HomeMy WebLinkAbout300030 07/12/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350992 . ® 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BOONE CO RESOURCE RECOVERY SYS CWK AMOUNT: S*•*****587.00* �i •'� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 96 S US 421 CHECK NUMBER: 300030 zlo SVILLEIN 46077 CHECK DATE: 07/12/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350100 22218 587.00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) BOONE CO RESOURCE RECOVERY SYS, INC ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS-PAYABLE VOUCHER 985 S US 421 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service ZIONSVI LLE, IN 46077 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $587.00 Payee Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Street Department Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 22218 43-501.00 $587.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 6/30/16 22218 $587.00 2201 201 2201 201 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is ma a were-ordered-an received except Friday, July 01,2016 Dave Huffman Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer Boone County Resource Recovery Systems Invoice No.22218 985 South US Hwy 421 Invoice Date 6/30/2016 Zionsville, IN 46077-8829 Phone:(317)769-4223 Fax:(317)769-4763 Due Date 7/25/2016 INVOICE Bill to: City of Carmel Street Department Acct#:505 3400 W. 131st Street Terms:Net 25 Westfield,IN 46074 Ticked Date MC Reciept Material/Fee Code PO Rate Units Amount 06/06/2016 160069 CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 46/06/2016 160069 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 %66/08/2016 160154 CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 `6/08/2016 160154 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 V-06/08/2016 160161 CFWConc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 6/08/2016 160161 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 V06/08/2016 160167 CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 6/08/2016 160167 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 L,66/08/2016 160178 CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 46/08/2016 160178 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 46/08/2016 160183 CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 W6/08/2016 160183 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 o66/16/2016 160593 CFL/Brush,Chips, $1.00 45.00 $45.00 X6/16/2016 160593 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 2.00 $1.00 V06/27/2016 161052 CDY/Const/Demo $1.00 85.00 $85.00 INVOICE TOTALS 624.00 $587.00 Inv_InvuiceBC.Ipt Page 1 of I Boone County Resource Recovery Systems� Inc. 0 985 South US Hwy.421 -Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223-Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 160178 Mar. 1 - Oct. 31 / Nov. ! - Feb. 28 Date: 6/8/2016 M-F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 / M-F: 7-4 & Sat : Time: 13:37:32 - 13:37:41 Scale Customer: 505/City of Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin Materials & Servjes Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount ------------------------------------------ ������������� � ------------------------------------ HA/Hamilton CFH/Cunc. , Dirt, L / 70.00 each $1. 00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0.50/Each ' Total Amount : $76. 00 Driver: eputy Weighmaster: A i | ,OCRs `� Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 0 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 16018. Mar. ! - 00.31 :' Nov. ! - Feb. 28 Date: E/8/2016 M-F: 7-3 CSat 8-2 M-F: 7-4 a Sat: V L Time: 15oJJu4 _ - 15:33: 15 Scale Cu•vtamora 50''11511./�City of Carmel Street Depart ent 3100 W. 131st Street W20field, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment: OKgin Materials & Service- Ct(an it ' Unit ;,ate/Unit Amount ---------7---------------------------------- ----------------=------------------------------ HA/Hamilton CFH/Cone. , Dirt,Legs 70.00 each $'1.CLIO/Each X70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 1L, 00 each $0.501Each $Y. 0101 Total Amount: 06. 00 ------7 � �� Driver- J�' De uty Weigi?ma=ter„ A `w Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket 160069 Mar~. 1 - Oct.31 Nov. ! .- Feb. 28 Date: 6/6/201 M-F; 7-5 & Sat 8-2 :' M-F; 7-4 _. Sat : 8 Time: 15:51:12 - 15:52:02 Scale Customer; 505/City of Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 0(4- Tr ucko 505 Comment Origin Mater~ials it Service) :Ou ntity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------ -- --------------- ----------------------------------- HA/Hamilton C H/Conc. ,Dirt,,Logs, 70.00 each $1.00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each t'0. 50/Each $6. 00 Total Amount; $76.00 L'riaer~a A - Depity Weighmastera i �(U 2 to '0CRIts `M Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317) 769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 I Ticket: 161052 Mar. 1 - Oct.31 I Nov. 1 - Feb.28 Date: 6/27/2016 M—F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 / M—F: 7-4 & Sat: 8-2 Time: 11:40:20 — 11:41:22 Scale Customer: 505/City of Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074— Truck: 6074— Trisk: 505 Comment: Origin Materials R Serviced Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount --------------------------------------------7----------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CDY/Const/Demo 85.00 each $1.00/Each $85.00 Total Amount: $85.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: A I i i O | �� Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, .~r. 985 South US HZionsville, IN 46077 Ticket : 1601G1 0 F b 28 Date: 6/8/2016 u t 21 2 / n F / + � -:3 t M � Time: 09:56:42 - 09:56:55 Scale ` C t 5N5/Cit f C I St t D t ent UT e ldIN 46074 ru c 1 5�0 5 Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount _ ____---______________________________ ____________________________________________ HA/Hamilton CFH/Con�. , Dirt, L 70.00 each $1.00/Each HA/Hami�ton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0.50/Each Total Amount : $76. 00 � et, DriverDei uty Weighmast : � ` A / CRI? 10s `w Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317) 769-4763 Ticket : 160167 Mar. - 00.31 Nov. ! - Fe U. 2° Date: 6/8/2016 syr-C. -5 9 Sat u M-F: 7--4 & Sato ❑--: 10:5907 ` 10:59:55 sc=.'- Customer: `t05Ci9; of Carmel Street `'e(7 a["; I1 8 i�%; 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, 1N 48074- Truck: 807 - Trut_h. 05 Comment Origin 1'!._l'!_eria. s & Servit_op Quantity Unit :ate/Unit Hl oun;r- ------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------'- .H t r,C•H/Co �- ,� si 7t0. 0 each $1. 00/Each $-:0 iy iD HHit Ti1i1;aC1 �t Jn*_. ylii y _7l7�y - __._ . .- �. HA/Hamilton' F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0. 50/Each $6. 013 Total Amount : $76. 00 7 Drivers Deputy KighMaSter: P. I Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 95 South USHwy.44 .Zionsville, N407 @!\7E42•Fax%137+476 Ticket: 162154 Mar. ! - Oct.31 Z Nov. ! - Fey 2§ Date: 6/8/2016 M-F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 Z M-F; 7-4 & Sat: S-E Time: 08:55:12 - 08:5506 Scale Customer; 505/City of Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 4627 Truck: 505 Comment : . . Origin Materials & Servic s Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount HAZHamilton CFHZConc. , Dirt, Logs, . 70.00 each $1. 00/Each 170.00 HA/Hamilton . FZP Tipping Fee 12.ee each' $ 30/Each $6.00 iota! Amount : $76.02 Driver: Dep#y Weighmaster: '0C RI?1 If Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, I c. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223• Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 160593 Mar. 1 - Oct.31 / Nov. 1 - Feb.28 Date: 6/16/2016 M-F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 / M-F: 7-4 & Sat: 8-2 Time: 11:43:44 - 11:44:38 Scale Customer: 505/City of Carmel Street Depar ment 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount ----------------------------------�--- -'----------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFL/Brush Chips, 1 45.00 each $1.00/Each $45.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 1 2.00 each $0.50/Each $1.00 Total Amount: X46.00 Driver. ' -'''�� Dep�.tty Weighmaster: A i