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302238 08/22/16
(9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 369978 ONE CIVIC SQUARE PIRTEK FLUID TRANSFER SOLUTIONS CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,695.01 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3015 SOUTH HARDING ST CHECK NUMBER: 302238 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46214 CHECK DATE: 08/22/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 S2328237 1,695.01 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER # 165926 WARRANT # ALLOWED 369978 IN SUM OF $ PIRTEK PERRY 3015 SOUTH HARDING ST. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46217 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S2328237.00' 01-7500-02 1,695.01 Voucher Total 1,695.01 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 369978 PIRTEK PERRY Purchase Order No. 3015 SOUTH HARDING ST. Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46217 Due Date 8/12/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/12/2016 S2328237.010 1,695.01 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and -orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer PIRTEK PERRY Invoice 3015 South Harding St. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46217 317-252-0120 Fax 317-791-0535 07/29/16 52328237 .001 REMIT T0:0% ----- --------- -..... PIRTEK PERRY - -- .... ik 3015 South Harding St. ,oP1FffEK. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46217 1 f uld transfer solritians BILL TO: SHIP TO: Carmel Wastewater-Sewer Carmel Wastewater-Sewer ATTN:Accounts Payable ATTN:Duane Jarvis 9609 Hazell Dell Parkway 9609 Hazell Dell Parkway INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 .. . t. t. ,r ,t, ,_ �_ ________ __-__-__ __-__ __ _ ........................ ...... . ........, ���,,� � ,.� � ,_ •tri,, ,_,..*..-.-� tr.,. �,•T,•_ , fz? `•: 1 T4 fE :�t:fM6Eff:: >5::: 2< ::: :; uS3RMEfi:0Rl gir!.R :R S: :5:?:>;"t: >; > :>: �iR£kSE:•N HPk •.:..... 162580 516350 Logan Docherty .. - I 7 .} :::;::::. .... ... ...sN ..�Jk...... .............................T£StMS:<-: -: :: S TF:•Q8T£::•::::•:•:: :•......ft•:1€a3f Logan Docherty OT OUR-TRUCK NET 30 07/29/16 07/29/16 .n . _. ,__ _.",�_ _n__..__ _. __-_____ __n___ _- _._____ ___ -_ _ _ ................................. NM1-1616 J�-<<------------------------------------ __----�"�1-ea•:__---�=-1e'_`'------------------- ---------------- 1" NPTF MALE STR 1" HOSE BF1-1616) lea lea 1 BSPP FEM STR 1 HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE 2ea 2ea crimp our fittings on one of their hose. ------------ Subtotal ------- 129 .59 C35-08 105in 105in R=230 HYDRAULIC HOSE 350 BAR 1/2" NM1-0808K 2ea 2ea 1/2" NPTF MALE STR 1/2" HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE lea lea ------------ Subtotal ------- 146 .80 C35-08 110in 110in R=230 HYDRAULIC HOSE 350 BAR 1/2" NM1-0808K 2ea 2ea 1/2" NPTF MALE STR 1/2" HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE lea lea ------------ Subtotal ------- 151 .76 PC42-04 168IN 168IN R=492 HYDRAULIC HOSE 420 BAR 1/4" JF1-0404K 2ea 2ea 1/4" JIC FEM STR 1/4" HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE lea lea ------------ Subtotal ------- 152 .50 ------------------------ --—--------—-------- ----------------------- ** Reprint ** Reprint ** Reprint ** PIRTEK PERRY Invoice 3015 South Harding St. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46217 -- m--�-. 317-252-0120 Fax 317-791-0835 :��+ka" .aArF :': �`�trv : , .: ...' 07/29/16 52328237 . 001 REMIT T0: ;:_Rke:_�a::: :::::: PIRTEK PERRY ------.--==. 