HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-2298-16 New No Parking Zones_.. SPONSOR(S): ilo Counc' r Rider_ ORDINANCE NO. D-2298-16 AS AMENDED AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, ADDING SUBSECTIONS (55), (56), and (57) TO CHAPTERS, ARTICLE 5; SECTION 8-47(a) OF THE CARMEL CITY -CODE ..... . - - Synopsis: Ordinance creates new no parking zones. WHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana: Code 9-21-1-3(a)(1);.the City of Carmel; Indiana- ("City'-') within the reasonable exercise of its. Police power, may by ordinance regulate vehicular parking; _.. WHEREAS, the City has previously regulated vehicular parking within its corporate limits, such _... regulations being codified, in_part, in the City Code Section 8=47(a); and WHEREAS, the Common Council.of the City of Carmel, Indiana, now: finds that it is in the interests of the public safety and welfare to further regulate_ parking on certain portions of 4th Street N.E., 30. Avenue N.W., and Executive Drive NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the. Common: Council. of.the City of Carmel, Indiana, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing Recitals are fully incorporated herein by this reference. - . :Section 2.: The following subsections only. of Carmel City. Code Section_ 8-47(a) should be and are amended to read as follows: "(55) On both: sides of 3rd Avenue N.W. from its intersection with lst Street N. -W. to a point 50 feet south of the intersection of .3 Avenue N.W. and 1s, Street N W. w. _. (5.6). On both sides of 3rd Avenue-N.W. from a point 135 feet north of the intersection of Main Street and 3r1 Avenue N.W. to a point 155 feet north of the intersection of Main Street and 3 d Avenue N.W. . . (57). On south side of Executive Drive froni.its intersection with Rangeline Road to a point . 490 feet east of its intersection with Rangeline Road." _. _... Section 3.. The remaining provisions -of Carmel City: Code Sections 8-47 are not affected by this Ordinance and shall remain in: full force and effect. Version A — 6/30/16:— Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee Ordinance D-229871.6. Page One of Three Pages C:1USetsyquinnlAppData1.LocaWicrosoftlWindowslTennporary Internet Files\Content0dook2G7CRSHMnnended No Parking 4th St NE 3rd Ave NW Executive Or Ordinance Clean Fin....docx ... . . This Ordinance was prepared by Jon Oberlander, Senior Carmel Assistant City Attorney,, on 7/18/16. at 5::09 PM. It may have been subsequently revised.. However, no subsequent revision: to this Ordinance: has been: reviewed. by Mr. Oberlander for legal sufficiency or. otherwise. SPONSOR(S): Councilor Rider. Section 4. All prior ordinances or .parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed, to the extent of such inconsistency only, as of the effective date of this Ordinance; such repeal to have prospective effect only. However, the repeal or amendment by this Ordinance of any other ordinance does not affect any, rights or liabilities accrued, penalties. incurred or proceedings begun prior to theeffective date :of this Ordinance. Those rights, liabilities and proceedings: are continued and penalties .. shall be imposed and enforced�under such repealed or amended ordinance as if this Ordinance had.not been adopted. Section 5. If any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason declared to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall. not affect the validity of the remaining. portions of this .Ordinance so long. as enforcement of same can be given the same effect. - -..- . Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its.passage and signing by the Mayor and such publication as requ ired byaw. Section 7. The Carmel°Street Department is directed to promptly add the appropriate signage to fulfill the mandates contained in this Ordinance upon its passage. [remainder of page intentionally. ] blank.] . _. Version A - 6/30/16 Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee Ordinance D-2298-16 Page Two of Three. Pages : - .. - - . -- C:lllsersIquinnlAppDatai6caWicrosoft\WindowslTemporary Internet RleslContentOudooklZG7CRSHIMendedNo Parking 4th St NE 3rd Ave NW Executive Or Ordinance: Clean Fin....docx This Ordinance was prepared by Jori Oberlander, Senior Carmel Assistant City Attorney,. on 7/18/16. at 5:09 PM. It may have been subsequently revised.: However, :no subsequent revision: to this: Ordinance: has been: reviewed by Mr. Olierlan_ der for legal sufficiency or otherwise. SPONSOR(S): Councilor Rider. PASSED by thp Common Council of the City, of Carmel, Indiana, this j day of , 2016, by a vote of ayes and nays: COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE -CITY OF CARMEL Presidjpg Officer Kevin D. =Rider R ald art Carol Schleif Jeff o Bruce Kimball Su. Fi am. Laura Campbell :ATTEST:. 74_�� �� . Chri i e au 1 Tre sure � e- "C r Pr ented by me to the Mayor of the: City of Carmel, Indiana this, � day of , 2016, at O'clock; M Christine P ul C e sur Approvedby me, e Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this � day of 2016, at to O'clock, M.. J es Brainard, Mayor ATTEST: Christine a e Cir -Tef �-e OYl y�vLCAII GU U Version A =: 6/30/16 - Finance, Utilities and Rules: Committee - Ordinance D-2298-16 Page Three of Three Pages C:1UsersVquinnIAppDatalLocaWicrosoftlWindowslTemporary Internet FIR .eslContentOutooMGMRSH11knended No Parking 4th St NE 3rd Ave NW Executive Or Ordinance Clean Fin....docx This Ordinance was prepared by Jon Oberlander, Senior Carmel Assistant City Attorney,. on 7/18/16. at 5:09 PM. It may have been subsequently revised. However, :no subsequent revision to this Ordinance has been reviewed by Mr. Oberlander for legal sufficiency or otherwise. -.