HomeMy WebLinkAbout303930 10/10/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358200 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AMERICAN MESSAGING CHECK AMOUNT: $********33.29* :9 ,a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 5749 CHECK NUMBER: 303930 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5749 CHECK DATE: 10/10/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 Y2429520QJ 33.29 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER # 166279 WARRANT # ALLOWED 358200 IN SUM OF $ AMERICAN MESSAGING PO Box 5749 Carol STream, IL 60197-5749 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT - Audit Trail Code Y2429520QJ 01-7362-05 33.29 Voucher Total 33.29 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358200 AMERICAN MESSAGING Purchase Order No. PO Box 5749 Terms Carol STream, IL 60197-5749 Due Date 10/3/2016 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/3/2016 Y2429520QJ 33.29 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and -orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name CARMEL UTILITES Ahnerkan ..- LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2 429520 � # essaging For All Inquiries: 888 223-4123 ; P"A1MENT,DUE S} '10/r1,5j16'� i^ Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 Of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520QJ 10/01/16 $66.21 -$33.30 $33.29 $66.20 NumberDescription PRIOR BALANCE 66.21 LOCKBOX PAYMENT 0000302835 09/23/16 -33.30 317-553-2411 KINKEAD, ROBBIE Service From 10/01/16 To 10/31/16 CC: E404641164 7.95 317-553-2439 KLEINSMITH, JORDAN Service From 10/01/16 To 10/31/16 CC: E407004097 7.95 317-553-3470 OPERATOR ON CALL Service From 10/01/16 To 10/31/16 CC: E404640521 7.95 NETWORK ADMIN FEE 09/23/16 1.65 PAPER INVOICE FEE 09/24/16 4.95 FED UNIVERSAL SVC FEE 09/24/16 0.37 REGULATORY CHG 09/23/16 0.24 IN UTILITY RECEIPTS SURCHARGE 09/24/16 0.33 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 09/24/16 0.15 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 1.75 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Effective October, the Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) decreased from 2.148%to 2.088%. FUSC is our charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each calendar quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. Thank you for your prompt payment.We appreciate your business. A"Late Payment Fee"will be assessed on the past due balance In the amount of the lesser of:(a)the maximum amount allowed by law or(b)the greater of:1.5%of the unpaid balance or current minimum Late Payment Fee. Billing errors are not waived if American Messaging Is not notified in writing within 60 days from the Invoice date. ® Payment Due-The date payment is AcnaBAt xama: Jnnn Salth O overcalls-Ifyou escced the monthly 1'.0. boa 291 Account Numher: H1 000001 cine to American Mcs;agiug.If paynlcni &AAmerican LC4;15,iI te. Tx 75029 call iiutit,rut addition,d per page tcc is `� ©,'PAYS. DUE: 01/15/08 n full is not received by this date,a Messaging par AL1 Inquiries: 888-247.7890 chartazd,You can not cart}'over unused law Ice will be Assessed or)the Linpaid ..4..nr,n rat,F ter, a u:1:bt w ,:•„r r.ra�s•,e. Pag= , of , calls to the following month. balance. ' � Im•oice lnvaica Prior® Payslants Current Aaount ©. HuaOor DEtO BnlOnce Charges Due 111000pOi ZA I Li S1:0.UD i -5110.00 5149.70 I 5159.76 COnldbution Reimbursements ® ' Prior Balance-Total a iouut due on American Messaging assesses a ,. I previous invoice. Pedelaf llnivicecif Set�ice Charge to PDDR PALANGE I70.p0 recover costs imposed on American O `AntN7 I:NEpK u12an; ,a/tyros Q 120.110® $u: a',�nLSTVRA 125.n0 NidgSig igin by the Federal Government.:AL1 DLSPLAY PAIPn ©12;IH;CS Amount Due-Amount to be paid by f 2 555+2211 DISPLAY PACING s<rnlca flan;2!15;05 12,01IN ® 4.60 to support onivLmi err ice,and a 121asG5-1210 nlsaLnv Pnuu:c ser-ics rrw, to 01:71(pu q.00 2111 pn'utint dc(e ciiue.Includes prior 2„_555-,EW P:SER AEPLACEc1EN.:rlloGaAD (�' e rx�„rr�m e,ye,roe,to o1;G1/011 z.a0 Regulatory Charge to rr:coverArneriean I2,a.5g5.1210 '11-„EL-AIL /�5'r i'_Ce tray D:!91 lOD tv UI!3f,aB $00 1;:11:!