HomeMy WebLinkAbout256904 03/31/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 088550 ( ONE CIVIC SQUARE EVERETT J PRESCOTT INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******332.06* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 350002 CHECK NUMBER: 256904 9 BOSTON MA 02241-0502 CHECK DATE: 03/31/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 5055208 48.78 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 5058769 60.80 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 5059164 56.87 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 5059610 165.61 OTHER EXPENSES SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE ,Z" Pipeline Specialists Everett J.Prescott Inc. !'-Z' PAGEN '�'v 2 -b;V", 32 Prescott Street P.O.Box 600 5059610 Gardiner,Me.04345-0600 DATE,'! 3/22/16 iElpi q0G,41t, 5059610 'Everett J.Prescott,Inc, CUSTOMER N(7:' 4755, 2201 REMIT TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis WAREHOUSE> TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis ORIGINAL INVOICE TO> E.J. PRESCOTT INC. 8309 W. Washington St. P.O. BOX 350002 BOSTON, MA Indianapolis, IN 46231 02241-0502 Telephone: 317-247-0005 SOLD TO> SHIP TO> rCITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131st Street 3450 W. 131st Street Carmel, IN Carmel, IN 46074 46074 OBNAMELJ. JOB NOS Sky, DATE-DUE . DATE SHIPPED-_-.,, :SHIPPING METHOD ---ti IJERRY ISTOCK 1 1081 4/21/16 1 3/22/16 Our Truck LINE PRODUCT NUMBER AND 1111?-M DE9CRII,�'(1QN I U/M JOUANTITY I UNIT PRICE ExTrtN1)r-D AMOUNT 1 55791 F 6X20 FL81 REP CLAMP 684724 EA 1 165.61 165.61 ':0 RECEIVE YOUR INVOICES AND STATEMENTS FASTERI THANK YOU 165.61 �-XP CALL YOUR LOCAL OFFICE FOR FAX AND E-MAIL OPTIONSI FOR YOUR BUSINESS! 167--; .00 PLEASE NOTE: OUR TERMS FREIGHT'. .00 ARE NET 30 DAYS.YOUR 771 .00 SERVICE CHARGE IS 1%PER MONTH(18%A.P.R.)ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.THE HELP IS NEEDED AND • BUYER AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES LIEN INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES,AND EJP CLAIMS A MECHANICS'S LIEN UNDER APIPLICABLE STATE LAW. APPRECIATED. 165.61 The Prescott Companies Everett J. Prescott, Inc. (EJP) Terms and Conditions of Sale • Prices: \II Prices are subject to change without notice, except where Orm quotaduns have been provided in \4rrling by aut.horizcd management person io orup. •"faxes: Pricers do not include any Present or litlure federal, state, or local tales(including, o\ith( ut linlitatioll. ,ales tax. use tax, excise tax. or other+ise) finless Spei:Il MMY ;fated. it is the responsibility or the Buyer to Pay all such t Ncx -rids where aPPlicahlc: may be added to the Price of the products and shall be paid by the Buyer, unless the Buyer Furnishes to EJP a tax ;xemp On certificate in a limn agweablc to die applicable taxing authoritics. If EJP is required to Prepay any such tax, I3uycr will rcirnbursc 1:.111 in full upon demand. • Pa)went"feints: 1-:.111 Open Credit aea>unts are established (or conu11VI-Cial. 110n-C01liu111Cr ntie Only. (.)mess an approved commercial Open Credit account is establi';hrd. payment in gond funds or approved check must be made before carat linle ur(eli"cry. Commercial Credit terms arc Nct 30 clays, no cash discounts allowed. Service Charges con,nlence.aficr 30 days and an.; calculated on the last day ol'thc month in which the 301h day Calls. SERVICE_ CHARGE IS 14 It i'ER MONIH (11S`%S, i\.l'.R.) ON THI ltALANC:I: (.)VI-R 30 DAYS OF .\Cil_.. THF BUYER AGRF,L.S -1-O PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSI S OF COLLECTION INCLUDING RIASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES, and lop claims a mechanic's lien under applicable state lase. • :acceptance by LLP: A11 orders Rum to I3uycr are subject to acceptance by alit horired POr.,unneI ofI.:J P, and, in the case of Open ACOMM Sales,approval of*tFtd EJP C'10dit DcPartnlcrlt. • Cancellations: SPECIAL OR NON-STOCK I-Tl--'A1S NIAY NOT I3L•' CAN'C'I_I.LILD OR RI rURNLD AFTER THE PRODUCT(S) IS PLACED INTO) 1'RODUC•TION. IN charges and costs incurred by F:JP as a result of cancellations or outer changes will be hilled to the Buvcr. • iDciivery: LLP will nmkc a good (:-lith orlon to compIne dwivery ort o products; provided. hoelever, that l:.IP assumes nig resPunsibility or liability (or- loss or damage due to (!Clay or inability to deliver, il'such non-perfirnl)a nee was the result orany events or circuingances beyond the control ofl..11-1. including. but not limited to, acts of'God, %var. labor difficulties, fire. accidents, inability to obtain materials. and delays of carrici: eofifiaCR>rs; upT5he`rs, or manulacturus.