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307686 01/27/17
Q CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350965 ONE CIVIC SQUARE OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC CHECK AMOUNT: S•""""4,738.82' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 3Nz46082-0302 CHECK NUMBER: 307686 CHECK DATE: 01/27/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4341970 100037 OC6190 996.40 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 OC6191 484.08 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 OC6192 480.16 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 OC6193 296.34 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 OC6195 812.00 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 100037 OC6196 114.50 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4351501 100038 OC6197 1,492.50 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1203 R4351501 33590 OC6197 62.84 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE n nDm -O0 O Q0�# < O _ O _ OOO " - " " " Cl) O 0274 - - - J D X 0 O O O O O Q coZQ n z O z ^ O w z C7 z0) m (.nQ rn rn rn rn rn rn <-° O lia co O rn cn cc c0 w co m 3 O o � cn y O N W CT c -n W W w N W r oX u 00 n w w w w w w O �) o o 0 0 0 0 m D D T. z CL z c O n Z ° z O C p0 tto A N OD ::t GA c T OC � I co O to A O O c= ? N - (D N r 0 m C O a O. 0 ��-, �' p m r_ CD d o d g m v m xm �» V) m _ y zm 0 i w L n 2 tD v c � � y a E; cD C m 0 y 0 O = N N3. ry N a a N ? N 5 j a N a W N O. N < N O 0) 7 r. O 3 a s � o o 3 r_ =r zt m p n H m 3 c y G v V V �I J V m B n su ,Q o c 0 g o, - n Oy O d O O O O O O v O -0 � CD a d w CO CO CO c0 -� CO CO m v = C OL 0) O N W CT 01 CD 0) Z D. /y 7 2QDS N �.N c FT IO �O Ti Ol 0 0- 0 yD O O -n CL n D v D � -R N ;u= r CL m � m K m R. m < = r O Z m `° C � B m y CD n CD m CD m O 9 Iz fl1 CL Q ,T m CO) CD n 3 C � y fD H o Z o CL_ �pin (�9 D S A CO A 00 N t� ppop N Q n N A 9) O � N A C OOD 0 O A 0 O ? y omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6190 Bill To The City of Carmel BOARD of PUBLIC WORKS One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 2/1/2017 1/17/2017 CA2522 BPW Mee... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Recording, preparing and unloading BPW meetings for November and December. 2016 Producer Time 11-2-16 November 2 BPW Meeting,operate switcher at City 1.33333 85.00 113.33 Hall Rendering 11-7-16-Nov.2 meeting, render mov from DVD 0.16667 75.00 12.50 Video Edit 11-7-16-Nov 2 meeting,add replay graphics. 0.18333 130.00 23.83 Upload File(s) 11-7-16-Nov 2 meeting, upload to Telvue 1 30.00 30.00 Producer Time 11-16-16-Operate switcher 1.33333 85.00 113.33 Rendering 11-22-16-Nov. 16 meeting, render mov from DVD 0.13333 75.00 10.00 Video Edit 11-23-16-Nov. 16 meeting.Add replay graphics 0.13333 130.00 17.33 Rendering 11-23-16-Nov. 16 meeting, render mpeg2 for Telvue 1.1 75.00 82.50 Upload File(s) 11-23-16-Nov. 16 meeting, upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1 30.00 30.00 Producer Time 11-23-16-Nov. 16 meeting, programming to channel 0.33333 85.00 28.33 Producer Time 12-7-16 December 7 BPW Meeting,operate switcher at City 1.58333 85.00 134.58 Hall Rendering 12-13-16 December 7 BPW Meeting, rip DVD and render 0.21667 75.00 16.25 .mov file for editing Video Edit 12-14-16 edit, December 7 BPW Meeting 0.21667 130.00 28.17 Rendering 12-14-16 December 7 BPW Meeting, render.mpeg file 1.13333 75.00 85.00 Upload File(s) 12-14-16 December 7 BPW Meeting, upload.mpeg file to 1 30.00 30.00 Telvue video server Producer Time 12-21-16 December 21 BPW Meeting, operate switcher at 1.5 85.00 127.50 City Hall Rendering 12-27-16 December 21 BPW Meeting, rip