HomeMy WebLinkAbout306979 01/12/17 CITY OFARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367520 CHECK AMOUNT: S*******137.13* (; ONE CIVIC,SQUARE FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP Q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 896508 CHECK NUMBER: 306979 CHARLOTTE INC 28289-6508 CHECK DATE: 01/12/17 «ON DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUM R INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4235000 437920900 -45.71 BUILDING MATERIAL 1093 4235000 437921500 182.84 BUILDING MATERIAL 0 W c v -u rn a 0 0 -4 � 0 m m O w m W WN ik o Z 1 O Z n D O W W Z 0 0 � S D N 4 v CO N O C), a �• co co 0 � Z O_ W "' .. O a c (00 Cr Z 3 CD X Cl) o O OO O C -n ZODC _? toD n (Ln 0 n !m N N n N 0 7 !,I C, W W n OD OD Cn m ! m O O 3 O V OD N _N-_ti O O T co �i O O ;u W CA Z r. (r EA 69 fA OOD 3 Z C -n W A co CJS V Z N O N Q 'M"" v N (n O < CDO n 0) - a' CD CL S N �. `< d CD M O O X O N 1 1 1 D CD m _ CD CD v, 0 Ci � y (D o � m w m s c d m d 0 N (n n m v m 0 m N c C) N• " N W m N0 n s CD O C 0 O n CD m n < CD 1 O 7CL Ep D) — 3 O 1 CD N CD I O O ILII III Invoice# 4379215-00 FACILITYSOLUTO Sgroup 512-440-7985 Inside Sales 9715 Kincaid Drive, Suite 2000 F ii�hers, IN 460 Invoice Date Due Date Terms Pa e 12/19/16 01/18/17 net 30 1 Cust# : 747431 -0002 T Placed By Customer P.O.# PO Date Ship to: Monon Community Center 106125 XX-4625 12/07/16 1195 1 Central Park Drive est Dawn Koepper On all sums due FSG which have not been paid, Customer agrees to promptly pay a calculated service charge of 1.5%per Carmel, IN 46032 317-573-4026 month (not exceeding the highest amount lawfully allowed by contract in this state). If FSG commences litigation to collect payment of any amounts due, Customer agrees to pay reasonable attomI fees which maybe due. Carmel Clay Parks & Rec leation VIA SHIPPED SHIP# Attnt Accounts Payable i 1411' East 116th Street -PRV, Trunk IN 1 12/1.9/161 Carmel, IN 46032 AL80 Truck Delivery Only Shipped from: FSG Indianapolis N PRODUCT'AND QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY QTY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ORDERED B.O. SHIPPED U/M PRICE U/M 1 50370 1 4 0 4 EA 45.71 EA 182.84 QTP3X40TT5/277PSNB 1 Lines TotalQty Shipped Tot�i 4 Total 182.84 Invoice Total USD 182.84 .,€, n : ut T t DEC 2 0 2016 BY: *** NEW REMIT TO: Facility Solut ons Group, Inc. P.O. Box 896508 Charlotte, NC 28289-6508 *** Invoice delivery is now availabl to your email address. It's fast, easy and environmentally responsible. 7o arrange for invo cing by email to one or more email addresses, email our Customer Support team at creditdpt@fsgi.com. I!I E&k2G Return Credit# 4379209-00 FACIL/TYSOLUTIC VVSgroUD214-351-6266 p ext# 10609 Daniel Thomas 9715 Kincaid Drive, Suite 2000 ishers, IN 460 Invoice Date Due Dat=ej Terms Page net 30 1 Cust# : 747431-0002 Ship to• Mongn Community Center Placed By Customer P.O.# PO Date 106125 - 12/07/16 1195 Central Park Driv " West Dawn Koepper On all sums due FSG which have not been paid, Customer agrees to promptly pay a calculated service charge of 1.5%per Carmel, I N 46032 317-573-4026 month (not exceeding the highest amount lawfully allowed by contract in this state). If FSG commences litigation to collect payment of any amounts due, Customer agrees to pay reasonable attorneys'fees which may be due. Carmel Clay Parks & Re reation VIA SHIPPED SHIP# Attn: Accounts Payable �,' 1411 East 116th Street Lr- T—ick TN 1 12/07/161 Carmel, IN 46032 AL80 Truck Delivery Only Shipped from: FSG Indianapolis LN PRODUC AND QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITYQ TY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIWTION ORDERED I' B.O. SHIPPED U/M PRICE UIM 1 50370 1-4 EA 45.71 EA 45.71- QTP3X40TT5%277PSNB 1 Lines TotalQt Shipped To 'al 1- Total 45.71- , Y PP Invoice Total USD -45.71 CREDIT - DO NOT PAY i *** NEW REMIT TO: Facility Solutions Group, Inc. P.O. Box 896508 Charlotte, NC 28289-6508 *** Invoice delivery is now available to your email address. It's fast, easy and environmentally responsible. To arrange for inv icing by email to one or more email addresses, email our Customer Support team at creditcept@fsgi.com.