HomeMy WebLinkAbout305632 11/28/16 ;,y u!_FAgyf r/ �� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350965 j 3j ONE CIVIC SQUARE OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC CHECK AMOUNT: 8****22,413.58* r. �_ CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 302 CHECK NUMBER: 305632 9M,�TON�` CARMEL IN 46082-0302 CHECK DATE: 11/28/16 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4341970 33447 OC6145 4,489.18 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6146 1,564.09 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6147 663.75 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 ' OC6148 142.58 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6149 2,656.69 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6150 482.33 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6151 1,544.74. CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6152 966.89 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6153 538.84 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6154 300.58 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1203 4341970 33447 OC6155 297.42 CABLE CHANNEL PROD 1120 . 4350900 OC6165 1,228.50 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 OC6166 4,247.99 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 OC6167 3,290.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 302 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service CARMEL, IN 46082-0302 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $8,766.49 Payee Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT OC6165 43-509.00 $1,228.50 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 11/18/16 OC6167 $3,290.00 1120 101 1120 101 OC6166 43-509.00 $4,247.99 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 11/18/16 OC6166 $4,247.99 1120 101 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 101 I OC6167 I 43-509.00 I $3,290.00 11/18/16 I OC6165 I $1,228.50 1120 101 which charge is made were ordered and 1120 101 received except Friday, November 18,2016 David Haboush Fire Chief I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20- Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer >#'omni Centre Professional Services Invoice_ The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# - 12316 Brookshire Pkwy.P.O..Box 302. Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA - -11/17/2016.. OC6167 Bill To City of Carmel - FIRE DEPARTMENT Attn: Chief Dave Haboush 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 12/2/2016 11/17/2016 CA2513 Training a..: Item Description Quantity Rate Amount EDL-Capture 10-10-16-Capture footage 2.5 90.00 '225.00-' Video 225.00.- Video Edit 10-11-16-Edit 1.5 130.00 195.00_ Video Edit 10-11-16-Edit 1.03333 130.00 134.33 Video Edit 10-12-16-Edit" 7.1 130.00 923.00 Producer Time 10-13-16 helping pick.out sound bites 0.31667 85.00 26.92 Producer Time 10-13-16 Staff Screening and Review 0.3 85.00 25.50 Video Edit 10-13-16-Edit 5.11667 130.00 665.17 Upload File(s) 10-17-16-Upload mp4 to Vimeo for approval 1.18333 30.00 35.50 Video Edit 11-3-16-Edit 1 1.7 130.00 221.00 - Rendering 11-3-16-Render mov and mp4 3.33333 75.00 250.00 Rendering 11-3-16-Render mpeg2 for Telvue 2.1 75.00 157.50_ Upload File(s) 11-3-16-Upload mp4 to Vimeo 1 30.00 30.00 Upload File(s) 11-3-16-upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1.03333 30.00 31.00 Rendering 11-7-16-Render 2 blu-rays for archive 3.85 75.00 288.75 Producer Time 11-8-16-log blu-rays into database 0.13333 85.00 1.1.33 Tape HD Mini 11-11-16-used(2)60min tapes 2 35.00 70.00 Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family! =Total $3,290.00 Payments/Credits . $0.00 Balance Due $3,290.00 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org 4 � i14 omni Centre Professional Services IrIVoice' iiME�! NE[L\9lCOf�QfM1 ; _ The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. __ --- Date