HomeMy WebLinkAbout302526 08/31/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350350 is d "il ONE CIVIC SQUARE AUTOZONE INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******228.44* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po Box 116067 CHECK NUMBER: 302526 ATLANTA GA 30368-6067 CHECK DATE: 08/31116 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION '601 5023990 4533319384 142.77 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4533319565 49.46 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4533320187 -5.90 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4533320441 19.49 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4533320445 22.68 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4533320536 -5.90 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4533327228 5.84 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER# 162488 WARRANT# ALLOWED 00350350 IN SUM OF $ AUTOZONEINC PO BOX 116067 ATLANTA, GA 30368-6067 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 4533327228 01-6500-05 5.84 Voucher Total 5.84 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00350350 AUTOZONE INC Purchase Order No. PO BOX 116067 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30368-6067 Due Date 8/26/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/26/2016 4533327228 5.84 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer Page: 1 of 1 10560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 317 334-0185 Customer Information Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533327228 3450 W 131st St COMM SPECIALIST. WADE,TAMBER L Westfield, IN 46074- ORDER DATE. . . . . . 8/25/2016 2 : 08p PHONE. . . . . . 317 733-2855 QUOTE DELIVERY. . 08/25/2016 02 : 38p PO NUMBER. . SHOP Items Sugg. Qty Sku Description List Co§t Core Amount 1 457158 49002 WD40 LOW VOC 80Z A 11.68 5.84" 0..00 , 5.84 WD-40 Low VOC 80Z Aerosol NO VEHICLE GIVEN For The Above Items OUTSTANDING CORES 3+ DAYS Core Bank: 8 . 00 CB12A-AFP - SPORT UTILITY MSDS can be ordered upon request Payment Appry Amount 3590 801057 0 A857M3 5 . 84 4 4533327228082516C Subtotal 5 . 84 Tax 0 . 00 Total 5 . 84 AZC Savings -0 . 15 'The signature above acknowledges customer's agreement to be bound by all terms outlined in the AutoZone Commercial Customer Charge Account VOUCHER # 162463 WARRANT# ALLOWED 00350350 IN SUM OF $ AUTOZONEINC PO BOX 116067 ATLANTA, GA 30368-6067 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 45333139384 01-6500-07 130.97 C""; lL 45 333 ;0tA41 Cs SC" l C . 49 LAg.LkCP Voucher Total 1 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00350350 AUTOZONE INC Purchase Order No. PO BOX 116067 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30368-6067 Due Date 8/18/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/18/2016 4533313938,e 130.97 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer 4 FA FA FA 0 AN Page: 1 of 2 x0560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 317 334-0185 Customer Information Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533319384 3450 W 131st St COMM SPECIALIST. WADE,TAMBER L Westfield, IN 46074- ORDER DATE. . . . . . 8/16/2016 10 : 57a PHONE. . . . . . 317 733-2855 QUOTE DELIVERY. . 