HomeMy WebLinkAbout307335 01/20/17 9w_4�q J' `'� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350965 ONE CIVIC SQUARE OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $....17,432.45' ,gq CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 302 CHECK NUMBER: 307335 'i,,�TON. CARMEL IN 46082-0302 CHECK DATE: 01/20/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4341970 100037 005985 919.67 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 005987 794.73 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 OC6000 237.75 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 OC6014 232.50 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1120 4350900 OC6172 7,524.52 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1203 R4346500 34493 OC6178 357.51 ADVERTISING 1203 R4346500 34493 OC6182 565.25 ADVERTISING 1203 4341970 100037 OC6184 4,228.93 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 R4346500 34493 OC6184 2,571.59 ADVERTISING n ow waw w awww rnZ W O k < 0 DW O O 0 Z Coa Z O => xnzc w m0 N o co CL '� 0 � o � p n C 0) m cn Z N Z 0) 3 0 O � O N ,? 2 -4 a CO m 3 O Efl a7 Cn OD N y r'c C W W Z.. v y c .D co m T orn 0) 0)o0) an �« T m M 3 (n cyl O v o 0 0 N -y y 3 O n o 0 0 $' y' Z Z D O a in a w c o Q 4 0 C al co Sr 9 _ l< m 3 =rZ �• � m v C O a C' 0 41 y c m x w v D CD C Z c3 CD s v n C L N y n 01 � Z 3• $ ^2 O N �p 00 Q =rfl �p N �p : a m a W p n m rr << w N fu O a V CL O C N C N N — C m rL 0 ID OL w � w w w � m O 0 rn � m n g d o 0 cr m � y 0 a (� S p (p s o 0 o Z o y a 0 CD v am o o 2 o !! v o a a° N CD m 0 /Zn 2QDi n< T O = TO V O O O n 0o vv o D b� s m �" n D CL 7 m r 0 � u " m N v z z v y a r CD C N r`"� N Q CD CD O ♦ n m a O _ 2 N a B m o CD �' CL 0 N $ c N C N N C- D m Ln � 0) 0 Arm < J (A c < m m j 0 omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 12/13/2016 OC6178 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 1/12/2017 12/13/2016 CA2486 2016 Holi... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the revision, preparation and upload of"Holiday on the Square"Promo Video Edit 9-28-16-Edit 0.91667 130.00 119.17 Video Edit 10-19-16-Edit 0.86667 130.00 112.67 Rendering 10-24-16-Render mov and mp4 0.2 75.00 15.00 Upload File(s) 10-24-16-Upload mp4 to vimeo fro approval 1 30.00 30.00 Rendering 10-25-16-render mpeg2 for Telvue 0.08333 75.00 6.25 Upload File(s) 10-25-16-Upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1 30.00 30.00 Upload File(s) 10-26-16-upload to Youtube 1 30.00 30.00 Rendering 10-31-16-Render 2 blu-rays 0.11667 75.00 8.75 Producer Time 10-31-16-log blu-rays 0.06667 85.00 5.67 y Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family! Total $357.51 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $357.51 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 12/13/2016 OC6182 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 1/12/2017 12/13/2016 CA2545 Carmel H... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the shooting of the"Carmel Holiday Trolley"footage B-roll Producer Time 12-2-16 phone calls,discussions about filming on Saturday, 0.53333 85.00 45.33 etc... Short Pak-Hourly 12-3-16 one camera shoot 4.25 120.00 510.00 Producer Time 12-5-16 post shoot activities 0.11667 85.00 9.92 V� PVA SIAJ r n J Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family! Total $565.25 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $565.25 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 12/14/2016 OC6184 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 1/13/2017 12/14/2016 CA2534 Veterans... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the production of"Veteran's Day Celebration-2016" Producer Time 11-8-16 Preproduction making contact about audio feed 0.26667 85.00 22.67 Producer Time 11-10-16 packing for shoot 0.36667 85.00 31.17 Short Pak Hourly 11-10-16-Camera one with Videographer 4.55 120.00 546.00 Short Pak-Hourly 11-10-16-Camera Two-the main camera on the podium 4.16667 120.00 500.00 Executive Producer Executive Producer Time-Interviews and Reviews 1.5 135.00 202.50 Producer Time 11-15-16-Log tapes 0.66667 85.00 56.67 EDL-Capture 11-15-16-Capture footage 4.78333 90.00 430.50 Video Edit 11-15-16-edit 1.43333 130.00 186.33 Producer Time 11-15-16-Log Go Pro footage 0.38333 85.00 32.58 Video Edit 11-16-16-Edit 4.74997 130.00 617.50 Video Edit 11-17-16-Edit 2.51667 130.00 327.17 Video Edit 11-18-16-Edit 6.66687 130.00 866.69 Video Edit 11-21-16-Edit 3.18333 130.00 413.83 Video Edit 11-22-16-edit 6.25 130.00 812.50 Video Edit 11-23-16-edit 3.13333 130.00 407.33 Video Edit 11-23-16-edit 2.73333 130.00 355.33 Video Edit 11-28-16-Edit 4.13333 130.00 537.33 Video Edit 11-29-16-Edit 1.15 130.00 149.50 Rendering 11-29-16-Render mov and mp4 3.45 75.00 258.75 Upload File(s) 11-29-16-upload mp4 to vimeo for approval 3.18333 30.00 95.50 Video Edit 12-8-16 edit revisions 2.16667 130.00 281.67 Rendering 12-8-16 render.mov file 0.63333 75.00 47.50 Rendering 12-8-16 render.mp4 file 0.98333 75.00 73.75 Upload File(s) 12-9-16 upload to Vimeo 1.83333 30.00 55.00 Producer Time 12-14-16 Post-production Activities phone call 0.15 85.00 12.75 Donation or Sponsor... Hourly Editing Adjustment -4 130.00 -520.00 Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family.! �r Total $6,800.52 CA, '-v `� P off, S� l _` Payments/Credits $0.00 �,O• 3yuci 3 ver �sl �� �I3u u5z>0 C � Balance Due $6,800.52 r��� �� ►quo Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org htt�:f/www.omnicentre.org 00 O < < ° v D O O a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z W Z Q C y " 4 " - " - G) (4 " - D m O n ° n X X n rCA) Z c m O .9b. ; w Z rn m cn co rn rn rn o D o ° � N O coO Qp o 0 o m 0 N A A O CC" -43 O W CJ1 ° D A rev C < r o 'o � n w w w w AW c n O D v o o o o o n m o 0 0 0 0 N D D T). 3 O n � b � b b o i i i i i Z Z D O < A O A N C N C N A Cho A V I n , .OND , N , V c m Co CA -I 0) v Z S W O CT V W � co S w 3 _Q - Z D r- 0 N .y. CD c 0 a n S y yor m 0 m X O N -n v CL Z C Cv, n m 0 m v n Z m o 2 \Q� N O 3 �V y o a y 7' �p N N QW CL CD < w C? v 0 0 3 4 CD 0 G S y OI O CD 5D - D O.Q W A W to j W j W j --Im o y C) C77 CT CT al m8 C7 0 J � 0 0 0 0 0 < ID o n W _ 0 _ 0 0 0 oCil c o a O w �� o '' co 0000OD 0 ° m =L C �� � a o Cn v l< C) Z D CD n CD y N N' c o s� a (A N 0< p O y o n D D = � ;o r CL c z m 2. m n o v m a r 0 3 c c Z o CA = g m C X m CD N =CD O S� 7 CL a m T y m '' c � g m g o 06 10 D S IV N N Cho �-4 0 n v to A c OI W O CVT � W U. .. Pr si nal Services Invoice .... m .460$2-0302c1USA Date Invoice# Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 10/29/2015 005985 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To The City of Carmel CITY COUNCIL One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 11/13/2015 10/29/2015 CA2284 City Counci... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Preparation and Airing the City Council Meetings for September an October 2015 Video Edit 9-25-15 edit,September 21 City Council Meeting 0.25 130.00 32.50 Rendering 9-25-15 September 21 City Council Meeting,render.mpeg file 0.5 75.00 37.50 Upload File(s) 9-28-15 September 21 City Council Meeting,upload to TelVue 1 30.00 30.00 video server Rendering 10-9-15 October 5 City Council Meeting,rip DVD and render.mov 3.91667 75.00 293.75 file for editing Video Edit 10-12-15 edit,October 5 City Council Meeting 0.36667 130.00 47.67 Rendering 10-12-15 October 5 City Council Meeting,render.mpeg file 2.75 75.00 206.25 Upload File(s) 10-12-15 October 5 City Council Meeting,upload.mpeg file to 3.16667 30.00 95.00 TelVue video server Rendering 10-21-15 October 19 City Council Meeting,rip DVD and render 0.35 75.00 26.25 .mov file for editing Video Edit 10-26-15 edit,October 19 City Council Meeting 0.4 130.00 52.00 Rendering 10-26-15 October 19 City Council Meeting,render.mpeg file 0.91667 75.00 68.75 Upload File(s) 10-26-15 October 19 City Council Meeting,upload.mpeg file to 1 30.00 30.00 TelVue video server It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $919.67 CC '\v Pa 9 D• k ODO 3 I Payments/Credits $0.00 carol e On• '-0A(i uk�o 0 s Balance Due $919.67 C4341q 10 1�w7 J 141'e Omni `�1� �- Professional Services Invoke „ 1'.O,a►x 302 Date Invoice# tv`artloiei,`Il�? 