DVD and render 0.15 75.00 11.25 .mov file for editing Video Edit 12-27-16 edit, December 21 BPW Meeting 0.25 130.00 32.50 Rendering 12-27-16 December 21 BPW Meeting, render.mpeg file 0.53333 75.00 40.00 Upload File(s) 12-27-16 December 21 BPW Meeting, upload to TelVue 1 30.00 30.00 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $996.40 000 Payments/Credits $0.00 CJ� ,, ,�v�v�-1\�,r1S � .7q 1c"74 Balance Due $996.40 10003-7 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6191 Bill To City of Carmel PLAN COMMISSION One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 2/1/2017 1/17/2017 CA2523 Plan Com... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Plan Commission Meetings service for November and December 2016 Rendering 11-22-16-Nov 15 meeting, render mov from DVD 1.46667 75.00 110.00 Video Edit 11-22-16-Nov 15 meeting, add replay graphics. 0.2 130.00 26.00 Rendering 11-22-16-Nov 15 meeting, render mpeg2 for Telvue 1.53333 75.00 115.00 Upload File(s) 11-22-16-Nov 15 meeting, upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1.33333 30.00 40.00 Rendering 12-21-16 December 20 Plan Commission Meeting, rip DVD 0.66667 75.00 50.00 and render.movie for editing Video Edit 12-27-16 edit, December 20 Plan Commission Meeting 0.28333 130.00 36.83 Rendering 12-27-16 December 20 Plan Commission Meeting, render 0.88333 75.00 66.25 .mpeg file Upload File(s) 12-27-16 December 20 Plan Commission Meeting, upload to 1.33333 30.00 40.00 TelVue Q� Iry �fi�o f p, fto3 -7 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $484.08 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $484.08 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6192 Bill To The City of Carmel REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION c/o Steve Engelking One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 2/1/2017 1/17/2017 CA2524 CRC Meet... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount CRC Coverage and services for November and December 2016 Producer Time 11-8-16 contacting about Nov.8 Special CRC Meeting 0.15 85.00 12.75 Producer Time 11-16-16 November 16 CRC Meeting, operate switcher at 1.25 85.00 106.25 City Hall Rendering 11-22-16-Nov 16 meeting, render mov from DVD 0.21667 75.00 16.25 Video Edit 11-23-16-Nov. 16 meeting, add replay graphics 0.08333 130.00 10.83 Rendering 11-23-16-Nov. 16 meeting, render mpeg2 for Telvue 0.3 75.00 22.50 Upload File(s) 11-23-16-Nov. 16 meeting, upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1 30.00 30.00 Producer Time 12-21-16 December 21 CRC Meeting,operate switcher at 1.5 85.00 127.50 City Hall Rendering 12-27-16 December 21 CRC Meeting, rip DVD and render 0.51667 75.00 38.75 .mov file for editing Video Edit 12-27-16 edit, December 21 CRC Meeting 0.28333 130.00 36.83 Rendering 12-27-16 December 21 CRC Meeting, render.mpeg file 0.63333 75.00 47.50 Upload File(s) 12-27-16 December 21 CRC Meeting, upload to TelVue video 1.03333 30.00 31.00 server It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $480.16 ��`� Payments/Credits $0.00 0 1 Balance Due $480.16 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http-./twww.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6193 Bill To The City of Carmel BOARD of ZONING APPEALS One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 2/1/2017 1/17/2017 CA2525 BZA Meeti... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the preparation and airing of the BZA Meetings for November and December 2016 Rendering 12-2-16-Nov. meeting, render mov from DVD 0.6 75.00 45.00 Video Edit 12-2-16-Nov.28 meeting, add replay graphics 0.11667 130.00 15.17 Rendering 12-2-16-Nov.28 meeting, render mpeg2 for Telvue 1.08333 75.00 81.25 Upload File(s) 12-2-16-Nov.28 meeting, upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1 30.00 30.00 Producer Time 12-2-16-Nov 28 meeting,program into channel 0.15 85.00 12.75 Rendering 1-4-17 December 29 BZA Meeting, rip DVD and render.mov 0.3 75.00 22.50 file for editing Video Edit 1-5-17 edit, December 29 BZA Meeting 0.26667 130.00 34.67 Rendering 1-5-17 December 29 BZA Meeting, render.mpeg file 0.33333 75.00 25.00 Upload File(s) 1-5-17 December 29 BZA Meeting, upload to Telvue video 1 30.00 30.00 server OL �b ru'l I L � 5 . 0600 7 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $296.34 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $296.34 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6195 Bill To The City of Carmel CITY COUNCIL One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 15 Days 2/1/2017 1/17/2017 CA2538 City Coun... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Preparation and airing City Council Meetings for November and December 2016 Rendering 11-17-16 November 7 City Council Meeting, rip DVD and 0.38333 75.00 28.75 render file Video Edit 11-17-16 edit, November 7 City Council Meeting 0.33333 130.00 43.33 Rendering 11-17-16 November 7 City Council Meeting, render.mpeg file 0.55 75.00 41.25 Upload File(s) 11-17-16 November 7 City Council Meeting, upload to TelVue 1.43333 30.00 43.00 Rendering 11-28-16-Nov 21 meeting, render mov from DVD 0.78333 75.00 58.75 Video Edit 11-28-16-Nov 21 meeting, add replay graphics 0.18333 130.00 23.83 Rendering 11-28-16-Nov 21 meeting, render mpeg2 for Telvue 1.06667 75.00 80.00 Upload File(s) 11-28-16-Nov 21 meeting, upload mpeg2 to Telvue 1.28333 30.00 38.50 Rendering 12-6-16 rip DVD and render.mov file for editing 0.81667 75.00 61.25 Rendering 12-7-16 December 5 City Council Meeting, rip part 2 of the 0.25 75.00 18.75 DVD(this meeting had a break and was in 2 parts) Video Edit 12-7-16 edit, December 5 City Council Meeting 0.41667 130.00 54.17 Rendering 12-7-16 December 5 City Council Meeting, render.mpeg file 1.31667 75.00 98.75 Upload File(s) 12-7-16 November 5 City Council Meeting, upload.mpeg file 1.83333 30.00 55.00 to TelVue Rendering 12-21-16 December 19 City Council Meeting, rip DVD and 0.53333 75.00 40.00 render.mov file for editing Video Edit 12-27-16 edit, December 19 City Council Meeting 0.36667 130.00 47.67 Rendering 12-27-16 December 19 City Council Meeting, render.mpeg 0.6 75.00 45.00 file Upload File(s) 12-27-16 December 19 City Council Meeting, upload to 1.13333 30.00 34.00 TelVue It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. /r Total $812.00 Payments/Credits $0.00 QD DD Balance Due $812.00 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6196 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 2/16/2017 1/17/2017 CA2536 six DVD c... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount DVD Copies of Veteran's Day Ceremony 2016 Rendering 12-15-16 render 6 DVD copies 1.16667 75.00 87.50 Duplication 5-9 DVD Duplication 5-11 Units 6 4.50 27.00 " b � C '1-D L Caw- al�wul toO077 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $114.50 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $114.50 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org 00 -0 O < « k k00 0 $2 I z � c c ■ O n n �_ w M m q z ® 0 # m S 2 CL 00 0 0 kƒ OD \ O / 0 X 0 ,© 2 -n ¢ T 5 > k E \ m 2 k n � 3 & �_ 2 2 2 \ § q o ¥ | # £ k 0 E / E 0 i n 7 E 2 w £ 0 m % 2§ 2 % ° E 7 C- k \ \ k CD . 