HomeMy WebLinkAbout304921 11/09/16 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365130 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MARK CROMLICH CHECK AMOUNT: $"'•"2,789.31" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 12685 LANTERN RD CHECK NUMBER: 304921 FISHERS IN 46038 CHECK DATE: 11/09116 ETON u DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4231400 110716 24.13 GASOLINE 1120 4343002 110716 2,365.18 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA 1120 4357004 110716 400.00 EXTERNAL INSTRUCT FEE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) MARK CROMLICH ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER 12685 LANTERN RD IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service FISHERS, IN 46038 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $2,789.31 Payee Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0 43-570.04 $400.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 11/1/16 0 $2,365.18 1120 101 1120 101 0 42-314.00 $24.13 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 11/1/16 0 $400.00 1120 1 101 1 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 101 0 I 43-430.02 I $2,365.18 11/1/16 0 $24.13 1120 101 which charge is made were ordered and 1120 101 received except Friday, November 04,2016 David Haboush Fire Chief I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 J20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer �tV OF CAq,�� i_ CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) �NDIpNp EMPLOYEE NAME: Mark Cromlich DEPARTURE DATE: TIME: Q&epm DEPARTMENT: FIRE RETURN DATEN - "�s,7--b,- -\\o TIME: \caZAM PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: National Safety Congress DESTINATION CITY: Anaheim, CA EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals ' Date Parkin Lodging Misc. Total Air-fare Car Rental Other g Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem '$0.00 10/14/16 $25.00 $65.00 $90.00 10/15/16 $400.00 $65.00 $465.00 10/16/16 $65.00 $65.00 10/17/16 $65.00 $65.00 10/18/16 $65.00 $65.00 10/19/16 $65.00 $65.00 10/20/16 $65.00 $65.00 10/21/16 $65.00 $65.00. 10/22/16 $198.00 $25.00 $104.13 $1,452.08 $65.00 $1,844.21 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0•.00 $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Total $0.00 $19 .0 $45"0 $104.13 $1,452.081 $0.00 $0.0.0 $0.00 $0:00 $585.001$0 DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: VeA it at*sesAlist conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 10/31/2016 Page 1 REGISTRATION FORM 3 WAYS TO REGISTER FOR CONGRESS: .!6 ONLINE: congress.nsc(preferred method) A FAX: (708)344-4444 National Safety Council ® MAIL: 2016 NSC Congress&Expo CONGRESS & ERCP® C/o CompuSystems Congress:October 15-October 21 201rs 2651 Warrenville Rd., Suite 400 Expo:October 17-19 Downers Grove, IL 60515 . 1. REGISTRANT •- • one under 16 years ofage is permitted to atterld the 2076 IVSC Congres5&Expo,regardless ofaffiliation. Mark Cromlich 317409-0909 First Name last Name Phone Fax Safey Chief Title Cell/Mobile Carmel Fire Department mcromlich@carmel.in.gov Company Name E-mail 2 Civic Square AddressCheck here if.this is your first time EVER attending the NSC Congress.&Expo. Carmel,IN 46032 StatelProvince ZIP/Postal Code O Check here if,under ADA,you require special services in,order to attend. City L You will be contacted by NSC. United States Country OYES NSC will be having a Career Center at Congress.Would yrou be interested 0 NO in making an advance appointment? 