Invoice# - - - 123.16 Brookshire-Pkwy P.O..Boz 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 11/11712016. OC6166. Bill To City,of Carmel FIRE DEPARTMENT Attn: Chief Dave Haboush 2 Civic Square:. - Carmel, IN 46032 P.O.' No.' Terms Due Date Ship-Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days' 12/272016 11/17/2016.: CA2512 Station 44:.: Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the production of Station 44 Grand Opening Short Pak-Hourly 10-9-16 Camera One on podium,two camera shoot 2.95 120.00 354.00 Short Pak-Hourly 1079-16-Camera Two coverage 2:75 120.00 330.00 Upload File(s) 10-13-16 copy.GoPro footage to server 0.43333_ 30.00 13.00 Producer Time 10-25-16 log videotapes in archive library database 0:75 . 85.00 .. 63:75 EDL-Capture 10-31-16-Capture footage 2.13333 90.00 192.00 Video Edit. 11-1-16-Edit .; 6.36669 130.00 827.67. Producer Time 11-2-16 Staff Screening and Review 1.4 85.00 119.00 Video Edit 11-2-16--Edit 7.48333 130.00 972:83- Producer Time 11-3-16 calling Chief Haboush 0.23333 85.00 19.83 Video Edit 11-3-16-Edit - 1.33333 130.00- 173:33 Producer Time 11-3-16 Staff Screening and Review 0.13333 85.00 11.33 Video Edit 11-3-16--Edit 2.08333- 130.00 270.83 Rendering 11-3-16-render mov and mp4 1.58333 75.00 118.75 Producer Time 11-4-16 send,review link 0.1 85.00 8:50 Upload File(s) 11-3-16-Upload mp4 to vimeo for approval 1 30.60 30.o0. Video Edit. 11-10-16-edit 0.25 130.00 32.50. Rendering 11-10-16-render mov and mp4 1.6 75.00 120.00 Upload File(s) 11-10-16-upload mp4 to vimeo for approval. 1.13333 30.00 34.00 Rendering 11-11-16-Render mpeg2 for Telvue 1.38333 75.00 103.75 Upload File(s). 11-11-16-upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1 30.00: '30:00. " Rendering 11-14-16-Render 2 Blu-rays for archive 4.51667 75.00 338.75 Producer Time -- 11-14-1.6-log-blu-rays into database 0.16667.. 85.00 14.17 Tape HD Mini 11-14-16-used(2)60min tapes 2 35.00 70.00 Happy Holidays from all of us to.you'and your family.! Total - $4,247.99 Payments/Credits . $0.00 Balance Due. $4,247.99 Phone# 3177846-2345. Fax# 317-574-6620omni@omnicentreorg http://www.omnicentre.org `' ># omni Centre . II�� .�� Professi®n;al Services 1.nvoice itlRPD�1GEEQA11GOf�QU[f9,- - .. The OMNI Centre for Public Media, I Inc. Date Invoice# - 12316 13rookshir6_Pkwy.P:0:,Bok 302- Carmel..IN 46082.-0302 USA. j 11/17/2016 OC6165. Bill To City of Carmel . FIRE DEPARTMENT Attn: Chief'DaVe Haboush 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O:-No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project. NET 15 bays .12/2/2616 11./17/2016. CA2511 Training... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 9=29-16 planning and scheduling for Station 44 Ceremony 0.46667 _ 85.00- 39:67. filming. Producer Time 9-30-16 phone call about setup of ceremony 0.2 85.00 . 17.00 Short Pak-.Hourly- 10-2-16-Videographer Camera 1- 2.75 120.00 330.00 . Short Pak-Hourly 10-2-16-Videographer Camera 2 2.76667 120.00 332.00 Producer Time 10-3-1.6 log Videotapes in archive library database .1,33333 .85.00: '113.33- Producer 113.33Producer Time 10-3-16 inquiring about whether to edit video for Government 0.23333 85.00_ 19.83 Channel Upload File(s) 10-3-16 copyGoPro files to server 1- 30.00 30.00 - Rendering 10-17-16-Render mov and mp4 2.55 75.00 191.25 Executive Producer _ :Project-Administration and reviews 0.41667' 135.00: :56:25. Producer Time 11-3-16 review with Team 1.16667 85A0 99.17 Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family.! Total $1228.50 . Payments/Credits $o.00 . Balance Due. `$1,228.50 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org, ' http://www.omnicentre.org I - VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PO BOX 302 IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service CARMEL, IN 46082-0302 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. $13,647.09 