HomeMy WebLinkAbout303734 09/30/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 371178 ONE CIVIC SQUARE JASPER WELLER LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,980.66* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1500 GEZON PARKWAY SW CHECK NUMBER: 303734 GRAND RAPIDS MI 49509 CHECK DATE: 09/30/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 401145296 3,274.54 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 401163801 -1,293.88 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER # 166245 WARRANT # ALLOWED 371178 IN SUM OF $ WELLER TRUCK PARTS 1500 GEZON PARKWAY SW GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49509 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 401145296 01-7502-06 1,980.66 Voucher Total 1,980.66 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 371178 WELLER TRUCK PARTS Purchase Order No. 1500 GEZON PARKWAY SW Terms GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49509 Due Date 9/26/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/26/2016 401145296 1,980.66 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer Remit To: Weller Truck Parts 1 1500 Gezon Parkway SW Grand Rapids, MI 49509 TRUCK PARTS 616 724 2000 Remanufacturers of Quality Medium and Heavy Duty Drivetrain Components 800 872 6697 Invoice# 401145296 LOC: 1 DLR CODE SHIP For Inquiries Contact: WELLER TRUCK-GEZON (616)724-2000 FAX(616)724.3750 Cust. Phone (317)571-2634 Date Contact Purchase Order No Account Number Terms Salesman 99 8/25/2016 JEFF JEFF 5712634 Net 30 Days mlewis Sold CITY OF CARMEL Ship CITY OF CARMEL To 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY To 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 Staging# I IIIIIIII II IIIIIIII III VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII II I VIII VIII II I IIII Invoice# I III II VIII VIII VIII(III VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII Part�No . D scpption �, Unit Pr e�C rt `4 +� t Notal Y s _..F tY __��_. Cor 336232; MODEL:8018 SERIES: 1 1905.37 1293.88 3199.25 SPEC1:8018974101 SPEC2: 18101 ° LINES:2 M OR P:P yPLEASE SHIP UPS GROUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 f "x Parts tTotaf;# 1905.37 BOL#1 Z541 EW 10362436962, #Y abor Total:; 0.00 L x NontTaxat le- 0.00 All Amounts In $USD 4� Gore Deposita 1293.88 'i75.29 Freight` 75.29 ,x Sales Tax.` 0.00 iZ PAYTHISrAMOUNT $3,274.54 12 9 '3.v` 0. 1 Received By: (SIGN & PRINT) Received Date: Weller Truck Parts(Merchant)retains a purchase money security interest in all goods sold under this invoice until Merchant has received full payment for such goods. Terms are net 10 days unless otherwise noted.Past due accounts are subject to a service charge of 1 h%per month. MERCHANT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ALL OF WHICH ARE HEREBY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. Merchant's liability on any claim of any kind,including negligence,strict or product liability,or breach of warranty or contract,for any loss or damage arising out of or connected with the goods sold under this invoice shall in no case exceed the purchase price for such goods,and shall not include any liability for any consequential,incidental or special damages.All Electrical Parts are non-refundable and may only be exchanged in case of defect or damage in transit. p Remit To: Weller Truck Parts 1500 Gezon Parkway SW l Grand Rapids, MI 49509 TRUCK PARTS 616 724 2000 Remanufacturers of Quality Medium and Heavy Duty Drivetrain Components 800 872 6697 Core Credit# 401163801 LOC: 1 DLR CODE SHIP For Inquiries Contact: WELLER TRUCK-GEZON (616)724.2000 FAX(616)724.3750 Cust. Phone (317)571-2634 Date Contact Purchase Order No Account Number Terms Salesman 99 9/23/2016 JEFF JEFF 5712634 Net 30 Days mlewis Sold CITY OF CARMEL Ship CITY'OF CARMEL To 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY To 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 Staging# I IIIIIIII II IIIIIIII III VIII VIII VIII VIII II II VIII VIII VIII IIIIIIII Invoice# I IIIIII VIII VIII IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII Part`No Description ..: Qty Unit Price Gore Charge Ext'Total 60188018974101WEI- MODEL:8018 SERIES: -1 0.00 1293.88 (1293.88) SPEC1:8018974101 SPEC2:18101 (Tag,336232). LINES:2 M OR P:P RMPO: Parts I iTotal:` 0.00 Apply to Doc#401145296 b- aor Total; 0.00 r Non Taxable:' 0.00 Core beposit: -1293.88 All Amounts Freighf 0.00 In $USD ., Sales;Tax 0.00 gCREDIT AMOUNT ($1,293.88) Received By: (SIGN & PRINT) Received Date: Weller Truck Parts(Merchant)retains a purchase money security interest in all goods sold under this invoice until Merchant has received full payment for such goads. Terms are net 10 days unless otherwise noted.Past due accounts are subject to a service charge of 1%%per month. MERCHANT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ALL OF WHICH ARE HEREBY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. Merchant's liability on any claim of any kind,including negligence,strict or product liability,or breach of warranty or contract,for any loss or damage arising out of or connected with the goods sold under this Invoice shall in no case exceed the purchase price for such goods,and shall not include any liability for any consequential,incidental or special damages.All Electrical Parts are non-refundable and may only be exchanged in case of defect or damage in transit.