-Ufldi:rilo circunist;uices shdII'TJP-bc'liable "Corr-any -special, (otos qucntrt^tT inciilentirl: indirect, or liquidated dainages. losses,or expense (whether or not based on negligence):wising directly or indirectly From (clays or tzrilure to -ave notice.ol,delay. • Shipment: Shipment or all products is to one given destination Cor Al items including Pipe, unless utherx ice indicated in "rotor(. Risk of' loss shall transibi- to the Buyer upon tender of-goods to Buyer, Buyer's representative; or conlnlon carrier. I-he cost ora ny spvcial packing or special handling caused by Buyer's requirements or requests shall be added to the amount of th,: order. I f Buyer causcs or requests a shipment delay. or if F.JP ships or delivers the products erroneously as a result or inaccuran incumple•te or misleading infonnation supplied by I3uycr or its agents or employees,storage and all other additional costs and risks shall be: borne solely by Buycr. Claims for Products danutged or Inst in transit should be made by Buyer to the carrier, as EJP's responsibility ceases upon tender or goods to Buyer, BuyeCs representalivc or common carrier. Delivery will be made on hard surfaces only. Any damage or towing charges resulting (torn "non hard surface deliveries" shall lie the responsibility orihc Buyer. • lnspeclion and Acceptance: Claims Ar damage, shonago or errors in shipping must be reported -within 10 days iollowing delivery to Buyer. Buyer shall have 10 days Ruin the date Buyer receives any products to inspect such Product; and sel•vicds for detects and nonconFormance and notify E,IP, in writing, orally defects, nonconformance orrejection of such products. Alter such 10 day periol Buyer shall be LICCrnCd to have irrevocably accepted the produCls. T not Previously acceNA. Abu such acceptance. Buyer shall have no right to reject the product. lhr any reason or to revoke acceptance. Buyer hereby ;lgreeS that such 10 day period is a reasonable amount of time for such inspection and revocation. • Relurns: rYlatcrials cannot be returned eeitlxwt UP'S written consent. NO RETURNS ARE ALLC WM) AND NO REFUNDS WILL RE MADE ON (i) PIPL OR toil SP1=.CIALL:Y FABRICA"FH) OR ORDERED ITEM THE SOLE AND EXCLU IVE REMEDY FOR SUC11 ITI:NIS ALLI:Gt:f) TO BE DEFECTIVE W WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIAL \VILE. L'I: THF RL.PL.ACEN41-- -1- OF Till-_ I fl \1S SUF3.11:C'T TO TI ll; MANUFACTURF;R'S iNSPECfION AND 'WARRANTY. All other returned material is subject to a %MINIINIUN! 251N, RE-IlANDLING C:iiARGL?; Plus transportation charges. Unless uthenwise agreed by the Buyer and L;.IP, all credit for returned material xvill be applied tel future orders, subject to approval by the EJP Credit Department. • AV n- ants: -rill? BUYEWS SOLI: AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY. IF ANY, IS THAT PROVID1=D BY THE PRODUCT'S N-1ANUf ACrUREW f:JP MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTiES. LIP HEREBY DISCLAEMS ALL EXPRESS OR 1IMPL.IF"D W \RRANTIL.S, l\FIFTi F.R IMPLiED BY OPERATION OF L;\\V OR (A lHERWfSE, iNCLUDING. 1- ITHOUT LIMITATION. ALL 1\1PL11=D WARRAN'TiES OF N41 RC1I,\\'i,11311..I I Y' AND FITNESS OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PI.RPOS1:.. UNDI R NO (ARCUMSTANCES, AND IN NO EVENT. WILL L•.JP BE LIABLE: FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DA'IAGF. OR ANY OTHER LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR RI PMRS OR INCIDENTAL, PL.:NITIVL. SPLCIAL, C(:)NSI.QUENTiAL. OR LI`)UIDATF,D DAi\4.\(:ILS 01= ANY FIND, 1VIIt,"Illi-lt BASED UPON WARRANTY, CONTR.ACI-, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE OR ANI' OTHER CAUSE. C)l' ACTION ARISING 1N C'ONNFCTION \\%ETH Illi-: DESIGN, NJ.- NUFAC-ll'RL:. SALE. TRANSPC)RTATION& INSTALLATION,OR REPAIR OF THU PRODUCTS SOLD BY L•JI'. BLYi:R ACKNOWLEDGES ANO AGREES THAT UNI)LR NO AND l\' NO EVENT, SHALL EM'S LIABILITY, 11= ANY, I-XCE,E'D TIIE NET SALF'S PRiCE 0171-11F DI_FECTiVE PRODUCT(S). • Entire Agreement: This document constitutes the entire, complete, and exclusive agreement bet.eceen 1110 Parlies widl resPect to the ;ui�j(.:et matter hereof and contains all the agreements and conditions or sale: no course or dealing or usage of the trade shall be applicable unless cxpreesly incorporated herein. 'rhe terms and cnndilionS contained herein may not be added to. modified, superseded lir onherwise altered except by a "Yuen modification signed by authorized management personnel of EN. AN u•ansac0ons shall be governed solely by the terms and conditions contained herein. All Purchase orders issued pursuant to an EJP quotation shall he deemed issued subject to all EJP ternis and conditions herein contained. "These terms and conditions shall supersede those•of the I3uycr. • Governing La-w: This transaction shall be governed in all respects by the; Imes or the Son of Maine; (excluding choice of law provisions). All actions, regardless or firm, arising out of or in connection with this transaction; As product sold by I•:JI', or the relationship between thL Buyer and l•:.1P shall be brought in the courts orthe State of\Maine wilhin the applicable:statutolr period. • Communications: Payments only should he directed to: F:.,f. Prescott, Inc., P.O. Faux 350003, 11oston, MA 02241-)502. All other e:urrrspuneloalCc and inquiries should be directed to your Met EA' Divisiun._The)-tome Office address is 32 Prewou Street. P.O. 13ox (;ir(.). Gardiner, Maine 04345. Telephone(207)582-185 1. Fax (207) 582-5637. 