Payee Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT / Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 33447 OC6150 43-419.70 $482.33✓ 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 10/28/16 OC6148 $142.58 1203 101 / 1203 101 33447 OC6149 43-419.70 $2,656.69 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 10/28/16 OC6149 $2,656.69 1203 101 materials or services itemized thereon for 1203 101 33447 OC6148 43-419.70 $142.58 10/28/16 OC6150 $482.33 1203 101 / which charge is made were ordered and 1203 101 33447 OC6147 43-419.70 $663.75✓ received except 10/28/16 OC6146 $1,564.09 1203 101 / 1203 101 33447 OC61.45 43-419.70 $4,489.18✓ 10/28/16 OC6145 $4,489.18 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6146 43-419.70 $1,564.09 10/28/16 OC6147 $663.75 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6155 43-419.70 $297.42 10/31/16 OC6155 $297.42 1203 101 / Friday, November 18,2016 1203 101 33447 OC6153 43-419.70 $538.84 V 10/31/16 OC6151 $1,544.74 1203 101 / "�� � � 1203 101 33447 OC6152 43-419.70 $966.89 V 10/31/16 OC6152 $966.89 1203 101 Nancy Heck 1203 101 33447 OC6151 43-419.70 $1,544.74 Director 10/31/16 OC6154 $300.58 1203 101 1203 101 33447 OC6154 43-419.70 $300.58 10/31/16 OC6153 $538.84 1203 101 1203 101 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer 4 nl:Centre Q _ ` The OMi`III Centre forPublic Media,Inc. P rO f e s s I O a a 1 . e.v 'c e`c� . n v`,O I c e_ - 12316 B ookshire Pkwy-P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel;-IN 46082-0302-USA_ W Phone.#_ :317_846-2345' omni o_mhiceritre.or 10/28/20.16: OC6145 . .Fac:#- 317-574-6620 : ::' http://www.omriicentre.org'", -. " :The City of Carm01: One Civic;Square . . . . Carmel,.IN46032.. .. : . . USA'. = Attri: Nancy-Heck. . : . , - P.O.:NO.. . Terms Due Date -Ship pate Project." • . . NET30 Days 11/27/20.16 10/28/2016 CA2481"-Press Conf.. = Item -` Description.." Quantity. - Rate Amount For the production of"INDOT Transportation Grants Press. 'Conference' 22 August_16': Short Pal=Hourly. 8-22-16 operate camera 1 :'.2.33333-. "120.00 280.00 _. Short-Pak Hourly J 8-22=16=Operate cameral =1.5 120:00 - - 180.00 - -r - _ : : :Short Pak=Hourly: 8-22-16 Packing:and Prep 0.95 - : 120:00 114:00 Producer Time :8-22;'l 6-:Log Tapes into archive database 0.41667" ' :85.00 35:42: EDL_Capture _- 8-23-16=Capture footage.. :1.11667 90.00 :100.50 . . V.ideo-Edif. 8-2446.=.Edit ' . 3.36667-" 130.00 " '437:67_ Video Edit- _ .8-2416_ Edit 158333" ,130.00 205:$3 Video Edit. 8-25-16=Edit. 3,21667 . "X30.00 418.17 - Video Edit­-` 8-2546'-E it0.91667 130:00 114.17. Video.Edit' 8-26-16:-Edit 0.75. : - 130:06 : 9730 _Video Edit . :8-2946-:Edit. : - 3 05: 130:00 396:50 Video Edit , ._ ,_ 8-30-16-Edit :.' 0.93333 : -130.00 :121.33 Video Edit 9-246-Edit T:56667.'- 130:0.0 "-- 203:67. Vide.o.Edit.' 9=6-16'-Edit ".2.93333 .130.00 " 38.1:33. .Video Edit- 9-6 16-.Edit3.51667 130.00 457.17 Video Edit 9=8-16-Edit 0:8 130:00 104-.00- : : .Rendering; -0-8_4 6 Render mov and mp4 _„ 0:88333 :: 75:00 :•66:25 " Upload File(s) :9-8-16=Upload:rnp4.to vimeo for:approval 1 .30.00 - 30.00. Executive Producer :_ Adm and review 9/6/16• :. .: :. 0.66667: -135:00 : 90.00 Video"Edit" ' : .9-21-16;-.Edit. -'0.45. '130:00 58:50. -Video Edit. ;w 9=21-16-Edit 0:66667 130:00 .. 86:67 Rendering 9-21-16=render mov and mp4" 1.08333 75.00 -81.25:" _ _. Upload File(s) 9-21.16-Upload mp4 to vml o for approval. _ -.1 30:00 30.00 -_Video Edit 9-2$46:_Edit 03. ::130:00 ..39.00 : . Renderrng _ .9-28 16 "Render mov and mp4 lo0 96667" ' 75:00 72.50 - U ad Files 9:28-16-Upload.mp4 to vimco for approval; :: 1. 30.00 30.00 Rendering• 10=7=16 rerider'.mpeg` - 0.65. j 48:75 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI:Centre Staff TOtal .`. . - Payments%Credits '. . . . . . . . .' Mce.'