HomeMy WebLinkAbout258328 05/06/16 �o�_F�gy �! \� . CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 356847 ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE JASON WENDZEL CHECK AMOUNT: $*******415.56* r, ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 8898 TORRANCE PLACE CHECK NUMBER: 258328 ��'lroii�`. FISHERS IN 46038 CHECK DATE: 05/06/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 - 4128000 011116 415.56 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT yl,em tWat_e:r tiS.oluti®iri =�US ►►., Inc. 7615 W. NEW YORK STREET INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46214 v Q Y C YOUR PURCHASE ORDER Tel.(317)273-4470 Fax:(317)273-4480 39666 INGOICE NO FUS NO. DgTE SHIPPED EERY NOTE 7,4 c 3A59290 D19511 26717Netw. _orkPlace ' ch1C�90��16�6 `312�7 INVOIEE LTATB J TRN WHS o PAYMENT TERMS 1i111e G67 4/19/16 F1 124 100% N30 FROM INVOICE RECEIVED Sold To: Cusxomer No 17 056:8 snip To: Global 8.0 83 7:::;:`:: APR 2 6 Z016 CARMEL-CLAY PARKS & RECREATION MMC - WEST 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E BY- 1235 CENTROL PARK DRIVE EAST CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 FREIGHT TERMS DAP(INCO) DELIVERY TERMS ORDER PROCESSED BY Jobsite No S & H Charge FLYGT—INDIANAPOLIS,IN BRA SHIP VIA ORDER TEXT CUSTOMER TEXT - -MOBILE--SERVICE-TECH— -_."- -TOTALCARE BRONZE FLOWRIDE _"-- -V-ick LeFeber- - --" - QUANTITY.UM SHIPPED i:. UNIT PRICE ;LINE..:......:::... :>; ITEM�QE:S.GRIPTION:;:: ........ ... NET.PR]:CE: EXTENDED.ANIOUN.T.. DISCQUNT/CHARG'E Quote# 2016-IND-0183 3/24/16 CUSTOMER SCHEDULED PM SERVIC FOR 4/16/16 . VL ON-SITE SERVICE CONTRACT PERFORMED ON 4/15/16 BY: CORBIN AND JERRY CARMEL WATER PARK (FLOW IDER) 7061/665 S/N: 1041088 CARMEL WATER PARK (FLOW IDER) 7061/6'65 S/N: 1161078 001 1400000690015A 1 1, 488 . 000 1,488 . 00 TOTAL CARE PM BRONZE-NO CAX TP EA MODELS: 3000, 7000, 8000 Increase by Set $ Valua 1, 488 . 00 002 1400000690008A 12 124 . 00 LABOR,MOBILE FLYGT,NOTAX Z5-TP EA MODELS: 3000 , 7000, 8000 Credit reduction %-Pos ' tion 100 . 000 SUB- OTAL OF POS TIONS 1, 488 . 00 ** ADD NO S & H CHARGE ** NET AMOUNT BEFORI TAXES USD 1, 488 . 00 O DER TOTAL USD -- 1, 488 . Q0 IMPORTANT-,This invoice is governed by and subject,to Xylem Water Solutions USA,Inc.General Terms and Conditions of Sale. Different terms are hereby rejected unless expressly assented to in writing. Terms are accessible at http://www.xylemwatersolutions.com/ses/usa/en-us/Pages/General-Terms-and-Condit ions-of-Sale.aspx VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts city Form No.201(Rev.1995) JASON WENDZEL ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER 8898 TORRANCE PLACE IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by FISHERS,IN 46038 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $415.56 Payee Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO#/Dept.1 INVOICENO. ACCT#1Fund AMOUNT Invoice Date Invoice# Description Amount Board Members Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 0 ( 41-280.00 $415.56 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 04/29/16 0 $415.56 1120 �` t.