1:-mail ejp'u�jprescotr.crnn. SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE Pipeline Specialists Everett J.Prescott Inc. 32 Prescott Street P.O.Box 600 .0 wj-wv, 5059164 Gardiner,Me.04345-0600 JN liElp, V icEbAt4 16 PackIN�SLIP 5059164 Everett J.Prescott,Inc, CUSTOMER 4755 WAREHOUSE 2201 REMIT TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis WAREHOUSE> TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis ORIGINAL INVOICE TO> E.J. PRESCOTT INC. 8309 W. Washington St. P.O. BOX 350002 BOSTON, MA Indianapolis, IN 46231 02241-0502 Telephone: 317-247-0005 SOLD TO> SHIP TO> '-CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131st Street 3450 W. 131st Street Carmel, IN Carmel, IN 46074 46074 CLZTOMER-PONO -1- OB-NAM ATE-SH I 0 PE-DjWRP4NGWETHOD = l IJERRY ISTOCK I 1 1081 4/21/16 1 3/22/16 1 Our Truck I LINE PRODUCT NUMBER AND rrFm D�-,';cRIPITI'ON Um QUANTI FY PNITPRICE 56,17 1 55695 F 6X7.5 FLSI REP CLAMP 684724 EA 1 56.87 mm7 RECEIVE YOUR INVOICES AND STATEMENTS FASTERI THANK YOU AMOUNT 56.87 . CALL YOUR LOCAL OFFICE FOR FAX AND E-MAIL OPTIONS! FOR YOUR BUSINESS! TAX" 00 PLEASE NOTE: OUR TERMS FREI HT ,f.,,-.. .00 ARE NET 30 DAYS. YOUR .00 SERVICE CHARGE IS 1%PER MONTH(18%A.P.R.)ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.THE HELP IS NEEDED AND • BUYER AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION,INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES,AND EJP CLAIMS A MECHANICS'S LIEN UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW. APPRECIATED. 56 .87 The Prescott Companies Everett J. Prescott, inc. (EJP) Terms and Conditions of Sale • Prices: All prices are subiect to change \yithout notice, except where firm quotations have been provided in writing by authorized management personnel ofL:,IP. •Tuxes: Prices do not include any present or future lederti,state,or local taxes(including, \without limitation, sales tax, use tax,excise tax. of- otherwise) rotherwise) unless specifically slated. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to pay all such taxes. Waxes NN here applicable may be added to the price Ortho products and shall be paid by the Buyer, unless the Buyer fundshes to EJP a tar exemptive certificate in a lonn agreeable to the applieahir, taxing,authorities. if L.iP is ruduired Uo prepay any such tax, Buyer will reimburSC 1-_.JP in full upon dcmand. • Prlyment Texans: EJP Open Credit accounts are osiablished If-commercial. non-consumer LlSt ooh-. Unless an appro\ed commercial Open Credit account is established. payment in good funds or approved check must he made before or at time ofdoli\Cry. Commercial Credit term, arc Nct 30 days, no cash dimuounts alto\\Cd. Service Charges commence after 30 days and are calculated on the last clay orthe month ill % hich the .,0th clay falls. SrjRVICF. CHARGE' IS i1,,i "b Plat .100-1T1I (l <'%o A.P.R.) ON THE' BALANCk OVER 30 DAYS 01= ;\Cil:. THE HVYFR A(AFES TO RAY ALL,(.'OATS AND MPENSFS OF COLLECTION. INCLUDO& F A rr0RVE.Y"S FEES. and 14P(lanais a mechanics lien under applicable state law. • Acceptxuce by KJP: AH orders from the Buyer are subject to acceMance by authnrired personnel of EJ11; and, in the case of0pen Account Sales,appro\ad of the 1;,11'Credit Department. • Cancellations: SPI::CI%\L. OR NON-STOCK ITEMS MAY NOT HE CANCFLLr.I) OR RL7ruRNE.D AFTER THE PRODUCT(S) iS PLACED I\ M PRODUCTION. M charges and costs incurred by FJP as a result of cancellations or order chanes \\ill be billed to the Boxer. • Deiivery: 1 .11' \w ill make a good faith effort to complete delivery of the products, pn\AM ho"mcr, that I.JP assumes no reSpollsibility of- liability rliability for loss or dama_e (file to delay or inability to deliver. ifsuch non-performance was the result ofany events or circumstances beyond the control ol'LJP. including. but not limited to, new of God. \oar, labor difficulties. lire. accidents, inability to obtain materials. and cietays of (artier>. C011MICLUr\. Suppticrs, or manufacturers. Cruder no circumstances shall t_Ik' he liable for any speclal, consulucnual. incidental(. indiicc:t, or liquidated domagcs, losses. or expense (\\hother or not based rnt negligence( arising directly or indirectly from delays or Whir to Live notice of dolay. • Shipment: Shipment of all products is tv one given destination lir all items including pipo unless tither\\isc indicated in \\riling. Rist, of loss shall tansler to the L3uyer upon tender of goods to Buyer. 