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302221 08/22/16
,1��r..4.�g,MF G/ �;� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350965 "d :I ONE CIVIC SQUARE OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INCCHECK AMOUNT: $"*'41,359.83• d ,_� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 302 CHECK NUMBER: 302221 q�''�ro"��O' CARMEL IN 46082-0302 CHECK DATE: 08/22/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4341970 33447 OC6110 211.83 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6111 645.58 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6112 534.41 CABLE CHANNEL PROD VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 302 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service CARMEL, IN 46082-0302 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $13,125.00 Payee ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Community Relations Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoices)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 33601 OC6084 43-590.03 $6,164.27 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 6/15/16 OC6085 $6,113.50 1203 101 1203 101 33601 OC6085 43-590.03 $6,113.50 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 6/15/16 OC6084 $6,164.27 1203 101 materials or services itemized thereon for 1203 101 33601 O_C6097 43-590.03 $847.23 7/5/16 OC6097 $847.23 1203 101 which charge is made were ordered and 1203 101 received except Monday,August 15,2016 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer �siutF7u I 1`Omn1 Centre �. . . 5i.1 , `, pp The.OMNI,Centre.for"PubhcMedia,Inc: I"0 .eSSL01_a Seruaces 12316Brookstiira Pkwy., Box"302DatB It1YO1Ce s CarmeLI•IN 46082 0302 USA - _ _hone# �.3L7 846 2345_ omriiQompicentre erg_ ,_ 7/5/2016 OC6097 Fax 4 31,7-574=6620 bttp://www.omnicent e:org The City"of Carmel One'Civic Square. Carmel,IN46032 USA: Attn: Nancy.Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date - S.hip-Date Project NET 30 Days -8/4/2016. 8/4/2016 7/92016 CA2436 Memorial D'... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For thep reduction of the 2016 Memorial Day Ceremony . Short Pak-Hourly 5-27-2016-Operate Camera 2 3.8 12000 456.00 Short Pak-Hourly 5=27-16 operate cameral 4:33333 120.00 . 520.00 Executive Producer Executive Producer Time,Interviews 0.75 135.00 101.25 EDL:Capture 6-1-16-Capture.tapes L66667 - 90.00 150.00 " EDL-Capture 6-2-16-Capture 1.3 90.00 117.00 Video Edit 6-2-16--Edit 0.53333 130.00 69.33 Video Edit 6-2-16-Edit 2.3 130.00 299.00 Video Edit 6-3-16=Edit 2.78333 130.00 361.83'. Video Edit 6-3-16:-Edit 3.38333 130.00 439.83 Vide oEdit . 6-6-16-Edit 3.66667 130.00 476.67 Video Edit 6-6-16-.Edit 3.83333 130.00 498.33 Video Edit 6-7-16-Edit 1.05 130.00 136.50 Video Edit 6-7-16-Edit 0.56667 130.00 73.67 Video Edit' 6-8=16-Edit 3:13333 '130.00 407.33 . Video Edit 6-8-16-Edit 3.25 130.00 422.50 Video.Edit 6-10-16-Edit 3.01667 130.00 392.17 Video Edit 6-13-16-Edit 0.1 130.00 13.00 Video Edit. 6=13-16-Edit 0:41667 130:00 " 54.17 Video Edit 6-14-16-Edit 3.66667 130.00 476.67 Video Edit 6-14-16-Edit . 3.25 130.00 422.50 Video Edit 6-15-16-Edit 2.16667 130.00 281.67 Video Edit. 64546-Edit 2.75.; 130.00 357.50 Rendering 6-16-16-Render MOV and MP4 1.78333 75.00 133.75 Upload File(s) 6-17-16-Upload mp4 to vimeo for approval 1.33333 30.00 40.00 Producer Time 6-17-16 log videotapes in archive database 0.66667 85.00 56.67 Executive Producer Executive Producer Time-Reviews and oversight 135.00 135.00, Video Edit 6-21-16-Edit 0.21667 130.00 28.17 'Rendering. 6-24-16-Render mov and m 4 . 2.98333 .75.00 223.75 - Itis our privilege to serve you! The OA MWZentre Staff. ;Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 1.. � e � 3 omni Centre je'ow•uruac �,ucwgcnatEu;. - - . . c - r``'': ^(�c `' The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. P rO f e S S�o n a I �, Y,i.-- 5 .V 0t.4..e 12316 Brookshire'Pkwy P.O Box 302 Carmel .46082=0302 USA Ce Date Invoi -,Phone.#i 3.17-846-2345. . omni@omnicentie org 7/5/201 G OC6097:. Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omriicentre.org` Bill To The City of-Carmel One Civic Square Carmel,.IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 30 Days 8/4/2016 7/5%2016 CA2436 Memorial D... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Rendering 6-24-16 render.mpeg 1.5 75.00 112.50 Upload File(s) 6-24-16-'Upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1.05 30:00 31.50 Upload File(s) 6-27-16-Upload mp4 to Youtube 1 30.00 30.00 Rendering 1-1-16 render DVD disc 0.83333 75.00 62.50 Tape HD Mini High Definition Mini Format video tape 4 35.00 140.00 � 3cp4. �� L( �oo3 r'es� Lm UVI It is our privilege to serve you! .The OMNI Centre Staff. °Total . $7,520.76 pal Oe(.o 7 e Payments/Credits $0.00 q I Balance Due -$7,520.76 7o V�� ®yl Page.2... z! tE omni Centre X01 OR° Professional .Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for-Public Media,Inc. 123.16 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice#. . Carmel,IN 46082=0302 USA. _ -- 6/15/201OC6084 -245 org 6-Phone-'#- _31.7-84omnicentre Fax# 317-574=6620 4ifp://www.oinnicentre.org -- The City of Carmel One:Civic Square .. . . . Carmel,:INA6032 USA Attn: Nancy.Heck. P.O.No: Terms: Dtie Date: Ship Date'. Project -NET 30 Days: 7/IS/2016 6/15%2016 . CA2424-Law-E orc::. Item DescriptionQuantity Rate. -Amount For the production of the"Law Enforcement Memorial Service 2016 Short Pak-Hourly- 5-4-16-Cam 2 B-roll2.7 1.20:00 324.00 Short Pak-:Hourly : : 5-4-16 camera 1,main camera :3.38333 = 120.00 : : .406-.00: Rendering 5-4=16 render.mp4 file 0:7575.00 56.25 Producer Time 5-5-.16 log videotapes in archive database- -'- 0.2 85.00 : :17,00 Upload File(s) 5-6-16 copy GoPro footage to video server 0.4 : 30.00 12.00 EDL=Capture 5-9=16 capture :L65 90.00 148.50. Video Edit 5=9-16--Edit 0.5 130.00 65.00 Video Edit . 5-10-16=edit - 7.46667. 130:00 970.62 Video Edit 5-11-16-Edit 7.55 130.00 981.50 Video Edit - : _ 5-11=16-Edit: _ :3.71667.: - . . 