2. NSC MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION 0 lam a member of the National Safety 0 1 am NOT a member of the Not sure if your company is a member? Council,My NSC Member ID#is: National Safety Council. Contact Customer Service at(800)621.7619 or customerservice®nsc.org. DEMOGRAPHIC3. •• • 1. Job Function: 2. My Primary Expertise is: 3.Years of Experience S.Your Company's 7. Product Interest: 9.Annual Planned (Check one) (Check one) in Field: Industry Affiliation: (Check all that apply) Purchase Amount: O a.CEO/COO/ O a.Construction (Check one) (Chea one) O a.AdministrativelRisk (Check one) President/OwnefNP/Director O b.Educatorfrrainer 0 a.1.3 years O a.Aerospace Management/Services O�.Less than$10,000 O b.Distributor/Sales Rep. 0 c•Engineering/Design b.4.9 years 0 b.Agriculture b.Emergency Response X-,$10,000-$49,999 0 c.Facility Manager 0 d.Environmental Protection 0 c 10.19 years 0 c Construction 0 c.Environmental Protection 0 C.$50,000-$99,999 0 d.Human Resources 0 e•Ergonomics 0 d.20 or more years }S[d.GovemmenU Ad.Ergonomics 0 d.$100,000-$499,999 0 e.Industrial Hygienist I. Fire Protection Public Administration 0 e.Facility Design, 0 e. SS00,000-$1 Million Maintenance 0 f.Risk Manager/ O g•Fleet Safety 4:Age: [3 e.Information Technology 0 f.More than$1 Million Loss Control Manager 0.h.Hazardous Waste Materials 0 a.Under 25 0 f.Insurance and Operation 0 g.Safety Consultant 0 i. Home&Community Safety 0 b.25-34 0 g.Manufacturing 0 f.Fall Protection Safety Engineer 0 j. Human Resources 0 c.35.44 0 h.Mining 0 g.General Safety 10. Plan to Purchase 0 h. Safety Coordinator 0 k.Industrial Hygiene 0 i.Petrochemical 0 h.Hazard Control Within the Following .45-54 0 i.Home&Community Timeframe: +Safety Director 0 I, Lobar Union Representative e0 J.Professional Services / 0 e.55 64 Industrial Hygiene (knee one) 0 J. Safety VPlAdministratorl 0 m.Occupational Safety, 0 f 65+ 0 k.Services(incl.health care) 1• Y9 Manager/Supervisor/ Health&Environment 0 I.Trades(wholesale&retail') Occupational Health 0 a.Immediately Superintendent 0 n,Risk Management 0 m.Transportation 0 k.Personal Protection 0.b.1 6 months : 0 k.Security Manager Loss Control/Insurance 0 n.Utilities 0 I.Security 0 c.7.9 months 0 I.Skilled Tradesperson 0 o.Safety Management/ 0 o.Other(please specify) 0 m.Transportation d.10.12 months 0 m.UnfordCommittee Rep. Administration 0 n, Other(please specify) 0 p.Safety Engineering 0 q.Student 6. Company Size: 8. Purchasing Role: 0r.Traff clHighway Safety (Estimate of employees (Check one) [3's.Other(please specify) In all locations) 0 a.Approve/Final Say 0 a,1-99 b.Recommend SupplierNencior 16100-999 0 c No Role O c 1,000.4,999 0 d.5,000+ CONGRESS4. NSC '• For details, • • :11621-7619 FULL CONGRESS&EXPO`(includes access to Opening Session, EXPO ONLY(Includes access to Opening Session,NSC Learning Lab Sessions and the Keynotes,Technical Sessions,NSC Learning Lab Sessions,FREE Expo floor for three days.) Convention Center Lunch Voucher,and the Expo floor for three days.) ONE DAY(Includes access to the Expo floor and NSC Learning Lab Sessions for one day.)- Early Rate Advance Rate Standard Rate Early Rate Advance Rate Standard Rate (By 7115116) _ (By 919/16) (9110116) (By 7115116)_ (By 9/9116) (9110116) ❑ NSC Member 5655 $810 5900 ❑ NSC Member 5150 $175 $200 ❑ Non-Member 5800 5975 51100 ❑ Non-Member 5175 5200 $225 Government $655 $810 $900 ❑ Distributor 5150 5775 5200 ❑ Student— FREE FREE FREE ❑ One Day:M❑ TO W❑ S100 S125 5150 Check e?S0,dayyvu plan to take a4Lvpritage of the FREE Convention Center Lunch Voucher. MONDAY TUESDAY ❑ NEITHER DAY 'Group discounts available on Full Congress&Expo pricing for companies who register S+employees,pre-approval.required. "To qualify for student registration,you must be enrolled as a full time student in the U.S.and not currently employed as a safety professional.Student registration forms must include a copy of valid U.S.student ID in order to be processed.Lunch is not included.Online registration is not available for Student attendees. 