131.1yer1S representative., or common carrier. Thc• cost of any special pocking or •pedal handlimg caused by Buyer's requirement.;or rcqucstS s11a11 be added to the amount of the order. it'Buyer causes or requests a shipment delay. or if FJP Ships or delivers the product,erroneously as a result of'inaccurate, incorrtplcIc Or misleading information supplied by Buyer or its arenas or employees,Storage and all other additional costs and risks shall be borne Solely by Buyer. Claims for products datna,,,ed or lust in transit should be made by Buyer to the carrier. as LJP's responsibility ceases upon tender of roods to Buyer, BuycCh reproscntattive or common carrier. Delivery will be made on hard surfaces ordy. Any damage or imOng chaules resulting from "non hard surNce deln\eries'. shall he the responsibility of the Buyer. Inspection and Acceptance: Chims for dwmge. shortage or errors in shipping must be iopurted \\ithin 10 days Its M"ing del ery to Buyer. Buyer shall have 10 days from the date Buyer receives any products to inspect such products and services for defects and nonc•ontirrmancc and notil 1=.i1", in \\ritirig. orally defects; nonconformance or rejection ol'such products. Altcr such 10 day period, Buyer shall be deemed to have irrevocably accepted the products. if not previously accepted. Aller such acceptance. Buyer shall have no right to reject the products in any, reason or to revoke acceptance. Buyer hereby agrees that such 10 day period is a reasonable amount of time lot- inspection and re.\ovation. • Returns: Materials cannot he returiacd \without EA"S \vritten consent. NC) RETURNS ARE: AL LO\1 E;D A\D NO REFUNDS WILL. BF MADE ON (ii PIPE OR (oi) SPECIALLY FABRICATED OR ORDL:RED 1-i'L,VIS. THF. SOLE ;'\ND E�XCLL)SIVI::: RE,.MFDY FOR SUCH ITEMS :11.1,1.(;1?D TC) HE. DEMCTiVI. IN 1,\ORKf\4ANSIlIP OR \-IATE.RiAL ",-*ILL HE THE REPLACEMENT OF TIM HEMS S1.,13JI:CT TO 1-111: i\-1.ANUl ACTURER'S INSMITION AND WARRANTY. All other returned material is subject to a N-11NIMUM 251;i, RI -1l;\NDLING Cl IARGE, plus hansywirfi.ion changes. Unless other\vise agreed by the Buyer ani M all credit fir retunwd material will be applied to future orders, subject tv approvLd by the E.IP Credit Department. • Warimm : 11111 BUYER'S SOL.L .AND LXCLUSIVF. WARRANTY. II ANY. IS THAT PROViDED BY THE PRODUCT'S bIANl:l A('Il;R{;R. FJP NIAKLS \ ) FXPRL'•SS OR 111-1PLiLD WARRAN"IMS. FJP HERMY DISCLAIMS A!_I_ FnPRf.`;iS OR IMP1,11.1) \`,ARRANTiLS. WHETHFR IMPLiED 13Y OPERATION OF L,-\\\ Of: OrIlLIMSE. INCLUDING, WJTlI0f,,I- I Ml [A i 1ON. AAI, 111PI.II:L) V,'ARRANT11:S OF MERCI-IANTARIL.ITY AND 11 00; , OR FITNLSS FOR A PAR-i ICULAR 111100St:. I;\DI.R NU CIRCUN-ISTANCES, AND IN NO EVLNT. WILL, EJP HE LIARL1, FOR 1'1 RSONAL INJURY OR PROPLRTY DA,MA(iI-, OR ANY 0-1IIFR, LOSS. DAMAGE,COST OR REPAIRS OR 1NC:IDLNTAL, PL ` i flVl:, til'1.t:l.-t L,CC)NSFQLJ NTIAL, OR L.IQUIDA-11'.1) DAMAGES O1= ANY KIND. W1-IE"1 HF_.R BASI;1.) UPON WARRANTY. CONTRACT. SfR1C-1- LIABILITY, NIiGLiCiF.NC1; OR ANY O" HL'R CAUSE. O1= ACTION ARISING IN CONNECTION \\ iTFL TI-IL DESIGN, NA\UFACTURF., SALE, TRANSPOR i'ATION, INSTALLATION. OR RE-PAIR OF THE PRMUCTS SOLD BY E.JI'. BUYER ACKNOM%LEDGE S AND AGREES THA f UNMR NO C:IRC:U.VISTANC ES. AND IN NO l VENT, SHALL. HN'S LIABILITY. IF ANY, I:XC ELD THE NIX SALTS PRICE Of:THF DLPLC.`fIVL PRODUCT(S). • Entire Agreement This document constitutes the entir, complete, and exclusive agreement betwun the parties \with respect to the subject. matter hereof arc( contains all the agreements and conditiians of sale; no course of GMT or usage of me frieze shall be applicable unless expressly incorporated herein. The terms and conditions contained herein may not lc added to. modified, suporScdccl ur uthorwisc altered except by a Written modification signed by authori-red manattemont personnel of E.11). ;111 transactions shall he governed. solely by the terms and conditions contained herein. All purchase orders issued pursuant to an EJP quomdon shall be dcomed issued subject to all I_.IP terms and e md1ons herein contained. These terms and conditions shall supersede those ofthe Buyer. • C;trverning I.aw: This trmsaetion shall be governed in all respects by the laws ortlic State of tame (exc•ludu1<g1 choice of la% provisions). All actions, regardless of form, a rising out oror in connection with this transaction, to pro(h w gold by L-:JP, 01-1,110 lelauonsttip MWeCn the Buyer and FJP shall he brought in the courts of the State of\1ainc\vithin the applicahlc statuuiry period. • Communications: Payments only shoulc! he directed ten: EJ Prescou. Inc., P.O. Box 350002. Basion. 1-1A 02241-0502. AD other correspondence and inquiries should he directed to your local E,IP Division. The f lorric Orf ice aiddress is 32 Prescott Street, RO. Box 600. Gardiner. Maine 04345. Telephone(207)582-1851. Fax(207) 5,Q-5637. F.