HomeMy WebLinkAbout302515 08/31/16 Cqq �% '''• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353193 CHECK AMOUNT: $****10,150.00* ..; ® ��• ONE CIVIC SQUARE ACE TECHNOLOGIES LLC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 sae 1030TH ST CHECK NUMBER: 302515 CHECK DATE: 08/31/16 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46256 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 609 5023990 0004689 5,950.00 OTHER EXPENSES 609 5023990 0004730 4,200.00 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER # 162480 WARRANT# ALLOWED 00353193 IN SUM OF $ ACE TECHNOLOGIES LLC 7301 E. 90th Street Ste 103 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 4730 07-1052-14 4,200.00 C 0.till�c�a 0� Voucher Total 4,200.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00353193 ACE TECHNOLOGIES LLC Purchase Order No. 7301 E. 90th Street Ste 103 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 Due Date 8/23/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/23/2016 4730 4,200.00 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer invoice ACE Technologies,LLC 7301 E.90th Street Suite 103 Indianapolis,IN 46256 August 3,2016 Carmel Water Job No: J16020 Ken Rhodes Invoice No: 0004730 City of Carmel 3450 W 131 st St Carmel, IN 46074-8267 Job J16020 General Engineering Services 2016 Professional Services from August 1.2016 to August 31,2016 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount PCE 1 Johnson,Cody 40.00 100.00 4,000.00 Killion,Vincent 2.00 100.00 200.00 Totals 42.00 4,200.00 Total Labor 4,200.00 Total this Invoice $4,200.00 Outstanding Invoices Number Date Balance 0004689 7/13/2016 5,950.00 Total 5,950.00 PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO:7301 E.90th St.,Ste 103 Indianapolis,IN 46256 Acetech Invoice Dated: August 3 , 2016 Comments: (,AEEoyedfor P,aymen ) Y$q Date: 8-11- 2016 PA(6 nvoic 473 General Engineering Cody Johnson --- 1) Plant#1 - Continue setup & Configuration of Replacement WT3 . ON call Laptop Cody Johnson --- 2) Plant#1 - Troubleshoot reason PLC code would not allow a. . . . . higher Filter flow setpoint .. per Jerry's Req Cody Johnson --- 3) Plant#1 - Configure/ Set-up New On-call Laptop per .. Ken Vincent Killion --4) Plant#1 —Troubleshoot 911 Computer Issues.. per Jerry Cody Johnson --- 5) Plant#3 - Add& Test power loss alarm relay per Ken's request Cody Johnson --- 6) Plant#5 - Troubleshoot P5-A Historian recording .. per Jerry . Cody Johnson --- 7) Plant#5 -Troubleshoot fluctuating clearwell levels .. per Ken voice#473 Dated 8 -3 -2016 is Correct 4 20 Ken Rhodes Plant Manager Scada Controls Engineer C UNN T�� Job J16020 General Engineering Services 2016 Invoice 0004730 Billing Backup Wednesday,August 10,2016 ACE Technologies,LLC Invoice 0004730 Dated 8/3/2016 2:27:46 PM Job J16020 General Engineering Services 2016 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount PCE 1 CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/1/2016 4.00 100.00 400.00 Added a filter into the level at plant 5 A and resolved issues with historian not collecting data CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/14/2016 3.00 100.00 300.00 Measured 4 to 20 mA level signal to confirm level fluxuation is ceased by transducer at plant 5 CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/15/2016 4.00 100.00 400.00 Setup software to open plant 3's panel view app. CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/18/2016 3.00 100.00 300.00 Opened server graphics with new on-call laptop CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/19/2016 8.00 100.00 800.00 Updated Graphics at Plant 3 to include power failed alarm,Tested functionality of new on-call laptop CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/26/2016 4.50 100.00 450.00 Got virutal aspect of new WT3 Laptop on the domain with the help of 1T CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/27/2016 5.00 100.00 500.00 Further initial configuration on laptop to easy use for operators,Troubleshooting on SQL issues CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/28/20.16 7.50 100.00 750.00 Tested Laptop WT#3 with operators CGJ Johnson,Cody 7/29/2016 1.00 100.00 100.00 Determined a possible cause for why Plant 1 is having trouble requesting a higher flow VWK Killion,Vincent 7/5/2016 2.00 100.00 200.00 Fixing Carmel's Win911 server at Plant#1 Totals 42.00 4,200.00 Total Labor 4,200.00 Total this Job $4,200.00 Total this Report $4,200.00 Page 2 VOUCHER # 162479 WARRANT# ALLOWED 00353193 IN SUM OF $ ACE TECHNOLOGIES LLC 7301 E. 90th Street Ste 103 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO* INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 4689 07-1052-14 5,950.00 C p�uecfii o� Voucher Total 5,950.