[ 6 (9 101 1120 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,May 02,2016 David Haboush Fire Chief Cost distribution ledger classification if I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance claim paid motor vehicle highway fund with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20_ Clerk-Treasurer https:l/owa.carmel an.gov/awa/WebReadyViewBody aspx?t=att&id=... City Of Carmel Tuition Reimbursement Application Form Part t (to be completed by employee) (Mase print Submit completed form to Department Head np"or to commencement of course) Employee Name Jason Wendzel Department Carmel SSN Hire Date 0412004 Educational Institution" Ivy Tech Community College Name of Course`* Introduction oti�l+r�ittli�fd■8et�ily CreditCredit Hours Starting Date of Course(monthiday/year) 011'11!2016 By signing below,I sigsrifythat I understand the following: The tuition reimbursement program is subject to the teens of Carrel City Code,Section 2-58. To receive reirnbursernent for tuition,t must submit evidence of payment for the'course and acopy of rrryfinat grade. To receive reimbursement for books, I must sutrrit an original itemized receipt or other proof of purchase that links these books to this particular course. : if I leave City of Carmel employee[ sooner than one (1)year after the end of this course, I will repay the City in full for its tuition and book reipturserrients for this course. : The tax status of rei rsemen mens sub' to federal law.,which may change from ti time Employee Signawre Date U 16 ~ r Parc I I (to be completed by Department Need) (Submit to Human Resources) By signing below t certify that the applicant MI have been employed full-time by the City for at least one(1) year prior to the commencement of the course and has not been subject to a disciplinary probation suspension or demotion vAthin 90 days prior to the bginning of the'course The final clam wifl be paid from my department's budget.subject to the term of Section 2-58 of CarmelZD(t e Department Head Signature t `W 6 lac r E I L4 Date 119116 Pert II It (to be completed by Director of Human Resources) Final Approval Date If denied, reason for denial ' 7M tuition reimbuisemert prograirs carv3r,only frit-semester courses offered through a degrea-ranting institution aoaedited by the North Cenint A:soeidion of Cdlegns and 5chods or an equivalent regional accradtor " An application will not be considered conoet2 unless a wunse de:cngtion frornthe sftoN Iheraturx is attached 1 of 1 1/8/201612:11 PM Campus Connect- Ivy Tech Community College Page 1 of 1 01-campus connect R� Back to Home Tab search facebook twitter bb 9.1 Gmail Groups Logout Help n NOUN, C04122090 Jason D Wendzel Spring 2016 Ivy Tech Community College - Official Apr 25, 2016 10:56 am Grades Student Information Current Program Associate of Applied Science Level: Undergraduate Program: Indianapolis Public Safety AAS Admit Term: Spring 2016 Admit Type: Readmit Catalog Term: Spring 2016 College: Ivy Tech i � Campus: Indianapolis Major: Public Safety Academic Standing: Undergraduate Course wooEnvironmental CRN Subject Course SectCampdFinalAttempted Earned GPA Quality Hours Points 42259 HSPS 104 OOHIndiana 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 J .; Undergraduate Summary Attempted Earned GPA Hours Quality Points GPA 9 Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 4.000 Cumulative: 39.000 39.000 39.000 156.00 4.000 Transfer: 8.400 8.400 0.000 0.00 0.000 Overall: 47.400 47.400 39.000 156.00 4.000 Select another Term RELEASE: 8.7.1 http://cc.ivytech.edu/cp/render.UserLayoutRootNode.uP?uP tparam=utf&utf--http%3A%2F%... 