.D - anue Page 1 . . i sy - omni Centre , ;=3 f'.,� �r�� z�g, � D� t��'•t�` y��,,1,�..c s �a, �Y : The O1V1NI Centre f P bl c�Medl c " 1 1"®�C, J�®1 1�I Services ,Invoice: 123 6 Brookshire Pkwy .0 Date InvOace#, f • u' . Carmel;.IN 46082=0302 USA _3.17-846-2345 _. : :omni@omniceritre.org_ _ -_�. 10/28/2016 OC6145. - .Fax# 317-57.4-6,620 '. . ; lq://www.omnicentre.org: - — The City of Carmel _ One Civic Square . : Carmel,.-IN 46032.. Attri: Nancy•Heck- P.O.:No.- Terms Due Date Ship Date .. . Project NET-30-Days 11/27/20.1610/28/20.16 CA2481-PressConf.. Item: : :Description Quantity: :• Rate Amount Upload File'(s)._ 10-7-16.upload.rnpeg file to_TeWV a video"sefvez '.1. 30.00 30.00. ... Upload Files) 10 10 16'-Upf d;mp4 to Youtube and vuneo 1 - : 30.00 30:00 . .Rendering- - • _ _Y 10 11 16-Render:2 Blu=rays 1.75 75.00 131.25 Producer Tune, 10 11 16.log blu-r_ays nto..database 0 15 85:00 l2 It i$our privilege to serve you! -The OWI.Centre Staff. Total - - - . . - _ - • . - - . - . . $4,489.1.8 - PaymeritslCredits - 10100 . -Balance.-.Due $4,489.18: Page 2 , omni Centre .. - vices- I The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. Professional Sernvoice I 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 f Date Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082=0302 USA _Phone#:__" :3.17-846-2345: : :"_omni omnicentre;or 10%28/2016 OC6146 Faxfl : 317-574-6620 http:!/www:omnicentre.org: :The City of Carmel: . . . " . . . . . One Civic Square. .. . Carmel,.IN.46032. USA. Attn: Nancy.Heck. . P.O.No.. . : : Terms Due Date Ship Date. Project NET 30 Days . 11/2M016: lo/28%2016: CA2485 Veterans Da... = Item: = - :Description '_: : : : .' Quantity. . : : : :Rate Amount: For the production of a new."Veterans Day".promo in.High Definition Video-Edit ` 8-30=.16-Edit 0.66667 . - 130.00 -' 86.67 Producer Time. 8-31=16.Producer-time looking for.interviews to edit into the promo_ - 0.33333 85.00 :28.33. Video Edit- 8-31-16,-edit 2.5 : 130.00 = :325.00 : : : Video Edit 9-1-16=Edit 2.:18333' 130.00 283;83: Video Edit _ 9-1-16-edit 2.7 13Q.00 351.60 - -Video"EdiY. 9-1=16-edit.. .-.0.35. -.-130.00 .45:50. Video Edit '9.2-16-*Edit ' 0:9130:00 117:00_ " Rendering" 9-2=16-Reder mov and_mp4 0.11667. '75.09. = : 8.75 Upload .File(s) = 9-2-16-Up_load mp4 to vimeo f6r:appfoval 1 '. " 30:00 30.00. : :Executive Producer:-- Adm,review-editing and graphics;Sept.2 :0:51667 : 135:00 : 69,75 : Video Edit : 9-21-16.-:Edit' 0.5166T 130.00 67:17: - Rendehng_ 9-21-16-Render mov and_mp4: :6.08333 : 75.00 6.25 Upload File(s) 9-20=16.=Upload mp4.to yimeo f6r.approvaF 30.00 " 30:00, Rendering,'. -9-28=16-Regder mov and,mp4 0.08333 75.00 :6:25 , .Video:Edit 9-28-16'7 Edit .0,16667 .' 130.00 . 21.67 Upload.File(s) _ 9-28.16-'Upload mp4 to vimeo for approval. 1 :30.00 :36.60. 'Rendering:' 10-7-16render.mpeg.:' 0:08333 : 75:00 ' : 6.25 : Upload File(s) 10-7=16 upload to TelVue:Video server, '0.66667 :30.00 Upload ke(s). 10-1046-Upload'Mp4 to.Youtube grid Vimeo. " 1. 30.00 30.00 - Rendering. 10-11. 6-Render'2 blu-ray disks for.azcfiive. . . 0,11667 75.00 . 8.75. Producer-Time . 104146 LogBlu-raysinto"database. ." 0.11667 .85:00 .Itis our privilege 0 serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. - Total". $1;564.09:'. Payments/Credits. 16.00 _ " .�: Balance.-Due $1,564.09: ` T lip n Cdn ire .�, '� y Profe sionaa Services Invoice v `aThe® 'MINI Centre'for Public Media Inc. . 3.� ?1�2316Brook'sfiire Pkwy'P:O 80x-302 Carmel;IN°46082-0302`USA Date. Invoice Phone_#v 317_-846 2345 omni o' m ntre,or 10/28/2016 OC6147 Fax-4 . 317-574-6620 hftp:%/www:olnnicentre.org:Bill,To: :The City of Carmel: One Civic Square . : _ . - . . . Carmel,.IN46032. : ; . , ; . , : : . - USA:-:• . Attn:-Nancy-Heck,. Terms- Due Date Ship Date Project NE-T 30-Days : .11/21/2016- . _10/29/10.16: : CA2488 change supe:.. Item Description Quantity, Rate : : Amount: Chief name-change.on.CFD.Accreditation Production. '. - Rendering 8=29 16 rip Blu-ray disc.and"render:mov file for.editing 0.68333 75:00 51:23 Video Edit : 8-2946-.Edit : 1 16667 130.00 15167:1 Rendermg_ N 8-29.16.