HomeMy WebLinkAbout302166 08/22/16 (9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367291 CHECKAMOUNT: $*******700.00*ONE CIVIC SQUARE I. M. L.ACARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 200016 CHECK NUMBER: 302166 PITTSBURGH PA 1 5251-001 6 CHECK DATE: 08/22/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4357004 080516 700.00 EXTERNAL INSTRUCT FEE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) I. M. L. A ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 200016 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service PITTSBURGH, PA 15251-0016 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $700.00 Payee ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Community Relations Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT INVOICE 43-570.04 $425.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 8/5/16 INVOICE $425.00 1203 f5`(Q 101 1203 101 I(VVOICE 43-570.04 $275.00 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 8/8/16 INVOICE $275.00 1203 101 materials or services itemized thereon for 1203 1 101 which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,August 15,2016 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer Martin, Candy From: Bennett,Amanda Sent: Friday,August 05, 2016 1:53 PM To: Martin, Candy Subject: FW: Purchase Confirmation No. 18297780 (Nancy Heck) From: trina@imla.org FinailtoarinaMmla.org] Sent: Friday,August 05, 2016 1:50 PM To: Heck, Nancy S Cc: Bennett, Amanda Subject: Purchase Confirmation No. 18297780 (Nancy Heck) Dear Nancy Heck, THANK YOU. This is your confirmation invoice or receipt for your purchase. For your records,here is a summary of your purchase from The International Municipal Lawyers Association(Federal ID#53-0214-280). Please contact Trina or Jennifer directly if you have a question regarding membership or events. TRINA SHROPSHIRE-PASCHAL: EVENTS trina@imla.org ; and JENNIFER RUBE: MEMBERSHIP lruhe@imla.org 'Forward Check Payments to:=:Intempt1Qna1 lVIunicipal:-Lavey`ers Assoc atioriyP,O=>Box= �200616`wPittsburgli;PA415251=0'016'= .r Date/Time: 8/5/2016 1:47 PM Purchase Submitted Thank you. Your purchase has been submitted. Please reference the confirmation number below for this purchase. Your confirmation number is: 18297780 Please keep this number for any references. Billing Address Purchased By Nancy Heck One Civic Square Nancy Heck Carmel IN 46032 Customer ID: 00025502 United States (Organization: Carmel, Indiana) (317) 571-2472 (317) 571-2472 nheck@carmel.in.gov nheck@carmel.in.gov Items in Cart Payment Shopping Cart Items Amount Quantity Total 2016 Annual Conference Total: $425.00 Main Registration-Badge Name: Nance $425.00 1 $425.00 Fee Type: 3 or More Same Office Payment: $0.00 1 From: trina@imla.org [mailto:trina@imla.orgl Sent: Friday, August 05, 2016 1:50 PM To: Heck, Nancy S Cc: Bennett, Amanda Subject: Confirmation of Registration Nancy Heck, This is your invoice/receipt and a confirmation of your registration for the 2016 Annual Conference. All outstanding balances are due upon receipt, the Discounted Registration Fees EXPIRE 15 DAYS after rate ends date, if payment is NOT received, the next rate will apply. There is a$50 cancelation/administrative processing fee($25 for Guest), after August 1, 2016 event materials will be provided in full consideration of fees paid. All refunds will be remitted 90 days after event. Please call 202-466-5424 with questions. The financial purchase confirmation number for this registration is: 18297780. It was sent to you under separate cover. The Event Registration Confirmation below confirms the details of your registration. Event Information: Event: 2016 Annual Conference Start Date/Time: