HomeMy WebLinkAbout257656 04/22/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359662 (9, ONE CIVIC SQUARE A T&TCHECK AMOUNT: $*******645.64* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 5080 CHECK NUMBER: 257656 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5080 CHECK DATE: 04/22/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1160 4344100 287016109662 208.61 287016109662 1207 4344000 831000139239 437.03 8310001392396 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 AT&T PO BOX. 5"6) 9 IN SUM OF$ 'oj g CAROL STREAM, IL 60197 $437.03 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Brookshire Golf Course PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/Fund AMOUNT Board Members 6060121307 I 43-440.00 I $437.03 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1207 101 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, April 18, 2016 -A Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund rescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL ,n invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by rhom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units,price per unit,etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due nvoice Date invoice# Description Amount Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 04/07/16 I 6060121307 I Phone I $437.03 1207 101 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer • (NON-LIST)BROOKSHIRE;GO Page 1 of 2 i 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWKYAccount Number 831-000-1392 396 4CARMEL,IN,46032 a't&t Billing Date Apr 7,2016 Ouestionsl. 1600 235-7524 Web Site att.com Invoice 6060121307 AT&T Tax ID 13-4924710 Invoice Bill-At-A-Glance Group#000001-,Continued Surcharges and Other Fees Previous Bill .436.41 4. Universal Connectivity Charge-Interstate 45:55 5.Administrative Expense Fee-Interstate 2.07 Payment-Thank.You! 43(1.41 CR,; 6. Property Tax Allotment-Interstate 7.89 7. Federal Regulatory Fee-Interstate 7.77 Adjustments 00" Total Surcharges and Other Fees 63.28 Taxes . Balance .:00 State: B. IN/STATE 911 CHARGE 9.00 Total Taxes 9.00 Current Charges 437.03 Total Subscriber/Router ID 0272347132 437.03 Total Sub-Account#831-000-1532 783 437.03 Total Amount Due $457,03 Total Group#000001 437.03 Payment Due Date, May 2,2016 Total Current Charges 437.03 L Billing Summary News You Can Use For detailed information of your charges go to News You Can Use www.businessdirect.att.com Questions?Call: 1 800 235-7524 ACCOUNT STATUS AT&T Business Services Where allowed by law,AT&T may implement late payment interest of no more than 18%annually.Rates will vary based on state regulations. Group#000001 Interest will be calculated based upon daily balances and will be Sub-Account#831-000-1532 783 437.03 applicpble for each day that a delinquent balance is outstanding.This Total Group#000001 437.03 charge will apply to all balances that are delinquent through such time that payment in full is received at AT&T.The late payment interest Total Current Charges 437.03 will be billed on a monthly basis.Accounts billed outside the US will not be charged LPI. Where allowed by law,AT&T may implement a$25 service fee for restoration of service where delinquency has caused an interruption. This fee will be applicable to each account that is being restored and L Current Charges will be included on your monthly billing statement Some products require electronic billing as their official bill media. Group#000001 When electronic billing is the official bill media,an informational Sub-Account#831-000-1532783 statement may be sent containing some of the same information as the Charges for Subscriber/Router ID 0272347132 electronic bill. The informational statement is not your bill.However, 3178159263 if you choose to mail your payment instead of paying electronically,the 12120 BROOKSHIRE informational statement has a tear-off that can be used to submit your CARMEL,IN 46033 payment. Voice Over REGULATORY NEWS Recurring Charges: Apr 7,2016 thru May 6,2016 Attention California Customers: 1. Premium Feature Package 360.00 Qty:9.00 Minutes at 40.00 The following charges are"Government Fees and Taxes":Federal Excise 2.Telephone Numbers 3.00 Tax;CHCF-A,CHCF-B,Univ Lifeline Tele Sery Sur,Com Dev Fnd/Deaf& Qty:10.00 Minutes at.30 Disabled,California Teleconnect Fund,State 9-1-1 Surcharge,Utility User's Tax,and Local 911 Charge.. One Time Charges: 3.LO OffNet Charge 1.75 Thank You For Choosing AT&T Where Every Customer Counts! Qty:35.07 Items Total Voice Over IP 364.75 Return bottotn.portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. Printed on Recyclable Paper Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER M CITY OF CARMEL N N cn COu9 M .1�. N o N o c', An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by N Ln ib Q m whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units,price per unit,etc. - o . Mme ' on d o - Payee co �.� o. Z z m'a Purchase Order No. z Z a z Terms g 0 Date Due s s c cm Invoice Date Invoice# Description Amount o Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) s 04/11/16 287016109662X041 $208.61 c Y w 12016cm cc 1160 101 mYv - O 1-pZ JmW ZN=.. c3"= Z^U t,. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF CARMEL Page: 1 of 3 ATTN: MAYORS OFFICE Bill Cycle Date: 03/04/16-04/03/16 t&t 1 CIVIC SQ Account: 287016109662 CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Foundation Account: FAN 02581749 Invoice: 287016109662X04112016 Visit us online at: www.att.com/business Wireless Statement Break f ree Previous Balance $189.77 from Wi®FI. i Payment - 03/28 - Thank You! $189.77CR t Add a tablet to your Mobile Share Value"plan for$1a/mo.* . Adjustments $0.00 " Add a tablet today! Balance $0.00 Visit att.crom/moreatt . New Charges $208.61 Go to an AT&T store Samsung Galaxylab-48,0 Call 855..667.3406 Add Tablet#o Mobile Share Value®for S10/month:Re 's pian charge(starts at$20/mo:fa Total Amount Due $208.61 �acdfd'l. �MBofshareabledata)&$10/mo,accessdiargepertabl6t&anaccesschargeper.anyyother vice($10 to$40/mo.),Plan for svc only,Tablet Installment a other device purchase chars Fees monthly,overs9e&other charges&restr's apply.Coverage not avail.everywhere.SeeAmount Due in Full by Apr 26, 2016tcaNmsvforrates&details, 317 431 7477 .:. ,MAYOR Service B Summ' ary- Nation 900 with Rollover- Includes 900 Anytime Minutes, Service Page Total with Rollover, Nationwide Long Distance &Roaming, Unlimited Mobile to Mobile calling to/from other AT&T Mobiles, Wireless. $208.61 Unlimited Night(9pm-6am),& Weekend calling, Call Forward 317 431-7477 $208.61 1 Feature, Caller ID, Call Wait, Conference.Call Feature, Mobile Purchases & Downloads Detail, Basic Voice Mail Total New.Charges $208.61 Feature, (Additional Minutes $0.40 each). AT&T World Traveler(SM) - Includes Discounted voice roaming rates in more than 100 countries. Data Unlimited Intl RZ for Smartphone- Includes Unlimited.. data usage in international.Roam Zone(RZ) countries listed, at att.com/globatcountries. International data rate outside these countries is $.00195/kilobyte. DataPro 3G6 for Whone on 4G LTE with Visual Voicemail- Includes 3 gigabytes of domestic,data usage, S10 each additional 1 gigabyte of data usage. Unlimited data usage on the AT&T Wi-Fi Basic network.Video calling and Visual Voicemail available with compatible devices. GLOBAL—MESSAGING 200 - Includes.200 sent text, picture, Manage Your Account: video or instant messages(50.35 each additional message Online: att.com/myatt sent) while in select discounted countries. Pay-per-use Mobile App: att.com/myattapp international roaming messaging rates apply in all other Support: 800 331-0500 or 611 from your mobile device international countries. TTY: 866 241-6567 For.Important Information about your bill, please Messaging Unlimited - Includes Unlimited domestic text, see the News You Can Use section (Page 2). Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. wireless services provided by AT&T Mobility,LLC. Payments may take 7 days to post. TPO Printed on Recvclabre Paaor CITY OF CARMEL Page: 2 of 3 ATTN: MAYORS OFFICE Bill Cycle Date: 03/04/16-04/03/16 1 CIVIC SQ Account: 287016109662 a+Q,� CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Foundation Account: FAN 02581749 iA `VC Invoice: 287016109662X04112016 Visit us onti.ne at: www.att.com/business 317-431-74T7 Other Charges and-Credits - Continued 10. MB Data Overage at $10.00/1024MB 2,593 .30.00 1 Gigabyte(GB)=1024MB, 1 Megabyte(MB)=1024K6 picture, video and instant messages. Total Data Usage Summary 30.25 Monthly Charges - Mar 4.thru Apr .3 Surcharges and Other Fees 1. Nation 900 with Rollover 59.99 11. Administrative Fee 0.61 2. AT&T World Traveler(SM) 5.99 12: Federal Universal Service Charge 4.50 3. Data Unlimited Intl RZ for Smartphone 16.00 13. Indiana Universal Service 0.37 4. DataPro 3G13 for iPhohe on 46 LTE with Visual _ 30.00- 14. -Regulatory Cost-Recovery Charge 1.08 Voicemail 15. State Gross Receipts Surcharge 1.83 5. GLOBAL-MESSAGING-200 30.00 16. Telecom Relay Service Fund 0.03 6. Messaging Unlimited 20.00 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 8.42 Total Monthly Charges 161.98 Total Other.Charges & Credits 46.63 Other Charges and Credits Total for 317 431-7477 208.61 Account Activity Added 03/06 Total for Wireless accounts 208.61 7. Uverse Green 0.00 Voice Usage Summary Nation 900 with Rollover NeWS You Call-Use Total Minutes Used 331 Plan Minutes 900 . Mobile to Mobile Minutes Unlimited DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE Minutes Used 917 Calls to 411 (Directory Assistance) from your mobile device WILL be' Night &Weekend Minutes Unlimited entirely automated on or after April 19, 2016. Charges will remain Minutes Used 578 the same and will be assessed only when you are provided listing information. Please visit www.att.com/411automation for more Directory Assistance information. 8. Calls Billed at 51.99 4 7.96 STAY CONNECTED WITH LOVED ONES IN MEXICO Rollover Minutes Summary With AT&T Recharge, it's easy to add a.one-time voice,text, or data Last Month's Rollover Balance _ 6,695 - credit to-the-prepaid cell phone account of-a friend or family member Current Month Added to Rollover + 569 in Mexico and select Latin American and Caribbean countries without Expired Rollover Minutes' - 539 a credit card.AT&T postpaid wireless customers only. One purchase NEW ROLLOVER MINUTES BALANCE 6,725 per account per month. Purchase price,service charge and taxes billet " Unused,Rollover Minutes expire after 12 bill periods. to your AT&T wireless account. Other restrictions apply. See www.att.com/Legal/terms.attrechargeeuLa.htmI for complete detai 'Data Usage Summary Messaging Unlimited Unlimited EARN EXTRA DATA FROM YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS Used 2,906. Download, the free Data. Perks app to your smartphone and start earni data for oing things yu already do - downloading games and apps, TextMessaging shopping, and more. Compatible smartphone required. 