±lC:;, t1;lT�tII CiIaCgC$,payments Incl �111,1511z10 OY[R6aL5: 10 taus n 21 U1.10 .ru=:n!tsttis La ten=!n5 2.a0) MCSSaging's i OSIS ofConlplving Bali i=ridits applii to the account. 1115'ED UNr;Svc las z2 certain_'ovenunint illy imlwscd A5 R011LA108y CHG .tU ® Gi r[ES AND TAVE_® r1'.Lltllrlln(1nt>. ger Phone Number-Pagr r � CITY c1A1E SALES Tnx � ,.ao CITY rrs .5= iwnibcror1-foisonal identification � TOTAL A.gOBST OVE S1S0.Ta u±ultls�r. �— ----�------�----------_----------- -- ® Government Fens and Taxes- IR+POn7ANT tdESSAGES I 111CIUdP_9 LOVCm111en1 ii-Pandawd local, '!r—,—ii—® iI eIncungyou :at= .grecs^.m.a:;:a�.vwnro �n slatC w Id federal taxes,PTCsurchnin+uwmInanrKawmpvnzd+ sn Sale-Ch:trrfor pagingequipment and fed rnl and excisic rtKcs\vile(e purchased. I applicable.Thank you for your prompt payment.American hlessaging appreciates your business. I ry 1 C Serial Number-Uniquely ® important Messages-Be sure identifies your paging equipment. 1- to check this section for important ., P.iyrsnl tcc”n-+M tcr_::sM rr 4_•we+:l:.�U:,`an:.;u:;:�an.w�t ct. - A1rcric,rn Meesaging notes anti _-_-_ 111L55as12S. ® Paging Service Charges-Charges PL^ase paha here and return this pi wRh Xavr payment American CUSTOAIEA ACCOUNT N0:HI-000001 `\ tiir mora ily}vlging service.Aprori INVOICE NO: HI0000012A 'ZZ-Messaging BILLING DATE: OIMO/136 charge for a p;.riial period of service Late Fees-important information CURRENT CHARGES 1.9,76 M11%appear on your invoice.The panial ® iegarding late tee rates is noted 1)cri. nitynill C11a1LC On lllti invoice 1S IOC AMOUNT DUE 01+/5;06 10 r^ t N ' 1 A+:1.^.51 100f;, —501, ?1 E CHECK,PAYABLE TO SL"t'ltici aunt 12'15,05 to 121,1 905. Jon:+suLTx WERICAN MESSAGING ATTN i3AT4 S'.IITN 5075 5:+'JR:Vi PLACE Ai HT 5 EIt-1❑ El El'UTIV 120 PAID '...� DALI_e.S TX 75025 ® AuIEPIC/iN IKSIAG1N(: Enhir,iced Services-Charge for v50251059120! P o Dau 21999 Anytamn IL 0.-W,909 vpaonal enh,wiced service(s),such as a E] Acw:w a•ur:o arcss rdre+ra7 16051910591201 \ilie::n±rriL i';IgL r Replace-lnent 1'1n,ntm, I/tes,pNaSs.MeC*Wr six.pc!WU�C 5151 Ctisicrn:lit-,ming,PaL.eSavel".ett:. 0onanooauaer.oetlehvgttonunuttnotteooaxrvba Irl,;' x 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name CARMEL UTILITES `�A,merican.. LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2-429520 . ,Nmw Messaging For All Inquiries: 888 223-4123 µ�1AYMF�1� ' tE65,4§�akG Please send written corres ondence that Is not pa ment related to the address above. Page 2 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520QJ 10/01/16 $66.21 -$33.30 $33.29 $66.20 NumberDescription TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $66.20 0 Payment Due-'nee date payment is Account Nana: John smi-11Overcalls-if you exceerl elle monthly P.U. Dox 293:50 Account 0.0.,: 111-000001 due to can g If l limit.an dditorial pRg is iinfill]isnotnreceivv'edbyIllisdate,,}arltcnt �essaOgFor1Ail inquirll•9J2en"8-20-7890 ®-PAYfENT DUET-0111,5/0-6. ehJarged You`eartnotcan�roverunuscd late ftp:will be asse&_c l on die unpaid . „man -•,:s. •a: mat w Nm. calls to the