Sep 28,2016 - 8:OOam End Date/Time: Oct 02,2016 - 11:45am Main Registrant Information: Registration Date: Aug 05,2016 Registrant: Nancy Heck Badge First Name: Nancy Badge Last Name: Heck Badge Name: Nancy Registrant Type: Badge City: Carmel Badge State: IN Badge Country: United States Guest Name(If Applicable):: Vegetarian Meal: No Badge Organization: Carmel,Indiana First Time Attendee: No Mobility Impairment: Badge Title: Director of Community Relations and Economic Development BAR Number: 19106-49 Additional Attendee(s):: NOT Attending Luncheon?: No Special Instructions: For hotel.reservotions,program=updates 8:to.register. online:visit.ourwebsite::litta://www:iinla:ora Click on conference page-to access hotel.room block :IM:LA's: 81a .An:n.ual Conferencea ra -Hiffoin.San_Die.90-Bayfrdnt:.I'.Sept.:�28'Oct: 2,°20x:6. Save the Dates :: .REGISTRATION.INFORMATION Nark Heck- Dir.-of Community.Relations.&Economic Development Name : . . y Title -. : : Badge-NameNancy . : Local Government Entity"City Of..Carmel: addressOne.Civlc Square. q1ty; Carmel _state IN . zP:46032 Phone Fax 431-5393:. .' _ l=aX.(:31-:7)"844-3498. E-mal nheck@�carme1J -go' - Guest Name : : : : Guest Badge Name (Complete.only ft-registering Guest):Badges are n3quired for 811 functions.:Guest Rates Below Please-indicate.your registration type and options"listed below(check al/Mat-apply).: ®.CLE Credits,please specify states) INDIANA" . YourBar No's.- 1910649 Breakfast:-.11,STATE/PROVINCES15 f _ l-WONKS15_ , Registration Fees 1nclude:.Adm ission to-06g ram,-all sessions,conference materials,.I MLAsocial functions;Conference Luncheon (CL)and all:coffee breaks(not applicable-to guesty.Guest'Fees include.Attendance at the events.selected below: Cancellation/ :Refurrd,Policy:-.Cancellations:must be.received in wr'it'ing by August 1,2016 to-qualify for a refund:Ali cancellations are subjecYto a $50.00:administrative:processing fee:After Augusi 1,20161hose'not:attending will receive the event rratedals'in:full consideration of registration fees paid.:Replacements are always welcomed.Guest Cancellations are:subject to a$25.00 administrative processing fee, All refurids will.be"re, ed.90.days after the event..Send"alt-cancellations'in writing to.the.IMLA Events Department:.Eull. . participation required to qualify for discounted rates (666 belowl *Registeraametime; - Discounted Registration:Fees-Expire 15:Days After:Rate-Ends; :If Payment Is Not Received. Next Rate Will AppIY..The discounted registration.-fees below.are available.forthose.staying:in,iMLA-.Conference:Hotel, otherwise: $100 will be added to.your registration.fee.to"help defray IMLA Conference-expenses (local attendees.exempt'.from $100).Conference payment must be received-within 15 days.. = HARD:COPY"POLICY-_Registration fees include.speakers materials,available electronically.:These:materials will be . available for registrants fromlMLA's-App one to.two weeks prior to the meeting.If you require paper copies of speaker materials IMLA encourages you.to download and print thesematerials yourself ifyou want IMLA to.produce them .for you at the.Conference you mustadd an additional.$550:to your registration fee-and check here._ Regular. FIVE EASY WAYS TO'REGIS:TER!. - -- --= Registration. Rate Ends. : Rate After MAIL:Intemational_Municipal Lawyers�Association,P,O;:Box_200016; Type 8/19/16 8/19/16 Pittsburgh PA 15251-0016 I PHONE:202-466-5424:1 FAX:202-785=0152 - 7 E-MAIL:info@imla:org I MAMLA Online:,www.imla.org First:Member❑ . -$70b.:. $725:. . -Addt'I."Mernbero .: .$475-- -$500 -.REGISTRATION PAYMENT INFORMATION-.-- 3 NFORMATION-:"3 or More From SameOff ce_ M.-Bill Me: 0 .