5. EXECUTIVE EDGE WORKSHOPS 8. NSC NATIONAL AWARD CELEBRATION Executive Edge workshops are available to Full Congress&Expo registrants only. National Awards celebration For more information,please.visit:eongPess.nse.org, This will be held Tuesday,October 18,from 5:30 p.m,-8:00 p.m,in the Anaheim Convention Center #of tickets x$75/ticket=$ Code Executive Edge Workshops Rate 0 44 Workshop A• Engaging Reliability:Culture,Communication $99NSC 9. • • N MEETINGS &Demographic Resilience in Action:Executing on HRO Available to NSC member companies only.Congress&Expo admission is not R 0 48 Workshop B- RHuman Performance $99 included.All Division/Section meetings will be held at the Hilton Anaheim.For more detailed meeting information,please visit congress.nsc.org. •URS Code NSC Division/Section Meetings Cost 6.TECHNICAL T 13 310 Labor Division Meeting(Union Members only) $225 Technical Tours are available to Full Congress&Expo registrants only.For more 0 311 Labor Division Guest(Reception only)• $65 information,please visit:eongress.nsc.org O 312 Labor Division Guest(Luncheon only)` $65 Code Technical Tours Rate 0 313 Labor Division Guest(Reception&Luncheon)• $130 0 321 Construction Division Meeting&Reception $125 0 TT1 Behind the Scenes:Anaheim Convention Center $40 0 322 Construction Division Reception Only $60 0 TT2 Behind the Scenes:Anaheim Regional Transportation $40 0 329 Young Professionals Division Meeting $75 Intermodal Center(ARTIC) 'Guest name 7. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REGISTRATION10. Bundle and Savel Save 10%when you register for two professional development seminars and 20%when you register for three or more.Congress&Expo admission Registration Item Amount is not included. NSC Congress&Expo(Section 4) $ �- Early Rate Advanced Rate Standard Rate Executive Edge Workshops(Section 5) $ (By 7115116) (By 919116) (9110116) Session NSC Member] Non- NSC Member/ Non. NSC Member/ Non- Number Tours(Section 6) $ Number Government Member Government Member Government Member Professional Development Seminars(Section 7) $ 0 201 $900 $1,100 $1,000 $1,200 $1,100 $1,300 NSC National Award Celebration Section 8 0 202 $900 $1,100 $1,000 $1,200 $1,100 $1,300 NSC Division/Section Meetings Section 9 $ 0 203 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 Total Registration Fees 0 204 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 0 205 $300 $375 $375 5425' $400 $475 0 206 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 5475 ❑ Check# (payable to National Safety Council) 0 207 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 )S'U.S.Government Purchase Order(must be enclosed) 0 208 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 ❑ AmEx ❑Discover ❑MasterCard ❑ VISA 0 209 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 0 210 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 Card Number Exp.Date 0 211 $300 $375 $375 $425. $400 $475 Signature 0 212 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 5475 0 213 $300 $375 $375 5425 $400 S47S Print Name as it appears on card 0 214 1 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 Cancellation Policy 0 215 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 Cancellations received in writing on or before Friday,September 23,2016,w it be refunded less a S700 processing fee.Cancellations received after Friday,September 23,2016,are non-refundable. 0 216 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 All cancellation requests should be sent to the National Safety Council,ATTN.,Congress Refunds via 0 217 $650 $800 $800 $850 $800 $995 fax(630)285.0798 or e-mail at congressrefundsOnscorg.Substitutions/Name Changes can be done online via the edit feature until the badge has been printed and verified. 0 218 $650 $800 $800 $850 $800 $995 Privacy Statement 0 219 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 All contact information will be used for NSC business purposes only.We wit/not misuse your information.All correspondence will be-mailed or mailed,to the address on the registration form. 220 $300 $375 5375 $425 $400 $475 The registration mailing list is made available to exhibitors only. 0 221 $300 5375 $375 $425 $400 $475 Program Disclaimer NSC will make every effort to avoid changes to the program and events;however,some changes may 0 222 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 occur due to unavoidable circumstances. 