HomeMy WebLinkAbout258408 05/10/16 ��,4Ap�! CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 353981 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GALLS INC.-CHICAGO ` . CHECK AMOUNT: $*******342.21* r. _� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 71628 CHECK NUMBER: 258408 9M��ioN�� CHICAGO IL 60694-1628 CHECK DATE: 05/10/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4356001 005245378 6.50 UNIFORMS 1110 4356001 33770 005245378 335.71 CLOTHING ITEMS VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 GALLS INC.-CHICAGO PO BOX 71628 IN SUM OF$ CHICAGO, IL 60694-1628 32 2- ON ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police P=#J- Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/Fund AMOUNT Board Members 0- 005245378 j 43-560.01 j $335.71 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 101 _ bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the Lk "` �" �`" materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, April 29, 2016 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit,etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Date Invoice# Description Amount Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 04/19/16 005245378 uniform for Elliott $335.71 1110 101 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer !V4ALZ.�^ INVOICE BILLING INQUIRIES (866)286-1358 ACCOUNT NUMBER 4876134 PO Box 54430 TERMS NET 30 Lexington,KY 40555-4430 INVOICE NUMBER 005245378 INVOICE DATE 04/19/2016 DUE DATE 05/19/2016 SHIP VIA UPS Ground PO# 33770 Billing Questions:AR@Galls.com SALES ORDER 5892730 F.O.B.Shipping Point Page 1 of 1 229 1 MB 0.419 E0229X 10444 DI 704594846 P3229521 0001:0001 111111111111 Jill 1111III'1111111111111111"11111111111111111111111 SHIP TO: BLAINE MALLABER CARMEL POLICE DEPT CARMEL POLICE DEPT 3 CIVIC SQ 3 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032-2584 CARMEL IN 46032 ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION WHS QTY PRICE TOTAL JA432 BLK 2X______--_ _ __ __511 TACTICAL 5 IN-1 DUTY__ _ LEX. 1_ .212.49. __ —__212.49_. SW439 DKNY 2X REG 511 TACTICAL UNIFORM S/S POLO SHIRT LEX 1 33.99 33.99 SW456 DKNV 2X REG 511 TACTICAL PROFESSIONAL US POLO LEX 1 38.24 38.24 TR135 BLK 44 32 5.11 Tactical Pants LEX 1 42.49 42.49 SUBTOTAL: 327.21 1Z4109850317277639 SHIPPING: 15.00 TAX: 0.00 CREDITS/PREPAYMENTS: 0.00 TOTAL CHARGES CURRENT SHIPMENT: $342.21 CREDIT TERMS: Any extension of credit is based upon all amounts payable on or before the due date on any written, quoted, or agreed terms will be paid in accordance with such terms and if not paid on or before such., due date, are then delinquent. It is understood that Galls, LLC may impose and charge a finance charge which is the lesser of one and one-half percent (1 1/2%) per month or the highest rate allowed by law on any amount which becomes past due and delinquent. Additionally, the Debtor shall be- responsible for all collection costs, court costs and reasonable attorney's fees (where allowed by law) in connection with the recovery of any delinquent amount. The Debtor agrees to provide Creditor, upon request, with an updated application as a condition to the continued extension of credit. The Debtor agrees to provide updated financial information upon request. The Debtor acknowledges and agrees that Creditor may utilize outside credit reporting services/financial institutions to obtain information on the Debtor as a condition to the continued extension of credit. Should credit availability be granted by the Creditor, all decisions with respect to the extension or continuation of credit shall be at the sole discretion of the Creditor. Creditor may terminate any credit availability within its sole discretion. The Debtor understands that the continued solvency of the Debtor is a precondition to any sale made by the Creditor. Upon request from time to time, the Debtor agrees to provide Creditor a statement representing that the Debtor is and remains solvent. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: The Debtor agrees to pay for all purchases according to the terms of Creditor. All sales are made subject to Creditor's terms and conditions of sale and Creditor objects to any different or additional terms or conditions contained in the Debtor's purchase order or any other document submitted by the Debtor. No terms or conditions different from or in addition to the terms of Creditor will become part of any sales agreement, purchase order, or other document unless specifically approved in writing by Creditor. Creditor and_Debtor agree that Creditor does not have authorization to charge the Debtor's account until such time as ordered merchandise is delivered. Conditions for freight shall be F.O.B. shipping point with the risk of loss or damage shifting to the Debtor upon Creditor's delivery to the Debtor or common carrier: Items returned without prior approval may not be accepted and all returns maybe subject to a restocking charge at the sole discretion of the Creditor. Payments may be applied against open balances at.the sole discretion of the Creditor. Returned checks maybe assessed a $25 service.fee. Open cash credit balances of$25 or less must be used for future purchases. Credit memo's are non refundable. Credit memos may be applied to open invoices at the Creditor's sole discretion. All accounts shall be due and payable in the bank lockbox designated by the Creditor. Creditor reserves the right to cease extension of credit without notice or to change terms of payment pursuant to any disclosure by Debtor accordina to Section 409 of the Sarbanes-Oxlev Act. In event of litiaation. sole 0 INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT Page 1 of t ® � me CERTIFICATE NO.003120155 002 0 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 33770 ONE CIVIC.SQUARE 35-6000972 THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES,AIP CARMEL,:INDIANA 46032=2584 VOUCHER,-DELIVERY MEMO,PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE . FORM.APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS:FOR CITY OF CARMEL-1997 PURCHASE,ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENpOR N0. DESCRIPTION. 4/8/2016 353981 . GALLS INC.-CHICAGO Carmel Police VENDOR :'PO BOX 71628 . SHIP 3.Civic Square TO. Carmel,:IN.-46032- - CHICAGO;IL 60694--A628:. CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT.- PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT.OFMEASURE DESCRIPTION. -UNITPRICE EXTENSION.: Department: 1110 Account:. 43-560:01 • Fund: 101 Gener rtmal Fund 1 Each 5 in.1.jacket $212.49 $212.49: 1 Each long sleeve shirt $38.24 $38.24: 1_ Each. short.sleeve,shirt: $33:99 $33:99. 1. Each. tactical pant -$50.99 $50:99 Sub Total. $335.71 Co;Ae ✓ I Send Invoice.To:- Carmel Police `�,• 3 Civic SquareIV - Carmel,IN 46032 _. � PLEASE INVOICE-IN DUPLICATE _ DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT. PROJECT PROJECT.ACCOUNT J AMOUNT PAYMENT - $335:7.1 SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE AP.PROVED.FOR PAYMENT.UNLESS THE P.O..NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY.INVOICE•AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN 'SHIP PREPAID. : AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN 'C.O.D.SHIPMENT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. THI:�PROP RIATION S FICIENT TO PAY F THE ABOVE ORDER. 'PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL SHIPPING LABE . 'THISORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99;ACTS 194 AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. ORDERED BY - - TITLE CONTROL NO. 33770 CLERK-TREASURER PACKING LIST-DO NOT PAY FROM THIS COPY 1340 Russell Cave Road Regular Lexington, KY 40505 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1-800-477-7766 www.galls.com ORDER NO: 5892730-1 3004693329 BLAINE MALLARER CARMEL POLICE DEPT Pkt Ctrl Nbr CARMEL POLICE DEPT 3 CIVIC SQUURE BLAINE MALLABER CARMEL IN 46032-2584 3004693329 3 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: 4 w This transaction may contain commodities restricted by the United States International Trade Regulations. If,at a later date,you,your business or agency decide these commodities will be exported from the United States,then please reference the United States Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security Export Administration Regulations(15CFR 730-774),the United States Department ofState International Traffic in Arms Regulations(22 CFR 120-130),as well as any other applicable laws. These laws apply to private,commercial and government agency export transactions.As an exporter,you,your business or agency,will be responsible for compliance with all U.S.laws relating to the export of these items. • • DESCRIPTION • • 04DF13AA02_-----1-.00 ---JA432-BLK-2X-k ___--- -- 511-TACTICAL-5-IN-1 DiTPy____.___- __. _ _.__--_ __ �__ __-,._.