-Check Enclosed:❑: .Visa 0 :Master Card Each person*Ni $425. $450 Make all checks payable to.IMLA;.U.S.currency only: . Member-First Time Attendee.or New . ttorne 1-s: rs. $460 ❑: : : .$435 : _ : . A Y Y. .. . . . . . . . . . . Amount:_ ias.Vegas Loyaityo Naricy"Heck= G.i#y of Garrliel. .$650. $675 Name. Judicial o $380 : : $430 : $1,200:= .$1,60 . Nonmember❑: Card.No... Guest-Receptiono . . . $125.. . .$150. - "Guest-Reception Plus " . '. Exp:Date Breakfast.o .$150. 75 Guest-Luncheon. . . Signature Ticket.oCL:'. $75.each $15 each Martin, Candy From: trina@imla.org Sent: Monday, August 08, 2016 5:45 PM To: Heck, Nancy S Cc: Martin, Candy Subject: Purchase Confirmation No. 18298170 (Nancy Heck) Dear Nancy Heck, THANK YOU. This is your confirmation invoice or receipt for your purchase. For your records,here is a summary of your purchase from The International Municipal Lawyers Association(Federal ID#53-0214-280). Please contact Trina or Jennifer directly if you have a question regarding membership or events. TRINA SHROPSHIRE-PASCHAL: EVENTS trina@imla.org ; and JENNIFER RUNE: MEMBERSHIP jruhe@imla.org.�F�rwarC>ieck Payments to International dr YJ E Oti$off LO.006,Pittsburgh;PA=L5251=00-16=�j Date/Time: 8/8/2016 5:43 PM Purchase Submitted Thank you. Your purchase has been submitted. Please reference the confirmation number below for this purchase. Your confirmation number is: 18298170 Please keep this number for any references. Billing Address Nancy Heck Purchased By One Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Nancy Heck United States Customer ID: 00025502 (317) 571-2472 (Organization: Carmel, Indiana) nheek@carmel.in.gov (317) 571-2472 nheck@carmel.in.gov Items in Cart Payment Shopping Cart Items Amount Quantity Total CE16: Code Enforcement Program 2016 Total: $275.00 Main Registration-Badge Name:Nancy Fee Type: Code Program and Annual Conference $250.00 1 $250.00 Payment: $0.00 total Event Balance: $275.00 Payment Method: Bill Me CL•E--for Code Program.2016 - - - Alain Registration-.Badge Name:.Nancy $25.00 1 $25.00 1 . .. 'Fee T e:'CLI; Y0 1 total Session i: .. Mobile Code Workshop 2016 - Main Registration:-'$adge Name:Nancy .' ;,,Fee Tvpe:.Code Mobile Workshop. r' -$0:00 . 1 $0.00 ;total Session Current Purchases Amount $275.00 Taxes $0.00 Shipping $0.00 Current Purchases Total $275.00 2 Martin, Candy From: trina@imla.org Sent: Monday,August 08,2016 5:45 PM To: Heck, Nancy S Cc: Martin, Candy Subject: Confirmation for Code Enforcement Seminar Nancy Heck, This is your invoice/receipt and a confirmation of your registration for the 2016 Code Enforcement Program. All outstanding balances are due upon receipt. There is a$50 cancelation/ administrative processing fee, after September 1, 2016 event materials will be provided in full consideration of fees paid. Please call 202-466-5424 with questions. The financial purchase confirmation number for this registration,is: 18298170. It was sent to you under separate cover. The Event Registration Confirmation below confirms the details of your registration. Event Information: Event: CE16: Code Enforcement Program 2016 Start Date/Time: Sep 28,2016 - 8:15am End Date/Time: Sep 29,2016 -5:00pm Main Registrant Information: Registration Date: Aug 08,2016 Registrant: Nancy Heck Badge First Name: Nancy Badge Last Name: Heck Badge Name: Nancy Bar Number: 19106-49 Badge City: Carmel Badge Title: Director Community Relations First Time Attendee: No Badge State: IN Badge Organization: Carmel,Indiana Special Instructions: Badge Country: United States Registrant Type: Main Registrant Sessions: Session: CLE for Code Program Starts: Sep 28,2016 - 7:OOam Ends: Sep 29,2016- 1:OOpm i r`or program, program upaazes or io reglsier online, go zo www.imla.or . MLNS CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM r Registration Form- September 28 29, 2016 Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, San Diego,. CA _-- REGISTRATION INFORMATION Name: Badge Name: Local Govt Entity: '° Address: k_ \,4 N! � t_ruf. City:CC.