130.00: 483.12 Video Edit 5-16-16-.Edit 7.66667 - 130.00 996:67 Video Edit 5-17=16--Edit 3:08333 -130.00 406.83 : Video Edit- 5-18716-Edit 0.61667: 130.00. 80.17 Executive.Producer:- Executive•Producer-Time: :1:25:. _ : -. 1.35.00 - :168.75 Video.Edit .5-19-16-Edit 1:26667. -130.00 "_ 164.67 Rendering. . - 54-946-Render MOV and MP4. 1:76667 . .75:00 132.50 . _ Ppload.File(s), 5-19-16-Upload MP4 to Vimeo for approval 1 _ , 30.00 30.00 Video Edit 5;-2546-Edit 0.06667 130.00 8:67 Rendering 5-25-.16-rendering mov and mp4. 1:.75 . . 75.00 131.25 Upload File(s) 5-25-16.-Upload MP4 to Virneo and Youtube. 3 30.00 '. 90:00 Rendering 5-27-16-Rendering mpeg2 for Telvue; 158333 75:00 118.75 Upload File(s) : 5-2746.=Upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1 36.06 30.00: Rendering 6-1-16-.Render 2 blu-ray disks .4.16667 .: 75.00. .312.50 Producer Time . 6-2-16 Log Btu-Ray Master and Disk into Database 0:41667. 85:00 35.42. Id is our.privilegg.to serve.you! The OMNI Centre Staff. - Total $6,164.27. Pa ments/Credits $ � Y o.00. . Balalice.Dill $6;164.27 I � V7X, J�omni Centre - - - - �� Professional Services _ Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,-Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date . '.Invoice.#'- Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA -__- --:---. _.-___Phone.#-_ 31.7-84.6-2345o6/15/2016. OC6085momnicentre:org . Fax# 317-574-6620 4itp:Hwww.omnicentre.org = Bill:To The City of Carmel . One Civic Square Carmel,-IN.46032" USA . Attn: Nancy.Heck, . _P.O,No: Terms: : . Due Date: Ship Date Project 7-77- NET 30 Days 7/15/2016 6/15%2016. CA2426HolocausfC..: Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For.the.production of the"Holocaust-Ceremony 2016" Short Pak Hourly : 5-6-16-Cam 2'B-Roll 3.38333 120.00 406:00 Short Pak:-Hourly 5-6-16 camera.1 3.7-- 1:20:00 444.00 Upload File(s) 5-6-16 copy GoPro footage to server .0.91.667 30.06 27.50. Producer Time 5-9-16 log videotapes in-archive database .. 0:33333 .85.00.. 28.33 Producer Time 5-9=16 log videotapes in archive database. 0:38333 85.00 32:58 EDL-Capture- 5-.19=.16-Capture. 3.1 90.00 279.00 . . . Video Edit - 5-20-16-edit 2.45 130.00 . 318.50. Video Edit-- _ 5-23-2010'-.Edit 7 . . . 136,00 . 9i0:00 . . Video Edit 5-24-16-edit 4:73333 130.00 615.33 Video Edit 5-2546-Edit 4.65 130.00 604.50 Video Edit : 5-2546-Edit 0.66667 130:00 86.67 Producer Time 5=26-16 email about:DVD Copies : : 0.21667 " 85.00 18:42_ Executive Producer Review.show 5-25.2015;review changes,graphics etc.5-26 -1;75' ' 135.00 236.25 Video Edit. : 5-26-16-Edit6:51667: 130.00 : . 847.:17: Video Edit 5-27-16-Edit 1:45. 1'30.00 188.50 Rendering 5-17-16" Render.MOV 1_:78333. 75:00. - 133.75 Rendering 5-31-16-Render MP4 2.4. 75:00 180.00 Rendering- 5-31-16 Re-render MP4 due to:first MP4 being too large for __ 2.16667' 75.00 •.162.50 uploading. Upload File(s) 6-1-16-:Upload MP4 to:Vimeo for approval 1,73333. . 30.00 52.00 - Rendering 6.9-16-"Render MOV :4.08333 75.00 :"306.-25: Upload File(s) 6-10-16=Upload mp4 to vimeo and Youtube 1:66667 30:00. 50.00 -Rendering 6-10-16.-Rendermpeg2'for Telvue: 1.95 : : 75.00 1.46:25: Upload File(s) 6-10-16-Upload mpeg2.to Telvue .1.33333 30.00.. 40.00 .-, If is our privi1ege.to serveyouu)'The OMNI Centre Staff. = Total- $6,113.50 Payments/Credits $0.00m 251 V t Co,/Vt:GVt t�/t l Balance:Die' $6;113.50. wet-�-s VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 302 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service CARMEL, IN 46082-0302 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $22,927.59 Payee Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 33447 005837 43-419.70 $136.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 11/11/14 005837 $136.25 1203 101 Prior Year 1203 101 33447 005840 43-419.70 $195.00 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 11/11/14 005840 $195.00 1203 101 Prior Year materials or services itemized thereon for 1203 101 33447 005944 43-419.70 $1,513.16 8/12/15 005944 $1,513.16 1203 101 Prior Year which charge is made were ordered and 1203 101 33447 005953 43-419.70 $69.58 received except 8/28/15 005953 $69.58 1203 101 Prior Year 1203 101 33447 005978 43-419.70 $553.09 10/19/15 005979 $439.17 1203 101 Prior Year 1203 101 33447 005979 43-419.70 $439.17 10/19/15 005977 $352.50 1203 101 Prior Year 1203 101 33447 005980 43-419.70 $2,398.34 10/19/15 005978 $553.09 1203 101 Prior Year Wednesday,August 17,2016 1203 101 33447 005977 43-419.70 $352.50 10/19/15 005980 $2,398.34 1203 101 Prior Year 1203 101 33447 OC6095 43-419.70 $3,793.56 7/5/16 OC6095 $3,793.56 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6097 43-419.70 $6,673.53 7/5/16 OC6097 $6,673.53 1203 1 101 1203 101 33447 OC6103 43-419.70 $793.26 8/11/16 OC6112 $534.41 1203 101 1203 101 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 302 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service CARMEL, IN 46082-0302 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $22,927.59 Payee Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members .DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 33447 OC6108 43-419.70 $105.58 8/11/16 OC6103 $793.26 1203 1.01 1203 101 33447 OC6112 43-419.70 $534.41 8/11/16 OC6105 $543.34 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6111 43-419.70 $645.58 8/11/16 OC6106 . $343.67 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6106 43-419.70 $343.67 8/11/16 OC6107 $761.33 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6107 43-419.70 $761.33 8/11/16 OC6110 $211.83 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6110 43-419.70 $211.83 8/11/16 OC6111 $645.58 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6104 43-419.70 $2,864.41 8/11/16 OC6104 $2,864.41 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6105 43-419.70 $543.34 8/11/16 OC6108 $105.58 1203 101 1203 101 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer p AX `F° *�E ■ omni e evMeiCatECCiTED.�. , .�}.. y+ !k i> f'' v 7� ®gfe�ss�i on S.e ry i-ces :I n vo ce* �g 'rhe OMNI Centre�forP,ublic�Media,�Inc - �~-�� --� „�� :,.