HomeMy WebLinkAbout304974 11/09/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 368269 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WISSCO IRRIGATION INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******274.00* say CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1820 SOUTH BEND AVE CHECK NUMBER: 304974 SOUTH BEND IN 46637 CHECK DATE: 11/09/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4350400 40744 2971WO90703 274.00 IRRIGAT.- REPAIR CENT Voucher No. Warrant No. 368269 WISSCO Irrigation, Inc. Allowed 20 1820 South Bend Ave. South Bend, IN 46637 In Sum of$ $ 274.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 40744 F 2971 WO9o7o3 4350400 $ 274.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except November 4, 2016 Signature $ 274.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund WISSrCOI`rn atio n Inc. J N- -VQ,!C- I � ntl -;820 South BendAve�s CRRIVE� � Invoice-Number.-=002971-WO907.03 SouthBentl 1N*466;37 nvoice Dafe mbct 26,2Q16 0 C T 31 2016 Page: 1 Voice: 574-277-9851 -Y:_ Duplicate Fax: 574-277-9860 Brll To Ship to Carmel Clay Parks Carmel Clay Parks 1411 E 1116th St 1195 Central Park Dr West Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 Customer ID ,Cust'omer PO;; Payment:Terms: 1195CENTRALPARKDR- - 10612 Sales Rep ID' Sh,ippirigMe od ShDa ip- te` Due Daae 11/5/16 Quantity "Item ; , Description ;.Unit:Price `Amount; ..._ . 1.00 INDY-SERVICE CH Service Charge- Includes 30 minutes of 85.00 85.00 labor 1.75 Indyl Indyl 97.71 171.00 1.00 MATERIAL INDY Material Indy 18.00 18.00 Subtotal 274.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 274.00 Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied -=----_� — Overdue invoices are subject to late charges. ECE, IVA • . . . OCT 3 JI 2016 LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SER C —r N? 002971 DATE: /0 — — TRUCK# P.O.Box 34239, Indianapolis,IN 46234 Time In / Time In Phone:317-587-7100 Time Outr Time Out Fax.317-209-9965 Q OHARGE CASH Q WARRANTY www.WsscoMgafion.com ❑CHECK ❑CREDIT CARD P.O.# BILL TO: WORKED PERFORMED AT: QTY: MATERIALS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED Z /Z ZZ, opep Z % 390 � e jeepv9Z17, RO Z Ili .2 V vYl P dell I i TOTAL MATERIALS HRS. LABOR RATE AMOUNT VISA-MASTER CARD Card# Exp. Auth. Sign TOTAL LABOR / CREDIT CARD WFORMATION WILL BE RETAINED IN A SECURE FILE ONLY TO BE USED IN THE EVENT THAT AN ACCOUNT BECOMES 30 DAYS PAST DUE. TERMS: DUE UPON RECEIPT uMITED WARRANTY:All materials,pads and TOTAL SUMMARY A finance charge o 1 1/2%per month(18%per annum)will be added to all equipment are warranted by the TOTAL past due accounts. manufacturers'or suppliers'written warranty MATERIALS dAp only,All labor performed by the above named TOTAL company is.warranted for 30 days or as LABOR to I have authority to order the work outlined above which has been satisfactorlly completed.I agree otherwise Indicated in writing. The above the Seller retains We toe ui menVmaterials fumished until a named company makes no other warranties, q p payment is made. If payment isnot made as agreed;seller can remove said equipmenUmaterials at Safer's expense. any damage express or implied, and itsto agents or resulting fromsadremovalshallnotbathe responsibiltytechnicians are not authorized make anyo(Seller, such warranties on behalf of above named SERVICE comparry. CHARGE Thank you for your business. TAX Please remit payment to: SIGNATURE CUSTOMER 1820 South Bend Avenue TOTAL DATE South Bend,Indiana 46637 2��1U0c)