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307372 1/20/17
w�.� ?� `�. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 t. ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $"""1,547.80" 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 307372 :, ,�; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 01/20/17 ''%`TOM. DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTIOOTHER EXPENSES 609 5023990 414595-1 361.50 OTHER RENTAL S LEASES 2201 4353099 415044-1 445.50 2201 4353099 415537-1 148.50 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4353099 415618-1 511.70 BOTTLED GAS 2201 4231100 415711-1 80.60 n = 0 � f $« \ j z / k / / / - n / Z ® m n m w E & f ? \ 2 $ \ \ @ 2 / r 0) O [ C -n O D E X 0 \ w 2 / 3O D � CL --1 -0k 0 3 2 \ > - O O 0 \ z m | CD E ¥ ± \�\ \ \ / m\ / CD 2! 0 2 ; m o _ _ , 7 a _ ¥ 2 m CD # » I ' & 3 $ ; / 9 / + _ k 7 � \ $ & CD 9 E CD w 0 k k = < E _ , [ CD / k \ CL / / 2 k a w k { / f ƒ § 3 | § / Q\ N } m , \ »a oa j ® - # - w m \ fcrCD jCL CD > .« ) \ 0 g 0) -n z � 4 0 co }/ \ m ƒ \ � 7 4 ) 7 ^ $ / 3 2 / ik k k } � \' / � 2 � CA i 0 D � \ C) D 90 � c \ q r CD CL M 2 0 \ � G / 0j E = O ? f k z E j \ C « m = m % CD ƒ % $ Cl,/ } p § CD CL = o _§ CD PL ] /S / CL ] § k ^ E6 z m > \ ) \ CL _ 0 co 0 \ m C: ° 111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 RU NYON Status: Closed 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 415711-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Wed 1/11/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Wed 1/11/2017 9:31AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a Mol-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax _ Operator: WINNIE HELMS Customer#: 1384 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: HOBBS,JAMES A Salesman: NONE Qty I Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 104-1 PROPANE 100 POUND REFILL Pulled $80.60 $80.60 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from Sales: $80.60 alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $80,60 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $80.60 Paid: $0.00 Signature: HOBBS,JAMES A Amount Due: $80.60 _ WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII Page 1 of 1 RUNYON Status: Closed 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 415711-1 £QUIPM£N7 RENTAL Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Date: Wed 1/11/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Wed 1/11/2017 9:31 AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS Cusfome� �i8�" } ------------ ------------- �__ __._.__ _d Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET j CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: HOBBS, JAMES A Salesman: NONE Qty Key — Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 !104-1 PROPANE 100 POUND REFILL Pulled $80.60 $80.60 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract — � You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) ISIARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGE3 WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from Sales:! $80.60 alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is f discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) --- I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) 1 have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $80.60 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: ---- — Total:i $80.60 Paid: $0.00 Signature: HOBBS,JAMES A Amount Due: $80.60 WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. < « 0 T\ ;uc m § § \ § 2 k 2 / f/ E \ ? k ® / q 2 0 / K a e < k E \ % O § \ k / ® q q f w A » ¢ 6 2 ® - / a O D k ° l f § § 2 0 / k / / / § ) ) § § & \ m f S 2 2 ^ # 3 � 2 � 2 2 $ ± 2 K 3 % $ E § S g | J / ® C $ § Cl) 0 t k@ e E 7 0 m CD m m ® ^ n k e ± §CD § - k } e I ' c ® k c / 2 7 \ / 2 + - k { k 2 _ $ \ 8 J O E ° k k 0 ) �_ - m k / k \ � ƒ co 0) 2 : k w k / - k ƒ § » 2 e � / m - , y _0 %« - - _ - [i R § S \ R \ § - � - w - w - w # m _ » cr E \� / \ 0 = C) n ( e e $ a 2 _ j} \ § \ § / / ƒ \ 2 ( ® # \ / Z 4 N \/ 3 \ ( 22 % C 2 \f } { D f� ( ) % §\ k - $E CD / C m / \ M / / m O 0 2 0 m m c ' » 3 z E § \ S Z » # f = » m \ Q § E q / CD p § ± _ CDM \ G Cl) \ ] CD § « ( J CL > \ { § e 69 f v) J & s =r \ m k / ° § k § \ 11111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Status: Closed Invoice#: 415044-1 £QUIPM£NT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Fri 1/6/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 1/3/2017 8:48AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS (Customer#: 1384 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:JOHNSON, RANDY Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 5787#0010 LIFT SCISSOR 26'X 30" Fri 1/6/2017 4:05PM Returned $405.00 $405.00 Meter Out:183.4 Meter In:183.4 Total hours on meter:0.0 lday$135.00 lweek$405.00 4weeks$875.00 CUSTOMERS USING LIFTS FOR PAINTING MUST RETURN LIFT CLEAN&FREE OF PAINT OR OVERSPRAY OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED A CLEANING FEE X SAFETY HARNESS IS REQUIRED ON ALL AERIAL LIFTS CUSTOMER HAS BEEN OFFERED HARNESS EQUIPMENT AND HAS DECLINED X Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $405.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative Damage Waiver: $40.50 fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $445.50 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contracl.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customers prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $445.50 Paid: $0.00 Signature: JOHNSON,RANDY Amount Due: $445.60 1111111111111111111111111 IN IN Page 1 of 1 RU NYON Status: Closed 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 415537-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Mon 1/9/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 1/9/2017 11:16AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone 'Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW Customer#: 1384 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:TOWNSEND, SCOTT Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 5787#0016 LIFT SCISSOR 26'X 30" Mon 1/9/2017 3:21 PM Returned $135.00 $135.00 Meter Out:96.5 Meter In:96.5 Total hours on meter:0.0 lday$135.00 lweek$405.00 4weeks$875.00 CUSTOMERS USING LIFTS FOR PAINTING MUST RETURN LIFT CLEAN&FREE OF PAINT OR OVERSPRAY OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED A CLEANING FEE X SAFETY HARNESS IS REQUIRED ON ALL AERIAL LIFTS CUSTOMER HAS BEEN OFFERED HARNESS EQUIPMENT AND HAS DECLINED X Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $135.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) Damage Waiver: $13.50 IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $148.50 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $148.50 Paid: $0.00 Signature: TOWNSEND,SCOTT Amount Due: $148.50 11111111111111111111 IN IN Page 1 of RN status: Closed Cc\ U"YO 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 415618-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL. Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Tue 1/10/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 1/10/2017 9:29AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW Customer#: 1384 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Ordered By: DAVIS,JOSHUA ALAN Picked up by: DAVIS, JOSHUA ALAN Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 5775#0004 LIFT 60'STRAIGHT BOOM 6'JIB Tue 1/10/2017 2:18PM Returned $425.00 $425.00 Meter Out:1693.3 Meter In:1695.3 Total hours on meter:2.0 lday$425.00 lweek$1,275.00 4weeks$2,900.00 6.8 DIES-1 DIESEL Pulled $6.501 $44.20 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $425.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative Damage Waiver: $42.50 fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from Sales: $44.20 alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) 1 have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $511.70 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $511.70 Paid: $0.00 Signature: DAVIS,JOSHUA ALAN Amount Due: $511.70 WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. II�II I I) �I VIII VIII I I I I)IIII Page 1 of 1 w� 410 West Carmel Drive Status: Open P V ly0yol� Contract#: 415044-1 tgUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel, IN 46032 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 1l 3/2017 8:48AM 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool- Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: JOHNSON, RANDY Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Agreed Return Date Status Each Price 1 5787 LIFT SCISSOR 26'X 30" Wed 1/4/2017 8:48AM Out $135.00 1day$135.00 1week$405.00 4weeks$875.00 CUSTOMERS USING LIFTS FOR PAINTING MUST RETURN LIFT CLEAN&FREE OF PAINT OR OVERSPRAY OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED A CLEANING FEE X i SAFETY HARNESS IS REQUIRED ON ALL AERIAL LIFTS CUSTOMER HAS BEEN OFFERED HARNESS EQUIPMENT AND HAS DECLINED X Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: i Signature: _ _._ JOHNSON, RANDY WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EOUIPMENT. III III IIII IIII III IIIIII Page 1 of 1 Status: Open RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Contract#: 415044-1 tQU1PMENIT RENTAL Carmel, IN 46032 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 1/3/2017 8:48AM 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9 