����.:�� tea �1234�6�B�ookshirePkwyT�O��Box&302, Date Invoice# Carinel,`'IN'-46082 0302 USA' - • -- - Phone#__-3,17z846-2345 omni ommcentre or 7/5/2016 OC6095 @ - ----g - ak# : 317-574:6620: http://*Ww:oirinicent e'.org'A :Fi . The City of Carmel: One Civio Square Carmel,JN 46032.. USA :: - Attn: Nancy.Heck. :._ Terms : _ : :Due Date Ship Date: 'pr oJecf ='NET:30:Days : :8%4/2016: : : :7/5/2016 CA2447 Conference:.. Item. Description Quantity_ Rate: Amount: = For°coverage of"Conference of Mayors.-2016 I'roducerTime6-23-16'meeting.wifhDan-at Palladium 'Jim.• 1 85:00 85.00 Producer Time .: 6-23-16 Project Producer' meeting with:Dan:=George: : 1: :: 85.00 _ 85.00 Executive Producer: : 6=2346.Planning and project oversight : 1:16667 135.00" 157.5.0 -Producer Time: 6-24-16 going.fo:Palladium to-check.audio.feed:-Jim-. -1.83333 - .--85.00 :. 155,83 Producer Time 6-24-16.going to Palladium.fo check_audio feed.-George. : 85.00' - 85.00 Short Pak-.Hourly_ 6=24-16-.Camera'-2.. '. . . 6.73333 120.00 808.00 . Short,Pak=Hourly ,=- 6-24-16,operated Camera l:of two cameras'_ 6',81667. - 120.00. - 818:00 . ' Executive'Producer. 6-2446-Pr6ject oversightand screening 6.75, 135.00 . 911:25- '. : Tape HD Mini - High-Definition Mini Foimat video,tape - 6 35.00 210.00:' - Producer.Time. - Logging tapes:and entering-into database: = : 1:2666_= = : 85.00 : 107:66 -GoPro Camera: HD-GoPro Camera,tripod/clamp;.batter y array .6.733 :55.00 :- . : '370.32------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .It is our.privilege.to serve you!*The OMNI Centre Staff. . . :Total _.. . $3;793:56 :. : Payments%Credits.. .B61ance.Due . :-. $3;793s6:. ------------ r omhk-entre . The'OMI�TI,Cenfre for Public Media Inc: ro a signal Services Lnvo�ce ` I2316'$rooksl ire Pkwy'P.O Box'302 a 'Date Invoice Carmel;IN'46082-0302 USA - Phone#". :3;17-846-2345 omni omnicentre:or 11/11/2014 005840" .. g' :_ Faz# 317-574-6620 _ httpa/www:omnicentie.org: : Bill To_ . . . . . . . . . . . . :The City of Carmel . . . One Civic Square Carmel,.IN.46032. USA Attn:-Nancy He& Terms:_ : " Due Date: . Ship-Date . Project " NET 30.Days 12/11/2014: . 11/11/2014= : "CA2116 upload vide:.. Item-. : Description.. - Quantity. Rate : .Amount: Upload Roundabout vid.eo"to Savor,Indiana EDL-Capture -10=31-14 BDL-Capture -1;5 90:00 135:00 Rendering- 10-31-14render:mp4,files: : 0.5.: 75.00 . 37.50:" Upload,File(s) 10-31-14 upload files to FTP site : 0.75 . 30.00 :2230 r ' W� - O =_ :- � �II � .. s . _ _ Mw .. HaPPy Flolidays from all of us to you and your family!. . .." Total $195.00 Payments/Credits. .60 Balance:Due ' w. ts� • �`omni;Cimtre" MAO `�, 1�i AO Hama;Yt[M,0-1EO, The QIVII�ILCentre for Public Media,Inc. P'ro f e s o n a l 'Services "I n v.o i ce 12316'Brookshire Pkwy<P O.'Box302'- E _ Date '.: . Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA . '-. Phone-#- -_117446-2345 omni@ommcentre,org : : 11/11./2014 00583.7, . . .. . . - . . - ...Fax# : , ... -.---. --- 317-574-6620 hftpa/www.ocrinicentre.org Bill ::The City of Carmel One-Civic Square Carmel,.IN.46032. USA_ A.ttn:"Nancy.Heck _ P.O.No:. Terms: ; : Due Date Ship.Date 'Project '31.743: = NET30:Day§ = : " -. 12/11/2014= 11/1I/2014 CA2109ExpressBus... Item Description: - Quantity.. Rate : Amount. Preparing"'Ezpress Bus"Promo for Broadcast - Rendering 10 13-14Yerider'silverlight stream-file for.review � 0.33333:. 75:00 25.00' -Upload:File(s): ;: _ 10-13-14 upload stream file to videoserver for:review`. : 1: ; : 30.00 - 30.00:" Rendering _10-20-14 render broadcast:mpeg 0.68333• " . %.75.00 51:25 Upload File(s) 10-20-14 upload broadcast-.mpeg•to.TelVue video server Y 30.00 30.00 , .. . . :0 Happy Holidays"from all of us to you and your family!. :Total $136.25 Payments/Credits. Balance:Due . $136.25- . . � r �.;,'�*-S•'f''�".:�� S�'���'�fs,�:�-.� �f`.�-4. �.�t� ��L l.N'' f r L,; ��_2� �3 a "3f ✓'< `! wve }t��I ,aS- .,_791+� rn � ,1�,+'�h� hy5Y%YT f1 -'';, }}:Ui 4-C-'' .i a'.',ks c fz 5• -- ti�IN • �'*�+^ vr, i a t e � � -. F'30 .- „t. ,b' "rt, ...r+y' >.�.. r ,.;y ; ti �;i►: a -:-a s s' {¢ ''-e- 's•u. K• `� ,Fa r;?.''� F, � r, Ae[� b e , - a . 7 �,$, T z c Y t 4Profes�ona l r.le s P x r T1ie-0IVINI Centreifor PabltcxMedla,enc . �s } h s I r ��O51 ,,S{� °',., 3y•s. ...� ^ i _ v. -,wa L + awn-n!mr'YT -�+s ^D,�:.:,',fYsi-' - -' ti ; C a:�at�'i'y ys r v 1C hI11VOer�a �. z ':.S '. ; �.y, a--. ,4,s,4�'�`"Y Y.+ �.-4-` .r�'l�a� � x � � .n�'',._a'.x"� o.a cam''"1`"r'. �'� r r s A S•_, 3 ��,�_'� ... 'x a Fax# 317-574=6620 httpa/www.omnicentre.org L _ The City of Carnet One Civic Square Carmel,.IN.46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 30 Days -9/11%2015 8/12//2015 CA2196 Porchfest Pr... Item:. DescriptionQuanti hRate: Airiou" nt= : : EDL-Capture 6-22-15 Capturing footage for the Porchfest.,!Save The Date"Promo 1.25 90.00 . 112:5.0 2015. Video Edit 02.15 Editing thePorchfest:Promo:2015: 1: - 130.00130:00 Video Edit 6-22"15 Editmg:the Porchfest Promo 2015: 1.25 130.00 162:50 'Graphics Creation 6-23 15`,Creating graphics.for the Porchfest Save The Date.Promo: 1' 120.00 120:00 -2015- Video-Edit Video Edit_ 6-23-15 Editing the Porchfest Save the Date Promo:2015_ 0.75 130.00 97,50 Video Edit. :6-2345.E diting the.Porchfest Save the Date.Promo 2015. 1.5 130:00 .. 195:00 Producer Time 6-23=15 Finding music and fonts for the P6rchfest Save the Date 0.25 85.00 21.25 promo Video Edit: 6-2915,Editmg,P9rchfesfProm6 2015'and adding Music/SFX • 0.75 130.00 97:50 Video Edit' 6-29-15 Editing the Porchfest Promo 2015: 1.S 130.00 195.00 Video Edit 7-9 15 Editing the PoichFest:Save.the Date Promo 2015.� 0.58333 130.00 75:83 Rendering 7-9-15 Exporting.mov forAhe Porch.festSave.the.Date Promo 2015 0.08333 75.00 6.25 Rendering 7-9=15 Converting-:mov to mp4.foi approval for:the.PorchFest`Sav 0:16667 75.00 12:50 the Date Promo 2015 Video Edit 8-5-15 edit 1 21667 130.00 1'58.17 .. . . Rendering 8-6 15 render.mov, mp4-and.mpeg'files 0.45 . .75:00 33.75. Social Media Upload 8-6-15.upload.mp4 file to YotiTube 1 30.00 30.00 Producer Time ;8-6-15 copy:mov.file to`.extem,al hard drive for:archiving _ 0.23333 85,0.0 19.83 Producer Time. 8-6-15.email YouTube link,for Cannel website. 