4/25/2016 From: helpdesk@ivytech.edu Subject: PayPath Payment Status Date: January 8,2016 at 4:03 PM To: ctvbtcfd@yahoo.com _.TouchNet-PayPath. Paym-ent-Service.-__.__- -------_____.---_----------___._____-------------.------_-----------.---..__�___._._. I � Thank you for using PayPath Payment Service! A payment was processed and posted successfully to your Ivy Tech Community College account. 3 - C Your credit card statement wilt reflect two transactions with.thefollowl ng information. PayPath'�Ivy Tech Community 'f College _ 54 p PayPath'Service Fee $14 28 l l Payment to ivy Tech Community ! College PayPath'Payme'M Service Fee:: $14.28 } Total payment amount. $533.73 , School name.,: Ivy Techm ."Coinmuty,College i Student`ID.' r" xxxocx2090 Payer name: Jason D INendzel I Bilking•address. 8898"Torrance:PI Billing city• - Fishers Bilhno state:. "_ IN: E Billmo postal code, 46038 i Email addmress _ ctvbtcfdC�ydho® coao' Phone nuber• 317-874-7890 Card: Visa Card number xxxxxxxxxxxx6185 4 Date and time.: 201'6 01-08 15:03.38_ l Brower seirintnet address: 68.50 181A2.7 l Reference number:: 20160108000330 Ivy Tech;Community College receipt 3502387 ID• 3 I Ivy Tech Community College Contact Information If you have any questions, please contact Ivy Tech Community College at: " CHASE i i 61850000250000170457000000005 P.O.BOX 15129 -. _.`= .....' WILMINGTON,DE ;. Payment Due Date .:021151161 1965x5123 New MinBalance: '$ 1,704 57 imumPyment _$26.001 Account numberAW0111111W6185 $ Amount Enclosed 20226 soc 201916 c Make your check payable to:Chase Card Services JASON D WENDZEL 8898 TORRANCE PL FISHERS IN 46038.3014 CARDMEMBER SERVICE PO BOX 94014 PALATINE IL 60094-4014 5000 160 28 18 5 5 CHASEEOManage your account online: Customer service: Moblle: Vissitchase.com freedom - www.chase.com/crediteafds � 1.800'945200 ® on your mablie browser 1 ACCOUNT SUMMARY _ PAYMENT INFORMATION ! Account Number. 41111111PNOW185 New Balance $1,704.57 Previous Balance $2,343.63 Payment Due Date 02/15/16 Payment,Credits -$2,343.63 Minimum Payment Due $25.00 Purchases +$1,704.57 Late Payment Warning:It we do not receive your minimum payment Cash Advances $0.00 by the date listed above,you may have to pay a late fee of up to$37.00. Balance Transfers $0.00 Minlmum Payment Warning:It you make only the minimum payment Overdrafts 00 each period,you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to payoff your balance. For example: Fees Charged $0.00 Interest Charged $0.00 New Balance $1,704.67 If you make no You will pay off the And you will end up additional charges using balance shown on paying an estimated Opening/Closing Date 12/19/15-01/18H6 this card and each this statement in total of... month you pay... about... Credit Access Line $14,760 Available Credit $13,045 Only the minimum 9 years $2,838 Cash Access Line $2,950 payment Available for Cash $2,950 $68 3 years $2,084 Past Due Amount $0.00 1 (Savings-$754) Balance over the Credit Access Line $0.00 If you would like information about credit counseling services,call 1-866.797-2885. CHASE.FREEDOM:ULTIMATE REWARDS®SUMMARY Previous points balance 11,869 Redeeming your points for Cash Back rewards is easy! +1%(1 Pt)f$1 earned on all purchases 1,705 For example,2,000 points=S20 Cash Back rewards. Points redeemed this statement period 10,000 To review your reward options visit =Total points available for redemption 3,064 chase.com/freedom. You