HomeMy WebLinkAbout301636 08/08/16 (9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 071300 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240ONE CIVIC SQUARE C L COONROD &COMPANY CHECKAMOUNT: $"""30,111.00'CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3850 PRIORITY WAY SOUTH DRIVE#225 CHECK NUMBER: 301636 CHECK DATE: 08/08/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1701 4340300 0616D 2,518.00 ACCOUNTING FEES 1701 4340300 0716A 27,593.00 ACCOUNTING FEES re ed y o e VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. .. Prescribed b State Board of Accounts City Form N .201(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 OUNTS C L COONROD&COMPANY..,, ACC PAYABLE VOUCHER IN SUM OF:$. CI, TY OF CARMEL 3850 PRIORITY WAY'SOUTH DRIVE#225' An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 rendered,by whom;rates per day;number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Payee $30,47.1:00 .: . Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR : . T Clerk Treasurer erm s Date Due . PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION Board-Members DEPT# INVOICE#• Fund# AMOUNT DEPT# FUND# - (or note,attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0716a 43=403.00 $27,953.00 'I.hereby certify.that the attached invoice(s),,or 7/29/1.6 0716a $27,953.00 1701 101 1701 101 0616d 43 403.00 $2,518:00 bill(s)is(are)true.and correct and that the 7/29/16 0616d $2,518.00 1701 101 materials or services itemized thereon for 1701 101 which charge is made were ordered and--: =• —received.except Thursday,August 04,'2016 Linda Harvey Chief Deputy,Clerk Treasurer I hereby certify that the attached.invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor.vehicle highway fund. : Clerk-Treasurer t INVOICE 0616d P.O.33612 Hon.Christine Pauley Clerk-Treasurer, City.of Carmel Attn:Christine Pauley One Civicl Square Carmel,IN 46032 Make check payable to: Tax ID#35-1985559 C.L.Coonrod&Company 3850 Priority Way South Drive,Suite 225 Indianapolis,Indiana 46240 July 29,2016 Professional services from June 1 through June 30,2016,in connection with: CAFR-work performed on basic financial'statements,other disclosures,meeting 2,518 I g with CT staff and Mayor,meet with auditor's. I Out of pocket expense-travel to client meeting to discuss CAFR - Total amount of this invoice. 2,518 Previous balance. 44,805 Payment received. (44,805) Total amount due. $ 2,518 These bill ships were classified.to the Mayor, and should have been classified to the CT Office. Payable upon receipt. Call(317)844-4605 with questions. CITY OF CARMEL July 29,2016 Professional services from June 1 through June 30,2016, in connection with: Rates in accordance with Section 5.1 of the contract and our October 5,2012,letter to the Mayor. Performing Service Service Date Services Provided Hourly Rate Total i Lilly 6/5/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 4.65 720 Lilly 6/6/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 3.30 512 Lilly 6/10/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.80 434 Coonrod 6/29/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.20 288 Coonrod 6/30/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 2.35 564 CAFR/GAAP Total 2,518 I i Documentation/Meeting 0 Mileage 0 TOTAL invoice amount 2,518 I INVOICE 0716a P.O.33612 Hon.Christine Pauley Clerk-Treasurer, City of Carmel Attn:Christine Pauley One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Make check payable to: Tax ID#35-1985559 C.L.Coonrod&Company 3850 Priority Way South Drive,Suite 225 Indianapolis,Indiana 46240 July 29,2016 Professional services from July 4 through July 28,2016,in connection with: Budget Consulting-follow up on Gateway,explanations,budget matters,2016 and 891 2017 debt service payments follow up. CAFR-Addition of actuarial liabilities to basic financial statements;response to 26,694 auditor and client request,including detailed reconciliation of all trust cash accounts addition of internal service fund,and allocation of OPEB and pension cost to enterprise funds:respond to SBOA comments'on GFOA checklist;extended debt maturity work paper requested by auditors,receive and review actuary report on Police and Fire local plans,reclassify nonmajor funds;follow up on 4CDC work papers; research SBOA comment regarding debt service funds,review INPRS data,give status update,meeting with auditors review issues;follow up on 4CDC;obtain source documents for auditors:CAB official statement,reclassify Health Insurance Fund as an internal service fund,resend work papers to C-T office as requested,pursue the issue of the disclosure of impact of GASB 68 restatement of net position-prep pension disclosure for OPEB;discuss with actuary need for beginning liability numbers, actuarial assumptions,discuss requirement to disclose change in beginning net position due to restatement,draft language for GASB 68 pension disclosure;review actuary report for local plans,explain problem of disclosing impact of change to GASB 68; prep work paper to explain RDA transfers,OPEB entries,request regarding pensions; resend capital lease work paper,allocation of net cost of change in pension liability, response regarding separating 25 and 37 plan,bond disbursements detail,work paper for PERF,respond to auditor questions;supply further documents;auditor questions regarding trust cash accounts,prepare trust cash balances support,received new actuarial reports;entry for civilian PERF;disclosure for'25 plan and'77 police and fire, allocate pension and OPEB expense to functions;including allocation to utilities; restate utility,determine covered payroll for OPEB,issues regarding tax receivables, respond to auditors regarding income tax receivable issues,work on Redevelopment Authority trust cash accounts reconciliation as requested,GASB 68 implementation disclosure,adjust water and sewer statements to reflect pensions and OPEB liabilities and expense. Hibler 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 2.00 160 Coonrod 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.55 372 Hibler 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 3.35 268 Coonrod 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240. 