0.18333 85.00 15.58 Upload File(s) 8- 6=.15 upload.mp4 file.to Vimeoste 1 30.0.0 30:00 Thank you for-your business! . . Total $1,513..16 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance.Due $1,513.16 1 � a c , 7041M '7 ' hl'omni Centre _ .. The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. Professional .S e rw i C e '..Invoice 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Carmel,IN 46082=0302 USA - = Date Invoice. _ . 8/28/2015 005953Phone# -:3177846-2345. omni omnintre.orgce _ - 317-574=6620 hup://www:orrinicentre.org. Fax# : . : . . i 7i- :The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032. USA- Attn:-Nancy Heck P.O.No:. Terms. Due Date Ship.Date Project . . . . . . = 32712: NET 3VDays 9/27/2015 : 8/28/2015 CA2240 Po;chfest Pr:.. Item- Description Quantity Rate : Amount Video Edit'. 8-21-15. Editing Porches Promo 2015, 0.33333 :130.00 43.33 Rendering 8-21-15 Exporting:mov for the Porches Promo 2015. 0.08333 75:00 6.25 Rendering 8-21=.15 Rendering:mpeg from,mov:for the Porches Promo 2015.: 0.08333 _ 75.00 6.25 Social Media.Upload..: 8-24-15..Uploadirig Porches.Promo 201'5 to YouTube-: 0.25 30.00 7.5.0 Rendering:. 8-24-15:Rendering.mp4 for the PorchFest Promo 2015 for 0.08333 - 75.00_ "..6.25 YouTube: n ) � l It is our privilege to serve you! .The OMNI-Centre Staff. . . :Total $69.58 = Payments/Credits. $o.00 Balance.Due $69x8 aM i.�Ft m oni Centre. Va,11MVI •TED The OMIgI Centre for Public Media,Inc. P ro f e s s i.o n a I:• S e ry i c e s I n vo i c e 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 armel,IN 40082=0302 USA' Date IrI nice C #- ;_: Phone#__.:317446-2345 omni@6nm centrg org 10/19/2015 005980 Fax# : 317-574=6620: http://www:ocrinicentie.org .. - Bill-To :The City of Carmel. One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032. USA. Attn:-Nancy Heck _ . . P.O.-No:. Terms Due Date Ship-Date:-. Project ' NET30.'Days 11/18/2015 : 10/19/2015 '.CA2203 Encore:Sbri Item- ' Description Quantity- Rate : Amount: Encore Songbook.Hall.ofFame 2015 Performance - Producer Time 4-29-15 various emails,etc.:. .0.26667:_ 85:00 . 22.67 Producer Time :10-2=.15 email with questions about the film ing - 0.26667, - -85.00 22.67:. Producer Time. _ 1027-15.packing.andpreparing:for.shoot : . :0.3 :85.00 25.50_ - -Producer Time: 10-3-15:going.over to-Palladium to test audio feed for the-evening. : 1.5 85.00 '121.50 - perfoimance -. Short Pak--Hourly_ 10-3-15'two camera,two-person"shoot;this.time is*for camera 1 and .9 120.00 .1,080.00'. Videographer. Short Pak,-Hourly. -10-3-15 two camera;two person shoot;this time'is for camera 2 an 9.33333:- 120:00 . - 1,120:00 - Videographer SO G PC . . .7t is our privilege to serve you! The OMM"Centre Staff. . . :Total $2;398.34 Payments/Credits. $o:oo Balance:Due :$2,398.34 ^ aliomni Centre. 9UBllC YEQ1 WCOWCGAtED,-. The O Centre for Public.Media,Inc. Professional Services I n vo i c e 12,316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 'Carmel,IN'46082-0302 USA.- - - Date Invoice# -Phone_#. :;317-846-2345omni omnicentre.or 10119/2015_ 005929 :Fak# : ; 31.7-574.6620: http:l/www:omnieentte.org = Bill _ . " •:The City of Carmel One"Civic Square . . . Carmel,IN 46032. USA: :: - Attn:"Nanny Heck" - ". . = P.O.No:. : : : Terms Due Date " = Ship Date: = Project = NET:3.O:Day§ : 11%18/2015: 10/19/20,15: CA2202 Encore Son.. Item. -Description: Quantity :Rate. Amount: Encore f of Fa_nieTromo Video-Edit - -9=16-15 edit 0.21667 . 130:00 . 28.17 Video:Edit 9-17=15 edit 2 2-: 130.00 286.00:" Rendering : 9=17-15.render.movand'.mp4:files: 0:26667: = : =75.00 20:00 Upload File(s) : 9-17-15:upload to:Vimeo for review:: 1 : 30.00 :. :: .30.00 'Upload File(s),. 9-17-15,upload to,YouTube. 1 30.00 30.00 _ Rendering_. . 94845'render..mpeg file 0.2 .. 15.00 15.00 . Upload File(s) 9-18-15 upload,mpeg file to-Te1Vue video server 1. 30.00 ~ 30:00 �LI0. W1 , ,� Thank you for.your.business.. . Total $439.17 . . - . . • . . . : Payments/.Credits. .: . - BAlance:Due" • " $439.17�- . •a, M �. ' , omni Centre d l 10. e1 Professional services Invoice• The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. .12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel;IN46082=0302 USA Phone#. :31744672345: _ ;,omni@omnicentre.org. :_:`_ _ 10/19/2015 005978 - . Eax# 31.7-574-6620 httpa/www:orrinicentie.org_ :The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032. USA Attn:-Nancy Heck" - P:O.:No:. : : Terms Due Date $hp.Date - Project "NET 3.0:Days = 11%18/2015 ." : 10/19/2015 CA2201=Encore Save... Item. 'Description Quantity Rate : Amount: Encore Songbook.Hall of Fame Save the Date Promo`_ EDL Capture :7-27 15 capture footage 0.63333 9000 '0.00: Video_Edit edit _ 1.25_: 130.00 162.50: Rendering. 8-10-15.render digital juice.backgrounds 0.56667 75.00 42.50 Video Edit : : 8-10-15 edit:. 0.9 30.00 " 17.00 Rendering :8-10-15•render.mov"and.mpeg files 0.45 17500 133.75 Upload File(s). _ 8-10-.15 upload.mp4.file.to Vimeo.for review."" .. . . . . . . .. . . .1. 30:00 30.00 - -Producer Time- 8-10-15 send Vimeo link'for approval 0:11667. 85.00 9.92 ." .Video Edit - 8416155edit changes=. 0.41667 . 130:00 54.17 Rendering . : 8-11=.15 render.mov;.mpeg and.mp4:files '. . -- :" 0.21667 75.00, -16.25: Upload.File(s) 8-12-15.upload:mpeg to TelVuevideo server = = 1 '. 30.00 :30:00 _ 9, w ►� �. Thank you for.your.business! _ :Total $553.09 Payments/Credits. . $o:oo Balance:Aue : : . . $553.09 '. k 1 V {_ l `yomni Centre , Professs Invoice The ONM Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy-,P.O.13ox-302. Carmel,IN4'6082=0302 USA: -. - •-. - . - --. � Date- I- nvoice _ —Phorie.#'_`-.-.:3.17-846:_2345__"_:_::._omni omnicenfze.or 10119/2015'.:. 00597.7: Fax# = : 317-574=6620 http://www:ommcentre.org: : Bill-TO::. : :The City of Carmel One-Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032.- -. USA Attu: Nancy Heck. : Terms : - Due Date: :Ship.Date - Project =NET 3.0:1) s 11%18/2015 ." 10%19/2015 : CA2300:Celebration... Item.. :.