followin=montli. �ay:,,e:a n;axu to ri:e aacm:,a atvv5 Gage t c` t 5 balance. ! Invoice IDvoic P,?ur® Paypents i Cuargon Anoint NURNor Data 0ntnrc0 Charpos Duo ® 1 mo000of?A 01;01/00' .I S"o.0o .211C.00 ! $149.76 $149.76 �1 Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance-16tal amount due on' -American Paicssaging asse,.;u a the previous invoice. _ _ FLACnl Universal Service Chatroe to (— PAIDA n>LA CE O -no.au lxvover costs imposed on?American PAINEIIT- CHECk at23sfi 1""'OS - t10.0o ® f ® SALE -DISPLAY PA GE9 ®-2i VS/05 SN: Al58151V2A ?25.00 Messaging by rite Federal Government Amount Due-Anwnnt lobe taidb r 214-555-1210 DISPLAY PAOM x from 12/15/05 To 12/31/05 ( ) o to suppolt univeMl service,and a 7.14.55$1210 OISP,AY PAGING Serv.ae from ut(01/06 to 01,31105 9.00 the payment due date.Includes prior 214 655 1210 PAGER P.EPLACEI.IENT PlIMPAN Sarvlca.tram 0Ito,too fo.1/31106 2.01+ Regulatory Chaige to Dover American 214-555.1210 L'UICEII.IL • 3ervlae iron 01101/06 t0 Olr3ti0.3 6.L`0 IkrlaflCL',current charges,pa}tnents and z,4-sss-t2+0 OvzacALLs: ,r, cans a.zu Qusage tram„/isra:;:o:z1+41D5 2..Dol ._ McS.Sa�inScusLti ofWmpl}'tne Stith credits appTV lied to 1116 account. 'JAS 66D UNsvc Ditr, 22 Conklin gtTvemnlc,ttally imposed _ ODVEahVVD`EEE9 AND TAX Es r equirL`nnellti. A Pager Phone Number-Pager TE VB STATE SALES TAX Q .n2 OI nW1 ber tx personal idcntifirndon CI1Y TAX s,a2.T number. ___-___._lTo1aL aI.JNT ou6 Government Fees and Taxes- ® IMPOg7ANT ME55AGES I^ Inciudes government mandated local, ® V. lou Ito!bcSt xnsM;s.n,^_.'s pmt w�viCs!n,no iatl::err 5M V10% y­IayiM aad mes:ag;:g state and federal taxes,PUC Sureh:mves Sale-Cbarge furging a equipment nn'ns F""pea vast ua an tha: b al::nn.amz0rana 2^%gap nat tar ail your maS'agrg,rc,Os Dan la n ti!On injm I.a Ire �mpany. p S and Wend and excise taxes wh it pmelu>si:d. applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. fr rn R OSerial Number-Uniquely i ., ® Important Messages-Be sure idennf eS yOIL•paging equipment. 4 L_e Pal, ,A r •u, x +w s r tv cheek this section ibr important American Messaging, notes and O Paging Service Charges-Charge, P CU TOME lAC_dauACCOUNT :rise Pnn;o +gymraerPay,a, �erican CUSTOMER ACCOUNT 110:Ht-000^ot for mont(ily paging service. A prorated INVOICE NO: H10000012A Messaging 91 W NG DATE: 01;01106 chatge for a partial period of sur vice ® Late Fees-lmptn Cant information regarding late fee rates is noted he CURRENTCHARGES +:976 regre. may appear on your invoice.The partial ® b month chi e on this invoice is for AMOUNT DUE 04H506 Stn9J6 ' +0 FP 1 D 1 1 A 10:;61 10061 "{OGT tME CHECK PAYABLE TO service tinm]J15;0� 7 7 to 1t31;t)5. JOHN SCIIII AIJERICATI MESSAGING ATIN ANNA WTre S60 UIT SHUHHAN PLACE AMOUNT E r-t r'�n ❑ SUITE 120 PAID 1_1lJ I UAL LAS Tx 75625 Q A!IEPICAII L'ESSAGlUG Enhanced Services-Charge for !750251059170! Ra0l own 130 C0499 9^°0 optional enhanced service(s),such as \7oicematil,Pager Replacement Program. � Au-«,,r ar sr, !604291059120! H yes,P'aAT"tl!r_i+v✓,,^.rvi.^.ee re+•e:se s:re Custom Greeting,PageSaver".etc, nnuo6noo nosh na n 61.7va:oammu6nuoa uuvl�tsu CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS SECTION ONLY Please contact our Customer Service Department to have the account name changed Account Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Can be reached at the following telephone numbers: Day: ( } - _ Evening: Please allow two billing cycles before an address change will take effect- You can also view your bill or change your address by visiting our website at http.//www.americann7essaging.net and logging into My Paging Account. 000931868