HomeMy WebLinkAbout256134 03/04/16 1{of C�q�f �/ �� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352025 ® s ONE CIVIC SQUARE P F M CAR &TRUCK CARE CENTER CHECK AMOUNT:. $***""*"*39.95* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 4902 w 106TH ST CHECK NUMBER: 256134 9y�1'roN"�°'? ZIONSVILLE IN 46077 CHECK DATE: 03/04/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4351000 5021183 39.95 AUTO REPAIR & MAINTEN Voucher No. Warrant No. 00352025 P F M Car&Truck Care Center Allowed 20 4902 W 106th Street I Zionsville, IN 46077 In Sum of$ t $ 39.95 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1125 5021183 4351000 $ 39.95 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except I I i February 26, 2016 Signature $ 39.95 i Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund i I �I p. Carmel-1441 S Guilford Rd;Carmel,IN 46032 317-571-8777 MCar&Truck Care Center Castleton-9501 Corporation Dr,Indianapolis,IN 46256 317-577-7777 Truck&Car Care Center South-1402 W Hanna Ave,Indianapolis,IN 46217 317-784-7777 Onsite Services Zlonsy le-4900 W 106th St,Zionsville,IN 46077 317-733-7777 PFMAutomotive.com PLEASE REMIT TO: 4902 W 1061 St.•Zionsville,IN 46077.317-733-3977 FAST FRIENDLY QUALITY SERVICE ATA FAIR PRICE Customer: CARMEL PARKS AND RECREATION Vehicle: 2008 Ford F250 super duty Invoice#5021183 Address: 1411 E 116TH ST Unit#: M07 1111111111111111 111111111 HE 1111111111111 IN City: CARMEL,IN 46032- VIN: IFTSX21558EB25097 Date:1/11/2016 Page 1 of 1 Phone 1 ( 317 ) 573-4044 LicP: 74098 Engine:V8-330 5.41-SOHC Orig Est#: Center: 1 Phone 2 : (317 ) 573-4026 Trans: AUTO Mileage: 30892 PO#:NA Tech Job Description Price Qty Part Description List Disc Price Net Reason for Replacement Labor Parts Subtotal Service Requests: HERE 1. PM SERVICE • - 2.-CHECK-EXHAUST-LEAK---- - - - - - -- -- -- - 5018 7 Quart, LIGHT DUTY GAS "A"PM SERVICE: CHANGE ENGINE OIL WITH UP TO 7 QTS OF 15.64 24.31 39.95 MOTOR OIL, REPLACE OIL FILTER AND LUBRICATE CHASSIS WHERE POSSIBLE, WITH "A" SERVICE. PERFORMED SERVICE PER INSPECTION SHEET. 1.00 OIL FILTER 5.72 4.85 4.85 7.00_ BULK OIL 3.28 2.78 19.46 1000 INSPECTED FOR EXHAUST LEAK, FOUND LEFT SIDE EXHAUST MANIFOLD RUSTED AND REAR Declined 0.00 BOLT BROKEN AND MISSING. RECOMMEND TO REPLACE LEFT MANIFOLD, GASKET AND BOLTS. 1.00 EXHAUST HARDWARE KIT Declined 1.00 Exhaust Manifold - Left Si Declined 1.00 Manifold Gasket Set (Exha,: Declined 1.00 NUTS AND BOLTS Declined 1000 REMOVE AND REPLACE RUSTED AND LEAKING TRANSMISSION IN LINE FILTER AND LINES Declined 0.00 FROM TRANSMISSION TO RADIATOR. FILTER SITS UNDER TRANSMISSION BELLHOUSING AND IS RUSTED THROUGH AND LEAKING FLUID. 1.00 TUBE ASSY Declined 1.00 TUBE ASSY Declined 1.00 FILTER ASSY WITH TUBE Declined 2.00 CONNECTOR Declined -------------------- Payments: ��j (On Account), $39.95, on 01/11/16 JL w-a CEI `t' AEWD FEB 2 5 2016 B Y: As owner or authorized agent,I authorize the services along with necessary Labor: $15.64 parts and materials and grant PFM employees permission to operate the vehicle Parts: $24.31 herein described on streets,highways or elsewhere,at your discretion,for Sublet: $0.00 the purpose of testing and/or Inspection.I acknowledge an express mechanics Other Fees $0.00 lien on the vehicle to secure all outstanding charges.I understand that PFM Supply Charges: $0.00 is not responsible for delays consequences.Not esponsible for damage or Subtotal: $39.95 articles left in car in case of fire,theft or any other cause beyond our Sales Tax direct control.A 2%service charge will be added to the monthly account $0.00 Balance.Storage charge after 21 days of$5.00 a day.Warranty is limited to Total: $39.95 original Invoice amount and must be performed by PFM or preapproved. Paid: $0.00 Due: $39.95 Signature X