` Description_ .: Quantity_ Rate: Amount: :Producer Time- '. 9-15.15.gathering inforniation.from emails:etc...'. 0.3- - 85.00." ' 2550 Video Edit 945-15 edit1.9 130:00 .247:00 Rendering_ -: 9-15-15 render.mov;.mp4 and.in eg files 75.00 : 20.00: _ Upload.-File(s)'".- 9=15=15 upload:mp4:file to,Viineo for review: -_ ' - _ : 1 30:00 30.00 _Upload File(s) : 9=15-15 upload.mpeg file to Te1Vue-video.server: :. 1 = 30.00 30.00 Q, M. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ON =. = 7i is our privilege to serve youl The OMNI.Centre Siaff. . . Total $35230" Payments/.Credits. . : : - o:oo BaIarlce.:Due • - _ $352.50 Y amn��Centre r" _ r v � Aga Invoice �e4+a�uxue weeaYswxn;� - P�rofessaifon�ai� Services wThe'OMNI Centre for`Public Media,Inc. 123416zBrooksWk&Pkwy 1'.O.Box 302 Date I imice# Carmel;IN 302 USA I 8/1.1/2016 . OC6103 _...: -Phone# _-317-846-2345 ._:.".omm@omnicentre.org r: _ -Fax# '317-574=6:620. http://www:ominieentie.org: Bill Ta The City of Carmel: :. .. . . . : One Civic Square Carmel;IN 46Q32.'- . USA Attn: Nauoy Heak Terms We Date Ship Date: Project NET:30:Days : 9/10/2016 : ; :8/la/2016 : :CA244I:CarmelFast... Item. : Description . Quantity. : . Rate . Amount.' For-the preparation of the„CarznelFest2Ql6"Promo - Video Edit 6=9-16._Edit 1.76667 : 130:00 .' 229.6? Video:Edit 6-946,-Edit- 0.23333 130,00 30 33 Video Edit 646-16=Edit 2.06667 : 130.00 268.6.7 Rendering:. 640-16-Render may and.mp4 far vimeo :- 0.08333 - 75.00 :- -.•6.25 : ::- Upload File(s) 6-10-16, Upload mp4.to vimeo for approval'. 1 30.00 30.00 Video Edit. . . 6=29-.16-Edit.Making'changes 0.61667 . -.130.00 "80.17 - Rendenng, 6-29-16-Rendering mpy-and'mp4 for updated video 0,2-1667 75.00 8.75 . . Upload Files) 6-29-I6--:Upload updated video.to vimeo.for approval •' 1 30:00 . 30.00 Rendering ': : 6-29=16--render m_peg2 for Telvue'. : : : 15.00: Upload File(s)'. 6-29-16:Upload'mpeg2 to Telvue 1 :30.00 :34.00 -Upload File(s) 6-29-16-Upload final approved version to.Youtube Y: 30.00 ::. -.30.00 - "Rendering 7-14-16.'-Rerider-2 BIu=Ray disks . 0.38333 75.00 _" '28.75 _. ,, . - - Producer;Time : . . 7=1+46-tog DVDs unto Database. ; _ :• 0.06667'. 85:00 5.67 _ io _'7v Ii is ottr privilege.to serve yotd.The O.MWI.Centre Sfaf. . °Tdtal. : $793:26 : . PaymerltslCredits. $6.00 Bl1TiCC•DUC F .� '^ iornn" Centre_ Z •TED �.':d' :+" w{} } x � 2-1- e�ss��o�nal Services Invoice d TheaaOl NI Centreiforr Rub hc Wdia,Inc f `¢_ ; � as{�31v23r1�6Bioolcshi ePkwy+l'�OBoz302 ,. - - Date Invoice# 3 Carmel,IN 46082-0362 USA .Phone#,-- 317446-2345: _omni omnicentre:or 8/1.1/2016 . OC6104. I @ g - - — -- Fax# ; 317-574-6620: httpa/www:omnicentie.org Bill-TO :The City of Carmel: One Civic Square '. ' . .'•' Carmel,IN 4601."-'. USA . Attn:-Nancy Heck. ; :. P.O.:No:.: : . :Terms Due Date Ship.Date '. Project 'NET-30bays 9/1:0%2016 8/1:112016 : CA2443 Press Confe:.. . . Item Description Quantity :Rate Amount: : - Foittie production'of the Determine Press Conference _ Pro'dacar Time 6-16=16 log.Videotapis in archive database 0.6 85:00 . 51.00 EDL-Capture ; 6-16.46-Capture footage : ;: : 1,1; : 90.00 . '99.00' . Video Edit 6=1646.=Edit. 0.41667: w 130.00 :541.7. = Video Edit-= : : : := 6-1-7-16,-Edit 3:93333 :• �130.00 : 511.33 : : Video Edit -6-17-16.--Edit 3.33333 130.00 433:33 Video Edif. . . ' . . 6-20-16=Edit 338333 - 130.00 439.83 Video Edit 6-20-16.-Edit. -2`66667- '- '.:130.00 =_ -346:67 . Video Edit - -6=21=16--Edit' 0.45 130:00 '58:50- - Video Edit_ . : 6-22=.16-Edit'. _ 4.1 130.00 : = .533.00 Rendering : ' 6-22-16.=Render mov and mp4 0:8 - =75.00 :60.00. Upload File(s)-= : :_24-16 upload to Vimeo for review: 30.00 : 30.00 : : 'Video Edit -8-2-16;.Edit Edit 0.53333- .00 69;3j:'- UO Rendering 8-2-16-Render mov and-mp4 ; 0:66667 ; 75..00 Upload Files) 8-2-16,Upload mp4 ofupdated.video to virneo 0:56667 . 30.00 17.00. Renderuig: '869-16- Render tnpeg2 for,Telvde, ',-0.68333' 75:00 51:25 Upload'File(s) 8-9 16-Upload mp6g2 to TeNue 1: : 30.00 . ' . 30.00:1 Upload.File(s). : ; 84-16-Upload to Youtube ' . _ 1 :30.00 - 30:00. Gln: l ; . Thanky .o'ryubusiness!ufor . $2;864:41- Paytrierit§/Credits .00 .:. • - : . , :. $alance.Due :$2,864.:41 L 4 -.,tiy *x ',s.,i 6�"";' h`13. *,. ;; t u Y 2,J i �.rye{` s ;x�«� •x r3�� :,t 3 '�° - _' 3 q �� S ko- a •a � `Ir ; 3 .... se 4 vu w - ° : rye i ommCentriev- 3 �� � � Ft3 w P ra�fes�o�a i 'se ry ce s Invoice I The ONIN,I Centre for�Pubic Medza,Inc z 12316 Brookshire Pk P©yBox;302 Date,' Invoice#" Garmel�IN 460$2-0302i1S;A" r.__ . __Phone.#. _..317-846-2345 . omni@omnicentr _ a 8/11/2016 OC6105 : 3I7-57!3;G620 h ' //www ommcentie,.or' :Fax# nP : . g Bill To: :' :The City of Carmel . . . One`Civic Square Carmel,IN 4.6032. USA : Attn:-Nancy jIeck P.O.No:.: : Terms : :Due Date ' Ship.Date Project_ = NET:3.0 Days : ; ."..9/1.012016 -.,.:8/1112016 CA2444 Art.ofWme'... Item :: Description : Quantity ' Rate Amount Forth preparation bf"Art of Wine'-:24.16"Promo' :Video Edit : `6-1'6-16' Edif 0.75 130:00 . 97:50 - :" Video-Edit G-16=16-Edit`. : ::'- L ::"" 130.00 130.00: . Video Edit 6=1br16.=Edit: '0.36667 : : :130.00 : 47:b7. Rendering:. : 6-16-16:-Render MOV"and:MP4. 0.18333 - ' . - 75.00 : :- :13.75 - Upload Files) 6-16-16. :Upload M]'4'to Vuneo 1'. 30 00 30.00, Upload File(s). ' 7 13-.16=Upload mp4 to.Youtube . . 1. 30.00 '30.00.. 'Rendering.' 7-13.16.-Render in for Teivue 0',11667. 75.00 - Upload File(s)' 7-1316--Upload mpeg2 to Telvue ' 1' 30:00 .' .'30110 - Rendering 7-14-46-Render 2 Btu-Ray Disks'. : . :" . ' '2 75.00 . ' 150.00: . 'Producer Time: :: 7-14-16 Log-DVDs into Database :' 0:06667 ; -:.85.00 ::. 5.67": : : Thank you for.your.business t Z Otal W 34- : . . PayrrieritslC.redits. . : .4:00 :`-$543.34_ Ak ° r .. - ,� � �, i�� ���.. y �ro S�ional Services Invoice' The OO PCentre for Pulihc Medialnc f n 12316 Brookshire ° Carmel,"IN% U82-0302 i7SA Date Invoice# j -.- - Phone#,:-:31,77k46-2315 omni@omnicentce.org 8/1.1'/2016 OC6106: _ - _'Fax# : 3I7-574:6620 _: hftpa/www:ornnicentie.org. BillTo:; :: -. - :The City of Carmel: One Givic Square : Carmel,IN-4. 