HomeMy WebLinkAbout303985 10/10/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 368111 CHECKAMOUNT: $*******184.98* ONE CIVIC SQUARE CYBER MARKETING NETWORK INC x� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 800 WISCONSIN ST,UNIT 15 CHECK NUMBER: 303985 BLDG 2,SUITE 110 CHECK DATE: 10/10/16 troN EAU CLAIRE WI 54703 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 KA091416 184.98 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER# 162901 WARRANT# ALLOWED 368018 IN SUM OF $ CYBER MARKETING NETWORK INC 800 WISCONSIN ST UNIT 15 EAU CLAIRE, WI 54.703 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code KA091416 01-6200-03 184.98 ff Voucher Total 184.98 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service,where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 368018 CYBER MARKETING NETWORK INC Purchase Order No. 800 WISCONSIN ST Terms UNIT 15 Due Date 10/3/2016 EAU CLAIRE, WI 54703 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/3/2016 KA091416 184.98 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer Steel-toe-shoes.com 800 Wisconsin St., Unit 15 Building 2,Suite 110 Invoice Number: KA091416 Eau Claire, WI 54703 Invoice Date: Sep 14,2016 Page: 1 Voice: 866-737-7010 Fax: 608-299-2186 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO CYBER MARKETING NETWORK INC. E-mail: paul@steel-toe-shoes.com B�It To Ship City of Carmel Water Department City of Carmel Water Department 3450 W 131st St Kris Anthis Carmel, IN 46074 4915 E 106th St. Indianapolis, IN 46280 Custome Da N,,: x C tar er PO'' Payment TO City of Carmel IN KA091416 Net 45 Days Sates Rem D Sh► pin' Method s - t Due Date UPS Ground 10/29/16 Quar,t�ty 4z item s. a a, 77Descnption Ur�rt,Pnce kloveall@cannel.in.gov Amount ...._ 1.00 TM92659 Timberland TM92659-10M-Kris Anthis 109.99 109.99 1.00 PM643045 Puma PM643045- 10M-Kris Anthis 109.99 109.99 1.00 FALL35 Spend$200+Save$35 35.00 -35.00 Subtotal 184.98 Sales Tax 0.00 Total Invoice Amount 184.98 Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied 0.00 TOTAL x 3 Steel-toe-shoes.com PACKING SLIP 800 Wisconsin St., Unit 15 Invoice Number: KA091416 Building 2, Suite 110 Invoice Date: Sep 14,2016 Eau Claire, WI 54703 Page: 1 Voice: 866-737-7010 Fax: 608-299-2186 Sales Order Number: ., d.,,�,` City of Carmel Water Department City of Carmel Water Department 3450 W 131st St Kris Anthis Carmel, IN 46074 4915 E 106th St. Indianapolis, IN 46280 � ai�ibtfl�eC��a. ya, sm r� �'F, . . ; ., , vP� ...,h. 115tt5[IIeC PCJ y4 , aY PaymentuTe s s '. City of Carmel, IN KA091416 Net 45 Days m ales Rei 11 ,;... .. ,, ,. PpmJIlrlethuc � . y ix.X m, hip 00 � ` UPS Ground 9/14/16 2:12 PM > kloveall@carmel.in.gov 1.00 TM92659 Timberland TM92659- 10M- Kris Anthis 1.00 1.00 PM643045� � Puma PM643045- 10M-Kris An_t_his 1.00 FADE35— Spend $200+Save$35 __ ---- 1.00 to : ACCT #: `` t Use : C I FROM PACK I NG SLIP 11MBEBLAND Page: 1 31H E AIRPORT OR ONiAR10,CA 11761 SHIP TO:103717 Sold To:10190836 City of Carmel Water Dept, CYBER MKTG NETWORK INC Kris Anthis 800 WISCONSIN ST UN 15 4915 E. 106th St. Indianapolis,IN 46280 EAU CLAIRE,WI 54703 Dust PO# :KA091416 Ctl# :51812229 DUSTOMER :10190838 Wave!! :20160920008 Dust DEPT Order# :8033633170 SWC# :51811862 Nbr Ctns :1 STORE :9999 Weight :3.00 Order DATE :09/20/16 Type :50 Start SHIP :09/14/16 SNBD DATE :09/14116 Dancel DATE :12/01/16 Packing Slip :51812229 tem CUSTOMER SKU Units T13092659-00111 110'M 887974334443 1 FD,a -ceiwed to : O # : ACCT #. IVs.e0-toy L Pow CHUTE#:341 Total Pieces 1 9/21/16 12:10:59 HAHH/V231/AS/HH9830/PK5LP03