4�1 =03b�1[ISA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 1029/2015 005987 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To The City of Carmel BOARD of PUBLIC WORKS One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 11/13/2015 10/29/2015 CA2286 BPW Meeti... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 9-2-15 Operating switcher for the 9-2-15 BPW Meeting. 0.95 85.00 80.75 EDL-Capture 9-9-15 Capturing.mov from DVD for the September 2,2015 BPW 0.08333 90.00 7.50 Meeting. Video Edit 9-9-15 Editing the September 2,2015 BPW Meeting. 0.08333 130.00 10.83 Graphics Creation 9-9-15 Creating Lower 3rd for the September 2,2015 BPW Meeting 0.08333 120.00 10.00 Rendering 9-9-15 Rendering.mpeg for the September 2,2015 BPW Meeting. 0.13333 75.00 10.00 Upload File(s) 9-9-15 Uploading September 2,2015 BPW Meeting to Channel 16 1 30.00 30.00 server. Producer Time 9-9-15 Programming the September 2,2015 BP Meeting on Channel 0.33333 85.00 28.33 16. Producer Time 9-9-15 Programming the September 2,2015 BPW Meeting on 0.33333 85.00 28.33 Channel 16. Producer Time 9-16-15 Operating switcher for the September 16,2015 BPW 1.08333 85.00 92.08 Meeting. Rendering 9-22-15 Sept. 16 BPW Meeting,rip DVD and render.mov file for 0.13333 75.00 10.00 editing Video Edit 9-22-15 edit,September 16 BPW Meeting 0.33333 130.00 43.33 Rendering 9-22-15 September 16 BPW Meeting,render.mpeg file 0.15 75.00 11.25 Upload File(s) 9-22-15 September 16 BPW Meeting,upload.mpeg file to Te1Vue 1 30.00 30.00 video server Producer Time 10-7-15 October 7 BPW Meeting,operate switcher at City Hall 1.15 85.00 97.75 Rendering 10-13-15 October 7 BPW Meeting,rip DVD and render.mov file fo 0.33333 75.00 25.00 editing Producer Time 10-21-15 October 21 BPW Meeting,operate switcher at City Hall 1.83333 85.00 155.83 Rendering 10-28-15 October 21 BPW Meeting,rip DVD an render.mov file to 0.36667 75.00 27.50 editing Video Edit 10-28-15 edit,October 21 BPW Meeting 0.25 130.00 32.50 Rendering 10-28-15 October 21 BPW Meeting,render.mpeg file 0.45 75.00 33.75 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 1 v all fn' . .� Pr +esrnel Services Invoice �for Public Media,Inc. *WWW, P.O.Dox 302' Date Invoice# Oarntet IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 10/29/2015 005987 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To The City of Carmel BOARD of PUBLIC WORKS One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 11/13/2015 10/29/2015 CA2286 BPW Meeti... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Upload File(s) 10-28-15 October 21 BPW Meeting,upload.mpeg file to TelVue 1 30.00 30.00 video server It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $794.73 VY,, J P' Q 3 Payments/Credits $0.00 Ca Balance Due $794.73 Page 2 G ". P'rrf ► 1 Services Invoice 'a 1lic 1vPa;Inc., FA batt 302 Date Invoice# AM4302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 11/24/2015 OC6000 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To The City of Carmel CITY COUNCIL One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/9/2015 11/24/2015 CA2317 City Counci... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For preparation and airing November 2015 City Council Meetings Video Edit 11-6-15 edit,November 2 City Council Meeting 0.28333 130.00 36.83 Rendering 11-6-15 November 2 City Council Meeting,rip DVD and render 0.41667 75.00 31.25 .mov file for editing Rendering 11-6-15 November 2 City Council Meeting,render.mpeg file 0.63333 75.00 47.50 Upload File(s) 11-6-15 November 2 City Council Meeting,upload.mpeg file to 1 30.00 30.00 TelVue video server Rendering 11-19-15 November 16 City Council Meeting,rip DVD and render 0.21667 75.00 16.25 .mov file for editing Video Edit 11-19-15 edit,November 16 City Council Meeting 0.26667 130.00 34.67 Rendering 11-19-15 November 16 City Council Meeting,render.meg file 0.15 75.00 11.25 Upload File(s) 11-19-15 November 16 City Council Meeting,upload.mpeg file to 1 30.00 30.00 TelVue video server Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family! Total $237.76 0CAAJ 9•C). ( v003 -7 Payments/Credits $0.00 ct,\de c�,. fi ,�q / Balance Due $237.75 9 � a . saw Professional Services Invoice ll .tiada,Inc. ry PA '302 ae);ft�i 460$2-0302 USA Date Invoice# Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 12/11/2015 OC6014 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To The City of Carmel CITY COUNCIL One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/26/2015 12/11/2015 CA2336 City Counci... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Preparation and airing of DEC 7th City Council Meeting Rendering 12-10-15 December 7 City Council Meeting,rip DVD and render 0.6 75.00 45.00 .mov file for editing Video Edit 12-10-15 edit,December 7 City Council Meeting 0.25 130.00 32.50 Rendering 12-10-15 December 7 City Council Meeting,render.mpeg file 1.66667 75.00 125.00 Upload File(s) 12-10-15 December 7 City Council Meeting,upload.mpeg file to 1 30.00 30.00 Te1Vue video server Y + 0C"k,� P'o n Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family! Total $232.50 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $232.50 omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 12/14/2016 OC6184 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 1/13/2017 12/14/2016 CA2534 Veterans... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the production of"Veteran's Day Celebration-2016" Producer Time 11-8-16 Preproduction making contact about audio feed 0.26667 85.00 22.67 Producer Time 11-10-16 packing for shoot 0.36667 85.00 31.17 Short Pak-Hourly 11-10-16-Camera one with Videographer 4.55 120.00 546.00 Short Pak-Hourly 11-10-16-Camera Two-the main camera on the podium 4.16667 120.00 500.00 Executive Producer Executive Producer Time-Interviews and Reviews 1.5 135.00 202.50 Producer Time 11-15-16-Log tapes 0.66667 85.00 56.67 EDL-Capture 11-15-16-Capture footage 4.78333 90.00 430.50 Video Edit 11-15-16-edit 1.43333 130.00 186.33 Producer Time 11-15-16-Log Go Pro footage 0.38333 85.00 32.58 Video Edit 11-16-16-Edit 4.74997 130.00 617.50 Video Edit 11-17-16-Edit 2.51667 130.00 327.17 Video Edit 11-18-16-Edit 6.66687 130.00 866.69 Video Edit 11-21-16-Edit 3.18333 130.00 413.83 Video Edit 11-22-16-edit 6.25 130.00 812.50 Video Edit 11-23-16-edit 3.13333 130.00 407.33 Video Edit 11-23-16-edit 2.73333 130.00 355.33 Video Edit 11-28-16-Edit 4.13333 130.00 537.33 Video Edit 11-29-16-Edit 1.15 130.00 149.50 Rendering 11-29-16-Render mov and mp4 3.45 75.00 258.75 Upload File(s) 11-29-16-upload mp4 to vimeo for approval 3.18333 30.00 95.50 Video Edit 12-8-16 edit revisions 2.16667 130.00 281.67 Rendering 12-8-16 render.mov file 0.63333 75.00 47.50 Rendering 12-8-16 render.mp4 file 0.98333 75.00 73.75 Upload File(s) 12-9-16 upload to Vimeo 1.83333 30.00 55.00 Producer Time 12-14-16 Post-production Activities phone call 0.15 85.00 12.75 Donation or Sponsor... Hourly Editing Adjustment -4 130.00 -520.00 Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family! Total $6,800.52 Ort, -� `� o�, S1 Payments/Credits $0.00 3yqci 3 , ver psi �� y 3�1 CeSbc� vlti tvVx,- , a$ .