=render_mov and mp4 1.2 :75.00 90:00. : _Upload File(s) : 8-30-16=Upload inp4 to viineo: 1' 30.00 .30.00 _Rendering :8-30 16=-render mpeg2 for_TeNue 1A :75.00 82.50 Upload File(s)-• -- 8-30-16=Upload-mp4 toY utube 1•, 30.00 30.00 - Upload Files) 8-31-16, Upload mpeg2 to.Telvue 30.00 30:00 Rendering Render 2'blu rays for database - -.2.26667-.- .75.00 - A70.00' Producer Time 9-2 16 Log blu-rays.into database 0 33333' 28.33 .��.�•I�e::: Thank you fon your business!- -- . $663..15' Payments/Credits. . -B e.Due :. $663.75:. tv t`n3 syomni Centrex°p : 5 �.. eD»sualer[au,iiitauca►tE0 ' '. rs }. Vit" c _ � k� ro rofess�� Rn�aIS�ervices Invoice The OMINII Ce1tre for _V_; U, Ind s r a;Y,r � r s , 12316 ")Ks.hre Pkwy P;OBox302 , -Date Invoice# - Carmel;,IN 46082 0302'USA 5 10/28/2016 OC6148. - _ :_.Phone_# 317.-846•.2345_ �-,,omm omnicentre or .' -- @- g . . . --— _ !.Fax'#, 317-57.4=6620 :` http://Www.omnicentre.org'' Bill To:: . =. : ::�.. : : :: : : : : : . �: �. ::: . = �: ::..:: : ::..:: .: .::.. •- -: :: . : ::.-.�. . ::.- . �. : :: - �=- : ::--� �. : ::�-. �. : : :The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carrimel, N 46032 - - - Attu:--Nancy Heck - P:O.:No. : : : Terms- =. Due Date :Ship-Date- -Project-'. - NET-30-Days 11/27/2016: - .10129i2016: CA2489-b-roll Midto... `Item .:Description . .Quantity. ', Rate Amount New"B=Roll".acquisition-ofMid=Town Development Piojecf Short Pak Hourly 9=1 �6;film b roll demolition of old Post"Office . . 0.91667 120.00 -A.10.00 . Producec.Time . 9-1=16 log videotape iri archive libiary database: 0,38333. 85.00 32.58 .� L F. tvn ::: . :.It is our privilege to serve you!..The OMNI.Centre Staff, Total : . $142.58 PaymenWCredits -. . . . . - .. $0.00 . -Balance.Due �io - - r i YriF'�. 1 rA ��'o rel omni Centre ' ,cwwrxueueou;uito4pcAl.r The OMM Centre for Public Media,Inc. ProfessionalS e ry i c e s -Ln v o i c e I12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date: : .111Voiee 4- Carmel;IN 46082-0302 USA. _. Phone# :317-846-2345' -- . _ omni@oniniceritre:org : ' 10/28/2015 OC6149. . -':.Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org: _ Bi1T To: : . 6. :The City of Carmel One Civic Square . .. Carmel,.IN 46032 Attn:-Nancy.Heck P:O.:No. Terms : Due Date Ship-Date Project. . NET 30-Days .-. 11/27/2016: 10/28/2016: CA2502 Sun king Pr:.. Item: = Description Quantity. :Rate Amount For:tlie production and airing-of the-Sun King Press Conference. Short Pak-•Hourly '9=7-16 one camera,one.person shoot. , . 2.41667 120.00 290:00 . Producer Time :. 9-8=16=log videotape iri archive_library.database and quality check '0.4: 85.00 34.00 tape:. - Producer Time 9-8=16'research and looking f6r:renderiri6-on website 0:21667 : : 85.00 : 18.42 : : _ EDL-Capture: : 9-8-16=capture: 0:75: 9.0:0.0 67.50: Video'Edit 94-16--Edit2.1 130.00 :273.00 Video Edit`. 9-12=46-mEdit 3.11667 -130.0.0 405:17. -Vi Edit. 9=12=16--Edit 3.46667 130:00 450:67 . V.ideo:Edit. 9-13-16=edit. 1.45: 130.00" .188.50- - Rendering 9-13=16-render mov and mp4 1.68333 75.00 126.25- :Upload File(s) 9-13-16-Upload inp4 to virh6o.for approval 1 30.00 :•30:00 , Executive Producer Review.and QC/9/12/16 : 0.25. 135;00 33.75:, Video Edit 9-20-16-Edit :0.26667: 130.00 34.67 Video-Edit. . _ 9-21-16--.Edit,-" 0.91667- '.130.00 119:17. Vide.o.Edit. 9-21=16-Edit 0.51667 .130.00 6.717. Video.Edit 9721-4.6=Edit. = ..0.566671. -130.00 - 731.67- Rendering 9-21=16-render mov and mp4 = =. 0.96667 75:00 72.50. U load File s p O 9-21-16 Upload mp4 to vimeo.for approval 1 30.00 .: 30.00 : . Rendering :9-28=16:-:Render rnov and mp4 4.11667. 75:00 83:75: Rendering 9-28-16-Render.mpeg2 for Telvue 1. 75.00 _ : 75.00 - -Upload File(s) 9-2846=.Upload mpe92 toTel . 1- . 30:00 30:00. . . . . . . .Upload File(s). 9=28=16-Upload mp4 to.Youtube and.Vimeo 1. . . 