6032. - . - USA: _ Attn:-Nancy Heck Terms : : : : :Due Date- : :Ship Date .: . . Project -NET=30bays = : .'9/1.0/2016 = : 8/1:1%2016 = : CA2446songbookA... Item : Description Quantity. Rate:': .Amount:" Forlhe.production of the Songbook Academy 2016-Promo .Video Edit 6-2146-•Edit - .0.86667 . 130:00 112.67 Rendering 7-13=16-Render mpeg2-for:TdlVue 0.06667 . 75.00 . 5.00: - Upload.File(s) 7-13-I6.=Upload mpeg2 tblelVue : 1 :30:00 30:00 = : ;Rendering_• := : ;-'- .'= 7-14-16=Render MP4 for.vimeo and Yogtube. 0.1= 75.00 ; 7.50 Upload File(§) -7-1'4-16-Upload mp4 to Youtube-and Vimeo30.00 30:00 Rendering- -: 7-22-16=Render 2 Btu=Ray'disks -_- 2 75.00 150.00 Producer Time.-' - 7-22-16.-Log.Blu-Ray's into database - _ 0:1. -.85.00 . . 8:50 - . : y- l _: . - :. It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. - - . -. -. . _ $343:67 Payments/Cfeditg. .Balance:Due $343.67 . . . i l Af �*�Fomni Centre pp The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. I O fG S S I O C1 a I 'Services Invoice i 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 4 Carmel,IN 46082=0302 USA Date Invoice# :Phone#, _.3.17-846-2345 omni@omnicentre,org 8/1.1/2016 OC6107 Fax# , 317-574-6620- :; http:/&ww.omnicentie'.org: :The City of Carmel One Civic Square _ Carmel,IN.4.6032. USA: : Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No..- : Terms Due Date- =Ship Mte-. Project NET3.0 Days X9/1:0/2016 811x2016 CA-2445 2016 Porch" Item Description Quantity, Rate : Amount: : For the pro ductionofthe"PorchFest Save the Date .2016"Proirio . EDL-Capture -6-27-16' Capture footage 1.08333 90:00 ." " 97:50" Vide' -Edit . : 6-27-16-Edit 1.13333'. 130.40 . 147.33 Video Edit 6-2846.-;Edit: 1.03333 130.00 134.33 Video Edit." : : 6-28-16=Edit 6.25 130.00 : 32.50 -Rendering °6-28-16.-Render mov- 0.08333 25.00 6:25 Rendering . . 6-29-.16=render mp4: 0._1 75.00 7.50.- -Upload File(s) . 6-29-16.-Save the-Date Promo.Upload mp4-to vimeo for approval. 30.00 30.00 .Video Edit '6=29=16-"Editstandaidpromo(non savethe-date) ="0.16667-." " 130:00 . .'21:67- - Rendering 6-29-16-Render:mov.and mp4 for.standard'promo. .0.2166T. 75.00 . 16.25: . Video Edit : 8-2-16=Make:changes to save the:date promo . 0.43333: 130.00 56:33. Rendering : 8-2-16.-=Render mov and mp4: ; 0:16667 : 75.00 ; -12.50 Upload File(s) 872-16;Upload:mp4 of 6 dated video to vimeo - 0.05- :30.00 1:50- Rendering 8-9-16-Save the date promo,render-mpeg2 for Telvue0 08333 75.00 6.25 Upload Files) . 8-9.16,Save the Date.promo upload mpeg2 to Telvue . 0.05 - 30.0 .R 0 Rendering '8-9-16-Save the Date,Render 2 blu-Ray.disks�f6r database - 2 75:00 150.00 Upload:File(s): - :". 8-946-Save the Date,-npload'mp4 to:Youtube := 1: : : 30.00 . 30.00- . Producer Time. 8-9-16-Log Blu-rays into database O.i 1667 85.00 9:92. GV: . di Thankyou for-your.business/ . . .. .. . . Total $761.33 Payments/C.redits. .. o:oo Balance.-Due . : : . . . : :. . will Centre Professional Seryices Invoice- The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc, 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date 11vOlCe.'#. Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA .' _Phone# 317-846-2345 _ _ : omni@4!nnicentre.org 8/11/2016 `OC6108 Fax# 317-574;6620 ` http://www.omnicentre.org = Bill To:: .=�. : �=. : ::- ��. : �:-.� �. : =:- . : :- ' . ; :: �: : : ' ::. : : - :: : : :. : : : . ' :. : : :- .-:. : ::'. •�=. : �:' :The City of Carmel One-Civic Square Carmel,IN A6032.'- USA:. . . Attn: Nancy Heck' = P.O.No:. : : :. Terms Due Date Ship.Date - Project NET,30:Days 971:012016 8/1aI2016 C.A2450 14 DVD co:., Item Description . Quantity' Rate Ahiount. . . -Dopiication 10-18. 7-1-16 14 duplications.4fMemorial Day.Ceremoriy . 56:0.0 . Producer Time attach DVD labels 0.58333 85:00 ." 49:58` l . . . : . • . . 'k C � fi 1 : -. 7t is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. . $1038 Payments/Credits_ . : _: :. - .60 Balance:Due ' :1105.58 omni Centre The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. Professional Service s T n voice 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date " lrivdiCe# . Carmel,IN"46082-0302 USA - Phone# 317-846-2345.. omni@omnicentre_".org 8[1112016 OC6110 Fax# :- 317-574=6620.' http:/N✓'.omnicentre.org: Bill To: :The City of Carmel - - One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032. . . USA AM: Nancy Heck P:O,.No:. Terms : : : Due Date: , Ship Date: : : Project " NET30:Day§ : : 9/1012016 .$11:1/2016 : : CA2466 2016 Carme:.. Item. ; Description Quantity. Rate - Amount. For the preparation of the"Caiznell est 2016 Promo Rendering"" ?=$-16.=Render MOV from"DVD 0.63333 . 75.00 47.50 Video lydit 7-8-16-Edit Q.25. : 130.00 32.50: Rendering: 7=$-16=Render'mpeg2 for Telvue; : 0.91667: 75.00 : . 68:75" Upload File(s) : 7-846.-:Upload mpeg2 to Telvue. _ 1:$6667 .30.00 .56.00 - " - Producer Time 7-14-16, Log D.VD into Database 0.08333 85.00 748 -t (; f S C 1 7t is our.privilege to serve you? The OMNI Centre Staff. . Total $211:83 Payments/Cre'dits. o.00 B61'ance-:L3ize -1214.83-'. ' -- - 3 a MOORE" o�m�ni� y ,,� r�Th fi <jCerit o f b11�,Media",Inc ro f e s i o �a l Services I n v o i c e 4f.s . �� " "'BrookshireP ' P<Y®*rB°xs302 f ar _ -Date Invoice#` Carmel;IN'46082=03�SA • " _Phone.#•_317-846 2345 gmni omnicentre.or _ 8L1.F/2016 OC611.1 @_ _ w g., _ _ :Fax# = : 317-574:6620: hftpwwww:oninicentie.rirg ' Bill-To::' =: ; :' : : ::- :: : : :• : :.- . : : ' . : :: :. : : : ::: : The City of-Cannel: One-Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032. USA Attn:'Nancy Heck. : : . Terms : :Due Date:'Ship.Date - Project 'NET3.0:Day§ 9/1.012016 - :8/1:112016 = : 'CA2464 Artomobilia:.. Item. : . :Description' P Quantity_ : : Rate : Amount: ; For'the preparation of the"Artomobilia 2016",Piomo• .- Video Edit T-5-16-EdiY 23 . . 8333 . ' 130:00 . .309.83 - Video.Edif-. : :' 7-6-16-Edit' _ :: : 1.26667 130.00 :` 164.67 Rendenrig. 7=6-16-Render:mov:and inp4: : 0.18333 75.00 - : 13:75 Upload File(s) 7-6-16.-:Upload mp4 tow.imeo for.approval 30.00 •- 30.00 ' Upload Files) `.: '8-2-16;upload mp4 to Youtube. -0.11667. 