HomeMy WebLinkAbout256680 03/24/16 +or.Fq.gy CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS-FUEL PAYMEKMECK AMOUNT: $*******654.71* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER CHECK NUMBER: 256680 "yroN 5201 E MAIN ST CHECK DATE: 03/24/16 CARMEL IN 46033 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4231300 2016-031 22.64 FUEL DEPT 1125 4231400 2016-031 446.79 FUEL/DEPT 2200 4231400 2016-031 185.28 FUEL/DEPT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. Main St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3/3/116 2016031 Gas $ 446.79 3/3/16 2016031 Diesel $ 22.64 Total $ 469.43 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20--- Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 E. Main St. Carmel, IN 46033 %In Sum of$ $ 469.43 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# t 1125 2016031 4231400 $ 446.79 'I, hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 2016031 4231300 22.64 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the i .materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except i March 14, 2016 I Signature $ 469.43 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund C :. COY•, . . . . M/YR 1 :4 2016 " Y RF:•.n�, ,� °Clay Sc CSa�rmef hools 62,T( Il�airaS�et �nuo ce 201603,1 C�Ya rndiana46033 Date ,3/3c/�.2016 z 37 71849961 Aftn. Diane Todd City of.Carmel Account#9- Parks_Dept. Paula Schlemmer 5 t :f r March 2016 Quantity Cost Each Total Cost Fuel-T1 1 $337.14 Fuel-T2 :-- 1 $132.29 Fuel.Card 0 . .:' $5.00. .:° $0.00 - �T,OTA�s�i'�"s_..�,-,,.Mr,��i�tr�ul���i� s;�:Er .. .ru:,.T•YSi2YilfY.'fiS`ti'Tt'i:'p;t'..-:..5.'. ..11.n.^.u�� � '.Yr^i r...n ' Please:make checks Payable to: Carmel Clay Schools VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS-FUEL PAYMENT EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER IN SUM OF$ 5201 E MAIN ST CARMEL, IN 46033 $185.28 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Engineerinq PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/Fund AMOUNT Board Members 2016-031 I 42-314.00 I $185.28 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2200 201 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, March 21, 2016 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit,etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Date Invoice# Description Amount Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 03/03/16 2016-031 Fuel for City vehicles $185.28 2200 201 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer C j Carmel Clay Schools 5201 E. Main Street Invoice 2016-031 Carmel, Indiana:46033 Date . 3/3/2016 317-844-9961 Attn: Diane Todd City of Carmel Account 08- Engineering Dept: Kate Lustig. March 2016 QuantityCost Each : Total Cost Fuel-T1 1 $15.54 Fuel-T2 $169.74 Fuel.Card 0 $5.00- $0.00. ' TOTAL: .$186.28 Please make checks Payable to: Carmel.Clay Schools 'Li oto = yz3'-to0 Vehicle #0561 Dah* Time 7ran Drivr Vehc[ Udomtr key�ard Type �mp PZ I'll tity Price Amount F[8 VJ, 2V16 {1�26 0014 1068 V561 V78732 ?????????? 0HPrmal O3 01-unleaded 0V0V7.8O� $ 1.182 $ V009.22 F[8 W)Z���� 1068 O561 078862 ?!??�?�??? 0-Uorma1 03 0-un!eadyU 00h04.50� $ 1.172 $ O0V5.27 FI3 17` 2V16 10�25 0O1O 00D 1068 056L O791�� ?�???????? h-Normal OJ 01-un}eade� V0V09.60O $ 1.172 � VV1>.25 FE8 22` 2i's i6 12:42 F...)�9 VV8 1O6 561 494379 ?????????? 0'Mnrma� 03 V1-onleoded 00V0.1VV $ 1.�� $ 0012.43 20!6 1V�32 0O14 008 N68 0561 07965O ?????????? V-Normal O3 01-unleaded 0O0O6.7O0 $ 1.25O � 0N0.38 Usage Total Product 01 — unleaded 38,700 Gallon $ 46. 57 .........____ $ 46. 57 Mi1eage Total Beginning 78732 Ending 79650 Traveled 918 MPG 29 . 70 CPM .0406 Vehicle #0562 Le Time cnt Drivr Vehci Odo -hoard |ype Pump Prod Qua P,dty Price Amnu t F[R 1Y2V16 0562 056441 ?????????? V'Nnrmal VJ V1'onleaded NN1V.80V $ 1.23J $ VV1J.32 Usage Total F'roduct 01 — unleaded 10.800 Gallon $ 13.32 _..............