HomeMy WebLinkAbout255946 03/01/16 9,�% ��p"• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 244001 ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE PITNEY BOWES CHECK AMOUNT: $********67.99* PITTSBURGH;� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 371896 CHECK NUMBER: 255946 9MQTUN�` PITTSBURGH PA 15250-7896 CHECK DATE: 03/01/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 315737 34.00 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 315737 33.99 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER # 157237 WARRANT # ALLOWED 244000 IN SUM OF $ PITNEY BOWES PO BOXtl'tN - 3-7/ '81(0 PA -1zK450- 1 P(�Q C1 � Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members i, PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 315737 01-7200-07 $33.99 Voucher Total $33.99 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund sd 16 Pitney Bowes Supplies invoice# 315737 February 12,2016 :::::..:::. �61 -SuY:.;;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.::.;:.;;:.;:.;:;:.;;:.>:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:;;.;:.;:.:.;:.;::. Account name ::>:<::<:»:<:::>::»•>:;;;::>:>::::>::>::>::»::>::»::>:«:::>:<:>::»>s>::>:::»;.: •::. Carmel Utilities Supply charges $79.99 Bitting acct number Discounts -$12.00 2061-4688-86-7 Total tax $0.00 Invoice number 315737 Payment due by March 13, 2016 $67.99 Online Account Management See reverse side for invoice details. �JRegister for My Account(a www.pb.com/myaccount.Click Viewand Pay Bills for online payments.YourUpdating your meter provides optimal performance and accurate billing account number is:20614688867 mail processing. Questions about your bill? You can check for updates by doing a postage.balance inquiry on From 8 a.m.to 8 p.m.EST call 1-800-228-1071 your meter. If an update is not available then your meter is current. Important Contact Information Updating information can be found atwww.pb.com/ratesandupdates. .Pay by Phone:1-800-228-1071 -Enter 20614688867 as your acct number Suppl'les for your mailstream. .To order Supplies:1-800-243-7824 or visit www.pb.com/supplies. Trust genuine Pitney Bowes supplies. Visit www.pb.com/supplies or call 1-800-243-7824. O Aybtd late cllal-qes Maal your Sayirl ent with the: u�dn haloes and lto to �t©bays .or trtatt and processtttg ctrl e. __ nwo nm.r .ano rev in n1 ni.oencn Team//here w-nnnRA7 VOUCHER # 154366 WARRANT # ALLOWED 244000 IN SUM OF $ PITNEY BOWES P.O. Box- 3 7 L 8 0 390 ` PT (5254 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 315737 01-6200-07 $34.00 ` r Voucher Total $34.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund gill- IF Pitney Bowes Supplies invoice# 315737 February 12, 2016 .:: .::.:;:.::.:::.::;:.;:.;;;:.;:.;;:.;:;.;:.;::.;:.;:;.;:.;;;:.>;;:.;:. No cfx.Su >:;>: Account name Carmel Utilities Supply charges $79.99 Billing acct number Discounts -$12.00 2061-4688-86-7 Invoice number Total tax $0.00 315737 Payment due by March 13, 2016 $67.99 Online Account Management See reverse side for invoice details. Register for My Account(a www.pb.com/myaccount.Click Viewand Pay Bills for online payments.Your Updating your meter provides optimal performance and accurate bitting account number is:20614688867 el mail processing. Questions about your bill? You can check for updates by doing a postage balance inquiry on From B a.m.to 8 p.m.EST call 1-800-228-1071 your meter. If an update is not available then your meter is current. Important Contact Information Updating information can be found at www.pb.com/ratesandupdates. •Pay by Phone:1-B00-228-1071 Enter 20614688867 as your acct number >> Supplies for your maiLstream. •To order Supplies:1-800-243-7824 or visit www.pb.com/supplies. Trust genuine Pitney Bowes supplies. Visit www.pb.com/supplies or call 1-800-243-7824. l� Avofd late charges -Mail your payment wlth the cQup�on blslo�n►and a foes i-1 7 d days#ar..... and process ng tlr�te Page 1 of 2 DUNS 00116-1793,TAX ID 06-0495050 TearoHhere N-000367 PitneyBowes Pitney Bowes payment coupon Billing acct number:2061-4688-86-7 If you've chosen not to pay online,please Invoice date:Feb 12,2016 Invoice ff:315737 2225 American Drive include this payment coupon with your Payment amount due:$67.99 Due date:Mar 13,2016Neenah,WI 54956-1005 payment. 058101000300000100102122016 Amount paid $ 7120614688867000031573700000679904 20614688867 PITNEY BOWES INC PO BOX 371896 CARMEL UTILITIES PITTSBURGH PA 15250-7896 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 CARMEL IN 46032-1938 Change of address/contact information? Please update at www.pb.com/support/addresschange.