-mail cjp:'r.cinresc•\.ul.coin. SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE Pipeline SpeCimlists Everett J.Prescott Inc.'ill P, PAGE No! ! !1 1 32 Prescott Street P.O.Box 600 5058769 Gardiner,Me.04345.0600 3/2 2/16 INVOICE DATE PACKING SLIP NO:,` 5058769 Everett J.Prescott,Inc. CUSTQMER NO:' 4755 WAREHOUSE; 22 0 REMIT TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis WAREHOUSE> TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis ORIGINAL INVOICE TO> E.J. PRESCOTT INC. 8309 W. Washington St. P.O. BOX 350002 BOSTON, MA Indianapolis, IN 46231 02241-0502 Telephone: 317-247-0005 SOLD TO> SHIP TO> CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131st Street 3450 W. 131st Street Carmel, IN Carmel, IN 46074 46074 STOMER P:OrNO ''08=NAME : :J06 N0l S_rbATE DUE d DATE:SHIPP.ED_ _ -.,SHIPPING'' ET:HOD JERRY ISTOCK I 110814/21/16 1 3/22/16 1 Our Truck PRODUCT • 1 /NON01800649 12 FS313 SADDLE 1CC 13101350 EA 1 60.80 60.80 RECEIVE YOUR INVOICES AND STATEMENTS FASTER! THANK YOU AMOUNT 60.80 CALL YOUR LOCAL OFFICE FOR FAX AND EMAIL OPTIONS! FOR YOUR BUSINESS! TAX�` !*r 00 PLEASE NOTE: OUR TERMS FREIGHT :,;;,; .00 ARE NET 30 DAYS. YOUR ' ';` .00 SERVICE CHARGE IS 1%PER MONTH(18%A.P.R.$$))ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.THE HELP IS NEEDED AND • BUYER AGREES YN 'S FEES,AND EJP CLAIMS AM CHANICS'S LIEN UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW,BLE APPRECIATED. 6 ATTORNEY'S 60.80 The Prescott Companies Everett J. Prescott, inc. (EJP) Teras and Conditions of Sale • Prices: All prices are subject to change -,without notice, except where firm quMat no na\e been provided in •owritng by authuriied marlagenicru personnel of E.ii'. •Taxes: Pricers do nen include any present or Iuture Iederal, state, or local tase>(including, \\irh<rut limitation. sales tax, use tax,c tcise ta.x. or othm-who unless specifically stated. It is the responsibility of Be Buyer tri pay all such taw. Taxs "here applicahle may be added to the price of the products and shall be paid by the Buyer, unless the Buyer furnishes to EJP a tax exemption certificate in a lonn agrecable to the.; applicable taxing authorities. Ir EJP is required to prepay any such tax, Buyer will whiiburac UP in full upon dctrumd. • Payment 1'erms: EJP Open Credit accounts are; established For commercial. nun-runsunler use only. Qlc>s an approved conimercial Open Credit account is cstablislrcd, payment in good hinds or approved chock must be made before or ai time ofdcli\cry. Commercial Credit terms are Net alt days, no cash discounts allo\veci. Service Charges commence aver 30 days and an: calculated on the last day oaf rbc:month in which ihc• 300l day falls. SERVICE CHARGE IS iS it PI:R 1,10Ni'lI (1 S`tS, A.P.R.) ON -11!1-, HALANCI, OVI=,R 30 DAYS OI ACil'.. Till'. BUYER AGRLI..S TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF LOLL EC"rfON, INCLUDING Rti.• .1_,C)NABLL A FTORNITYA FEE& and iOP claims a mechanic's licit under applicable state law. • .Acceptance by FJO All orders from the I3uycr are subject to acceptanc;c by authorised pers„nnel of I:,JP. Lind, in the case of Open Acc:otint Sales,approval of'the UP Credit Dcparlment. • Cancellations: SPL'CIAL OR NON-STOCK I-rl_.b1S MiNY NOT 131: C'ANC F.LLED OR RL rURNIJ) AFTER THF. PRODLC r(S) IS PLACED IWR) PRODUCTION, All charges and costs incurred by I_,IP as a result of cancrilation, or order changes \\'til be billed to the Roger. • Delivery: F.IP will make a good faith efrin•t to complete delivery or the products prowideol. ho\\cyc•r, that I.,.IP assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or danla"c clue to delay or inability to deliver, il'such non-performance \was the result ofany events or circuni,utnces beyond the control of I..II', including, but not limited to, acts or God, \war, labor dif)iculties, fire, accidents, inability to obtain materials. and delays of c.rrricr,, cenxracturs, sui filler~, Lir mi lllul'acun-ers. Under no circuurstarrccs ,hal LJ1, he li':nl.: t'or err} ,pceral, c:on,cyuentatt ntc dcnraf. indirect, or liquidated dainages_ loges, or expense (whether or not based can negligence) arising directly Lir indirectly frorn delays or failure to dive notice.ofdelay. • Shipataent: Shipment of all products is to one given destination for all items including pipe, unless other\ise indicated in \\riling. Risk of' loss shall translor to the Buyer upon tender of goods to Buyer, Buyer's represenladve, or euninu m carrier. The cost or my special pao;kirrg or special handling caused by Buyers rcquirenents or requests shall be added to Be amount of the order. I f Buycr causes or requests a shipment d.;lay. Lir if UP strips or delivers the products erroneously as 'I result of inaccurate. inconipictc Lir misleading inlorni ation supplied by Buyer or its agoras or employees,storage and