always earn unlimited 1%cash back on all your purchases.Activate new bonus categories every quarter.You'll earn an additional 41/6 cash back,for a total of 59/6 cash back on up to$1,500 in combined bonus category purchases each quarter.Activate for free at chase.com/freedom,visit a Chase branch or call the number on the back of your card. _ACCOUNT ACTIVITY . Date of Transaction Merchant Name or Transaction Description $Amount PAYMENTS,AND OTHER CREDITS, - 01113 Paymant Thank You-Web .2,343.53 PURCHASES _ 12/18 SPEEDWAY 06066 889 FISHERS IN 16.47 12118 RICKER'S SITE 49 CARMEL IN 27.10 12(18 WAL-MART 55767 FISHERS IN 2.66 12118 MEIJER INC 0230 OD NOBLESVILLE IN 5207 12116 HAMILTON 16[MAX NOBLESVILLE IN 52.50 12118 MCDONALD'S F34738 NOBLESVILLE IN 5.43 12120 TARGET 00013608 FISHERS IN 19.68 12/20 SO'BRIDGEWAY COMMUNITY C Fishers IN 20.00 12/20 KROGER 4944 FISHERS IN 52.63 12120 MCALISTER'S DELI OF FISH FISHERS IN 6.48 12121 STARBUCKS#02768 FISHERS Fishers IN 5.35 12/22 PAYLESS LIQUORS#17 FISHERS IN 104.84 This Statement Is a Facsimile-Not an original 0000001 FIS33339 C 3 000 N Z 18 16101/18 P.S.1 d 2 00226 MAMA 20226 01810000030002022601 004 CHASED Manage your account online: 0-0111 rservlce: Mobile Ysitchase.com freedom- www.chme.comkieditcards 1-800.945.2000 ® on your moWa browser ACCOUNT ACTIVITY _ (CONTINUED) €' Date of Transaction Merchant Name or Transaction Description $Amount 12/21 POPEYES LOUISIANA FISHERS IN 7.55 12/27 STARBUCKS 902664 NOBLESVI Noblesville IN 26.00 12/27 DOLRTREE 3434 00034348 NOBLESVILLE IN 14.98 01/02 APL*ITUNES.COMBILL866-712.7753 CA 5.34 01/05 LOWES#101191'NOBLESVILLE IN 10.64 01/05 MCDONALD'S F34738 NOBLESVILI E IN 4.56 01/07 MCDONALD'S F32582 NOBLESVILLE IN 4.57 01/06 MW'HAMILTON SOUTHEASTERN 317-594-4100 IN 107.25 01/08 IVY TECH CC INDIANA 317.921.4800 IN 51_9.45 Ot/OB .13 01/09 GOODWILL STORE 22 NOBLESV 317-8831669 IN 2.12 01/09 NOBLESVILLE ANTIQUE MALL NOBLESVILLE IN 21.38 01/09 GOODWILL STORE 88 FISHERS 317-8421086 IN 4.24 01/11 GAN'INDIANANEWSPAPRCIR 888-426.0491 IN 9.35 01/11 HAMILTON 16 IMAX NOBLESVILLE IN 26.49 01/12 INDY TIRE#16 FISHERS IN 477.34 01/11 CHILI'S#511 NOBLESVILLE IN 23.49 01116 STARBUCKS#02758 FISHERS Fishers IN 4.30 2016 Totals Year-t6-Date Total fees charged in 2016 $0.00 Total Interest charged in 2016 $0.00 Year-to-date totals do not refloat any fee or Interest refunds you may have rece red. Your Annual Percentage Rate(APR)is the annual interest rate on your account. Annual Balance Balance Type Percentage Subject To Interest Rate(APR) Interest Rate Charges PURCHASES Purchases 13.49%(v) -0- 0- _ CASH ADVANCES Cash Advances 19.49%(v) -0- .0- BALANCE TRANSFERS Balance Transfer 13.49°,6(v) -0- -0- OVERDRAFTS Overdraft Advances 19.49%(v) -0- -0- (v)=Variable Rate 31 Days In Billing Period Please see Information About Your Account sectlan for the Calculation of Balance Subject to Interest Rete,Annual Renewal Notice,How to Avoid Interest on Purchases,and other important information,as applicable. IMPORTANT NEWS Get 51/6 cash back on up to S1,500 In combined purchases at gas stations and on local commuter transportation from January 1 to March 31,2016. Activate at chase.comlfreedom or call 1-800.524.3880 by March 14,2016. JASON 0 WENDZEL This Statement is a Falk?-Not an original Statement Date: 01116/18 0000001 RS33=0 3 000 N Z 18 16/01/18 Page 2 of 2 00226 MA MA 20228 01810000030002022602