HomeMy WebLinkAbout302528 08/31/16 Cqq CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350779 ® �'! ONE CIVIC SQUARE B L ANDERSON CO. CHECK AMOUNT: $*****5,275.00* ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 4801 TAZER DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 302528 9MiioN.iA� LAFAYETTE IN 47905 CHECK DATE: 08/31/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 604 5023990 V-17079 5,275.00 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER# 162423 WARRANT# ALLOWED 350779 IN SUM OF $ BL ANDERSON 4801 Tazer Drive LAFAYETTE, IN 47905 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 0a.3 aco.13d V-17079 02-2308-00 5,275.00 Depreciation ry— Voucher Total 5,275.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 350779 BL ANDERSON Purchase Order No. 4801 Tazer Drive Terms LAFAYETTE, IN 47905 Due Date 8/18/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/18/2016 V-17079 5,275.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer Invoice B L Anderson Co.,Inc. ry, ; 4801 Taze>r Drive g'Y� Lafayette IN 47905 765-463-1518 phone � r 0' ��fit )�,c R��, V 765-446-8390 fax 2ss..h,L�G.. www.blanderson.com Date Invoice# 8/2/2016 V-17079 Bill To Ship To CARMEL WATER CARMEL WATER ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 4915 E. 106th St. 3450 W. 131st STREET Indianapolis,IN 46280 CARIVIEL,11\T 46074-8267 Attn: Ken Rhodes _ P.O. Number Terms Rep Ship Date Project KR72116 Net 30 TLS 6/27/2016 Quantity Item Code Description Price Each Amount 1 Non Inventory Valve Rotork Model IQTM2000 FA14(IP68)480/3/60-WD#403B0000 5,275.00 5,275.00 for use with 12"DeZURIK BA)AT BFV complete with adaption mounting kit-Rotork Serial# IM55580101. NOTE-Above Actuator to Replace Skilmatic SI-2-Q-80 on Rotork Job#MD0620/07. Installation and Startup Completed on 7/12/2016 by Randy Phares. Overdue balance will accrue interest at the rate of 1-1/2%per month compounded plus legal and collection fees. Total $5,275.00 . B L Anderson Co.,Inca �/InotC 4841 Tazeir Drive Lafayette IN 47905' 7654463-15 phone B1. ANDERSMM 755446-8390-faa www.bleaderson.com Date 8C;aO1.6 V-17079 Bill T4 Ship To CARMEL WATER CARMEL WATER ATM- ACCOUr17.'S PAYABLE 4915 E. 106th St.. 3450..W 131st STREET Indianapolis,IN 46280 CARMEL W 460174-8267 Atte: Ken Rhodes P,O, Number Terms Rep Ship Date, Project KR72116 Net 30 TLS 6127/2016 Quantity ft#m Code Desw*tion Price Each Amount 1 Non InventoryValve Rotork,Model IQTM2OW FA14(IM8)48013!60--Z, #403 OW 3,275.00 5,27 :00 for use vd1h 12"DaURIKBAW 13FV complete withadaption mounting kit-Rotork.Serial#1M55580101. NOTE-Above Actuator to Replace Skilmatic 51-2;Q-80 on Rotork Job#ItMO620107. installation and Startup Completed on 7/11=016 by Randy Shares. Received. r{ Date: PO ACCT # J) - 'Use. Ov«dwbalance will, accrue interest at the rate of 1,-172"lo per monthpic f Z - compotmded plus legal and collection fees. Total $5,275.00