00am 3:00pm Picked up by: JOHNSON, RANDY Salesman: NONE QtyKey Items Agreed Return Date Status Each Price 1 E 5787 LIFT SCISSOR 26'X 30" Wed 1/4/2017 8:48AM Out $135.00 1day$135 00 lweek$405.00 4weeks$875.00 CUSTOMERS USING LIFTS FOR PAINTING MUST RETURN LIFT CLEAN 8 FREE OF PAINT OR OVERSPRAY OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED A CLEANING FEE X SAFETY HARNESS IS REQUIRED ON ALL AERIAL LIFTS CUSTOMER HAS BEEN OFFERED HARNESS EQUIPMENT J AND HAS DECLINED X Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: ((f t? _ Signature: _�JHNS OANDY WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. II III II I I 1111111111 III III Page 1 of 1 �� YoNStatus: Open 410 West Carmel Drive Contract#: 415537-1 rQUIPMCNT RENTAL Carmel, IN 46032 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 1/9/2017 11:16AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool - Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: TOWNSEND, SCOTT , Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Agreed Return Date Status Each Price 1 15787 LIFT SCISSOR 26'X 30" Tue 1/10/2017 11:16AM Out I S135 00 j tday$135.00 1week$405.00 4weeks$875.00 CUSTOMERS USING LIFTS FOR PAINTING MUST RETURN ( } E LIFT CLEAN&FREE OF PAINT OR OVERSPRAY OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED A CLEANING FEE X i SAFETY HARNESS IS REQUIRED ON ALL AERIAL LIFTS j CUSTOMER HAS BEEN OFFERED HARNESS EQUIPMENT AND HAS DECLINED X ' Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contrac You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)tc any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIC"AL CHARGES WILL APPt.Y(c)use of alternative fuels(e g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as describec on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature:_ WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. 111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 R U NYON 410 West Carmel Drive CJonttract�' 415618-141 t;QUIPMENIT RENTAL Carmel, IN 46032 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 1/10/2017 9:29AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: BECKY POWERS r_ Terms: On Account j CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 4 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET ( CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00ai7i-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am 3:00pm Ordered By: DAVIS, JOSHUA ALAN Picked up by: DAVIS, JOSHUA ALAN Salesman: NONE �+Qty Key Items Agreed Return Date Status _ Each Price 1 5775 LIFT 60'STRAIGHT BOOM 6'JIB Wed 1/11/2017 9:29AM Out $425.00 lday$425.00 lweek$1,275.00 4weeks$2,900.00 Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) ISIARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGE'WI-l'.APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damayes and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded e•::tlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsitle for not cuttirv-off the groune lug;(d)Rung^_^is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.0,, per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x___(Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under th;S Contract. Printed Name Signature: _ a%6 © DAVIS,JOSHUA ALAN WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI Page 1 of 1 410 West Carmel Drive Status: Open RU NYON Contract#: 415618-1 tQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel, IN 46032 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 1/10/2017 9:29AM 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS _(custom Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 _ Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Ordered By: DAVIS, JOSHUA ALAN Picked up by: DAVIS, JOSHUA ALAN Salesman: NOPE Qty Key Items Agreed Return Date Status EachL Price 1 5775#0004 LIFT 60'STRAIGHT BOOM 6'JIB Wed 1/11/2017 9:29AM Out $425.00? Meter Out: 1693.3 lday$425.00 lweek$1,275.00 4weeks$2,900.00 Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/AREFULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated sarety-approved tools),and you are reaponsible ior.not cutting o:f the gtoun.:tug;(j)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x ;Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: _ DAVIS,JOSHUA ALAN WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. N .Q N E cv O m U- 0 a� W U I cr- Q o O f-' O z Cl) co cr) z LL Q O Q Z ~ N L w W N N o� Z > a Ua. _ � z Q- c j MO Q Q o Fes- 0) 5CD 3 O O � z W _ > > > = r- OVW U o Z m a O cci � vU a U v 11111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 RuNoN 410 West Carmel Drive Status: ClosedInvoice#: 414595-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Wed 