2.00 480 Coonrod 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.35 84 Roeger 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 2.00 440 Roeger 7/14/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.60 132 Coonrod 7/14/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.25 60 Coonrod 7/14/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.90 216 Roeger 7/14/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.30 66 Lilly 7/15/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.65 411 Coonrod 7/15/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.20 48 Lilly 7/17/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.50 387 Lilly 7/18/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 1.30 202 Roeger 7/18/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 2.00 440 Roeger 7/18/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 1.35 297 Roeger 7/18/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.40 88 Roeger 7/18/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.60 132 Coonrod 7/18/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 4.50 1,080 Coonrod 7/18/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.80 192 Lilly 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 1.70 264 Roeger 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 1.10 242 Hibler 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.25 20 Roeger 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.95 209 Hibler 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.25 20 Hibler 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.45 36 Hibler 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 1.40 112 Coonrod 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.20 48 Coonrod 7/19/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 4.05 972 Lilly 7/20/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.05 318 Coonrod 7/20/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.85 204 Roeger 7/20/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 4.30 946 Hibler 7/20/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.50 40 Coonrod 7/20/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 2.95 708 Hibler 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.15 12 Hibler 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.25 20 Hibler 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 2.30 184 Coonrod 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.50 120 Hibler 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.15 12 Hibler 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.15 12 Hibler 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.20 16 Hibler 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.35 28 Roeger 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 1.85 407 Roeger 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.60 132 Coonrod 7/21/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 3.35 804 Lilly 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 3.20 496 Hibler 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.40 32 CITY OF CARMEL July 29,2016 Professional services from July 4 through July 28,2016, in connection with: Rates in accordance with Section 5.1 of the contract and our October 5,2012,letter to the Mayor. Performing Service Service Date Services Provided Hourly Rate Total Roeger 7/18/2016 Budget Consulting 220 0.65 143 Roeger 7/20/2016 Budget Consulting 220 2.15 473 Roeger 7/25/2016 Budget Consulting 220 0.85 187 Roeger 7/26/2016 Budget Consulting 220 0.40 88 Budget Consulting Total 891 Coonrod 7/4/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.90 216 Coonrod 7/4/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.50 120 Coonrod 7/5/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.95 228 Coonrod 7/5/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.30 72 Coonrod 7/5/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.75 180 Coonrod 7/6/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.20 48 Roeger 7/6/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.25 55 Lilly 7/6/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.85 441 I Roeger 7/7/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 4.00 880 Lilly 7/7/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.90 449 Coonrod 7/7/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 3.15 756 Coonrod 7/7/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.05 12 Hibler 7/8/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 1.45 116 Coonrod 7/8/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.05 12 Lilly 7/8/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 3.15 488 Coonrod 7/8/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 4.95 1,188 Lilly 7/9/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.70 418 Lilly 7/10/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 8.85 1,372 Lilly 7/11/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.50 387 Hibler 7/11/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.80 64 Coonrod 7/11/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.40 96 Coonrod 7/11/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 2.50 600 Hibler 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 1.50 120 Coonrod 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.75 420 Hibler 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.45 36 Roeger 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.45 99 Roeger 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 2.40 528 Hibler 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.95 76 Coonrod 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.30 72 Coonrod 7/12/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.40 336 Lilly 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 3.10 480 Hibler 7/13/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 1.00 80 I Clerical-review of email to client. 8 Out of pocket expense-travel to client meeting to discuss CAFR - Total amount of this invoice. 27,593 Previous balance. 2,518 Payment received. - Total amount due. $ 30,111 Payable upon receipt. Call(317)844-4605 with questions. i� ti Roeger 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 1.35 297 Hibler 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 1.40 112 Roeger 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.10 22 Roeger 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.45 99 Coonrod 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.25 60 Coonrod 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.40 96 Roeger 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.40 88 Roeger 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.80 176 Coonrod 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.50 120 Roeger 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 2.40 528 Coonrod 7/22/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.25 60 Lilly 7/25/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 1.70 264 Roeger 7/25/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 1.30 286 Lilly 7/26/2015 CAFR/GAAP 155 2.05 318 Coonrod 7/26/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.45 108 Hibler 7/26/2016 CAFR/GAAP 80 0.65 52 Coonrod 7/26/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.30 312 Lilly 7/27/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 1.85 287 Roeger 7/27/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.45 99 Coonrod 7/27/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.35 324 Lilly 7/28/2016 CAFR/GAAP 155 0.90 140 Coonrod 7/28/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.80 432 CAFR/GAAP Total 26,694 Hibler 7/6/2016 Clerical 80 0.10 8 Clerical Total g Documentation/Meeting 0 Mileage 0 TOTAL invoice amount 27,593