30:00 3.5.0' Rendering 8-2=16 Render.mpeg2 for Telvue . 0.1 .. ' 75.00 7.50 - Upload-Files) 8-2-16-Upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1.• 30.00. 30.00 - - .Rendering -8=4-16=Render 2 Bhi-Ray disks- Rendering - ' 75:00 . 75.00 Producer Time 8-4-16-Log Blu-Rays into archive.database:. : : 0.13333 85.00' : -11.33 / _ . 7. . '. M: �( t c :fl :It is our privilege to serve you/ The OIIINLCentre Staff. . .. • :Total : : $645.58 .: Payments/Credits.-_ . Balance:Due . $645.58 . -' - -- ------- - - . AF^ice' S omni Centre Professional vIQ Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date IriVO1GE# Carmel;IN 46082=0302 USA' Phone#,_ :3:17-846-2345_ omni@omniceritre;org 8/11/2016 OC6112 Tax fl : 317-574-6620 http:/./www:omnicentre.org: Bill To :The City of Carmel: One Givic Square Cannel,.N.46032. USA: :. Attn: Nancy.Heck =" P.O.NNo:. : : : Terms : : : - : :Due Date Ship Date- Project • NET 30:Days 9/1:0%20168/1:1%2016 CA2468 20I61VIoonc... Item: : . Description Quantity" Rate Amount Update"Mooneake Festival Promo:,2016" .Rendering' 7=22=16' Render inov from Archive DVD' 0.05 -- 75:00 3.75 Producei Time 7-#-:16 Pre-production gather"archive:niaterials for.editing:". .0.33333". 85.00' . - -,28.33:"- Video Edit 7-22-16.:Edit: 1.11666: = : 130.00 145-17. 'Rendering.-- 7-25-16--Render inov and mp4; = : 0.21667 : 75.00 : ;•16.25 Upload File'(s) 7-25-16.-Upload-mp4 to vimeo for approval : 1 30.00 30.00: Rendering 7-25-16=Render.mpeg2 for Telvue 0.05' - 75.00 3.75 'Video Edit 7-25-16:-Edit 1.43333 130.00 186:33 Rendering" 7=25=16-Mender iriov and mp4. 0.11667 75:00 8.75 Upload"File_(s): a 7-25=.16-Upload mp4 to vimeo. 1: 30.00 30.00: _ Rendering 8-4-16-Render mpeg2 for Telvue 0.05 . :75.00 3:7.5 'Upload File(s)" = 8-4-16:-Upload mpeg2"to.Telvue .1 _ 30.00 ' 30.00 : Rendering 8-9-16:Render_2.B1u-Ray disks for.database: 0;15: 7:5.00 11:25_ Upload Files) 8-9=16 Upload mp4 to Youtube 1. 30.00 30.00 -Producer Time. 8-9=16,Logblu=raysiiitodatabase. 0.08333 85.00 . 7:08; '. . • . 7t is our privilege to_serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. ;Total $534.41 Payments/Credits. .00 8alanee:Due $534.41: k7HE 8'iuA�;� H,. omni Centre Professional ,Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date IrivO1Ce# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA' Phone.#-_3.17-..846-2345 omni@omnicentreAorg_ 77 _ 7/5/2016 - OC6097 Fax# 31-7-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.or'- Bill To: The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel,IN.46032. USA-- Attn: SA Attn: Nancy Heck P.G'No., Terms Due Date Ship.Date Project NET 30 Days 8/4/2016 7/5/2016 CA2436 Memorial l) Item Description Quantity. Rate Amount: Forlhe production-of the-2016 Memorial Day Ceremony. Short Pak-Hourly 5-27-2016-Operate Camera 2 -3.8 120.00 456.00 Short Pak-Hourly. 5-27.16 operate cameral 4.33333 120.00 . 520.00 Executive:Producer: Executive Producer Time;Interviews 0.75 135.00 101.25_ -EDL-Capture 6-1.16.--Capture.tapes -1.66667 90.00 150.00 EDL-Capture 6-2-16-Capture 1.3 90.00 117.00 Video-Edit. . - 6-2=16-Edit. - .0.53333 -_ 130.00 69.33 Video Edit. 6-2=16-Edit 2:3 130.00 299:00 - .Video Edit 663-16-Edit 2-.78333-. 130:00 .361:83- - Video-Edit 6-3-i6'-Edit 3.38333 - 130.00 .439.83 Video Edit . 6-6-16-Edit . : 3.66667 130.00 476.67. ,Video Edit- 6-6-16-Edit=- 3;83333. : 130.00 498.33 Video Edit: _ 6-7-1'6-Edit 1.05: 130.00 136.50 Video Edit 6-7-16-Edit 0 56.667 : 130.00 73.67_ Video Edit', 6-8-16,Edit 3.13333 130.00 -407:33 Video Edit -6-8-16-Edit 3.25 - 130.00 422.50 Video.Edit 640=16-Edit - 3.01667 . 130.00- .392.17:'. Video Edit 6-13-16-Edit: 0.1 130.00 13:00 Video Edit 6-13-16'-Edit 0A1667 : 130.00 : 54.17 Video Edit -6-14-16.-.Edit3.66667 130.00 476.67 Video Edit 6-14-16-Edit -3.25 .130.00422.50 Video Edit` 6-15-16.-Edit 2.16667 130.0.6 '281.67 Video Edit 6=15-16--Edit 2.75 130:00 357:50 . Rendering 671646-Render MOV and W4 1.78333 75.00 1'3'3.75- . Upload.File(s) 6-17=16-Upload mp4 to vimeo for approval 1.33333 30.00 40.60. Producer Time 6-17-16 log videotapes in archive database 0_:66667 : 85.00 : - - 56.67 _ ExecutiveProduce_r Executive Producer.Time-Reviews and oversight 135.00 135.00: Video Edit - 6-21-16=Edit --0.21667- 130.00 28.17 'Rendering: 6-24-16.-Render mov and'ra 4 . 2.98333 - 75.00 223:75 It is our privilege to serve you! .The OMVICentre Staff. - ;Total = Payments/Credits. Balance.Due Page-1 7qt ; A F7 I Z, �a ,+� `Ss. YarGy�' enb� ti omni Ctre , Y neOMNICentrefor4P�ubhcMedia,Inc rofess�� nal Services Inv-o i ce Tt7 FF �x 1231 Brookshire Pkwyri,m Box`302° 3 Y F Date: Invoice' # Carmel;IN""46082-0302 USA = Phone.#-.,---3,128.46-2345_^ . •_omni omnicentre.or 7/5/2016 OC6097• Fax.# - 317-574-6620 http://www.oxnniFentie'.org Bill TO = =. : :The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel,1N.46032.. - USA Attn:-Nancy Heck P.O.:No.*. Terms- : :Due Date Ship-Date- Project NE T 30-Days . - 8/4%2016 � : - 7/5/2016 • : - CA243611r1emorial D... Item- : Description . w Q6antity- Rate Amount: Rendering 6-24-16 renderCmpeg 1:5 75.00 112.50 Upload File(s) 6-24616*-'Upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1.05 30:00 . 31:50' Upload File(s). : 6-27=.16-Upload mp4 to.Youtube - '.1: -. : 30.00. 30.00= . Rendering: : : 7-1-16 render DVD disc: 0.83333 : - :75.00 62:50. Tape HD:Mini High Definition Mini Format video tape 4 35.00 : :140.00 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It is our privilege to serve you! YThe OMNICentre Staff. _ Total 57;520.76 Payments/Cxedits- = . . : - .. $o:oo . Balance.