30.00 30.00 . .Rendering, ° : 10-11-16-Render:2 Blu-rays-for archive. .° : .1.53333. 75.00 115.00:" Producer Time 10-11-16-Log.Blu-rays into Database- 0.1 :85:00 8:50 Thankyou for your business!: . . . :Total = $2,656:.69 Payments/Credits - $o:oo . jos . Balance.Due $2,656.69 omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMM.Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box'302- a Date: Invoice# Carmel;IN 46082=0302 USA' ::. Phone#_ __3:17-846-2345: _ omni@omnicentre.org ` 10/28/2016; OC6150 Fax# 317-5746620hitp:%/www.omnicentre.org: BP i1 f To :The City of Carmel: One Civic Square Carmel,-IN.46032. USA' Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date:'- Ship Date Project NET 30bays - 11/27/2016= = 10/28%2016 CA2507-Oktoberfest... -Item. Description Quantity: Rate I Amount Eoraoquisitor.of footage for Ok_tbberfest 2016. - Short Pak 7 Hourly. -9-2346"one camera,oneyerson shoot 3.78333'. 120:00 454:00' Producer Time 9-27-16-log GoPro footage = .0.33333• 85.00 . 28.33:- 0 8.33 - . collbi �. �. . ; . T_hank you,for your business!; _ Total .'. $482_.33 Payments/Credits. _ $o:oo . -Balance:Due $482.33 f0 omni Centre ..� Professional Services Invoice The:OMNI Centre for-Public Media,Inc. 1231.6'13rookshire Pkwy PD.Box'302 Date IriVO1Ce# Carmel,.IN'46082 0302"USA. - __. r_ Phone# ".317-84A7234,5_:. o;imi@omnicentre org - 10/31/2016 OC6151. : TaxW. " 317-57.4-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org:" Bili To: = =. : :: . _:"• :"- =. : '. . . :The City of Cannel CITY_COUNCIL _'. . One Civic Sgdare-. =•" Cannel,IN 46032 USA. Attn:-Nancy-Heck. : - P:O.No.- Terms: : : Due Date. - 'Skip Date- Project_ NET 15-Days = •'. 11/15/20.16 10/31/2016: CA2491 City Counci... Item -.Description ', =' "Quantity. •Rate ' - -:Amount= For"the preparation and:airing of City.Council Meetirigs'-Septembe . and•October 2016. Rendering 9-19-16 September 13 City Council Budget Workshop;rend6r.ffiov 1.46667 . " 75.00 110.00 _ file for editing:, :Video Edif 9-19-16-edit:Se6tember 13 City Council Budget Workshop: :: : :D:38333 130:00 49.$3 : Rendering :9-19=16.September:l3 City Council:Budget Workshop,render.mpe : -1.58333 :75.0.0 11&.75 _ file. . Upload Files)." 9-20-16.September.l3.City.Council Budgaf-Worksfiop;.npload;mpe 2.66667 30.00 "- 80:00. " . . . . . . . . . . file to TelVue Videoserver. :Rendering. 9-1146 September 19 City Council Meeting,•np DVD-and render 0.41667 75.00 31.25 m6v.file'fbr editing : Video Edit. 9-22 16-edit September 19 City.Council Meeting 03:" 130:06 : •Rendering i. _ :9-22 16.-_Sept:l.6-meeting;:render mov from DVD"- 1:6 75.00 - 120:00: Video Edit 9-22-16=Sept 16 meeting,-add replay graphics. :0.58333 : •130.00 : 75.83: Rendenng ,9-22 16.September.I9.City Council Meeting;.:render:wmv file for :" 0.96667 7500 72:50: Grawcus Rendenng 9-22 16=Sept"16 meeting,,render mpeg2 2,53333 . .75.00 .190.00 Upload File(s) 9-22 16 September 19 City Council Meeting,upload to Granicus. 1 30:00 '30:66 Producer Time 9-22-16 September 19 City Council Meeting,making'vid'o oink on :0:36667 :Gramcus Upload Files) 9.22 16=Sept 16.meeting,_upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1-.86667 30.00 56.00 . _. Rendering_ i 9723-16 September.19 City Council Meeting;.render:.mpeg_file- 1.08333- 75.00 81:25. Video:Edit- 10' --7-1 edit;Octoberldty Counoil,Meeting 0.28333 130.00 36:83 Rendenng 10 7-16 October:3 City Council_Meeting,•render-.mpeg f le" •" 0.66667 .75.00•'. "50.00 - Upload Files) _ 10 7-16 October 3 City Council Meeting;upload to Te1Vue. 1 30:00 , 30:00. Rendering: 10=19-16 October 17 City Cquncil Meeting;rip DVD andiender Q:83333 75.00 :62.50 : - :.mov file for editing Video Edit 10 19.16 edit,October_17 City Council Meeting ;: 038333 130.00 49.83 - ..: Rendeiin 10 1946.October 1.7 City,Council Meetin ;tinder..m a file 1:96667"- 75:00 147:50. -.It is our privilege to serve you! The OMIVI:Centre Staff. . Total PaymeritslCredits- Balance.Due