12/28/2016 1-800-276-TOOI(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Wed 12/28/2016 8:OOAM 317-566-8888 Phone "Doa't be s tool-hent MW* 317-566-8888 Fax Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW Customer#: 1101 --- Terms: On Account CARMEL WATER 317-733-2855 Phone 317-733-2053 Fax 3450 W.131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 PO#: JA122716B Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Salesman:BONNIE LICKLIDER 317-696-8886 bonnie@runyonrental.com Delivery and Pickup Delivery: Wed 12/28/2016 8:OOAM Contact: JIMBO Pickup Date: Wed 12/28/2016 8:35AM Phone: 317-694-4045 Used at Address: 4425 E. 126TH STREET; CARMEL, IN 46033 Delivery Notes: (PLANT#03) Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each _ Price 1 5743#02 DINGO X-LARGE AND BUCKET Wed 12/28/2016 8:35AM Returned $175.00 $175.00 Meter Out:179.5 Meter In:181.7 Total hours on meter:2.2 4Hrs$175.00 1day$225.00 1week$850.00 4weeks$2,125.00 "NO BUCKET" 1 5788#0005 DINGO FORKS 40" Wed 12/28/2016 8:35AM Returned $40.00 $40.00 lday$40.00 tweek$160.00 4weeks$480.00 1 110C-1 DELIVERY&PU STAKEBED 3140 MIL Sold $125.00 $125.00 —PLEASE BE SURE TO CALL EQUIPMENT OFF RENT!!!!"'THE EQUIPMENT WILL NOT BE PICKED UNLESS YOU RECEIVE A PICK-UP CODE""MUST GET CODE""OR EQUIPMENT IS STILL ON RENT!x (initial) Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: 5215.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative Damage Waiver: $21.50 fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to Delivery Charge: $125.00 charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $361.50 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $361.50 Paid: $0.00 Signature: CARMEL WATERAmount Due: $361.50 Page 1 of 1 tStatus: dosed uly* 'ON 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 41454x1 fQU4PMBNT RENTAL Carmel,tN 46032 Invoice Date: Wed 12/2812016 1-80D 276-TOo1(86ii5) w w w.runyonrenbizom Date Out: Wed 12128/2016 8:0DAkt 317-566-8x88 Ptro ne 'W+'1 be a I"-Root arra' 317-566.2SO Fax Operator: JOELPROCNNOW e " Terms: 0nAccotatt CA RMEL W ATER 317-733.2855 Phorie 317-733-2053 Fax 3450 W.131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 PO*: JAI22716B Open Monday-Friday_7:_eD_arn-!k30pm,Saturday 7:00am4:30prn4 Sunday 9.00am3:00pin Salesnrdre BONM1IE LICKLIDER 317-696-8886 borrtie@runyorrertal.com Delivery and Pickup Delivery: Wed102812016 8OOAM Contact JIMBO Pickup Date: Wed 1212812016 8-35AM Plane:317-694-4045 Used at Address 4425 E.126TH STREET;CARMEI-IN 46033 Delivery Notes (PLANT#03) Qty Key Items Rerted Serb Status Returned Date Price 1 5743+132 DNGOX.4ARGEAND BLV(ET 3ti- Y418 Fiewrred W*d€^c'2'20Ie$:.3541!1 7 $17500 Mew Ole.1795 Mew In.1817 Total hwis on meter 22 41*sST7500 loop$Tc5tj Iweek5a5 W 4weelm$2125 ..1,10 8UcKEr• I _,Teaw D35 D WHO FORK8 43" Renrred Wad 1x2 M M18 x MM [ $0.00 Ida;S4307 tweekSIE400 4we*sS4W30 Qty Key Items Sold Pard Status Eachi Price 1 loc-1 CELVEW&PUSTPKE9:ED31-4 ULE 10 Sdj .$IZ5,00t $125,00 —PLEASE BE SURE TO CAUL£OU PATENT OFF RENTI';'..THE EGUFVENT W LL NOT FE I PICKED UNLESS YOU REaNrE A P°CK-UP CODE—'MUST GET MOP—OR EQUPMENT+S ! STLONRENT'x firaiiai^ eceived . L-�� 39A, Date : Po # : -374 /2d9 6 i3 ACCT : O7. Us'a . a3 r3 man c ou'To`r our Business lu fie : Rental Contract ----.—Rental.:.._.___� $215.00' Yoj shoen and inat'a�t 6.namoMad'orme to le id:de Rena dem;s?w a'ryo@+erpeaan SASE FLU OF F;.'EL A17 V ST EERET'i^%MD AS SiiC^ChADD7T0%AL 0hAFZGESWL.L APPCY(os,se o•aralll ate Damage Wever: $21.50 nude eg..Pbdeset Ea5 et;t+44€9ed''.YvN@:.4oR)Mtf#Cad)oj ae RSiCnSloe CrANCIMagese;V tpahSWWVjTA'N ate Mnve Lel pt ro ewe xamoxamsaAaikxt wtr.salvygo.roed"trite n grwnded d:aer.texe%tr dd�oeii&lakd sa'k ard'bd9)dte),31tl yVid an!rer�atstxe tr'e'AIICJ6ne}0"�i1!{Ftl6d;iC tug,iS.`. ti7tynn is aJe^A rittG't DeirveryChafge: $125.00 charge myceot o r Credit Ca o*dr ar arnowls mmhg cue roee,noer.11CW rq t r damage 10"t Betted:e�n;ss wnbn a a6oriereY a"erII!1c.tef'�d trn(si naa Dean eta tned':a:'t(e;�LGraYi`f!argtd at5850o dernoor X !laee deet rw NdSeC and de'no'"awl 0.:6'"-e see dnd areae we mUrl ohne a0m e�s,Ome�l and ?':1NyJ:Cewirct'lase _ wAmootdeaR,;mp vtinis all darna7taorJoss o•Ewtnev,and arndec"ysse Subtotal: 5361.50 ECn'nLntPteCtion P3at .amage i4alK rasdebdrkeo 4`$i!'ACrol.atsngadd.x - TneLt:uersgvohas cae%ryalead and lttryuVenaws t.v Tems ay.^.dot bas on—e On*or?%Conrad ateeesonaNy "a—Rees rte C,iF'ww s a wrat oaymem ano Gelb mance outs oo l g3ws ars hg Inde r 6n Is Contract. Prnted 10me. Total: $361:50 Pa 1d: saga Signature: CARMELWATER Amount Due: $361.50 . https://owa.carmel.in.gov/owa/WebReadyViewBody.aspx?t=att&id=RgAAAAB4wXcEx... 12/29/2016