�3Balance Due $6,800.52 p, , i000�? P,-0JU S ` 3 -7 o Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org httt:f/www.omnicentre.org 1 , n -0 O < « 0 m 0 > 2 7 g § § z O k n \ 0 w / ^ m n z q a o m \ OA m S m e CL zR k k\ Oe �j $ g � U k 4 E _0 0 ) : \ -n m N) 0 - / § % E \ \ m 8 * > \ ? 0 n \ f > -n 0 CD$ N) o | E � § m (Dd � $ 2 > \ \ ( \ } c § CD di, # 2 $ � m w � a ; -n o o x & 3 (nm # f E f 2 § { \ 3 £ C m . E \ • § % ¢ § / ? 0 a m C g £ o o E R $ & 9 m E § i ƒ E $ / , ; J R a E CD C o Cr ■ , G v - t 7 CL CD - a - § C < \ ƒ\ \ j m \ E D \$ =r ® o 0 t 0c � ' 0 0 }/ k4 m ƒ \ CDC a 20 D f 3 ( Na ik § k \ k' \ 2 T e< 0 >( ' \ ƒ CD §_/ & 0 @ - � Cl) ;UCD r CL § ) / / G 0 j E (D ? 6 $ zE ] $ } # c » c / § o § 0 $ G CD m 2 2: 9 _ g \ ) M / E § CD / \ / § k § CL f 2 D2 \ID Q { j z to omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 12/3/2016 OC6172 Bill To City of Carmel FIRE DEPARTMENT Attn: Chief Dave Haboush 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 12/18/2016 12/3/2016 CA2437 CFD 2016... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For editing the 2016 CFD Awards Banquet, preparation and airing of finished show. Upload File(s) 5-26-16 copy GoPro footage to server 0.38333 30.00 11.50 EDL-Capture 7-8-16-Capture footage 4.51667 90.00 406.50 Producer Time Chief David Haboush Review 0.46667 85.00 39.67 Video Edit 7-15-16-Edit 0.66667 130.00 86.67 Video Edit 7-15-16-Edit 0.26667 130.00 34.67 Video Edit 7-18-16-Edit 3.26667 130.00 424.67 Video Edit 7-18-16-Edit 3.85 130.00 500.50 Video Edit 7-19-16-Edit 3.7 130.00 481.00 Video Edit 7-19-16-Edit 3.85 130.00 500.50 Video Edit 7-20-16-Edit 0.93333 130.00 121.33 Video Edit 7-20-16-Edit 1.16667 130.00 151.67 Producer Time 7-20-16 organizing graphic screens for editing 0.25 85.00 21.25 Video Edit 7-20-16-Edit 3.71667 130.00 483.17 Video Edit 7-21-16-Edit 3.71667 130.00 483.17 Video Edit 7-21-16-Edit 2.26667 130.00 294.67 Producer Time 7-22-16 contacting about review of video 0.23333 85.00 19.83 Video Edit 7-22-16-Edit 0.38333 130.00 49.83 Producer Time 7-22-16 review video with George 0.66667 85.00 56.67 Producer Time 8-3-16-Review video with Fire Chief 1.85 85.00 157.25 Video Edit 8-4-16-Edit 0.45 130.00 58.50 Rendering 8-4-16-Render mov 2.45 75.00 183.75 Rendering 8-4-16-Render mp4 3.08333 75.00 231.25 Upload File(s) 8-10-16-Upload mp4 to vimeo 2.66667 30.00 80.00 Video Edit 8-23-16-Edit 2.51667 130.00 327.17 Video Edit 8-23-16-Edit 0.21667 130.00 28.17 Rendering 8-24-16-Render mov 2.9 75.00 217.50 Rendering 8-24-16-render mp4 2.76667 75.00 207.50 Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org hftp://www.omnicentre.org Page 1 omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 12/3/2016 OC6172 Bill To City of Carmel FIRE DEPARTMENT Attn: Chief Dave Haboush 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 12/18/2016 12/3/2016 CA2437 CFD 2016... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Upload File(s) 8-25-16-Upload mp4 to vimeo 2.31667 30.00 69.50 Video Edit 8-25-16-Edit 2.08333 130.00 270.83 Producer Time 8-25-16 looking for Fire Truck graphic 0.33333 85.00 28.33 Rendering 8-26-16-Render mov 1.5 75.00 112.50 Rendering 8-26-16-Render mp4 3.53333 75.00 265.00 Upload File(s) 8-26-16-Upload mp4 to vimeo 2.5 30.00 75.00 Rendering 10-14-16-Render mpeg2 for Telvue 4.5 75.00 337.50 Upload File(s) 10-15-16-upload mpeg2 to Telvue 2.11667 30.00 63.50 Rendering 10-25-16-Render mov and mp4 6.08333 75.00 456.25 Rendering 10-26-16-Render blu-rays 1 75.00 75.00 Upload File(s) 10-31-16-Upload to Youtube and vimeo 3.33333 30.00 100.00 Producer Time 10-31-16-Log blu-rays into database 0.15 85.00 12.75 Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family. Total $7,524.52 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $7,524.52 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 2