___............... $ 13.32 Mi!eage Total `- 8eginning 56441 Ending 56441 Traveled 0 MPG ???7. ?? CPM ??.???? �- Vehicle #0567 Date Time Trao Acot Drivr V e c [Nomtr Kcybzrd Type p Prmj Quantib/ Price Amo nt FED V2, 2V16 1bS6 0O25 00 1 J ?????? ??????�?? O��rmal V3 01�ml��ed NO2J. 0 $ LL8� $ ND7.42 Usage Total Product 01 — unleaded 23.200 Gallon $ 27. 42 _...........______ $ 27.42 Mileage Total Beginning ?????? Ending ??.???? ��tount name : CARMEL ENGINEERING KATIE NEVI ` Account address : 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL 571-2432 0ate Time Tran Amt Drivr Vehd Odom-r m���rd Typp Pmp P�j Quanti�y Pdce Amnu t FE8 22/ 2564J 0qlJ 000QQ0 ��EADED 00W12.600 $ 1.2J3 $ 0015.54 Usage Total Product 01 — UNLEADED 12.600 Gallon $ 15. 54 . c ^ . ' . Veh�cle #0567 0ate T�� Drivr Vehc] Odomtr Keybns� Tvpe Pump P�� ��ntity Price Amou � FEB 22 2Q16 14�Q4 004u n�� 5643 0567 0000Q0 ?????????? 0'Normal 02 B1- UNLEADEU QQ012.600 $ 1.23J $ Q015.54 Usage Total ProductUNLEADED 12.600 Gallon $ 15. 54 ____ $ 15. 54 Mi�eage Total Beginning 0 En�ing 0 ^ Traveled Vehicle #0241 Uate Time Tran r Vehcl 0dmatr ����rd Type Pump P�� Quan�i� Pricp Amo nt �8 16 2O16 11�48OO1�.53 *��xk� V1-unl��edVV0lJ.�0 FE8 22' 2V16 156 7»7� v Usage Total Product 01 — unleaded 25.600 Gallon $ 30 .81 ____ $ 30.81 Mileage Total 496 T � e� �q5 �P� 22 34 CPM ^0551 Vehicle #0528 Date T�e Tn� Drivr Vehcl Odomtr Keyb Type Omp Prnd -anti�� Price Amourt FE8 09` 016 11�O2 0O14 6436 0528 VO4O0V ?????????? 0-Normaed ed 00V1V.9V0 $ 1.1T2 $ VO12.77 [EB 17, 2V16 lJ�J9 0V18 64J6 0528 0V�275 ?????????? V-Horma} 0 01-unlpaded VO012.50O � L.172 $ 0V14.65 FEB 25` 2016 11 49 0015 0V8 64�6 05�8 0�45J1 ?????????? 0-Normal V3 0i-unleaded 00V11.200 $ 1.25V $ 0V14.0V Usage Total Product 01 — unleaded 34 ,600 6allon $ 41 .42 ...................... Mileage Total Beginning 4000 Ending 453l Trave\ ed 531 MPG 22 . 40 CPM .0539 Account name : CARMEL ENGINEERING Katie Neville Account adr*!- : 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL 571-2432 Date Time T an Ant Drivr Vehcl Odombbard Tyye PFD PrQuantity Price Amou t FE8 02, 2V16 11�V6 0V25 O08 106O 0567 ?????? ?????????? V-Nurma< VJ 01m>paded V0023,2O0 $ 1.182 $ 0V27.42 FEB 03. 20i6 �1�26 0014 �� 1O68 V561 078732 ?????????? V-Nnrmal 03 01-un}eadxd 00VV7.8VO $ 1.1O2 $ C009.22 FE8 05` 2V16 1V�38 0022 008 1V68 V561 V78862 ?????????? O-Normal 0J 01-unleaded V0VO4.500 $ 1.172 $ VVV5.27 FEB O9� 20�6 11 02 0014 VV8 6436 0528 0V4000 ?????????? O'Norma! V3 V1-unleaded 0001V.90V $ l.172 $ OV12.77 FEB 6/ 2016 11 48 0V11 008 4894 0241 0 C ?????????? 0-Nomsl 03 01-unl��ed 00012.40V $ 1.172 $ VV14.53 FEB 16, 2V16 1JJ} 0O1O 0VB 58V01'un1eaded 0000.700 $ 1.172 0010.2V FE8 D' 2 16 10;25 OW0V8 1068 0561 079144 ?????????? V-NormaI 0J V1-un�eadeU V0��.600 $ 1.172 $ V011.25 FEB 17, 2016 1J�39 0V18 V08 6136 0528 VV4275 ??��????? O-Norma} 0� V1-onleaded V0O12.50OO014.65 FEB 19� 20.6 52 V019 6Y01 V562 056441O1-mnl�ded 0V010.800 $ 1.%D $ V013.J2 F88 22, 016 12�42 V029 008 106O V561 494J79 ?????????? 0-Normal 63 V1-unleaded 0VV10.100 � 1.�7 $ 0V12.45 FE8 22 2616 15101 0V36 O08 4894V241 0V4064 ?????????? V-Nn��i 03 01-uo�eaded 0001J.20� $ 1.233 � V016.28 FEO 25, 2 i6 0JZ7An- � 1.25O $ 0OV8.38 FEB 25` 20'16 1 49 0O15 008 64J6 O528 004531 ?????????? V-Norma} % 01-on}eaded O0V�l.20O $ 1.25V $ 001�.0V Usage Total Product 01 — unleaded 141 .600 Gallon $ 169. 74 ____ , Vehicle #0431 Date Time Trao Drivr Vehci Odomr Keyboard Typo Pump Prod Quaotity Prico Amouot FEB 16` 2V16 1J�3L 0019 5803 O431 0307Y2 ?????????? V-Normal 0J 01'unlpaded OVVVD.7�0 $ LD2 $ 0�10.20 Usage Total Product 01 — unleaded 8.7�}0 Gal1on $ 10.20 .............___.............. _ $ 10.20 Mileage Total 0 MpG ???? ?? CPM ?? ???? Beginning 30792 Ending 30792 Traveled . . ' '