0 223 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 224 $300 $375 $375 $425 $400 $475 Source Code: 225 $300 S375 $375 $425 $400 5475 CEWEB 0 226 $300 5375 $375 $425 $400 $475 0 227 $300 $375 $375 $425 1 $400 $475 0516 900003793 0 2016 National Safety Council ----..�,. �. ...�.,..,� Page 1 of 2 Iz travelocity• Los Angeles Oct 14,2016-Oct 23,2016 Itinerary#7208203393451 Important Information • Remember to bring your itinerary and government-issued photo ID for airport check-in and security. Indianapolis.(IND) Los .Angeles (LAX) CONFIRMED- Oct 14, 2016. -Oct 23, 2016, 1 round trip ticket Delta HQ5GPU Your reservation is booked and confirmed.There is no need to Price Summary + call us to reconfirm this reservation. Traveler 1:Adult $345.20 = . t Traveler Information 1 Flight $294.88 i I Mark Allen No frequent flyer Ticket# Taxes&Fees $50.32 ? .. . Cromlich details provided 0067858784362 _ v ' Adult Total: $345.20. All prices quoted in US dollars.. I •Seat assignments,special meals,frequent flyer point awards and special assistance requests should be confirmed directly with the — ------ -- — -- airline. Additional Flight Services Oct 14, 2016 -Departure Total travel time:4 h 35 m Nonstop The airline may charge additional fees for checked baggage or other t 4 h 35 m optional services. 9 1 Indianapolis Los.Angeles 1,811 mi A IND 6:15am LAX 7:50am Terminal 5 Delta 877 Economy:/Coach(X)I Seat 23C I Confirm or change seats with the airline* I Oct 23, 2016-Return.Nonstop Total travel time:4-h 5.m i ^. 4h5m Los Angeles Indianapolis 1,811 mi LAX 11.:30am IND. 6:35pm Terminal 5 https://www.travelocity.-com/itinerary-print?tripid=a375213 5-9af9-4ec2-ad9d-2926c2fc4cf... 9/14/2016 Cromlich, Mark From: 2016 NSC Congress and-Expo <nsc@compusystems.com> Sent: Monday,August 22, 2016 3:02 PM To: Cromlich, Mark Subject: 2016 NSC Congress& Expo Attendee Registration Confirmation National Safety Council � CONGRESS & EXPO �. ccngrem:ocmbat is-Cocoter 21 - Ems:aztmr t7-74 gy Visit booth to get your , biggestresources for tackling your Back Injuriesaf •� •`` _ • PPE Compliance Kamm • Slips, Trips and Falls • Distracted ®riving ATTENDEE REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION III VIII I I I III I I II I III 244115 August 22,2016 Registration Number:244115 MARK CROMLICH SAFETY CHIEF CARMEL FIRE.DEPARTMENT 2 CIVIC SQ.,CARMEL INDIANA CARMEL, IN 46032 Thank you for registering for the 2016 NSC Congress&Expo to be held October 15—October 21,2016 at the Anaheim Convention Center,Anaheim,CA. Badges will not be mailed in advance,for expedited processing on-site, please bring this confirmation with you to EXPRESS BADGE PICK-UP. Please review the information below. REGISTRATION INFORMATION First Name: MARK Last Name: CROMLICH Company Name: CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Mailing Address: 2.CIVIC SQ.,.CARMEL INDIANA City: CARMEL 1 State: IN Postal Code: 46032 Telephone#: (317)4090909 Fax: Q E-Mail: mcromlich@carmel.in.gov Badge Type: FULL CONGRESS GOVERNMENT REGISTRATION SUMMARY INFORMATION Qty Descriat!on Price Total 1 FULL CONGRESS GOVERNMENT $810:00 $810.00 Total Amount: $810.00 Total Paid: $810.00 Payment Method: MASTERCARD PAYMENT Balance Due: $0.00 VIEW/UPDATE REGISTRATION PROFILE CLICK HERE to access your registration to make any changes. You can also copy the following link and paste it in your web browser to access your registration: https://www.comr)usystems.com/serviet/ar'?evt uid=619&login=MC4090909&pwd=244115 If you choose to access your registration information-by returning to the registration site instead of using the URL or link provided above,you will need to enter your e-mail address and your password. Interested in attending a Professional Development Seminar?Bundle and Save! Save 10%when you register for two seminars and 20%when.you register for three or more. Use the-link above to access your registration and get a seat in the seminars that interest you most. Browse Topics REGISTRATION POLICIES Please note Registration will be located at the Anaheim Convention Center beginning at 7:30 a.m.on Saturday, October 15. Registration hours are as follows and are subject to change. Saturday, October 15 7:30 am—11:30 am Sunday, October.16 7:30 am—3:00 pm Monday, October 17 7:30 am—4:00 pm Tuesday, October 18 7:30 am—4:00 pm Wednesday, October 19 7:30 am—1:00 pm Registration Cancellation Policy Cancellations received in.writing on or before Friday, September 23,2016,will be refunded less a$100 processing fee. Cancellations received after Friday, September 23, 2016,are non-refundable. Cancellation requests should be sent to the National Safety Council,ATTN: Congress Refunds,via fax(630)285-0798 or e-mail at congressrefunds@nsc.org. Substitutions/Name changes can be changed online via the edit feature until the badge has been printed and verified. Questions? If you have any questions regarding your registration,contact NSC Customer Service at(800)621-7619 or customerservice(MInsc.orct. HOUSING INFORMATION 2 Page 2 of 3 Monday—Friday 8:00AM—7:00PM RENTAL AGREEMENT Saturday B:OOAM-5:OOPM Sunday 8:00AM-4:00PM RA#' LAX-1$$67 BLACK&WH ITE 8800 Burton Way Beverly Hills,CA 90211 Tel:310.581.0202 CAR RENTAL wwn+6Ytrenfacatwtri-Fax::�310)271-0791 Tel*BQ0. 81.8283 INFORMATION ORIGINAL tiEf7iER5 . lNFt)RMA7N•'N lmlRf LIC_fi UHtT� CIcO t�tRa 1iC,e MARK A CROMLICH 2281 7MYF006 COMt+AliWrIXRPCRAT=NAME YEAR YEAR MANE YEAR ttAKE 2015 NISSAN HOMEPMONE WORK PLTERVATtYE MIGUEL COLOR MODEL COLOR MODEL W-OR 3174090909. 317409099 SENTRA RED CURR24TSTREETABORM DAraTAIEatir DATESTat oUT avE&MMEOur 12685 LANTERN RD 10/4412016 08:39 AM crry 7A7E ZIP OATEEVIZIEY+(' UATESTIP L't OATE6TWEL4 ,FISHERS. IN 46038 _ 10/2312076 08:04.AM . ti1QFt�FCi )�ncarECUT MB AGE IN T)RNERslIC8tEE41tAtBER E1P DO1i_ )mEAGEOUT �fILEASEIk h(I:0UT$941987527 IN "IQO)401967REFERRAL GASOIyf GAS IN IABSDi1 N GGASIN MLESIYZtVBi rytSOUF GAS L') LSESCRYEN INTERNET CAR RENTAL EX F F 546 SOURCE _ LNnvuauRSEir�oteDaax�as)ancaLga�aDs ONLY ,•.D ORNSS. A-40 LISTEDCWRANI.9=c7.1.STBERCAL�3M913Y5 f:OtliRAf.7l6.t51'9E RFIIE4\�913W 30 GAYS ON THIS AGREEMENT MAY DRIVE THE RE47AL VEPICLE 0 DAILY Yt70t0_ .0 WEEKLY 0 MONTHLY A1iDITIOHALnonrerr"NONE p06 RATES CHARGES Nn SmakCg M rsttfatvsbic3t A TOTALS LICENSE 65T EXP X50 ekrairfngFea aili aFPIY fnr vk8atton PARRING&T:::MRkESARE 54fi '411EN-0 0.0b 0.00 PO RENI&M ftL4NOILITY AODTTION&DRNONE 008 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Or-iohv d,6A¢eef,rnt.*l agee_(1).t?a2 DAYS 25.00 50.00 am taros,cir aid f img ads.m b3& _ LfcamE.aST E7eP Mees ofu�ritesagrevmaSf[lmtoQ1bW DAYS tar 3dmages 16 am mmxlsla.,koi a 0 - 0.00 0.00 cel wtwc"jp)!ota f bb,far fir '6tve - W :You'hL IIHSAf IFIFYQUG49d1XQF7F=FOLLtItA1N6 alBeu�ieine�pncndodddLm iheeait q i_ALLWrWYCii�olif£ niAxhEeRusSEDnurda�aEDVER , ;,r� ,� ,, ,�m_u cover.a 101 :,!:w 15000 150.00 R TOCPERA7ETHERENTAL4ERId E (alxtatamy d e Reser aaa'GsN, gRCANAL Y'pSE1tEVEF"s7EECSRAWtlJEGAf�t>siRABFERPURFOS� On dmeri o�taot(�fdcnaa rr int iso I C.DRNETffEVH11CL9Yt11LElltcE TiIEu[cttcur�OcPiCfIiALORTIRl1G^a Merimar' :.md. tlreavdier. 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(b�reresdatdimdefstaidaardagreefela6wa0hYffieeecros,caii nits atu(.Bmimtkasea OU BACKDATE fwCtsJdesofftegreeareaL 1(wrA16 CABB{5)a' W Baitings�gnatitfe' �- )OpOFX)004XXXX-4619 E)(P..X)C(X X 10114/201! nig RUTH 3 �p1OY� LOYEEIN 35O.Q0 AUTH*01660B MARIO MARTINEZ VERONICA LUNA i ADD/,O'YAI.TERNS CONDMONS OF RETAL ACRES-'tiiE1VT--PAGE Two httns://tsdrms.net/SigCap.aspx?pdf--9dfa4b 1 e-9898-4743-b3 60-f8c4e 1 ddOb99&KNum=L... 10/23/2016 Hyatt Regency Orange County i-I YAT T 11999 Harbor Boulevard Garden Grove, CA 92840 R E G E N CY9 TEL: 714.750.1234 FAX: 714.740.0465 www.hvattoc.com INVOICE Payee Mark Cromlich Room No. 1217 12685 Lantern Rd Arrival 10-14-16 Fishers IN 46038 Departure 10-22-16 United States Page No. 1 of 2 Confirmation No. 2716138501 Folio Window 1 Group Name National Safety Council 2016 Folio No. 865854 Booking No. 32GP67Q5 Date Description Charges Credits 138.00 10-14-16 Package 20.01 10-14-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-14-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-14-16 Parking Overnight-Self 138.00 10-15-16 Package 20.01 10-15-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-15-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-15-16 Parking Overnight-Self 138.00 10-16-16 Package 20.01 10-16-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-16-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-16-16 Parking Overnight-Self 138.00 10-17-16 Package 20.01 10-17-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-17-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-17-16 Parking Overnight-Self 138.00 10-18-16 Package 20.01 10-18-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-18-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-18-16 Parking Overnight- Self 138.00 10-19-16 Package 20.01 10-19-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-19-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-19-16 Parking Overnight-Self 138.00 10-20-16 Package 20.01 10-20-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-20-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-20-16 Parking Overnight-Self 138.00 10-21-16 Package 20.01 10-21-16 City Occupancy Tax 14.5% 3.50 10-21-16 GGTID Assessment 20.00 10-21-16 Parking Overnight- Self 1,452.08 10-22-16 Master Card Total 11452.08 1 .52.08 Guest Signature Balance 0.00 I agree that my liability for this bill is not waived and I agree to be held personally liable in the event that the indicated person,company or association fails to pay for any part or WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR STAY WITH US! the full amount of these charges. We are interested in hearing your feedback regarding your visit.For comments regarding Hyatt Regency Orange.County H��T 11999 Harbor Boulevard Garden Grove, CA 92840 REGENCY' TEL: 714.750.1234 FAX: 714.740.0465 www.h/attoc.com INVOICE Payee Mark Cromlich Room No. 1217 12685 Lantern Rd Arrival 10-14-16 Fishers IN 46038 Departure 10-22-16 United States Page No. 2 of 2 Confirmation No. 2716138501 Folio Window 1 Group Name National Safety Council 2016 Folio No. 865854 Booking No. 32GP67Q5 Hyatt Gold•Passport Summary this visit, please contact our Consumer Affairs Department. Membership: 532443295V E-mail:qualityalioa@hyatt.com Bonus Codes: Mail: Consumer Affairs 11999 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove,CA 92840-2732 Qualifying Nights: 8 Call Toll-Free:(866)444-HROC(4762) Eligible Spend: 1,104.00 For inquiries concerning your bill please call 888-588-4384 Redemption Eligible: 160.00 Purchase your Hyatt Gift Card at our Front Desk. Hyatt Gift Cards are the perfect gift for Summary Invoice, please see front desk any occasion.Ask your Front Desk Agent for a Hyatt Gift Card today for eligibility details. To receive special offers and news about the Hyatt Regency Orange County, please send an email request to salesalicaO-hyatt.com Capital One-Transactions& Details Page 1 of 3 Transactions & Details Platinum MasterCard ...4619 Current Balance: $35403.18 �� Rewards: $39.46 cash Available Credit: rJ,096.82 Date Description All Categories Cards Amount i View Pending Transactions (0) Posted Transactions i I f i i fft i E I 10/25/16 ARCO#42605 AMPM Gas/Automotive ...4619 $24.13 FNe i - rp i i f i I i j 10/24/16 INDIANAOPOLISAIRP Gas/Automotive ...4619 -90.0aA"nq i J i 10/24/16 Hyatt Hotels Lodging ...4619 https:Hservicesl.capitalone.com/ui/ 10/31/2016 Capital One -Transactions & Details Page 2 of 3 f 10/24/16 Delta Air Lines Airfare ...4619 X25.00 - dee I - I 10/20/16 National Safety Council Other ...4619 r-- i 10/15/16 Delta Air Lines Airfare ...4619 5.00 5 i 10/15/16 Black and White Rent A Car Rental ...4619 Cor tem+e j Car ! i i i I i i a — https:Hservicesl.capitalone.com/ui/ 10/31/2016 Hag MAJIL Nvu i-, U1D37iodijmjodeueiPui 7+odi!V l�ogeu�� s