9. Int'l Text Messaging Billed at $0.25 1 0.25 Data rates may apply to app download and use. Other restrictions apply. Learn more at www.att.com/dataperks. 3GB DATA Plan MB 3,072 TTY LIMITATIONS FOR 911 CALLS . MB Used 5,665 Due to technical limitations,Wi-Fi Calling and NumberSync ®2012 AT&T Intellectual Property.All rights reserved. 5811.015.159831.01.02.0000000 NYYNYNNY 005447.099751 I CITY OF CARMEL Page: 3 of 3 t&t ATTN: MAYORS OFFICE BIiL Cycle Date: 03/04/16-04/03/16 1 CIVIC SQ Account: 287016109662 . / CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Foundation Account: FAN 02581749 Invoice: 287016109662X04112016 Visit us online at: www.att.com/business your check for payment.Your original check will'be destroyed News You Caln .Use continued - once processed. If your check is returned unpaid you agree to pay such fees as identified in the terms and conditions of your cannot be,used with TTY.devices and will not support 911 calls AT&T Service Agreement, up to $30. Returned checks may be over TTY devices. Persons with communications disabilities presented electronically. If you want to save time and stamps, can still reach 911 services by either(1) calling 911 directly sign up for AutoPay at www.att.com/stoppaper using your using a TTY over the cellular network or a landline telephone,or checking account. It's easy, secure,and convenient! (2)sending a text message to 911 directly (in areas where text-to-911 is available) using a wireless device over the cellular TAX ID network, or(3) using relay services to place a TTY or Captioned AT&T Mobility Tax ID # 84-1659970. Telephone Service (CTS) call over the cellular network or a landline telephone,or(4) using relay,services to place a IP SURCHARGES AND OTHER FEES. Relay or IP CTS call over a cellular data or other IP network. In addition,to the monthly cost.of the rate plan and any- Visit www.att.com/wificalling and www.att.com/numbersync for selected features,AT&T imposes the following other charges, more information. on a per line basis:(1)federal and state universal service SURF,STREAM AND SHARE MORE THIS SPRINGTIME charges, (2) a Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge of up to $1.25 Play games at the park,shop from the bus or take your music on the to help defray its cost incurred in complying with obligations road.With Mobile Share VaLue(R) plans,you get truly shareable and charges imposed by state and federal telecom regulations, Rollover.DataSM,where data you don't use rolls over for use in the (3) an Administrative Fee to help defray certain expenses AT&T 'next month.You can use Rollover Data(SM) on up to 10 phones, incurs, such as interconnection and cell site rents and ---tablets and other wireless devices:Add a new smartphbne or tablet- maintenance;and (4)-other-government assessments,-including- today ssessments,including-today to play games, browse around or rock out from virtually without limitation a gross receipts surcharge and a Property Tax anywhere.Visit www.att.com/addaLine or call.800-449-1672. Allotment surcharge of 50.20- $0.45 applied per Corporate Responsibility User's assigned number.These fees are not taxes or government-required charges.See www.att.com/additionaLcharges. .Important Information,, AT&T NATL CENTER FOR CUSTOMERS WITH DISABILITIES LATE PAYMENT FEE Questions on accessibility by persons with disabilities: 866 241-6568. The late payment fee for consumer and Individual Responsibility User (IRU)-bills not paid in fullby the payment due date is $5. Late WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE payment fees for Corporate Responsibility User(CRU) accounts are AT&T, PO Box 1809, Paramus, NJ 07653-1809 applied according to applicable contracts. Do not send payments-to-this address. PAYMENT OPTIONS HOW DATA IS BILLED Use the myAT&T App" on your smartphone,visit att.com/bill to pay Data is rounded up to the nearest KB for each line on your invoice. your AT&T bills electronically,or via our Interactive Voice Then, for billing,each line is added together and the total is Response system free of charge anytime day or night by calling rounded up to the nearest MB at the end of each billing cycle. If your 800 288-2020. Payments made with an AT&T representative will be plan is changed during the month, data will be rounded up to the assessed a $5 convenience fee."Compatible device and account nearest MB for each plan. 1024KB = 1Megabyte(MB), registration.required. Messaging and data charges may apply for 1024MB = 1 Gigabyte (GB). download and usage. ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION Paying by check authorizes AT&T to use the information from your check to make'a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as your payment is received. If we cannot process the transaction electronically,you authorize AT&T to present an image copy of