12/29/2015 11:31-AM Last Updated: 12/30/2015 11:02 AM Status: Solved of Accounts: Multiple Account(2-10) Master Incident#: - Account Number: 056203 803 Sports Package Dollar Amount: Concept Name: [---001:002290:19539---] 2 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit,etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 357697 DirecTV Terms PO Box 60036 Date Due Los Angeles, CA 90060-0036 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) Amount 12/22/15 27438527121 Dish service&XM Radio at Monon Center $ 144.97 Acct#81112351- Total $ 144.97 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120 Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 357697 DirecTV Allowed 20 *PO Box 60036 ..Los Angeles, CA 90060-0036 in'Sum of$ $ 144.97 7 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 -Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1091 27438527121 4349500 $ 144.97 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and re'pived except e ii December 28,2015 Signature $ 144.97 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund