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260396 07/07/16
a 4Qq / 4"• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358491 '�• ONE CIVIC SQUARE ARABITERMITE&PEST CONTROL CHECK AMOUNT: $****"""125.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD CHECK NUMBER: 260396 S��TUN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46205 CHECK DATE: 07/07/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4350100 212360 75.00 BUILDING REPAIRS K--MA 110 4350100 212980 50.00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA Voucher No. Warrant No. Allowed 20 358491 Arab Termite & Pest Control, Inc. 4035 Millersville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46205 In Sum of$ $ 125.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center/110 Park Facilities PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1093 212360 4350100 $ 75.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 110 212980 4350100 $ 50.00 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except June 30, 2016 Signature $ 125.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I P'iSE=E � . LERVICE AB T� IT & PEST CONTROL, INC. "'CALL NAPOLIS (317) 45-1275 GREENWOOD (317).888-.1999 MILLERSVILLE QAD ANDERSON (76.5) 642-4208 NAPOLIS; IN 6205 MARION (765),664-6812 American Owned and Operated Since 1929 eeabug.ne MUNCIE (765) 282=7600 Service Location: MONON CENTER PARK I TICKET P.O. No: cl SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES 1235 CENTRAL PARK E Previous Balance75.00 CARMEL IN 46032 REC TV °D 201-PEST CONTROL 75.00 Phone No: 848-7275 573-.5254 JUN .8 0 2016 Customer No: 200134 Sales Tax `- 0.00. ' BY: Invoice No: 212360 Total Due( Js /:r � w ', 150.00 ``�, Date: 06/20/2016 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS $25 Refer a r1e_n $25 LEAVE INVOICE Name LOG BOOK 1 r Phone No. r r :.Street Address City/State/Zip My Name/Account No. r r --------------------------------------- .—Material / Product EPA# Qty % COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS '1 i✓t.t J : .J. � �'� .�S�J .. •©� � ��r�����,>�( IUB C C.I t� � 4�t E�1,;_tci �4 .� c ao.?2•e�-{.�;eC I60—iGsi (� i .� .Gil �VJQ21 , cam, zf( e—d ;0 �(' >ll�� G9� G�'tE', C C J Invoice: 212360 Invoice: 212.360 Invoice: 212360 Route No. 0- Technician's Name -f-a�,i!•l6wrcfrs 1 1 t I '�h` '� - Technician's License Number £ 1 Time In Time Out (J r 4'U Date 06/20/2016 Services Completed Satisfactorily(sign below) Technician's Signature ' ,Aftstomer's Signature X ✓" �` Service Location: Please tear off and send all payments to: MONON CENTER PARKARAB Termite and Pest-Control Inc. Payment Collected Date 1235 CENTRAL PARK E 4035 Millersville Road �EARMEL IN 46032 Indianapolis, IN 46205, Pd El Cash ❑ Check# Tech Signature 'C%Vjomer No: 2001347 Invoice No: 212360 Total This Invoice: 75.00 Date: 06/20/2016 Past Due Balance: 75.00 Billing Phone NO: 848-7275 573-5254 Total Due: 150:00 •.' MONON CENTER PARK This bill is due and payable upon receipt.. A service charge of 11/2% per month will be 1235 CENTER PARK E charged on accounts past 30 days. ;`CARMEL IN 46032 RETURNED CHECKS WILL INCUR A FEE. 06/14/2016, ` ATPC-05-0412 ^ SEE ABUG ' AR- T-E ITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. ..e':ALL°i S09 INDIANAPOLIS 317 45-1275 GREENWOOD 317 888-1999 4035 MILLERSVILLE OAD ANDERSON (765) 642-4208 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 4 05 MARION (765) 664-6812 American Owned and Operated Since 1929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282-7600 Service Location: FOUNDERS PARK(WILFONG PAVILI ICE TICKET P.O. N®: SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES 11675 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY Previous Balance 0.00 CARMEL IN 46033 C` i IVF-D 201-PEST CONTROL E-00 Phone No: 573-4026,573-5239 I - JUN! 4 &I Q 2016 Customer No: 4306024 Sales Tax BY: 0.00 Invoice No: -- 0 Total Due 50.00 Date: 06/27/2016 :�• _ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Friend$25 Refer a $25MONTHLY SERVICE. CALL MIKE KILPATRICK TO SCHED A DAY AHEAD 573-5239 r Name r -- � - ; I. w 0 r r CALL 317-753-7971 (CELL) WHEN ON YOUR WAY Phone No. ; SVC BTW 10-2 Street Address r r City/State/Zip My Name/Account No. <- r r r r --------------------------------------- Material / Product EPA# Qty % COMMENTS AND�RECOMMENDATIONS Y !" IYR•�rGl�- if C 5e' _ . nL` l., �- t�, (I 1 i n "� r --i^� 1!1 1�-1�_l l r/1 .fi f E_...--r !% ^t.I! - i- l u>f".v.}/{ f. i t'�6� '�✓i Y t1 "i 1. t� iC'L iA l C / I1 r--�I rr r, —0 11 Invoice: 212980 Invoice: 212980 Invoice: 212980 Route No. 04 Technician's Name Travis Flo rs:: -.r r-, r/, s r Technician's License Number Time In a o r ,= Time Out 1C� '2 Date 06/27/2016 'Services Completed Satisfactorily(sign below) Technician's Signature r- :n'- Customer's SignaturexCb 0 i q 1 g c Service Location: Please tear off and send all payments to: FOUNDERS PARK(WIL'FONG PAVIIARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. Payment Collected Date 11675 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY 4035 Millersville Road ' CARMEL IN 46033 Indianapolis, IN 46205 Pd ❑ Cash ❑ Check# Tech Signature Customer No: 4306024 Invoice No: 212980 Total This Invoice: 50.00 Date: 06/27/2016 Past Due Balance: 0.00 Billing Phone No: 573-4026,573-5239 573-4026 Total Due: 50.00 CARMEL CLAY PARKS This bill is due and payable upon receipt. PAULA SCHLEMMER A service charge of 11/2% per month will be i 1411 E. 116TH ST charged on accounts past 30 days. CARMEL IN 46032 RETURNED CHECKS WILL INCUR A FEE. 06/27/2016,1, m• - - ATPC-05-0412