all 011ier additional costs and risks shall be borne sOcly by I3uycr. Claims for products damaged or lost in immir should be made by Buyer to the ca crier, as EJP's responsibility ceases upon tender of*goods tO Buyer, Buyer's represcnta6%c or common carrier. Delivery will be made on hard surrac•es only. Any damagc or towing charges resulting Gone "11011 hard surface dcliwo:rics' shall be the responsibility of the 1-3uyer. • Inspection :and Acceptance: Claims Ior damage, shormge or errors in shipping must be reported "ANn 10 days Ibllo\wing delivery to I3uycr. Buyer ;hall have 10 days from the date Buyer receives any products to inspect such products and sor\ices for dcfrcts and nonconlorniance and notify L-IP, in writing, ofany defects, nonconformance Lir rejection of u.:h products. After such 10 clay period. Buyer ,hall he decined to have irrevocably accepted the productm if not previmmy ac•cepi,td. Al'i,r „,ch acceptance. Buyer ,hall have no right to reject the products (or any reason or to revolve acceptance. Buyer hereby agrees that such 10 clay period is a reasonable amount of time for such inspcct.ion and revocation. • Returns: tvlaterials cannot be wwrncd .without UP'S written crosem. NO RETURNS ARE ALLOWED AND NO REFUNDS MILL HE Nig\D}; ON (i) I'1PL, OR (ii) SPECIALLY FABRICATED OR ORDI RI:,D ITI=b•1S. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR SUC'II ITEMS ALLLGI D TO BE DEFECTIVE IN WORKMANSHIP OR \ A-1 2'.RIAL WILL BE THE REPLACEMLN* l OF THE ITENOS S(;BJi'C'T TO THE \JANUFACTURF.WS INSPECTION AND WARRANTY. All other returned material is subject to a %,1INl\-1Uiv4 25°,o RE-FIANDLING CiiARG1 _ plus transportation charges. Unless othct-wise agreed by the Buyer and F.111, all credit for returned material will be applied to suture orders, subiect to approval by the IJP Credit Department. • Warraidy: THE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE: WARRANTY. IF ANY, IS THAT PROVIDED BY OUT PRODUCT'S MANUFAC�TURE,R. UP \-AKI S NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. FIN HFRFI3Y DISCLAIN•1S ALL LXPRL:SS OR I!M i'I.I1.D \\ARR:NTiPS. WHETHF-,R UVIPLIED BY OPERNMON OF LAW OR O'l-FI ;RMISL_, INCLUDING, WITHOUT OU LIMITATION. ALL IN-HIL1ED \VARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY =iND HTNESS OR FITNESS FOR 1% PARTICULAR PURPOSE,. UNDER NO CIRC'U\—4S-rANCI S. AND IN NO EVENT. WILL E.IP BE, LIABLE FOR PERS )NAL. IrNJURi` OR PROPER fY DAMAGE,OR ANY OTHER LOSS, DAMAGE. COST OR REPAIRS OR INCIDENTAL, PL:NiTIVi_. SPI_:CIAI , C'ONSf;QUENTLAL. OR LIQU11DA r1TD DAMAGES OF ANY' KiND, WHETHER BASED UPON WARRANTY CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY. NEGLIGFNCE OR ANY OI-I-IER CAUSE OF ACTION iON ARISING 1N CONNE IION W I I l THF'Ii_ DESiGNMANUFACI URL_.. SALE-:. TRANSPORTATION, iNSTALLATION. Oi: REPAIR OF THE PRODUCTS SOLD BY rJP, BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT L1Ni)L:R NO CIRCUMSTANCES. F:Ni:) FN; NO EVENT. SI ALL• UP'S LIABILITY. IF ANN% EXCEED THE NET SALES PRiCE. OF THE DTFEC­rIVE PRODUCT(S). • Entke Agnernenn This document cons6ittres the entire, complete, and exclusive agmemcm het\wcen the parties \with aspect to the subject matter hereof and contains all the agm n ents and emmlitims of sale: no course of dealing Or usage of the trade ;hall be applicable lade,; expressly incorporated herein. The tennis and conditions contained herein may not be added to, modified, superseded or otherwise altered except by a w6ten modification signed by mahorisod menage halt personnel of EJP. 101 n•ansactions shall be governed solely by the terms and conditions contained herein. All purchase orclors issued pursuanL to an EJP quotation shAl be downed issued subject Ri all GIP tennis and condition; herein contained. These terms and conditions shall supersede those of the Buyer. • Governing Law: This transaction shall he governed in all respect, by Be lam s of the State of Maine (excluding choice of law provisions). ,All actions, regardless of florin, arising out of or in connection with Ibis Uwaacton, the products sold by UP, or Be relationship between the I31_1ycr and F.fP shall be brought in the courts ofthe State of\gaine within Be a"licable sowuml period. •CORtnrunic:atiuns: Payments only should be directed to: 1:;..1:Prescott. Inc.. P.O. Box 3THM2. I3osion. ;MA 1)_'241-0502. All other :uumpondenec anti inquiries shoAd be directed to yc.lur local EJP Division. The Home Office ndclress is 32 Prrscoitt Street. P.O. Box 000. Gardiner, \Maine 04345.Telephone (207) 582-1851. Fax(307) 582-5637. E-mail QO(ejprescou.con. SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE Pipeline Specialists Everett J.Prescott Inc. PAGE NOi >" 1 32 Prescott Street P.O.Box 600 5055208 Gardiner,Me.04345-0600 3/15/16 INVOICE DATEi` PACKING SLIP,NO.:. 