-Due _ _$7s2o.76 age 7 . VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 302 IN suns of$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service CARMEL, IN 46082-0302 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $4,994.83 Payee ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Carmel Police Terms Date Due ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT L. _34-1.2.4- 6047A 43-419.99 $4,994.83 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 3/16/16 6047A Police video $4,994.83 1110 101 1110 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,August 15,2016 Tim Green Chief of Police I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer �sE M i omni Centre Professional -Services Invoice IOR� - 4I D �• The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. .12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O:Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA o 3/16/2016 OC6047A -- - - --Phone.#_.____317446-2345_____ _-omni@-mnicentre.or-- en---g- -- -- --- Fax'# 317-574-6620 http://www.omriicentre.oig - Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 3/31/2016 3/16/2016 CA2373 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Creation-DvD 2-15-16 make DVD copy of Chief Green interview for transcription 1.05 85.00 89.25 EDL-Capture 2-15-16 capture bicycle interview 0_._41667 90.00 37:50 - - --- - EDL-Capture 2-16-16 capture bicycle b-roll 0.7 90.00 63.00 - - - 'Producer Time 2-16-16 reading and marking Bike Patrol'transcription 0.5 85,00 42.50 Video Edit 2-16-16 edit Bike Patrol 2_.06666 130.00 268.67 EDL-Capture 2=16-16 capture 0.35. 96.00 31.50 EDL-Capture 2-16-16 capture bike patrol in parade 2 90.60 180.00 Video Edit .2-16-16 edit bike patrol - 130:00 - 130.00 Video Edit 2-17-16 edit Bike Patrol 2.26666 136.60 294.67 EDL Capture 2-17-16 capture K-9 interview and broil 1.8 90.00 162.00 Producer Time 2-17-16 reading and marking transcription for K-9 0.58333 85.00 49.58 Video Edit 24846 edit-k-9 1.46667 130.60190.67 EDL-Capture 2-18-16 capture K-9 1.1333.3 90.00 102.00 Video Edit 2-18-16 edit K-9 2.35 130.00 305.50 Producer Time 2-18-16 log raw footage videotape in archive database 0.36667 85.00 31.17 EDL-Capture 1718-16 capture ERG interview and b-roll 0.5 ' 90.00 45.00 67 Video Edit 2-19-16 edit ERG 2.516 130.00 327.17 EDL-Capture 2-19-16 capture Defensive Tactics broil 0.5 90.00 45:00 EDL-Capture 2-19-16 capture Defensive Tactics interview 0.33333 90.00 30.00 Video Edit 2-19-16 edit Defensive Tactics 0.98333 130.00 127.83 Video Edit 2-22-16 edit Defensive Tactics 2.36667 130.00 367.67 EDL-Capture 2-22-16 capture SRO 0.55 90.00 49.50 Video Edit 2-22-16 edit SRO 2.06667 130.00 268.67 EDL-Capture 2-22-16 capture SWAT interview and broil 2.08333 90.00 187.50 Video Edit2-23-16 edit SWAT 3.7 130.00 481.00 Producer Time _ 2-23-16 review with Chief Green. 1.83333 85.00 155.83 Rendering 2-23-16 render.mov and.mp4 files of SWAT for review 0.25 75.00 18.75 Upload File(s) 2-23-16 upload SWAT:mp4 file to vimeo for review 0.33333_ 30.00 10.00 Video Edit 2-23-16 edit SWAT 0.33333 130.00 43.33 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 1 WS e omni Centre' I Prof essional -�Services 'Invo•ice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. I 1 -12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302Date Invoice# Carmel,IN-46082-0302 USA __Phone#___317-846-2325 _ omnicentre.or 3/16/2016 OC6047A -@- - _ _g - - - - -- Fax# 317-574-6620 -.http:Hw.ww.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 3/31/2016 3/16/2016 CA2373 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount EDL Capture 2224-16 capture school footage for SRO segment. 0.46667 90.00 42.00 _ - - Video Edit 2-24-16 edit SRO 2_.0.3333_ 130.00 264.33 EDL-Capture 2-24-16 capture CarmelFest.for ERG _ 1.1 _ _ _ 90.00 99.00 ----- -- - ---0 Video Edit 2-24-16 edit ERG 0.93333 130.00 121.33 --- - --__-__- -- ---- - -- - - - - -- - - Graphics Creation 2-24-16 working with open graphic 1.08333 120:00 130.00 Executive Producer Feb.22 Review of 10 short videos and notes 1.16667 135.00 157.50 Executive Producer Feb-.24-Meeting,review and notes 0 33333 -: 135.00 Executive Producer Editing transcription of Tim Green's interview. 1.33333 _ 135.00 180.00 Graphics Creation 245-16 working on open graphic 0.23333 120.00 28.00' EDL-Capture 2-25-16 capture Chief Green interview 0.96667 90.00 87.00 Video Edit__ _. 3-3-16 edit open_ _ _ - _ 2.98333 Music-Research 3-3-16 music research 0.98333 85.00 83.58 Video.Edit 3-3 16 edit opens 2-.9--1667" 130.00 379.1_7 Video Edit 3-4-16 edit opens 2.5 130.00 325.00 Vfdeo Edit 34-16 edit closing segments _0.88333 130.00 _1-14.83 Donation or Sponsorhip OMNI Centre Donation or Sponsorship of special Police Video -1 1,525.00 -1,525.00 Project It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $4,994.83 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $4,994.83 Page 2 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC PO BOX 302 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service CARMEL, IN 46082-0302 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $312.41 Payee ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Carmel Police Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 34115 OC6055 43-582.00 $312.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 8/5/16 OC6055 Special Investigations Fee $312.41 1110 101 1110 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except �Friday,August 05,2016 Tim Green Chief of Police I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer F& — �,�'•�� - Emomni Centre Professional Services Invoice (lOA9UeJG YEU�u1ED I The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. i 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# 1 Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA -.- _Phone:#—. 3.17446-2345__-. omni ommcentre.or 4/22/2016 OC6055 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org _ Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 5/7/2016 4/22/2016 CA2396 Redact Polic... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Redact Police Video 14-12473 Rendering _ 4-4-16 render.mov file for editing 0.66667 75.00 50.00 Video Edit 4-9-16 edit 1.23333 130.00 160.33 Rendering 4-9-16 render.mov file 0._4833.3- 75.00 _ 36.25 Rendering 4-11-16 render DVD 0.5 75.00 37.50 Producer Time 4-11-16 print label,quality check DVD,phone call 0.33333 85.00 28.33 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $312.41 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $312.41