08/16/2016 11 :15a - PO NUMBER. . TRUCK92 Items Sugg. Qty Sku Description List Cost Core Amount 1 153157 25400 A CAP FILT WRENCH 11.80 5.90 0.00 5.90 SureBilt "A" Oil Filter Cap Wrench 1 166685 81182 GEAR OIL RTV SEAL 16.56 8.28 0.00 8.28 Permatex Gear Oil RTV Gskt Maker 1 344319 25407 CAP OIL FILTER WR 11.80 5.90 0.00 5.90 SureBilt "I" Oil Filter Cap Wrench NO VEHICLE GIVEN For The Above Items 1 630134 710429 TIMK-DURALAST SE 36.08 18.04 0.00 18.04 Seal 1 965487 520-494 C ARM W BJ FT L 110.38 55.19 0.00 55.19 Duralast Control Arm 1 617235 9382 DL REMAN"CV AXLE 98.92 49.46 10.00 59.46 CD -1 617235 9382 DL REMAN CV AXLE 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00- Duralast Reman CV Axle The Above Items Belong To 2006 Ford Truck Escape 4WD a � u� -Core (s) Deferred Due Within 3 Days MSDS can be ordered upon, request Payment Appry Amount Refer to last page for payment detail and invoice total . Refer to last page for customer agreement. OW 9a j> Subtotal Tax Total **** Customer Copy **** Page" 2 of 2 20560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 317 334-0185 Customer Information Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533319384 3450 W 131st St COMM SPECIALIST. WADE,TAMBER L Westfield, IN 46074- ORDER DATE. . . . . . 8/16/2016 10 : 57a PHONE. . . . . . 317 733-2855 QUOTE DELIVERY. . 08/16/2016 11 : 15a PO NUMBER. . TRUCK92 OUTSTANDING CORES 3+ DAYS Core Bank: 20 . 00 57167 EVERCO REM AC COM 639381 CWI NEW AC COMPR The Above Items Belong To 2006 Ford Truck Escape 4WD 0 r e e Core (s) Deferred Due Within 3 Days MSDS can be ordered upon request Payment Appry Amount 3590 801057 0 A44EHC 142 . 77 4533319384081616C Subtotal 142 . 77 Tax 0 . 00 Total 142 : 77 AZC Savings -9 . 67 'The signature above acknowledges customer's agreement to be bound by all terms outlined in the AutoZone Commercial Customer Charge Account Page: 1 of 1 10560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 - 317 334-0185 Customer Information Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533320536 3450 W 131st St COMM SPECIALIST. Unknown Westfield, IN 46074-8267 ORDER DATE. . . . . . $/1"//2016 4 :45p PHONE. . . . . . 31.7 733-2855 QUOTE DELI VERY. . PO NUNIDER. . TRUCK9 2 I t�ITlS Sugg. Qty Sku Description List Cost Core Amount Purchase invoice Number: 4533319384 Purchase PO Number: TRUCK92 UR -1 344319 25407 CAIS OIL VZL'TER WR 11.80 5.90 0.00 5.90- Surektilt "I" oil Filter Cap wrench No VEHICLE GXVM For The Above Xtems NO VEHICLE GIVEN For The Above Items MSDS can be ordered upon request Payment Appry Amount 3590 801057 0 AXYTZW 5 . 90- 4533320536081716C Subtotal. 5 . 90- (DQ- TaxIL Total 'The signature above acknowledges Customer's agreement to be bound by all terms outlined in the AutoZone Commercial Customer Charge Account T/T'cl ZS02221L:01 :WMIJ 80:9T 9T02-2-T-onu -"J115#11 7,L Page: 1 of 1 10560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 317 334-0185 Customer Information, Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533320187 3450 W 131st St COMM SPECIALIST. Unknown Westfield, IN 46074-8267 ORDER DATE. . . . . . 8/17/20 .6 12 :12p PHONE. . . . . . 317 733-2855 QUOTE DELIVERY. , PO NUMBER. . TRUCK9 2 Items Sugg. Qty Sku DesCriptiOn List Cost Core Amount Purchase invoice Nu-her: 4533319384 Purchase PO Number: TRUCK92 UR -1 153157 25400 A CAP FILT WRI+NCH 11-80 5.90 0.00 5.90- SurcSilt "A" Oil Filter Cap Wrench NO VEHICLE GIVEN For The Above Items OUTSTANDXNG CORES 3+ DAYS Core Bank: 20 . 00 57167 EVERCO REM AC COM 639381 CWI NEW AC COMPR NO VEHICLE OXVEN For The Above Items MSDS can be ordered upon request= Payment Appry Amount 3590 801057 0 AFI-I8U2 46333201870817160 Subtotal 5. 