5055208 Everett J.Press®B,Inc, 6USTOMER NO 4755 WAREHOUSE;;.,; 220 REMIT TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis WAREHOUSE> TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis ORIGINAL INVOICE TO> E.J. PRESCOTT INC. 8309 W. Washington St. P.O. BOX 350002 BOSTON, MA Indianapolis, IN 46231 02241-0502 Telephone: 317-247-0005 SOLD TO> SHIP TO> CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131st Street 3450 W. 131st Street Carmel, IN Carmel, IN 46074 46074 �i�iYtCL1SiT,OMER€P..O NQ ;x,,,..y ;JOB NA JOB NO,'-'I"SLS.- DATE DUE I DATE SHIP PED" ` `��.SHIPPING'METHOD A_ JERRY ISTOCK I 1 108 4/14/16 1 3/10/16 1 Direct Prepay/Add LINE ..OD • 1 /NON01794368 8 FS313 SADDLE 1CC 9.00-9.40 EA 1 48.78 48 .78 RECEIVE YOUR INVOICES AND STATEMENTS FASTERI THANK YOU AMOUNT 48.78 FOR YOUR BUSINESSI TAX(; ;: .00 CALL YOUR LOCAL OFFICE FOR FAX AND EMAIL OPTIONSI PLEASE NOTE: OUR TERMS FREIGHTi .00 ARE NET 30 DAYS. YOUR , '' 00 SERVICE CHARGE IS 1%PER MONTH(18%A.P.R.)ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.THE HELP IS NEEDED ANDBUYER AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS • ATTORNEY' NS FEES,AND EJP CLAIMS AMECHANISCS'S LIREASONABLE EN UNDER A4LIC BLLE STATE LAW APPRECIATED. 48.78 The Prescott Companies Everett J. Prescott, Inc. (EJP) Terms and Conditions of Sale • Prices: All prices are subject to change without notice, except where firm quotations have been provided in writing by authorized m-Inagement personnel of E.IP. •'Taxes: Prices do not include any present or future federal,state,or local taxes(including,Without limitation, sales tax,use tax,excise tax,or otherwise) unless specifically stated. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to pay all such taxes. Taxes Where applicable may be: added to the price of the products and shall be paid by the Buyer, unless the Buyer furnishes to EJP a tax exemption certificate in a form aereeablc Lo the applicable taxing authorities. Lf EJP is required to prepay any such tax, Buyer will reimburse EJP in full upon demand. • Payment Terms: EJP Open Credit accounts are established for commercial,non-consumer use only. Unless an approved commercial Open Credit account is established.payment in good funds or approved cheek must be made before or at time of delivery.Commercial Credit terms are Net 30 days, no cash discounts allowed. Service Charges commence after 30 days and are calculated on the last day of the month in which the 30th day falls. SERVICE CHARGE IS 11, % Pf:R MONTH (18% A.P.R.) ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.. THF_, BUYER AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES, and EJP claims a mechanic's lien under applicable state law. •Acceptance by EJP: All orders from the Buyer arc subject to acceptance by authorized personnel of EJP, and, in the case of Open Account Sales,approval of the EJP Credit Department. • Cancellations: Si3EC:IAL OR NON-STOCK ITEMS MAY NOT BE CANCELLED OR. RETURNED AFTER THE PRODUCT(S) IS PLACED INTO PRODUCTION. All charges and costs incurred by EJP as a result of cancellations or order chanties will be billed to the Buyer. • Delivery: E,11' will make a good faith effort to complete delivery of the products: provided. however, that IJP assumes no responsibility or liability fir loss or damage due to delay or inability to deliver, it'such non-performance was the result of any events or circumstances beyond the control of EJP., including, but not limited to,acts of God, war. labor difficulties, fire.accidents, inability to obtain materials, and delays of carrier~, contractors, suppliers, or manultu:turers. Under no circumstances shall EJl' be liable lbr anv Special. conscquaritial, ilwidcrttah indirect,or liquidated damages, losses,or expense(whether or not based on ncelitience)arising directly or indirectly fi-om delays or failure to dive notice of delay. • Shipment: Shipment of all products is to one given destination for all items including pipe, unless othervise indicated in writing. Risk of loss shall transfer to Lhe Buyer upon tender of goods to Buyer. Buyer's representative, or common carrier. The cost of any special packing or special handling caused by Buyer's requirements or requests shall be added to the amount of the order. if Buyer causes or requests a shipment delay, or if EJP ships or delivers the products erroneously as a result of inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information supplied by Buyer or its atients or employees,storage and all other additional costs and risks shall be borne solely by Buyer. Claims for products damaged or lost in transit should be made by Buyer to the cattier. as EJP's responsibility ceases upon tender of Goods to Buyer, Buyer's representative or common carrier. Delivery will be made on hard surfaces only. Any damage or towing charges resulting from "non hard surface deliveries" shall be the responsibility of the Buyer. • Inspection