HomeMy WebLinkAbout301951 08/18/16 1 pr.CngM r;� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351783 ® �r ONE CIVIC SQUARE ROB KINKEAD CHECK AMOUNT: $********60.00* a�' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/O CARMEL WASTEWATER CHECK NUMBER: 301951 9M�TON�°` C/0 CARMEL WASTEWATE CHECK DATE: 08/18/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 5439 60.00 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER # 165936 WARRANT# ALLOWED 00351783 IN SUM OF $ KINKEAD, ROB CARMEL WASTEWATER Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code KINKEAD,RC 01-7042-05 30.00 30,CO Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00351783 KINKEAD, ROB Purchase Order No. CARMEL WASTEWATER Terms Due Date 8/15/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/15/2016 KINKEAD, R( 30.00 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and ,orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer ✓Track Your EVenses... 5439 t ' ❑autariavel ❑Educe ❑MedicaMental I ❑Business' ❑Entertainment❑Savings . ❑Ctiarities ❑Food ti i ❑Clothing ❑Home ❑Utilities ~� GAL , 00 _❑Dependent Care ❑lnswance ❑Other - FOR•o i sD . rrm �� "OUNT -� BautRce db Duplicate is using soy-based mateda!s oevostr _ ;. !masesciay"appear Oght i-0R•D ? TAX DEDUCTIBLE ITEM - _ .t `�t<str 1 ° d-�.t� ..4-` 7r 3 y, +: icar�•• a. n .I ' � :+..��°Sit-:._:'"-�5�`� `"'.�`�'--•�.r^�� �� �' ':it �"�: � f ' For enhanced securtly your account number v!nll not tie printed on this copy NOT NEGOTIABLE DepatMent of Envim®mtri Martagmtew Of'lice.ofNateruaBty--Ma(.0 66542 I . , 100»senate Ave.v - 1; i Ind12mpoM%IN46204-2257 I, Wastewatererator Class`RI I OP --l- is CeNersrioup ERedheDafe" BtpteatlonDab Ii W W020626 07r18/Z0i6' �t Robbie L.-Kinkead fi it -- -- - -- Deparbuent of Envirolmeaw Aftoagement Office:of.Water.Qw tp—Mail Code 6542 i00 N:Senate`Ave: ]fndianagolis;Indiana46204-2251 i Wastewater Operator Class IiI I i COftlDCa>oA NUIObeF EffectivD Date - W�020626 07/28/2016 ii dd Competw 'f • - jj I This 'y certifiesat the person named above has 'thfi> flled tT>id- 1 i requirements for certification as a wastewater-treatment plant operator, n-accordance-with IC 13-18-11_ and..is--,hembv = Carol S.:Comer . i ce ttfied as a Wastewatier Uperafior Class IIf .-..'Commissioner. Indiana Department of Environmental Management 100 N.Senate Avenue Mail Code 65-42 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251 IDEM C, May 17, 2016 ANNIVERSARY _ Robbie L. Kinkead 604 S. Sheridan Ave Sheridan IN 46069 Re: Admission Slip to Municipal Class III Wastewater Certification Exam Dear Robbie L. Kinkead: Your application for the municipal Class III wastewater treatment plant operator examination has been approved. This is your admission slip to the wastewater certification exam. This letter is valid for 180 days. A proctor will sign your letter after you have taken the exam. You may keep this letter for your records until-you receive an official score letter from I DEM. If your name,address or certification class is not correct as indicated on this letter,you should contact me as soon as possible. Please go to hftr)://wvrw.ivvtech.edu/corporatecolleoe/workforce-cert-center/ to schedule an exam date/time at an Ivy Tech testing center. There is a$30 fee to Ivy Tech when registering.A 24 hour notice is required to reschedule or cancel an appointment. Late cancellations or no-shows will be assessed another$30 fee. Application fees are not refundable. You must bring this letter with you to the exam. No faxes or copies are allowed.A valid, non-expired government issued picture I.D.is also required. Pencils, calculators,formula sheets, conversion sheets and scrap paper will all be provided. You will be asked to store all personal belongings in a locker or return items to your car. Use of cell phones or other electronic devices during the exam, even during a break, is not permitted. If you are late, you may not be allowed to take the exam so allow adequate time to arrive at the test location.You may leave the room for a short break,no longer than ten minutes, by leaving your testing materials and picture I.D.with the proctor. If you do not return to the room within the allotted time,you will not be allowed to resume taking the exam. If you have any questions, please contact me at(317)232-8791. Sincerely, Rebecca McMonigle Compliance Evaluation Section Office of Water Quality To be rompleted by It he Ivy Tech Proctor Proctor Name: Test Location: UI Date: 7�02� Exam Score: (1) Yrmt Page 1 of 1 Subject: Transaction Receipt from IVY TECH-CC_CASS From: IVY TECH-CC_CASS (noreply@gge4mailer.com) To: kin kead_robbie@att.net; Date: Wednesday, July 6, 201611:47 AM Please bring receipt with you to your appointment. Order Information Quantity Item Unit Price 1 IDEM Municipal Wastewater Operator, Class 30.00 USD 30.002 Total USD 30.00 This order is now complete. Transaction approved! Here is your receipt: TRANSACTION RECORD IVY TECH-CC_CASS 50 W FALL'CREEK PKWY N INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46208 United States WWW.IVYTECH.EDU TYPE: Purchase ACCT: Mastercard $ 30.00 USD CARDHOLDER NAME Robbie L Kinkead CARD NUMBER ############4300 DATE/TIME 06 Jul 16 11:47:26 REFERENCE # 002 0829933 M AUTHOR. # 01816Z TRANS. REF. Approved - Thank You 100 Please retain this copy for your records. Cardholder will pay above amount to card issuer pursuant to cardholder agreement. ---------------------------------------- For assistance please call (888) IVY-LINE https://mg.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.partner=sbc&.rand=fg2kcvp6pcmtn 7/6/2016