� an,�\ State; Zip• g_ Phone: �'� E-mail:. _ Please indicate your registration type and options listed below(Check all that apply). 355 CLE Credits$25 each state,please specify state(s): -fit%C-f\Q- Your Bar Nds.: I ®6 1 0 G—149 R'69611 IMM FUS WC19639:Admission to Code sessions,electronic documents and welcome reception. CaflIsRlationt t R eftild PCIiaYo:Cancellations must be received in writing by September 1,2016 to qualify for a refund.All cancellations are subject to,a $50;00 administrative processing fee.After September 1,2016:those not attending will receive the event electronic documents in ful consideration of registration,fees paid.Replacements are always welcomed.All refunds will be remitted 90 days after the event.Send, all cancellations,in-writing,to the IMLA Events Department. Attrifian Feec To help d'effay attrition expenses from the contracted hotel,an additional$100 will be ad'd'ed to your registration fees,if you,do not stay at the Code meeting hotel(daily/drive in registrations excluded). Register online at www imla.org using.My- 11141A shopping cart event registration.You must have an account to use the online registration process.First time users,if you need assistance setting up an account contact info@unla.org HARD COPY pOLICY3 Registration fees include electronic documents.These materials will be available for registrants one to two weeps prior to:the meeting through IMLAs mobile App and dropbox.If you require paper copies of speaker materials you must add' an additional$350 or at cost if greater to your registration fee and check here. WE EASY WAYS TO REGISTER. MAIU,IMLA, P.O. Box 200016, Pittsburgh, EA 15251-00,16, PHONE:202-466-5424 R:AX.@ 202-785-0152 EMIRS info@im-la.org My INLA Onll=www:imla.org EChy'Bird Rate After Registration Type pate ends- 111291'1 71391 t6: Bill Check Enclosed Visa Master Card Code Enforcement Program Only Sept.28 &29 $325 $350 Make all checks payable to IMLA; U.S. currency only. Code Enforcement Programc LP49) and INILA Annual Confer- mount$; �� C ence(Register for confer- ence separately) i ame: kc--re—1L f n Sept. 28-Wednesday Only $200. $250 Sept 29-Thursday Only Card No.: $175 $225 M(CLE) Processing Fee Exp. Date: (Per state) $25 $25 Signature: Sign up for the Code Mobile Workshop Tour that comes FREE wvith registration. Click here to register. I i !R j� CODE MOBILE WORKSHOP =o— ,A's 2016 Code Enforcement 1 rogram o.. September 29, 2016 i 'AIAlnly, . • ponlotq OI OIb AI IOOIOOfOt Sam Diego, CA OIOIOI_D.6700 Q. IMLA will be having our ever popular Code Mobile Workshop on Thursday;space is limited and first come,first served. Potential topics: • Enforcement Using a Task Force,/interdepartmental Teams ® Enforcement Involving Historic Properties • Perennial Remodels Wristbands will be issued and required to have to board the bus. Please get to the bus loading area 10 minutes before your tour starts,so everyone is seated for an on-time departure. Time: 2:00pma to TBA(]Likely around 5) Depaataure: Saar Diego atom BayEront Hotel NOTE. There are limited bus seats available for this educational Workshop. Bus seats gill be available on a first come, first-served basis. Besides being registered for the 2016 Code Enforcement Program,you must register separately for this Mobile Workshop. COST.No Additional Charge-Limited to 45 seats. (Only registered attendees for the 2016 Code Enf+vrcement Program are eligible to register for