HomeMy WebLinkAbout260393 07/07/16 yo.�,q+. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366118 ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE AYE-PAK PRODUCTS INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******605.82* s =�; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 12602 DOUBLE EAGLE DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 260393 9 SITU*�� CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 07/07/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4238900 A-5916 246.31 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 1125 4238900 A-5935 232.07 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 1093 4238900 A-5941 127.44 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES Voucher No. Warrant No. 366118 Ace-Pak Products Inc. Al owed 20 12602 Double Eagle Drive Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of$ $ 605.82 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund /109 Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1125 A5916 4238900 $ 246.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 1125 A5935 4238900 $ 232.07 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the 1093 A5941 4238900 $ 127.44 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except ri June 30, 2016 Signature $ 605.82 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund A�C�E� PyIPRITS INC. I VOICE 12602 DoSbte�Eagle Dnve 37 ��� Invalce�Numbe; A CarmellY,4603�3�`�� �>, ^� IAJN} JB 274 � 2016 016 I n Pae ce�Date �3�,�`Jyn 14,20,16��� Voice: (317)614-7575 Duplicate Fax: (317)614-7574 BY' Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation 1411 East 116th Street 1427 East 116th Street Carmel, IN,46032 Attn: Park Maintanence USA Carmel, IN 46032 USA Customer ID „ustomer Payment Terms 031502 XX-3925 Net 30 Days Sales`Rep IDS Siiippmg ethod = Ship Date Due:Date Hand Deliver 6/14/16 7/14/16 _Quantity _ ltem Desc�ptior� _ Backorder Qty ;l1n�t Price Amount K _ 8.00 15604349 CAN LINER BLK43"X48" 26 MIC 18.49 147.92 100/CS U WCS 1.00 63000802 PINE SOL 144 OZ 3/CS UM/CS 29.49 29.49 10.00 63001043F NITRILE GLOVE POWDE FREE LG 6.89 68.90 100BOX UMBOX Subtotal 246.31 Sales Tax Freight Total Invoice Amount 246.31 Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied �.ucs :sn.,ia =TOTAL - 241 AC n�-PAKJPR.0:Q S INC. `_. 12602 DoubldE�gtd�Dnue <} x x, Carmel, fN 46033 " =242m Invo�ce Numbef 5935' In�o�ce t]atef yJuri 21 20t1g6�"b°� - ,. Yr � .amu.-..c .u�p ` § ' Page. 1 Voice: (317)614-7575 Duplicate Fax: (317)614-7574 Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation 1411 East 116th Street 1427 East 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 Attn: Maintenance USA Carmel, IN 46032 USA Customer ID. wv Payment Terms 031502 XX 3958 Net 30 Days -- Sales`RepflD , od , Sfip,Date" ` Due pates_ -- Hand Deliver 6/21/16 7/21/16 Quantity , ;Item Descipbon ;' Ba"ckorder Qty Urnt Price _ Amount, `. 4.00 15334073 CAN LINER BLK 33" X 39" 1 MIL 100/CS 14.79 59.16 UM/CS 8.00 15604349 CAN LINER BLK 43"X48" 26 MIC 18.49 147.92 100/CS UM/CS 1.00 15603858 CAN LINER BLK 38"X 58" 1.5 MILS 24.99 24.99 100/CS UM/CS Subtotal 232.07 Sales Tax Freight Total Invoice Amount 232.07 Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied `NOTAL AGr P �K _ Z ho"R O7 jTM_ INC`. 12602 Double Eag{e Dnice> .s , � ;,,mel'i�f 6033F` 's r RECEIVED 1raVaixe�Num�er A 5141 '> ' 4 'tea S r pG M t f;' *� rivo�ce Fate. �t�iirnt28r2�`1�6 JUN 3.0 2016 Page: 1 Voice: (317)614-7575 Duplicate 'Fax: (317)-614-7574 By' =Br11 To - r = S.irp to Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation 1411 East 116th Street 1235 Central Park Dr East Carmel, IN 46032 Attn: JIM or MIKE USA Carmel, IN 46032 USA 7777771 Custgmerlf)` fY CustomerPOr - PaymerifTerms 031502 39945 Net 30 Days F f SalesRep;ID Shrpprng-Metrio"d Date Hand Deliver 6/28/16 7/28/16 Quanli�y Item Descnpbon Backorder Qty}s Unit Price Amount 5.00 15604349 CAN LINER BLK 43" X 48" 26 MIC 18.49 92.45 100/CS UM/CS 1.00 15704348 CLEAR CAN LINER 43"X 48" 22 MIC 34.99 34.99 150/CS UM/CS Subtotal 127.44 Sales Tax Freight Total Invoice Amount 127.44 Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied o TOTAL40