HomeMy WebLinkAbout258304 05/06/16 +ur c�qM v;/ CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 369942 `. CHECK AMOUNT: $********17.99* ONE CIVIC SQUARE LARA MULPAGANO �_� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 4989 BUCKEYE CT CHECK NUMBER: 258304 M,�TONi�. CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 05/06/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4343003 042216 14.00 TRAVEL & LODGING 851 5023990 042316 3.99 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) LARA MULPAGANO ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER 4989 BUCKEYE CT IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by CARMEL,IN 46033 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $14.00 Payee Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due Invoice Date Invoice# Description Amount PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/Fund AMOUNT Board Members Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) I h I 43-430.03 I $14.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 05/02/16 0 $14.00 1120 101 1120 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except (�Monday,May 02,2016 /✓Gn.�!� � � .;/cmc David Haboush Fire Chief Cost distribution ledger classification if I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance claim paid motor vehicle highway fund with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20_ Clerk-Treasurer 10 FD ''4� C INTERNATIONAL April 18-23, 2016 * Indianapolis, IN, USA Schedule of Events Sunday, April 17, 2016 3:OOPM —7:OOPM Registration, Indiana Convention Center Monday, April 18, 2016 6:OOAM —5:OOPM Registration, Indiana Convention Center 6:30AM & 12:OOPM H.O.T. Evolutions Staging/Bus Loading, Indiana Convention Center/Wabash W Lobby 8:OOAM —5:OOPM H.O.T. Evolutions 8:OOAM —5:30PM H.O.T. Workshops, Indiana Convention Center Tuesday, April 19, 2016 6:OOAM —5:OOPM Registration, Indiana Convention Center 6:30AM & 12:OOPM H.O.T. Evolutions Staging/Bus Loading, Indiana Convention CenterMabash W Lobby 8:OOAM —5:OOPM H.O.T. Evolutions 8:OOAM —5:30PM H.O.T. Workshops, Indiana Convention Center Wednesday, April 20, 2016 7:OOAM —6:OOPM Registration, Indiana Convention Center& Lucas Oil Stadium 8:OOAM — 10:OOAM Opening Ceremony, Indiana Convention Center, Sagamore Ballroom 10:30AM —7:15PM Classroom Sessions, Indiana Convention Center& Lucas Oil Stadium 4:OOPM Firefighter Combat Challenge Exhibitor Relay, South Street Thursday, April 21 , 2016 7:30AM —6:OOPM Registration, Indiana Convention Center& Lucas Oil Stadium 8:OOAM — 10:OOAM General Session, Indiana Convention Center, Sagamore Ballroom 10:30AM FDIC International/FAMA Showcase, Indiana Convention Center- 500 Ballroom 10:30AM —5:15PM Classroom Sessions, Indiana Convention Center& Lucas Oil Stadium 12:OOPM —6:OOPM Exhibit Hall Open, Lucas Oil Stadium & South Street 1:OOPM —6:OOPM Exhibit Hall Open, Indiana Convention Center 1:OOPM —3:30PM Firefighter Combat Challenge, South Street 6:OOPM Courage and Valor Fun Run, White River State Park Friday, April 22, 2016 8:OOAM —5:OOPM Registration, Indiana Convention Center& Lucas Oil Stadium 8:30AM — 12:15PM Classroom Sessions, Indiana Convention Center& Lucas Oil Stadium 9:OOAM —5:OOPM Exhibit Hall Open, Lucas Oil Stadium& South Street 10:OOAM —5:OOPM Exhibit Hall Open, Indiana Convention Center 1:OOPM —3:30PM Firefighter Combat Challenge, South Street 1:30PM NFFF 9/11 Stair Climb, Lucas Oil Stadium Saturday, April 23, 2016 8:OOAM —2:OOPM Registration; Indiana Convention Center& Lucas Oil Stadium 9:OOAM —2:OOPM Exhibit Hall Open, Indiana Convention Center, South Street& Lucas Oil Stadium 10:OOAM — 12:30PM Firefighter Combat Challenge, South Street "*Times are tentative and subject to change am WELCOME JO- MERCHAMTS CARRCE hEASE KEEP THIS TICKET WITH YOU Entered: 2016/04/22 12:48 Ticket*:48277858 Dur/Duree:2:40:84 Paid On: 2016/04/22 15:29 Paid:$ 14.00 Original Fee:$ 14.00 CST:$ 0.80 PST:$ 0.80 Change:$ 0.00 UISA SC:$ 0.00 Merchant ID: •*******rr**0814 S UISA Sequ 187188295 00805 Purchase 16/04/22 15:97:89• Ruth* 084588 APPROUED 4y mz, Evens, 1 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) LARA MULPAGANO ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER 4989 BUCKEYE CT IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by CARMEL,IN 46033 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $3.99 Payee Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO#/De Invoice Date Invoice# Description Amount t. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/Fund AMOUNT p Board Members Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 0 I 50-239.90 I $3.99 05/02/16 0 $3.99 851 6Zf p�7j rn s1 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 851 851 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,May 02,2016 Va,®r }zS. -:2k , ,,A David Haboush Fire Chief Cost distribution ledger classification if I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance claim paid motor vehicle highway fund with IC 5-11-10-1.6 .,20— Clerk-Treasurer