the Code Mobile Workshop). Relation Form If you are interested in participating, please complete the form below and return it as soon as possible to IMLA via facsimile (202-785-0152), email info@imla.org, subject line code mobile workshop, or register onflne at www.imia.org: MyIMLA. I am registered for IMLA's 2016 Code Enforcement Program and would like to participate in the Code Mobile Workshop. If I have not registered for the 2016 Code Enforcement Program, by completing this form or registering on-line for the Code Mobile Workshop, 1 am authorizing IMLA to register me for the 2016 Code Enforcement Program. brtnc� Name Telephone Number Di1A Cit /State E-Mail Address llAail: IMLA, P.0 Box 200016 tele:202.466.5424 x 7102 web: http://www.imia.org Pittsburgh, PA 15251-0016 fax:202.785.0152 email: info@imia.org IML ' San Diego, CA Hilton Bayfront Hotel September 28th & 29th, 2016 �Ilsi ' �il�l 1:00PM - 2:OOPM k15AM1 9:OOAM Ethics in Code Enforcement n presentation will focus onf ethical issules that arise earth Warrants � , � � 'resentation gill include." a$ �; -.the code enforcement;context from both tl�ie\ discussion related to the code enforcement professional~and municipal >arameters of the 4th l ilk. attorney perspectives, ' -- �mendment, procedures (including�varrarit issu- Speakers: Teresa Adrian& Janet 'Spugmaardi, ,nce, execution, return), and potential problems, Sr, Assistant City Attorney, Irving, TX -, weaker: .Shannon O'Connor, Associate,,Gold-, )erg Segalla LLP 3:OOPM - 3:15PM BREAK 1:OOAM - 9:45AM ease Law Update 3:15PM1 - 5:OOPMi 'resentation will focus on recent j ollaborative Approaches to Code Enforce- zases specific to code enforcement. inent weaker: Sherri Russell Panel discussion that will focus on ways code enforcement issues can be addressed through 1:45AM- 1 O:OOAM collaborating with other municipal departments, MEA ocal/state agencies, or the community. Speakers: Gabriela Brannan, Meira Green- IO:OOAM - 11:OOAM berg & Ryan Haga lanhruptcy and,Collection,Itsu Moderator. Larry Baer, Legal Counsel, 'resentation will focus on banlcru League of Kansas Municipalities :ollections for municipal lawyers, Meaker: Lisa Torres - - � �mill 11:OOAM - 12:OOPM ! •00AM1 - 9:OOAMt 3nforcement for Short-Term: Rentals Due Process 'resentation will focus on enforcement issues that presentation will focus on due process issues that prise with short-term rentals. arise during code enforcement. speaker: Trish Un.h, Staff Attorney, Austirs, 'Tx pecker: Sharon Dickgrafe, Interim City At- orney, Wichita, KS 12:OOPM - 1:00PM ,UNCH 9:OOAM - 10:30AM ivil Enforcement- 2:OOPMi Panel discussion that will focus on methods of ?nforcement Involving Historic Properties civil enforcement and receiverships to remedy 'resentation will focus how to address code enforce- code enforcement issues. nent issues at historic properties, Speakers: Janet Spugnardi, Sr, Assistant City ;pecker: Donna Fairweather, Assistant City ftorney, Nick Hermsen, Associate, Burke, kttorney, Galveston, TX & Robert Vacchi Williams & Sorensen LLP & Steve McKenzie 10:30AM - 10:45AM -- BREAK 10:45AM - 11:45AM Pere=nnial Remodels Presentation will focus on Nvhat to dowhen an owner fails to timely rehabilitate/remodel the proper- ty- pecher; Diane Silva-Martinez,AssisW racy, San Diego, CA 2:®®PM-TBA (Likely 5:®®PM) Code.Enforcement Mobile 'Workshop. _ - Z s toter_s free for all"Code repstrants, however as seats are h�njted andre ala�s req led Cllckl�ere to claim voter seat �! PARRES BASEBALL GAME ' e game will take place on September 28th, Click here to view more information. ou don ant to: miss out on this great deal!' CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE COLE PROGRAM!