90- 'The signature above acknowledges Customer's agreement to be pound oy all terms outlined in the AutoZone Commercial Customer Charge Account £•£'d £S08££Z:01 :WOHJ 8£-TT 9ZO2-2-ti-9nu Ani Page: 1 of 1 10560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 317 334-0185 Customer Information Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533320445 3450 W 131St St COMM SPECIALIST. WADE,TAMBER L Westfield, IN 46074- ORDER DATE. . . . . . 8/17/2016 3 : 38p PHONE. . . . . . 317 733-2855 QUOTE DELIVERY. . 08/17/2016 04 : 05p PO NUMBER. . SHOP Items Sugg. Qty Sku Description List Cost Core Amount 12 315522 AZP-10CA AZ BRAKE PARTS 7.38 3 .69 0.00 44.28 AutoZone VOC Brake Parts Cleaner NO VEHICLE GIVEN For The Above Items SAVE ON BPC 21.60- NO VEHICLE GIVEN For The Above Items MSDS can be ordered upon request 1 Payment Appry Amount 3590 801057 0 A69UE3 22 . 68 4533320445081716C Deal Savings -21 . 60 Subtotal 22 . 68 Tax 0 . 00 Total 22 . 68 .The signature above acknowledges customer's agreement to be bound by all terms outlined in the AutoZone Commercial Customer Charge Account l A111//AM �►e° Page: 1 of 1 10560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 317 334-0185 Customer Information Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533320441 3450 W 131st St COMM SPECIALIST. WADE,TAMBER L Westfield, IN 46074- ORDER DATE. . . . . . 8/17/2016 3 : 38p PHONE. . . . . . 317 733-2855 QUOTE DELIVERY. . 08/17/2016 04 : 04p PO NUMBER. . TRUCK92 Items Sugg. Qty Sku Description List Cost Core Amount 1 794681 JA1505 BLOWER MTR RES 38.98 19.49 0.00 19.49 Duralast Blower Motor Resistor - The Above Items Belong To 2006 Ford Truck Escape 4WD The Above items Belong To 2006 Ford Truck Escape 4WD MSDS can be ordered upon request Payment Appry Amount 3590 801057 0 AKD4FW 19 .49 4533320441081716C Subtotal 19 . 49 Tax 0 -00 Total 19 . 49 AZC Savings -0 . 50 *The signature above acknowledges customer's agreement to be bound by all terms outlined in the AutoZone Commercial Customer Charge Account A------+ —--l—i from fimo fn fimc Page: 1 of 1 10560 MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN 46032 317- 334-0185 Customer Information Order Information CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION INVOICE NUMBER. . 4533319565 3450 W 131st St COMM SPECIALIST. WADE,TAMBER L Westfield, IN 46074- ORDER DATE. . . . . . 8/16/2016 2 : 48p PHONE. . . . . . 317 73.3-2855 QUOTE DELIVERY. . 08/16/2016 03 : 17p PO NUMBER. . TRUCK92 Items Sugg. Qty Sku Description List Cost Core Amount 1 401,652 10067N DLG NEW CV AXLE 98.92 49.46 0.00 49.46 Duralast Gold New CV Axle The Above Items Belong To 2006 Ford Truck Escape 4WD OUTSTANDING CORES 3+ DAYS Core Bank: 20 . 00 57167 EVERCO REM AC COM 639381 CWI NEW AC COMPR The Above Items Belong To 2006 Ford Truck Escape 4WD MSDS can be ordered upon. request Payment Appry Amount 7 9a 3590 801057 0 A4PU2X 49 . 46 4533319565081616C Subtotal 49 .46 Tax 0 . 00 Total 49 . 46 AZC Savings -20 . 53 'The,signature above acknowledges customer's agreement to be bound by all terms outlined in the AutoZone Commercial Customer Charge Account Cifiy of - ,armel Utilities 3450 W. 131st. Street 317-733-2855 Carmel, IN 46074 Fax: 317-733-2053 July 11, 2016 Autozone PO Box 116067 Atlanta, GA 30368-6067 RE: Account# 359080 • Please apply credit memo #4533320536 for$5.90 and credit memo #4533320187 for $5.90 towards invoice#4533319384 for$142.77 leaving a remaining balance due of $130.97. If you have any questions, please call me at 317-733-2855. Sincerely, Kerri Loveall City of Carmel Water Operations