Page 1- f . . omni Centre Servi The OMNI.Centre for Public Media,Inc. Professional ces Invoice- 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel,IN•46082-0302 USA _ . --'--Phone - #• 317 846-2345: omni@omnicentre org 10/31/2016. OC6151 Fax# = , 317-574-6620 http:%/www.omnicentre.org: :The City of Carmel: GITY-COUNCIL One Civic Square. " Carmel;IN 46032 USA, - Attn:-Nancy Heck P.O.No:. : : :. Terms: WeDate Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 11/15%20.16 10/31%20.16 CA2491-City:Gounci:.. -Item; Descriptiori - Quantity. Rate : Airiount= Upload File(s). _ . - 10-24=16 October.17 City.Council,upload to_TelV-uevideo server- . .2.75 30.00 '. .82.5-0'. � . rLgE Ops COY : q`� � 7t is our privilege to serve you! .The OM_NI Centre Staff.- ; Total 16. . $1s44:74 Payrrierits/Credits. . Balance.Due $1,544.74: Page-2 asp. .A 3.jmni Centre The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc: Profess�onal� Services Invoke 12316 Brookshire Pk w 'P.O.Box 302 Date TI1VO.1Ce# Carmel;.IN 46082-0302 USA Phone_#-"_ _317-846-2345 _ omm@omniceritre:org �" 10/31/2016 " OC6152 .'.Fax,# : 317-57.4-6620 .http://www.omnicentre.org: FBI-To The City of Carmel BOARD.ofPUBLIC WORKS: One-Civic Square- Carmel;IN 46032 USA. _ Attu: Nancy,Heck. . P.O.No.- = : =Terms, ; . . Due Date. - :Ship-pate Project :. NET 15Diys 11/15/2016 10/31/2016= CA2492BP.WMeeti:.. Item Description Quantity." "Rate.= Amount For the Production and"airing.of BPW meetings for September.and- •- - Ociober 2016 Producer Time 9=7=16 September.TBPW Meeting;operate switcher"at-City Hall 2.08333'.' 85.00 177.08 Rendering 9-7-16 September 7.BPW Meeting,render.mov file for editing -0:5 '. 75.00 37:50. Nideo Edit" _- = 9-13 16'-Sept 74meeting,addreplay"graphics: : ;0:23333 130:00 -30:33 "Producer Time :9-13=16-.firefighter for a day,-log:blu-rays into database :0;2 :85:0.0 17:00:' U loa' Files 9-13-16=Sept"7 meeting;upload mpeg2 to Telvue: ," 1.' 30.00 30,00 1? File(s) 'Producer Time. - ".-. 9-21-16.=-Sept 2l.meeting;operateswitchei 1.33333 '. 85.0.0 - 113:33" .Rendering- 9-21 16-Render mov from DVDW. 0.25. 75:00 -.Video Edit = 9-22=16 t.Sept 21 meeting;_add replay giaphics 0,18333 . " 130.00. 23.83 Rendering_ 9-22=16=Sept 21-meeting,render in foc,Telwe: - 0.21667- 75:00 16:25. : .Upload Files) : 9-23-16=September 21"meeting,.upload mpeg2 to Telwe 1 30:00 =" - :"30:00 Producer Time 10 5460ctober 5 BPW.,Weting;:opgrateswitcher at City Hall' : -1.58333-• :85:00 134,58:" _ _ _ Rendering" 10-10-16-Oct-5.-meeting,render mov from DVD:: :. 0.25 -: 75.00 18.75 Video Edit' 10`1016:-Oct,5 meeting,add replay graphics 9,18333-'. 130.00 23:83. Rendering. 10 10 16-Oct.S.meetmg,render mpeg2 for Telvue O 1 75.00 _. UploadFile(s) 10 10 i6=OctS meeting,upload.mpeg2 to Telvue 1 3U:00 . 30.00 Producer Time- 1049-16-Operate switcher 1.63353- 85:00 138.83. : .Rendering; '10-2446"'Oct I9:meetmg iendei mov from DVD '0:28333 ;21.25 Video Edit :10-25-46:m-Oct 19 meeting;add replay graphics; : - 0.28333". 130,00' 36:83:' Rendering" 10-25-.16-Oct 19 meeting;.render mpeg2--: • 6.41667 75.00 31.25 Upload H16(s) - 10-25x16,-.Oct 19 meeting;Uploadmpeg2ao.Telvue _ '.1 30:00 3u.� m. -Thank you for-your burin.. .: :Total - - $966:.89 =" Payments/Credits :$O:oo Balance:Due " $966.89:" . . "4 �Fi►.�� t�� omni�Centre _ "_ -,. ", x . " The'®NINIrCentre for PuliltcMedia,Inc Pxro3fe{ss i�o3n;a l s"e ry i ces I n v-o�i ce 23+1'6Bookshire?PkwyTO Box 302 Date: - Invoice ii Carmel;IN 46082=0302 USA - 1Phone-## 3.17_846 23_4.5_ __- ,_;omni@omntceritre org _ _ 10/31/2016 O0f53. ; :Fax 4 , 317-574-6620: http://www.omnicentre..org - f B"i1TTo: . .. _ :City-of Carmel PLAN"CONIb1ISSION. One"Civic Square Carrel;IN 46032 Attn:Nancy Heck. : : . " P.O.No.. =. Terms : :Due Date Ship Date Protect _ 0/3206 493PNET 15Days il/15/2016 an Commi... -Item Description Quantity. Rate Amount: For'th.e preparation and'airing of-the Plan Commission in for. _- "September and October 2016 ARendermg_ .