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307366 1/20/17
(9) CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350251ONE CIVIC SQUARE REYNOLDS FARM EQUIPMENTCHECK AMOUNT: S**""***385.47" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1451 E ATLANTA276TH ST 46031 CHECK NUMBER: 307366 CHECK DATE: 01/20/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 P44708 45.76 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4237000 P44943 81.48 REPAIR PARTS 1093 4351000 W71707 258.23 AUTO REPAIR & MAINTEN « � k \ C) CD w _ ; 0 \ z 2 / > 4A K) CD_ 3 ) 0 Cn LD k i \ m � \ ƒ C Er / k & k / * k o > o (n / > 000 m% # / n -00 co . (a u Ln 0 � � 3 f 0 R j FO CD 7 f Cl m w � © 6 K 2 o \ c \ W % . § % ] \ 7 \ k \ ƒ \ § \ & 7 J 3 a 7 - CDk > 7 f \ 3 0CD \ CO E \ / =CA CD» \ f 0 3 0 m _ < 2 E 2 m ° m g E a n m 7 2 � » q k � 2 m -D / CL ) \ \ ] o ƒ CL / 7CD / | m ° & o t Reynolds Farm Equipment 2220 East McGalliard Road 102 Deere Park Drive 1501 Indianapolis Avenue Muncie,IN 47303 Mooresville,IN 46158 Lebanon,IN 46052 1451 E 276th Street (765)289-1833 (317)831-1450 (765)482-1711 EYNOIAS Atlanta, IN 46031 800 333-6947 12501 Reynolds Drive 2155 Bellbrook Avenue 600 John C.Watts Drive (317) 758-4116 • ( ) Fishers,IN 46038 Xenia,OH 45385 Nicholasville,KY 40356 www.reynoldsfarmequipment.com (317)849-0810 (937)372-7746 (859)885-6600 SINCE 19SS _ Branch Ship To: MONON COMMUNITY RFISHERS 1195 CENTRAL PARK DR 201 Date Time Page CARMEL, IN 46032 ` A01/05/17 13:27e4l Account No. Phone No. Invoice No. y. B " CARME003 3175734044 W71707 Ship Via Purchase Order Invoice To: CARMEL CLAY PARKS & RECRE S: TH 12/29 ANY 317-573-5239 1411 EAST 116TH STREET CARMEL IN 46032 7- 1 Salesperson 186 SERVICE INVOICE STK#/FLEET# HRS PIN/EIN WARRANTY DATE HRS CO27478 XUV 6252 GREEN & Y 481 1M0625GSADMO62514 11/08/14 1000 648909 625I FD620D564031 REPAIR# 1 C 12270 NA 12/29/16 12/29/16 09/09/17 SEE COMPLAINT COMPLAINT: LEAKING FLUID FROM BLADE CAUSE: THE HYDRAULIC LINES FOR THE BLADES ARE LOOSE AND RUBBING AGAINST THE PLOW CAUSING WEAR ON THE LINES. CORRECTION: I TOOK HYDRAULIC LINES OFF AND RERAN THE SO THEY WOULD NOT RUB. I TIGHTENED THE LINES SO THEY DO NOT LEAK AND REFILLED IT WITH FLUID. THE LINES DO NOT LEAK AT THIS TIME. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: SERIAL # 1M0625GSAD062514 HOURS=481 LABOR 210.00 10400001 REPAIR TOTAL==> 210.00 ****** WORK ORDER TOTALS ****** LABOR 210.00 ENVIRONMENT-CP 8.23 TRIP CHARGE CP 40.00 TOTAL CHARGE 258.23 Accounts Due on or Before 10th of Month Following Purchase.A FINANCE CHARGE with a periodic rate of 1%per month,which is an ANNUAL RATE OF 12%,may be applied to the previous balance after it becomes more than 30 days past due. AGRICULTURE SALES EXEMPTION - I hereby verify that the property described above is used in a X non-taxable manner as specified in the State Gross Retail Tax Act. customer Signature o > x < < }£ § § E k ƒ Rk m n > \ 0 ® n _ o o m I -n E 2 / k0 ® C)2 2 E \ m CD O m # R -n 2 E 0 E 0 m « § \ C j / / k « \ # 3 CL ° d z 2 0 Ez > -n O CD 0 2 c q CD � ( \ / ! § � 2 � / C � / / K k t i & CD m /m ^ n \ § CL 0 § / k_ \ 9 I ' / CD ~ $ ® \ 2 E. § \ 2 / C- i _ § - § / § % 3 S \ 4 R / 2 \ \ k \ E § / § / 0 [ —4 & 7 _ m to i \ ) / \ k/ - v « C:) ] > C _ w m \ \ cr ca ; C /$ / D \ a) - ) \ g ° � < CD _0 0 CD 0 / § � t z@ Eƒ ° 2 ° § ƒ C a RECl) ^ _ D / Z m0 + 3 U =CL a< / % } J \2. f\ D f� - /E mM = i \ \ f/ r - = 0 n / j E / c . � I 7 CD z « ] \ c O + R ®0 c ® m / $ E $ / CD n � E 7 � � \ S / - ] § CD ( \ \ m \ 69 \ \ CD / / CDk ® ® \ 2220 East McGalliard Road 102 Deere Park Drive 1501 Indianapolis Avenue Reynolds Farm Equipment Muncie,IN 47303 Mooresville,IN 46158 Lebanon,IN 46052 1451 E 276th Street (765)289-1833 (317)831-1450 (765)482-1711 $ Atlanta,IN 46031 12501 Reynolds Drive 2155 Bell brook Avenue 600 John C.Watts