3015 South Harding St. ® INDIANAPOLIS IN 46217 2 0Mild transfer solations BILL TO: SHIP T0: Carmel Wastewater-Sewer Carmel Wastewater-Sewer ATTN:Accounts Payable ATTN:Duane Jarvis 9609 Hazell Dell Parkway 9609 Hazell Dell Parkway INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 ::. tT .. . .. . Ra .. Hi :...........f :: : : . ; : : : .S ➢ ? � ;. . : 162580 516350 Logan Docherty __ t •t�T_ ,��,, �� ...:.... .... :.: :•::•: R].EF.:: :5: :•:::<::•: :: : ::.`•:5: . .C..�1k....................................Tf��5:5:::1::;::::5:::2 :Sft3�:•31ATR:•:::::.:<:::::. t3& :1�tt3 : :::•:: Logan Docherty OT OUR-TRUCK JNET 30 07/29/16 07/29/16 lESfiR .:QN :...:.....:......:.... :::•._:•::.::•:::k?RR .,l.... ..•... Sti P;�7 :::. :.:::::::::.N ct;F ;; :; ::•:•:_::•::;•:::;E$3:;RrF::::•:: %::•: :. . :::::•. :•:::::•::•::. :•. ..........: _ PC42-04 168IN 168IN R=492 HYDRAULIC HOSE 420 BAR 1/4" JF1-0404K 2ea 2ea 1/4" JIC FEM STR 1/4" HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE lea lea ------------ Subtotal ------- 152.50 PC42-04 168IN 168IN R=492 HYDRAULIC HOSE 420 BAR 1/4" JF1-0404K 2ea 2ea 1/4" JIC FEM STR 1/4" HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE lea lea ------------ Subtotal ------- 152 .50 PC42-04 168IN 168IN R=492 HYDRAULIC HOSE 420 BAR 1/4" JF1-0404K 2ea 2ea 1/4" JIC FEM STR 1/4" HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE lea lea PC42-04 168IN 168IN R=492 HYDRAULIC HOSE 420 BAR 1/4" JF1-0404K 2ea 2ea 1/4" JIC FEM STR 1/4" HOSE ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE lea lea ------------ Subtotal ------- 305 . 00 RlAT-06 168IN 168IN R=426 RlAT (1SN) 3/8" HOSE JF1-0606K 2ea 2ea 3/8" JIC FEM STR 3/8" HOSE -----------------------------------—------------- Reprint *k Reprint ** Reprint �� PIRTEK PERRY Invoice 3015 South Harding St. INDIANAPOLIS Illi 46217 ` `:.:: u----z!i!s�a—----:-- 317-252-0120 Fax 317-791-0535 07/29/16 52328237 . 001 REMIT T0: PIRTEK PERRY ------ . 3015 South Harding St. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46217 3 fluid transfer sahitions -- BILL TO: SHIP TO: Carmel Wastewater-Sewer Carmel Wastewater-Sewer ATTN:Accounts Payable ATTN:Duane Jarvis 9609 Hazell Dell Parkway 9609 Hazell Dell Parkway INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 r._.__..;__.,--err, �,�«,_�, _ t� . ,_. - :: •.:.:..:..:.::.:C.. . ......:4R4?......tN6ER::•::::•:::...........;...;.•....;;:�tEZ 4SE:NU�!PE1i Sol �Yf3t J& 162580 516350 _ Logan <:•:::::::-.•;:•.:::::.::..::.:.:..::.:..::.....................:::...:.. ............. ! '�? ...:::............. ::•:.:<.•::.::•:•::•:::::::.: D..o...c..h..e..r.. ty ................ : ... . . .. ,.mak__: : : : . SfiT:;SATE:;•::::•:::•:::•::4T,f3E$;: 3f::.,:::. Logan Docherty OT OUR-TRUCK NET 30 07/29/16 07/29/16 ::4E�fiR383:.....::......:.....>:•;::•:::•:<•:::: :•:::.... •::;::k�RaEB:RTx:::•:::::•: ::S�FLR•.aT�.::::.. ..... .. ASSEMBLY UN FERRULE ' lea _ lea ------------ Subtotal ------- 119 .36 LABOR HOURLY RATE 14gt 14gt 15 MINUTE UNITS = QUARTER HOUR NORMAL LABOR RATE ------------ Subtotal ------- 385 . 00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- - --- - - - - ------------------------- Subtotal 1695.01 S&H CHGS 0 .00 Invoice is due by 08/28/16 . Sales Tax 0 .00 ----------------------- ------------------------ All claims for shortage or errors moat be made at once. Raturne require written authorization 7� and are subject to handling charges. Special orders are non-returnable. "mount Due 1695.01 Past due invoices may be subject to 1.502 late charge. ------ ----------- --------------------- ** Reprint ** Reprint ** Reprint **