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00353193 ACE TECHNOLOGIES LLC Purchase Order No. 7301 E. 90th Street Ste 103 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 Due Date 8/23/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/23/2016 4689 0.00 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer F -R a� invoice ACE Technologies,LLC 7301 E.90th Street Suite 103 Indianapolis,IN 46256 my 1 016 Carmel Water Job No: J16020 Ken Rhodes Invoice No: 0 6-8 City of Carmel 3450 W 131 st St Carmel, IN 46074-8267 Job J16020 General Engineering Services 2016 Professional Services from June 1.2016 to June 30,2016 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount PCE 2 Flynn,Timothy 6.50 100.00 650.00 PCE 1 Johnson,Cody 53.00 100.00 5,300.00 Totals 59.50 5,950.00 Total Labor 5,950.00 Total th oice $5,950.00 Outstanding Invoices Number Date Balance 0004655 6/6/2016 3,050.00 Total 3,050.00 PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO:7301 E.90th St.,Ste 103 Indianapolis,IN 46256 Acetech Invoice Dated: August 2 , 2016 Comments: ( . U;pro.�e oraymen ) Date: 8-8- 2016 nvoic 468: LAP T General Engineering ` Cody Johnson --- 1) Plant#1 - Salt Bldg. HMI issues Comm with main processor Cody Johnson --- 2) Plant#1 - Added PLC controls for additional Geo Thermal waste . valve actuator per Ken's Req Cody Johnson --- 3) Plant#1 - Added Filter to Waste Options per Jerry's request Cody Johnson --- 4) Plant#1 - Add Remote Plant Control Options per .. Jerry Cody Johnson --- 5) Plant#1 - Configure/ Set-up New On-call Laptop per .. Ken Cody Johnson --- 6) Plant#1 - Modify PLC code to change the way the CL2 room . . . exhaust fans work per .. Ken's request . Cody Johnson --- 7) Plant#3 - Troubleshoot Conn issues and some wrong display . . . values per Ken's request Cody Johnson --- 8 ) Plant#4 - Test Temporary UO relays installed to troubleshoot . . . softener stager failures . . . Cody Johnson --- 9) Plant#5 - Troubleshoot trending failures per Jerry . Timothy Flynn--- 10) Plant#3 - Evaluate Plant#3 Scada Upgrade method per Ken Timothy Flynn--- 11) Plant#4 - Modify PLC to prevent alarms If 4-20 ma signal drops below 4 ma .. Per Ken n�,oice#4 89 Dated 8 -2 -2016 is Correct 5 95 Ken Rhodes Plant Manager Scada Controls Engineer Job J16020 General Engineering Services 2016 Invoice 0004689 Billing Backup Tuesday,August 2,2016 ACE Technologies,LLC Invoice 0004689 Dated 7/13/2016 4:20:10 PM Job J16020 General Engineering Services 2016 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount PCE`2 TPF Flynn,Timothy 5/31/2016 4.00 100.00 400.00 Updated P4 analog card so that it will no longer fail when the value dips below 4mA.Helped operators start a backwash on Train A while Train B was filtering to waste. TPF Flynn,Timothy 6/13/2016 2.50 100.00 250.00 Plant#3 Quote Review. Review of Plant#3 Softeners sequencing.Created Planta base template for coding takeoff. PCE 1 CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/1/2016 8.00 100.00 800.00 Fixed PLC commincaiton with Salt Building HMI at Plant 1,Added control and graphics for A Train Filter's Geo Thermal Valve at Plant 1. CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/7/2016 2.00 100.00 200.00 Determined cause for Plant#1 CL2 storage room fan to run all the time.Created new logic for fan to run based on gas level. CGJ Johnson, Cody 6/15/2016 4.00 100.00 400.00 Fixed issues with I0 faults at Plant 4,Began work on I0 tree configuration issues at PI Engineering computer. CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/16/2016 4.00 100.00 400.00 Helped troubleshoot issues with relay stack at Plant 4,found source of plant 4 comm issues. CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/17/2016 1.00 100.00 100.00 Tested temperatry relays added in to replace the broken relays stacks at Plant 4. CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/20/2016 3.50 100.00 350.00 Added ability for filters at plant in filter to waste,can run even if there is high trubidity CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/21/2016 4.00 100.00 400.00 Determined SQL Sever job that is failing every night at midnight at Plant 5. Likely the cause of holes in trending. CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/22/2016 3.00 100.00 300.00 Helped troubleshoot comm issues with some value displays at Plant 3,Disabled malfuncitons SQL script at Plant 5. CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/23/2016 2.00 100.00 200.00 Helped troubleshoot comm issues at Plant 3 CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/24/2016 4.00 100.00 400.00 Added filter to clearwell level at plant 5 to help with filter demanding inconsistent flow CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/27/2016 2.00 100.00 200.00 Downloaded software for new WT3 laptop CGJ Johnson, Cody 6/28/2016 8.00 100.00 800.00 Checked on wetwell level issues at Plant 5,Tested functionality of WT3 Laptop. Began working on virtual method of commincating with Plant 5 and 3 graphics CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/29/2016 1.50 100.00 150.00 Determined a VPN is needed for virtual application on WT3 laptop CGJ Johnson,Cody 6/30/2016 6.00 100.00 600.00 Added new I0 points to Plant 1 Plant 3 and Plant 5 Totals 59.50 5,950.00 Total Labor 5,950.00 Total this Job $5,950.00 Total this Report $5,950.00 Page 2