HomeMy WebLinkAbout307660 01/27/17 �Yas 4e,e 5k. 5k*a05 a�-m.G�gyt CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 356183 r�*�k* ONE CIVIC SQUARE L E I U TRAINING CHECK AMOUNT: $ *900.00t s� .=q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/O CALIF DEPT OF JU ICE CHECK NUMBER: 307660 M(row C 95816-0877 CHECK DATE: 01/27/17 SACRAMENTO CA DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 210 4357000 100091 900.00 LAW ENFORCE CONT EDUC n @ n E « « 0 p > 0 m \ O \ \ ® > D q n ^ r w # 2 [ q m : mm _ w 0 ® m 2 $ 2 / OD z ® G) m 0 to -n � / cn \ 0 2 k 0 k § � -4 q 7 % # m Cl 3 3 0 -n 2 > O CD a \\ k ' § =r ) a « z > I 5, 6 k @ ? § PL i = M. F 2 § K CD 0) a n -n o o ; 2 k 7 i _ i 2 { m 2 k o ® 2 \ w - % lw� t E C - i $ / # E ; 0 ƒR. 2 / • ] oE a i 2 C CD \ - ca C3 o \ CL 0 � k / a Z f 7 ¢ ( § 7 J C_i 2 m o i \ 7 CD 2 \ § m \ ( /_ CD i E D / ) \ 7 � k Cg E ]o ° o 0 8g z {CD 0 2k ƒ CD7 C o � 0 ^ D \ / C) =a � % % { § ( b0 fƒ 0 > }f \ ( / o- §o \ 0) a 7 0 g3 00 / q § o 0 \ 0 j * ® f % ] / ( a C J \ o E / D 0 a [ co o / q § n E _ 2 CD 06X ] CD \ f CL > \ \ § _ $ § / / 2 8 § ® / 1rdit Ewd Loc9m&boo,do a Imernationally recognized speakers and those who are leaders in the Radisson Blu Mall of America intelligence community will be on hand to provide up-to-date infor- 2100 Killebrew Drive,Bloomington,Minnesota 55425 mation. Private security personnel are invited to attend non-law en- Tel:(952)881-5258 forcement sensitive training at the non-member rate. Click on the web address below to reserve your room today at the Radisson Blu Mau of America: Sneakers and workshops will involve training related to https://www.radissonblu.com/reservation/resEntrance.do? * criminal intelligence pacLink=Y&promoCode=LAWENF&hotelCode=USABLMA • transnational organized crime and gangs • international terrorism Federal Per Diem Queen/King . legal issues in criminal intelligence ok.W •$145.00(USD)Queen/King or Prevailing • organized crime and gangs p Federal per diem at the time of the training and • information sharing among law enforcement Applicable Taxes(Currently 14.275%) See the LEIU website for updated confirmed speaker information. WAC POW • Complimentary In Complimentary A;rpon Shuttle 0600-2 Training Event-related Actinties: • Hosted Banquet-May 4,2017 CUT-OFF DATE 1 • Additional Activities TBA at www lea The "cut-off date" for room * * * reservations at this rate is xoTB:Non-IntEUILBlumeabers empgyadbyakw April 10,2017 enfoxwent agency wig need W,ELWIU Bond approvaL The Deporment ofHomeland Seamrty(DHS)has approved rhe rue of DHS Hamdwd Sanity Gmt Program fua&to Par*mrmdana at the LNU/IALEIA events in Quango io 2013,Gargia in 2014,Am w 2015,and New Orkmu 2016 Ona again, the LNUILUM4 event will bm a sitting nems to Homdand S—ty and tlierof—should qualify fa DHS Fm funds. However,as al%a Fm apendimres mai be dwed with your DHS Mie