HomeMy WebLinkAbout258486 05/10/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359064 .j; ® , ONE CIVIC SQUARE OGLETREE DEAKINS CHECK AMOUNT: $*****2,500.00* ��o CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 89 CHECK NUMBER: 258486 MUTON�. COLUMBIA SC 29202 CHECK DATE: 05/10/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4350900 1503944 2,500.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) OGLETREE DEAKINS ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 89 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by COLUMBIA,SC 29202 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $2,500.00 Payee Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO#/Dept.1 INVOICENO. ACCT#/FundInvoice Date Invoice# Description Amount AMOUNT Board Members Dept. Fund# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 1503944 I 43-509.00 I $2,500.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 04/29/16 1503944 $2,500.00 1120 101 1120 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,May 02,2016 David Haboush Fire Chief Cost distribution ledger classification if I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance claim paid motor vehicle highway fund with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer MEMORANDUM TO: Chief Haboush, Carmel Fire Department FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Coun C RE: Ogletree Deakins Invoice No. 1503944 General Labor and Employment DATE: April 13, 2016 Barb, Attached is Ogletree Deakins Invoice No. 1503944 in the amount of$3,740.50 regarding general labor and employment legal services. Please prepare a purchase order to Ogletree Deakins in the amount of$2,500.00 in payment of half of this invoice. The remaining$1,240.50 should be written off. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. Thanks. /ab Attachment [eb:tmword:r.VharedMbennettka mneybutsidemu lbgletree dealdnslgeneml labor&employment p1503944.dmA/13/16] OGLETREE,DEAKINS,NASH, Oqletree SMOAK&STEWART,P.C. Attorneys at Law Deakins Administrative Office Patewood Building IV 50 International Drive,Suite 200 March 16, 2016 Greenville,South Carolina 29615 Telephone: 864.241.1900 Facsimile: 864.23 5.4649 Douglas C. Haney, Esq. www.ogletreedeakiAs.com City of Carmel Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Invoice# 1503944 Matter# 028005-000000 Re: City of Carmel- General Labor and Employment For professional services rendered through February 29, 2016, in connection with the above- referenced matter as outlined on the attached detailed billing sheets: Fees...................................................................................................................................$3,740.50 Expenses ..................................................................................................................................$0.00 TotalDue This Invoice....................................................................................................$3,740:50 PLEASE REMIT TO: Ogletree,Deakins,Nash, Smoak& Stewart,P.C. Post Office Box 89 Columbia,SC 29202 Federal ID#57-1044820 Payable upon receipt. Direct inquiries to the billing attorney or the Account Services Department(864)241-1900. Atlanta • Austin • Berlin (Germany) - Birmingham - Boston • Charleston Charlotte - Chicago • Cleveland Columbia - Dallas • Denver • Detroit Metro Greenville - Houston • Indianapolis • Jackson - Kansas City • Las Vegas • London (England) • Los Angeles • Memphis • Mexico City (Mexico) • Miami Minneapolis • Morristown • Nashville • New Orleans • New York City Orange County • Philadelphia Phoenix • Pittsburgh Portland Raleigh Richmond• St Louis • St Thomas - San Antonio • San Diego - San Francisco • Seattle - Stamford- Tampa•Toronto (Canada) - Torrance•Tucson•Washington Ogletree Page 2 03/16/16 Deakins Invoice No. 1503944 028005-000000-JSM Douglas C. Haney,Esq. City of Carmel Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: City of Carmel- General Labor and Employment For professional services rendered through February 29,2016: Date Initials Description Hours Amount 02/24/16 JSM Exchange emails with Doug Haney regarding 0.40 148.00 Fire Department overtime issue,review proposed. solution from Barb Lamb, and phone call Mr. Haney regarding same. 02/25/16 AR Email correspondence with Jan Michelsen and 0.30 153.00 Karen.Morinelli regarding wage and hour inquiry. 02/25/16 KMM Review email regarding wage and hour issue for 0.30 127.50 firefighters and review CFD website regarding wages and schedule of firefighters. 02/25/16 JSM Draft inquiry to wage and hour group regarding 0.40 148.00 firefighter overtime and review related information available in knowledge management. 02/25/16 JSM Review available wage and hour opinion letters 0.30 111.00 on topic, email Doug Haney,Al Robinson, and Karen Morinelli, and prepare for conference call regarding same. 02/26/16 JSM Exchange several emails with Doug Haney, 0.40 148.00 Chief Haboush, Barbara Lamb, Karen Morinelli, and Al Robinson regarding FLSA issues and meeting regarding same. 02/28/16 AR Telephone conference and e-mail 1.50 765.00 correspondence with Karen Morinelli regarding e-mail inquiry from Carmel Fire Department and various policies,work schedules, etc.to assess strategies Ogletree 03/16/16 DMdns Invoice No. 1503944 028005-000000-JSM Date Initials Description Hours Amount 02/28/16 KMM Review Carmel Fire Department information in 1.10 467.50 preparation for call with Al Robinson. 02/28/16 KMM Conference call with Al Robinson regarding 0.80 340.00 FLSA issues for Carmel Fire Department. 02/28/16 KMM Review additional documents and prepare draft 0.80 340.00 questions for upcoming conference call with client. 02/29/16 AR E-mail correspondence with Jan Michelsen and 0.50 255.00 Karen Morinelli regarding follow-up questions and information in connection about strategy to 02/29/16 AR Read and review documents and information 0.50 255.00 from Carmel,IN Fire Department. 02/29/16 KMM Review answers to questions and additional 0.70 297.50 information provided by Chief Haboush to prepare for conference call with client. 02/29/16 JSM Receive,review, and exchange emails from 0.50 185.00 Chief Haboush,Barb Lamb, Karen Morinelli, and Al Robinson in preparation for conference call. Total Services 8.50 $3,740.50 Timekeeper Summary Timekeeper Title Rate Hours Amount Alfred Robinson Shareholder 510.00 2.80 1,428.00 Karen Maryellen Morinelli Shareholder 425.00 3.70 1,572.50 Jan S.Michelsen Shareholder 370.00 2.00 740.00 TOTAL FEES $3,740.50 TOTAL EXPENSES $0.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $3,740.50