-._ 9-21 .16-Render.mov.from DVD .1.03333 75.00 77.50:-_.. = Video Edit 9-22 16.=Sept:20.ineeting",add-replaygraphics.= 0.26667 130.00 34:67 Rendenttg 9-20 16=Sept ineetmg,render mpeg2 for Telvue 2 35 75:00 - 176:25 Upload Files) 9-22 16-:Sept20meeting;upload:_mpeg2 to Telvue f.25 30.00 37;50- _Renderutg _ w ,10 24 16-Oct 18`"meetu►g;render mov from DVD _ 0.715' 75 00 56.25 _ --Video-Edit:- 10 2416-0.6t:18.meeting,add"replay graphics Y.f6667 .130.00 21:67- Rendertng: T 10624-16'-_Oct 18 meeting'render m e 2-fo;Telvye_ 1 4 75:00 105:00 . ,_ p g. . Upload:File(s) 10-24-16"Oct 18 meeting;upload mpeg2 to==Telvne := _ 1 30.00 . 30.00 VI 10. Itis our privilege to serve you!.The OMNI Centre Staff Total" .' $538;84 _ Payments/Credits $o:oo . •Balance.Due _ $538.84: 4' sH � �omniCentre ' NMI t R ONINM�, ntreiforwPulilic Media,Inc Professi-ona Services Lnvoice - � �'YY� �-1r23S16"�Brookshiie Pkwy,PO Boz`302 - Date: hiVo'ice# Cannel IN 46082=03'02 USA Phone_ - 317=8464345:_. _. omni omn ceritce:oi 10/31/2016 OC6154. 317-574-6620- h{tp:(/www.omnicentre.org: : Bill TO : . :The City of Carmel: . . . ' .. - RMDEVELOI?MENT COMMISSION. ' cLo Steve Erigelking . One.Civic Square Caimel,IN-46032 USA P.O.No' : : Terms : '' Due Date ' :Ship-y' te Project _ . - NET 1:5-Days 11/15%2016 10/31%2016 CA2494-CRC Meetin... Item : , :Description : Quantity, Rate: Amount:.:. For the preparation and'airing of-the'CRC ni6etings for:September,. and October 2016 ' Rendenng. 9-22=16-,Sept 21 Meeting;render mov from DVD 0 18333; 75.00 13:75 Video Edit - - . 9-22=16.=Sept2l.meeting,adduig:replay graphics. 0.08333" 130.00 :10.93. Rendering.- 9-22 16--Sept 21 ineeting,:render-mpeg2:for Telvue-'- "0:16667.- 75:00 A2.50 Upload Files). ;' 9-23 16.--Sept_Z-Lmeeting,upload:mpeg2 to:Tdlvue 1 .' .3 X00:- Tioduke r Time' .. lb-1 94-6 October 19 CRC 1VIeeting,_operate switch•ai City Hall j 1.33333 85.00 113;33 Rendering 10.25-167-06t:19 meeting,rendei mov.drain'DVD' `. 4.41667. 75.00 31.25 Video Edit ' 10-25-16:-Oct 19 meeting,add replay graphics 0.11667' 130.00 '1517" Rendexmg" . . 10-25-16-Oct•19 meeting;render mpeg2.' :-.0.58333'- 0C 0.58333' 75.00'. 43.75:'. U load.File s 10 25 16:,'Oct 19 ineetin p (•) g,upload mpeg2 to.Telvue: : : 1 -30 00 30.00. .0 7t is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI_Centre Staff. Total .`. $300,:58 .. . - payments/C :oo redits•'. : : . : . $o . 'Balance.-Due .: :: $300.58:- . - - - - iY T E i omni Centl'e, I oil xKT . Pro�fetssialServices Invoice The OMNI Centre forP�ulilrc&Medra,Inc � ^� `+ 12316 Brookshire PkwyEO�€Box302 ' Date: Invoice# Carmel;IN 46082=0302 USA". _ ;Phorie#.. 3.17-846:2345_____ omni@ommceritre ocg 10/31/2016 OC6155: 317-574-66-20 hitp:X/www.omnicentre.org — . . . ::The City of Carmel. . . . BOARD:of ZONING APPEALS. One Civic Square. = Carmel;W46032 USA Attn:-Nancy.Heck. : Terms" Due Date Ship pate Project NE-T-15t 1Says 11/15/2016: : 10/31/2016 = CA2495-BZA Meetiri... ItemDescription :Quantity j Rate <Amount:r Bor the preparation and airing of the-BZA Meetings for September- - ; ; and October.2016 Video Edrt 10 5 16 Addurg zeplay graphics _' .016667 13U:00 21:67 '. Rendering 10;5616-Sept 26.meetmg;render mg2 for Telvue ' 0.83.333- 75.00 62:50 - - Upload Files) 10 5 16'September 26 BZA Meeting;upload to TelVire video serve ": 125- 30, 37.50 = Video Edit 10-28-16-edit October 24:3ZAMeeting 44 : 130.00 52;00: Rendermg. 10 28 if October24 BZkmeeting:render;mpeg Erle = _0 81667 7$:00 61,25 Rendering- - 10 d8-16 October24 BZA'Meeting,-rip DVD.and reridet.mov.M6 A - 75.00 30:00. for editing,- ' Upload Files) _ 10-28-46 Qctober 24 BZA;1VIeetu►g,upIoad.fo TelVue video seiner 108333' 30`:00 -32.50:j` Itk C (D16-1 c� . v :3�(N ., It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total .° _ . $297:.42 . .. . . Payments/Credifs. $o:oo - -Balance DUe :::$297.42: ; 'V :