Drive (317)758-4116 a (800)333-6947 Fishers,IN 46038 Xenia,OH 45385 Nicholasville,KY 40356 www.reynoldsfarmequipment.com (317)849-0810 (937)372-7746 (859)885-6600 SINCE 1955 Branch Ship To: SAME AS BELOW FISHERS Date Time Page 01/04/17 14:17:3 � 01 - Account No. Phone No. Invoice No. CARME023 3177332001 P44943 Ship Via Purchase Order Invoice To: CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT SHOP 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL IN 46074 Salesperson 196 PARTS INVOICE ORDER#: 296310 Part# Description Bin ORD ISS SHP B/O UTTTT Price Amount T146934 BOLT V70G 3 3 3 3.76 11.28 14111058 NUT V4D 12 12 12 3.03 36.36 T146934 BOLT F81834 9 9 9 3.76 33.84 call 317-691-6725 when parts are in TOTAL CHARGE 81.48 TOTAL WEIGHT=> 5.76 REYNOLDS STORE MERCHANDISE RETURN POLICY WITH RECEIPT:Return arty unopened Rain within 30 days of purchase to any Reynolds location for a full refund in the oritnel form of payment.If gift-receipt is presented,purchase will be refunded in the farm of in store credit. WITHOUT RECEIPT:Purchase Information will be looked rap by account ember.If we are able to access your receipt,you will receive a refund to the original amount or esters credit. WITHOUT PROOF OF PURCHASE:No returns,esdmahtes,refunds,or aedit. SOeaalOrdeiAm reaubjed M a2tl%rea/oddn(h+e.9edmrlardhe/ro/rhdfsmr use mnadumaple Xgiened Aoaounts Due on or Before 10th of Month Following Purohoee.A FINANCE CHARGE with a periodic rate of 1%permon0h,which Is an ANNUAL RATE OF 12%, v may be applied to the pretious balance after R becomes more than 30 days peat due. A AGRICULTURE SALES EXEMPTION-I herebyverilytlmtthe properly described abuse is used in a nonrtasable manner a¢specified in the State Gross Retail Tu Act Customer Signature L N ' E E 3 co c 3 o U- 0 0 a, i Lo p z a a 4 m m j Z a LL D z Qd ._ o w a N co W CO d aa. U CO OLL Q o 12co co v,r } a�� > d D o c 3 W -iCO) E U ? 0 w ca a ?- m � V 0 0 � o � Oc X C. LL a. U Reynolds Farm Equipment 2220 East McGalliard Road 102 Deere Park Drive 1501 Indianapolis Avenue Muncie,IN 47303 Mooresville,IN 46158 Lebanon,IN 46052 1451 E 276th Street (765)289-1833 (317)831-1450 (765)482-1711 EYtl01D3 Atlanta, IN 46031 317 758-4116 • 800 333-6947 12501 Reynolds Drive 2155 Bell brook Avenue 600 John C.Watts Drive ( ) ( ) Fishers,IN 46038 Xenia,OH 45385 Nicholasville,KY 40356 www.reynoldsfarmequipment.com (317)849-0810 (937)372-7746 (859)885-6600 SINCE 1955 Branch Ship To: SAME AS BELOW PTSHERS Date Time Page Account No. Phone No. Invoice No. CARME019 3175712634 P44708 Ship Via Purchase Order Invoice To: CARMEL WASTE WATER TREATMENT S16770 P.O. BOX 109 CARMEL IN 46032 Salesperson 182 PARTS INVOICE ORDER#: 295398 Part# Description Bin ORD ISS SHP 13/0 UTTTT Price Amount AT372684 LATCH F81500 4 4 4 11.44 45.76 TOTAL CHARGE 45.76 TOTAL WEIGHT=> .24 REYNOLDS STORE MERCHANDISE RETURN POLICY WITH RECEIPT.Return any unopened hem within 30 days of purchase to any Reynolds location for a full refund in the original farm of payment.If gift-receipt is preseme4 purchase will be refunded in the form of in store credit. WITHOUT RECEIPT:Purchase information will be looked up by amount number.If we are able to access your receipt,you will isceire a refund to the original amount ora store credit WITHOUT PROOF OF PURCHASE:No return,exchanges,refunds,or credit SpeaW oi*i alum ez subyed fo a 2OX rest#cA7ngtee.Oed&W&W ANI NIafed dam"non aetrimWe 11 o pend AecouX Me Due on or Before 10th of Month Following Purchase.A FINANCE CHARGE with a periodic rate of 1%permordh,which is an ANNUAL RATE OF 12%, v maybe applied to ties previous balance after h becomes more than 30 days pact due. AGRICULTURE SALES EXEMPTION-I herebyvedfythat the property described above is used in a non-taxable mariner as speed in the Sate Grass Retail TaxAcL Customer Signature