and Acceptance: Claims for damage, shortage or errors in shipping must be reported Fvithin 10 days following delivery to Buyer. Buyer shall have 10 days from the; date Buyer receives any products to inspect such products and services for defects and nonconformance -Inc[ notify EJP, in writing, of any defects, nonconformance or rejection of such products. After such 10 day period, Buyer shall be decmed to have irrevocably accepted the products, if not previously accepted. After such acceptance. Buyer shall have no right to reject the products for any reason or to revolve acceptance. Buyer hereby agrees that such 10 day period is a reasonable amount of time for such Inspection and revocation. • Returns: Materials cannot be returned without I JP'S written consent. NO RETURNS ARE ALLOWED AND NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE ON (i) PIPE, OR (ii) SPECIALLY FABRICATED OR ORDERED ITEMS. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR SUCH ITEMS ALLEGED TO BE DEFECTIVE IN WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIAL WILL BE THE REP LACE NI ENT OF THE ITEMS SUBJECT TO THE. MANUFACTURER'S INSPECTION AND WARRANTY, All other returned material is subject to a MiNIiNIUM 25% RE-li;\NDLiNG CHARGE, plus transportation charges. Unless otherwise agreed by the Buyer and EJP, all credit for returned material will be applied to future orders,sub.jeet to approval by the EJP Credit Department. • Warranty: TI-IE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY. IF ANY, IS THAT PROVIDED BY THE PRODUCT'S %MANUFAC'TUREP. EJP MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTiES, E.iP I-IFRE.BY DISCI_Af\,1S_-ALL EXPRESS .OR__. i\IPL117.1) \'ARRAN"PIES, WHETHER iiviPLiED BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHER\VISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES. AND IN NO EVENT. WILL E.IP BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR ANY OTHER LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR REPAIRS OR INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE:. SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL. OR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES OF ANY KiND, WHETHER BASED UPON WARRANTY, CONTRACT. STRICT LIAi3ILITY, NEGLIGI:.NCE OR ANY OTiiER CAUSE OF AC-1-10N ARISING IN CONNECTION WiTH THE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, SALE, TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION,OR REP.AiR OF THE PRODUCTS SOLD BY E.IP. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, AND IN NO EVENT, SHALL EJP'S LIABILITY, IF ANY, EXCEED THE NET SALES PRiCE OF THE DEFL'EC'TIVE PRODUCT(S). • Entire Agreement: This document constitutes the entire, complete, and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and contains all the a reements and conditions of sale, no course of'dealing or usage of the trade shall be applicable unless expressly incorporated herein. The terms and conditions contained herein may not be added to, moclificd, superseded or otherwise altered except by a written modification signed by authorized manalement personnel oC EJI'. All transactions shall be governed solely by the terms and conditions contained herein. All purchase orders issued pursuant to an EJP quotation shall be decmed issued subject to all E.11) terms and conditions herein contained. These terms and conditions shall supersede those of the Buyer. • Governing Law: This transaction shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Maine (excluding choice of late provisions). All actions, recardless of form,arising out of or in connection with this transaction, the products sold by EJP, or the relationship between the Buyer and E.IP shall be brought in the courts of the SLate of Maine within the applicable statutory period. •Communications: Payments only should be directed to: G.J. Prescott, Inc., P.O. Box 350002, Boston, MA 02241-0502. All other correspondence and inquiries should be directed to your local EJP Division. The Home Office address is 32 Prescott Street, P.O. Box 600, Gardiner, Maine 04345. Telephone(207) 552-1551. Fax (207)552-5637. E-mail ejp(irejprescott.com. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 88550 E.J. Prescott, Inc. Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 350002 Terms Boston, MA 02241-0002 Due Date 3/29/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3/29/2016 5059610 $165.61 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Ccw 12 Date Officer VOUCHER# 161010 WARRANT# ALLOWED 88550 IN SUM OF $ E.J. Prescott, Inc. P.O. Box 350002 Boston, MA 02241-0002 r Carmel Water Utility ` ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR "i I' Board members I PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 5059610 01-6200-06 $165.61 50 5� ►�� `c 5`� �'� I Voucher Total ��� Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund