HomeMy WebLinkAbout305099 11/14/16 (9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 071300 ONE CIVIC SQUARE C L COONROD &COMPANY CHECKAMOUNT: $"""`8,289.00' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3850 PRIORITY WAY SOUTH DRIVE#225 CHECK NUMBER: 305099 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 CHECK DATE: 11/14/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1701 4340300 0916B 8,289.00 ACCOUNTING FEES Prescribed by State Board of Accounts VOUCHER NO. WARRANT N.O. City Form No:201(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS.PAYABLE VOUCHER C L CO.ONROD &.COMPANY IN SUM OF$ C ITY'OF CARMEL L 3850 PRIORITY WAY SOUTH DRIVE#225 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,:dates service; INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $8,289.00:. .. ..Payee- ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION:FOR Purchase Order# Clerk Treasurer Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE, INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE#:. Fund# :AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND'# (or note attached invoices)or:bill(s)) AMOUNT 0916b 43-403.00 $8,289.00 11/9/16 0916b Bud etConsultin $8,289.00• I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or, 9 9 1701 101 1701 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday;.November 09,2016: qs Linda.Harvey. . Chief Deputy Clerk Treasurer I hereby certify that the attached irivoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle,highway fund: Clerk-Treasurer INVOICE 0916b . P.O.33612 Hon. Christine Pauley Clerk-Treasurer,City of Carmel Attn:Christine:Pauley One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46.032 Make check payable to: Tax'ID#35-1985559 C.L.Coonrod.&Company, 3850 Priority Way South Drive,Suite'225 Indianapolis,Indiana 46240 October.28;2016 Professional services from August 22 through September 28,:2016,in connection with: Additional Appropriation-follow up on meeting with auditors-.cap lease fund 84 recluses short tern!bond premium and treat as long term Budget Consulting-budget matters. 209 CAFR review of NID&A,provide explanations for disclosures on"cash,claims,CIP, :. 7,996 ... .. . ... .. . and utilities,respond to auditors regarding reconciliation of.capital assets and debt notes for the'Utilities to the financial statements;reconciliation of beginning cash balances;explain risk footnote to auditors;assist auditors with proof of cash,NO A analysis,explain ambulance receivables;and storm water receivables to auditors, Redevelopment Authority Cash review,respond to questions regarding RDA cash, work paper for CRC paste,.respond to questions regarding CRC trust cash accounts; :. .. . explain.treatment of cash restricted for.debt service reserves in governmental funds and on.statement of:netposition;explain treatment of Rainy Day Fund,.follow up on.CRC debt items,explain treatment of certain bonds on which the City is not liable,not to be irieluded:in statements;further explanations of.RDA cash Balances,complete component unit.spreadsheet as requested for RDA and 4CDC,meeting with auditors, rovide auditors with reconciliation of CAB liability to Official*Statement,CAB balances;grant fund,remove Parks allocation.of PERF,review auditors'questions and calculations:on utility:debt,review required supplementary information section,make any.necessary adjustments,preparation of full CAFR for client... Out of pocket expense Total amount of this invoice. J l_ 8 289 : Previous balance. 45,380 Payment received. (30,111) Total.amount due. -. $ 23,558- Payable upon.receipt. Call(317)844-4605 with questions. ::: :. . Coonrod 9/2/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.28 67 Roeger 9/2/2016 CAFR/GAAP 220 0.50 110 Coonrod 9/7/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 1.10 264 Roeger ... .. . 9/15/2016. CAFR/GAAP 220 0.60. : 132 Coonrod 9/15/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.30 72 Coonrod 9/19/2016: CAFR/GAAP 240: 0.65 156 Coonrod 9/22/2016 :.CAFR/GAAP : 240 1.00 240 Coonrod 9/25/2016: CAFR/GAAP 240 0.70 168 Coonrod 9/25/2016 CAFR/GAAP 240 0.30 72 _. . _. .. . Coonrod 9/25/2016 CAFR/GAAP.: 240 0.50 120 Roeger 9/26/2016: :CAFR/GAAP. . 220 1.00 220 Coonrod. 9/26/201.6 CAFR/GAAP 240 . 1.40 336 Hibler' 9/27/2016CAFR/GAAP 80 0.75 60 Roeger :9/28/2016 .:.CAFR/GAAP. : 220 1.00 . : 220 ... .. . . .. . 64FR/GAi4P Total 7,996 Documentation/Meeting 0 . Mileage TOTAL invoice amount 8,289 :09/23/2016 Additional Follow up on meeting with auditors- $240.00 hr 0.35 : 0.35 $84.00 Appropriation cap lease fund-recluses.short term bond premium and treat is as long tern 09%25/2016 CAFR/GAAP Provide auditors with reconclllatlonof Support auditors $240:00 hr 0 70 -0'- $168 00 statements• CAB liabilitycto Official Statements .09/125/2016 .CAFR/GAAP .."Set up trial balance for capital lease Capital"assets and $240.00 hr . 30'� $72.00 . statements fund not on client ledger. _ infrastructure r,9_125/2016 CAFR/GAAP Remove Parks allocation iondisclosure $240.00 hr UO` 0 50 $120 00 - state ments 09/26/2016 CAFR/GAAP Eliminate Parks PERF allocation Pension disclosure $240.00 hr 1.40 1.40 - $336.00 " statements Total Labor For Curtis Cooniod 10.54 10.54 $2,525.80' Erin Hibler 08/24/2016 CAFR/GAAP assist-in auditor.response,various`. Basic Financial $80.00 hr 1'.35' 1:35; $108.00 .' statements Item`s; _ , ` = statements" "- 09/27/2016, CAFR/GAAP page adjustments to reclassify Budgetary statements $80.00 hr 0 75 0.75 $60 00 statements Nonmaior funds w: ..•r _m�,.: v_. Mr,.•. ._ _, Total Labor For Erin Hibler 2.10 2.10 $168.00 Stephanie Lilly: 08/22/2016, CAFR/GAAP Review auditors'questions and $155.00 hr >-A.85,- 1.85 $_286 75.,l statements'- calculations on utility debt,`explain the nature of the situation to CLC suggest auditors.,res ohse toSupport auditors _ c wW j. 08/25/2016 CAFR/GAAP d $155A0 hr_- :4.10 4.100 :$635.50 - statements Review required supplementary information section,make any necessary adjustments. Support auditors 08/29/2016 CAFR/GAAP Preparation of full CAFR for CLC to send tc, $155.00 hr 4:60 2.60- $403.00: _ statements client.. 108/30/2016 CAFR/GAAP Made changesas'discussed in MD&A and Management discussion: $15-.00 hr --D4-67-­3.40 $527 00 ­ . statements` notes. and analysis" i _ _ .08/31/2016 .CAFR/GAAP .. $155.06.hr .2.15. 2.15 . $333.25 statements . . .... . . Discuss specific provisions of the GFOA Certificate'OfAchievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program checklist items . with CLC,related research; review auditors' comments and concerns;add more detail to footnotes. Support auditors Total Labor For Stephanie Lilly 14.10 14.10 -$2,185.50 Total Labor For Carmel Clerk Treasurer 42.24 42.24 $8,289.30 Grand Total Labor 42.24 42.24 $8,289.30 Grand Total Rounding -$0.30 -$0.30 Grand Total $8,289.00 -