Admmu&am Agency to mob sure this applies in Mir region. Preferred Method of Registration: Our preferred method of registration is through our new event site and registration Platform at htty://www.cvent.com/dhwaxta. At the online registration site you may choose to pay using PayPal(at checkout)or you can send a check/money order,call(916)263-1187 to make a credit card payment,or pay at the door on arrival.If you are unable to register on-line,please complete the form below. p ATTENDEE INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE) / Name: ? I e j /✓ Rank/Citley"- Agency/Company Name: -e /Ce f Agency/Company Street Address/City/State/Zip Code: 3 c tyt c_ Phone(including area code): E-mail Address: 19�2 i)DCIIJ REGISTRATION FEE (MARK ONLY ONE) LEIU Member$450 11 IALEIA Member$450-Member# Non-Member$650 ***GuestlSpouse$100 EJ—Sponsor/Exhibitor Enhanced$450 Fl**Sponsor/Exhibitor Guest$100 El**Sponsor/Exhibitor Floor Only$0 **For Sponsors/Exhibitors Only: • jJ&-Registration&Lbws access to&Nnon bw enticement sensitive trdrrwW,re6eshinents,and&Addl events(uu/v&W Banquet)andgimwaya. • = Allows sarss only m rehmirmnu,stAdal events,andgiveaways.(Does Not ladude Tinning or Thursday Evening Banquet) • A2-Erhibitor Floor Qp(Lt(Does Not Include rehcshmems,—d events,vdnrrg,17jwsdar e—M banquet,or giveaways ***For Guests/Spouses Only: • 20-Allows&arss only to re6rdwitnts,.wxial event,andgiveaways(Does Na Include Training orThumdayEvemag Banquet) METH D OF PAYMENT (PLEASE CHECK ONE) r Registration fee enclosed-take check payable to: LEIU Training jtmoum Enclosed$ Zk;10 00 F1 Will pay on arrival. F1 Credit Card payment-please call: (916)263-1187 EFT Information—Please notify Michele Panages C(916)263-1187 if funds will be deposited electronically. Bank:Name and Address:Wells Fargo Bank,5700 Folsom Blvd.,Sacramento,CA 95819 Account Name: LEIU Training / Account Number 1357517042/Routing Num hrr 121042882/Swift WFBIUS6S LEIU Federal Tar 1D.0 94-6261142 Send either by mad op LEIU Atm Bob Morehouse.1825 BeB Sinner-Sarre l20�tg CA 95825 or by far a:(916)26X U80 or by e-mail to ROSTER(MARK YES OR NO BELOWI A8 ammdm will be&iad an the attendee msw but you can chwse to be exempt fmm the Sponsor/Edffiinor Raster by tbetldog Do you want to be Inaed on da Training Event Rorer to be given in the Tinning Event Spm eonlErhrU ms? ❑NO TdNErb lsa i NainrYNs k ally rcoogt&W spakm and fim wim we bodca in the Radiswn Blu Mall of America ieuigawe aommwity w7 be on hud to provide upto.dne btfor- 2100 Ks khrew Drive,Sloominrozy Minnew4 53423 msdmL F*w ; , 1,1 en kn*ed a acrid nowlaw era- Tel:(M)881-5258 forcesneat scroitivc voininB at the not-member rw- Glick an the web addras beton to re serve yow room today at the Podium No Mall of Anuriaa: ask=Qed FAdA60its WEimAy Md*s MkW IM aknk d ka igem aermadmW oWnimd mime and gangs Federal Per Dkar Oneta/iCira3 ' kAMMdWW unwism • legal iswa in aitmrr)Od genoe •$145.00(USD)(lueen Xkq or Ptewifing • orgusad crone and gangs 00 Aim Federd per don u the dme of she miring and ' Woma don Owing among law adbwemau Appiaable Taxes(Cmm*14.275!6) See d*LEW wduik Veska urforttaaiora, �M for��omtfi� • COMF&WMq000 Irtterrret • C vfimetauy Airport*m&0600-22M • Hooted Bwxpet-May 4,2M7 CUT-0FF DATE ' Ad&do t AcdNdm TRA a jomkkM The"cute date"for room • • • • • • • reservations at this rate is iB2�N�aaanbnrs�p arploiadbiaitrr Aprd 10,2017 syeaertrintadLll8li(/L8Tlleorretlt�ppotat 7L&DaPwraM►�Host�laalbaprdg'(�J bar crowd de see q/DHSHa.d.olswrijGtirerlroy��lira�wpq'lbrslrsri�aa vie tll6liAt&A awsairlYr�sis2l�t'1a¢ir ie 2�Arsoea2t8iyraadNetr47Mranr,'qkL Qretpiq tM LSf(!/tAWAasssttri Mwsrrwpastmatlos.dred ud tMrg6ae Mod l for>79iS A+a/loads Noaety,as stamp,9^nrrrbe and rri8 lou►Lf a.e.lrl�kia&Bae A�wej a sik arae a3i in Torr sryim ferrel ,IM\ d of Radskaden. Our pef s medal of repro dm is through our seer event ske and regi wIm pbittatm M At de-%c tapttr*—sde ym my chose to pry vskS PayM(st dwbeat)or you ca send la e6eelysietg di o "r,sA(9l 263-11$7 to mWm a credit wd psymenk,er pay at doe door m weirs!.if yon wt ttrrI I to ngiper at►4iae,please compfata the fom below. ATTENDEE INI+ORMA77ON (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY°"TYPE Name' St.�/t,./ -E / Raddtide /7N.4�ys ABeacyXbaWssy Ntmte / f n/-- ABsncyMart>}mty Street At)dress/Cily/SfatelZip Code _ 3 �i(/i(i -S , Phone(iagWiq sea code): ��7—:5-7/-a�� E-0 At dmm- S6 2_//�' C�is7/Y17[/.J- /•�O✓ (MARK ONLY ONEI :Mmba S45Q [:]LMMA Manber 5450-Member N E1N.4A mbw 5650 [:]'N GtaeWSpotue SI OO dUdsabitoi Eabsneed 5450 Q'•Spootor/Elcbibsbr t frees 5100 ••SpamodEtthitttoeFtoorOnly$0 ••For Spospro fsbIMM only., • ,�•Jtgpiaascn abtrs&secs a&Inns 6M•arbnaaoaaarmioiatr ds ro4�matt3 and aoniJestno(itakadig Braptaafl&ad6rawr*!: • AW•AMvas Main my u r 4W&Masa,aada/eM7%&adpsnewgs(Doo Nor Isdade?Wnisy ar 73wadW Ssaadal BWQM J • A2.Btl ftor jBg1. (Dn+r Not Lsakde nib 1 tr,+odd atan 4—as lbWAY—in#bestow,m 9b+as�a For GoaalSposon Osyc • ,W-AA*v&mar A*a rdvOmaaa,Todd eva,^a dgi—wiz(Dear Not badade Troiaio9 a Tbar&drr SmO*BWQw) A�TB1�o>� � 5E opt Ww""o to andond-Make daedc panbk w: LEW Tnb*)Am ma FAdossd S sd o WN Pry an WdVA Qu&Card poyawae-Please rs& (916)263.1187 EFT ydamuroim—Mam no*Michele PNWO @(916)2tt3.1187 if funds WA be dopa reed dectonk*. •Web Far=o Bank 5700 Fab=SK Saeamem,CA 95819 Ao=sm Meow LM Training / A%mrpLNumbw.13SM7042 f Bnwkg 121042882!Ss*fa& WFBIUSm LVV Rdn&I Tar/D1 r/4s tt i /Sasdai8a ..r r rani ASLAMkAftabowe,IMJkFSmw-Sane 004 Sar_ao. =orbyfa ox(Na)ARM or q wnititl�ptospstiP6liacpr+r IQMZA"TZ OR Mp BRA" uerdra•a7beiwdm*aaadx nsarr ear jar oro dioarr a be a+tgpfiars Ore Sponor/Betd+orJoaabj rbadey � Do poo starak fadm At 7kiohy bw lloner a be¢rm so At Dd*6wsr$pomosNS+d+WwO ❑NO