__ _.212-.49- 212:49-. -04BJ19AA01 --- -1:-00 ---•SW439 DKNV-2X-•REG- --- -511•TAG TICAL-UNIFORM-S/S-POLO SHIRT -- ----_._a-__ 33:99- 33:99-- -04BJ02AA01 1:00----SW456 DKNV--2X-REG-- - - 511-TACTICAL-PROFESSIONAL-L/S POLO - — -----38.24 38:24--- -04CF28AA015------1:00 ---TR135-BLK-44-32----- ------5,11 Tactical--Pants --- - --- -- - - -- - —_ ---42:49-- -------42.49-- SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR PRE-AUTHORIZED RETURN FORM 01FO1213ASD - --------- ------- - - - ------- Galls 1 OF 1 PAGES 1340 Russell Cave Road Lexington, KY 40505 1-800-477-7766 Net Product $ 327.21 www.galls.com galls.com/pages/returns Tax 0.00 P & H 15.00 Total Shipment $ 342.21 OA 342.21 Cust. Phone#: - 04/18/2016 04/19/2016 10:46:32 1604180964 LEX CARMEL POLICE DEPT CARMEL IN 46032-2584 Order: 5892730-1 PO #: 33770 "NO CALUPREAUTHORIZED RETURN FORM Please complete the section below so we can accurately process your return. For a Damaged or Defective product,please contact Customer Service at the phone number listeerrun this corresponding page. 1.Enclose this form along with all necessary information inside the package. 2.Return item in its original packaging and place within a second box(to prevent damage).Tape securely. 3.Ship FedEx,UPS,or insured mail,prepaid. NO C.O.D.s WILL BE ACCEPTED.Save all of your shipping receipts for proof of delivery. 4.Go to website(listed on the corresponding page)to print a flat-rate USPS or UPS return label. RETURNED MERCHANDISE REASON ITEM# COLOR/SIZE QTY CODE PLEASE GIVE DETAILED REASON FOR RETURN PRICE A. Wrong style/color size E. Not as advertised J. Does not work N. Garment shrinkage B. Personalization error F. Did not fit K. Quit working after use 0. Garment fading REFUND TOTAL C. Parts missing G. Soiled L. Colors don't match P. Did not order this item D. Items omitted H. Damaged package M. Garment construction Q. Not my order I. Broken(package not damaged) ACTION REQUESTED EXCHANGE REPAIR CREDIT REPLACE REFUND (TO ORIG. PAYMENT METHOD) ITEM# COLOR/SIZE QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT Payment for Additional Items or Exchanged Difference TOTAL FOR NEW MERCHANDISE Check Enclosed P.O.Enclosed Credit Card LESS REFUND Card# 3-digit security code(on back of card) NEW TOTAL Exp.Date TAX Signature TOTAL DESTINATION CONTROL STATEMENT These commodities were exported from the U.S.in accordance with the Export Administrations,the ITAR and OFACregulations.Diversion contrary to U.S.Law is prohibited.These commodities are authorized forexport by the U.S.Government only to the country of ultimate destination indicated in the shipping address.They may not be resold,diverted,transferred,transshipped,or otherwise be disposed ofin any other country,eitherin their original form or after being incorporated through an intermediate process into other end-use items,withoutprior written approval ofthe U.S.Department ofState. NO HASSLE GUARANTEE From: Providing quality products to professionals who protect and serve the public is our core purpose.If you aren't satisfied with a newly purchased item,simply return it to us so we can repair it,replace it,or refund your money.You don't even have to call us to return an item!Simply follow these instructions. Printable flat-rate USPS or UPS return labels are available on our website.A deduction will be made from your credit/refund amount and a copy of the charge will be emailed to you.(Refer to the website for current rates and instructions).If your return credit/refund is in an amount less than the applicable shipping cost,your original pay method will be charged the difference.If Phone: you choose notto use our return label,we recommend that you insure your package and ship it by a method that can be tracked. To assure speedy handling,ship product directly to the address listed on the bottom right of this form. Order#: We will credit/refund the value of the item and any taxes you were charged(except where an item is repaired and returned to you).Original shipping charges are non-refundable unless the return is related to our error. Special order items or items that have been altered,decorated,engraved,customized,or otherwise embellished at the request of a customer cannot be returned unless the return is related to our error. All clearance items are sold"as is"and cannot be returned. A Returns Authorization number is required for ALL purchases made by government agencies or business customers;please RETURNS DEPARTMENT contact your assigned account manager or customer service representative. 1340 RUSSELL CAVE ROAD Many products have manufacturers'warranties.For returns relating to matters covered by a manufacturers'warranty you can LEXINGTON,KY 40505-3114 contact the manufacturer directly or our Customer Service Department at the phone number above to coordinate the repair or return on any such item.Please refer to our website for specific man ufacturers'contact information. • Original Packing Receipt should accompany all returns or the return must include the original order number associated with the return.