2 § ! ¢ § k A § Q E m n 2 g ± / $ « E / E B 2 2. g ( - k ( o I / 2 ( ; » � O i « 7 CL« G Z-1 m § / ƒ� j --I m \ 2 g /$ = \ � - P # 20 � / \ § 0 gCD § § m ƒ 7 '9\ 2 /® Z > © _ \ 2 } § %« � CL - � C" 7� � D }_$ { \ ¢ �Q � §o ) v fI\ .r-- 062 E \ n / 0 E \ \ r Q E a % ) / E $ C % / / § & / A p B CL - -n CL CO) G m k k \ ( { f 2 CD � co 0 k \ ¥ A omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6197 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 2/16/2017 1/17/2017 CA2548 Carmel 0... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Channel Oversight and Maintenance for December 2016 Upload File(s) 12-14-16 upload Veterans Day to YouTube 1 30.00 30.00 Rendering 12-14-16 render.mov file Songbook Celebration Show 0.8 75.00 60.00 Rendering 12-15-16 render.mov file Songbook Celebration Interviews 0.41667 75.00 31.25 Rendering 12-15-16 render.mpeg file Songbook Celebration Interviews 0.53333 75.00 40.00 Rendering 12-15-16 render.mpeg file Songbook Celebration Show 1.66667 75.00 125.00 Rendering 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews render 0.41667 75.00 31.25 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show upload to YouTube 1 30.00 30.00 Rendering 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show render.mpeg 1.91667 75.00 143.75 Rendering 12-16-16 Veterans Day render.mpeg file 1.95 75.00 146.25 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews upload to 1 30.00 30.00 YouTube Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews upload to 1 30.00 30.00 YouTube Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show upload to Vimeo 1.33333 30.00 40.00 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show upload to TelVue 1.01667 30.00 30.50 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews upload to Vimeo 1 30.00 30.00 Producer Time 12-16-16 program TelVue 0.41667 85.00 35.42 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Veterans Day, upload to TelVue 2.58333 30.00 77.50 Producer Time 12-19-16 send Songbook Celebration YouTube links for 0.25 85.00 21.25 website Producer Time 12-20-16 program TelVue 0.15 85.00 12.75 Producer Time 12-21-16 program TelVue 0.51667 85.00 43.92 Producer Time 12-27-16 program TelVue 0.85 85.00 72.25 Tape HD Mini 12-28-16 used two 60 min. HD videotapes for Holiday Trolley 0 35.00 0.00 shoot Producer Time 12-28-16 program TelVue 0.28333 85.00 24.08 Producer Time 12-28-16 program TelVue 1.01667 85.00 86.42 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 1 omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6197 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 2/16/2017 1/17/2017 CA2548 Carmel 0... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Rendering 12-29-16 Burn 2 Blu-ray discs of Winter Farmers Market 2 75.00 150.00 Promo for archive library Rendering 12-29-16 Bum 2 Blu-ray discs of Indiana Bicentennial Torch 1.25 75.00 93.75 Relay for archive library Tape HD Mini 1-11-17 used two 83 min. and four 60 min. HDV videotapes 2 35.00 70.00 for the Songbook Celebration Tape HD Mini 1-11-17 used two 83 min.and two 60 min HDV videotapes for 2 35.00 70.00 the Veterans Day Ceremony y -Ci p. oVkc.V, af It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $1,555.34 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $1,555.34 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 2 2 # qq � O / 0 2 / 0 o a 2 co z CL c f ® S ° ° > m O m n n w z ^ m [ q ¥ C m O $ 2 R / 0 � k ; j ) ® q $ ( ® © 2 k # g :3 > § � E E } § I / CD 0 / T. o a o m m 3 e § M 0 & �_ 2 § 0 0 oz z < > O \ § q I ¥ | Sr m t3 9 r ; g , p I e r a k g 47 / \ k § 2 O E F { ; J = 7 C- 0 { § k m C . E l \ 2 § % 3 G 7 q Q E Q ; Q k g 2 § i k w 0 \ k ( - kC § ¥ / } , - , Q a y %£ § \ m § E _ a CL \ } ( G k i E D \ Err ) o cd � CD 0 \ O0 kCO m ƒ \ � C a 2 / -4 © $ Nk r CD £ n/ \ �E GD 0 D CL )� & g E �E % M C/) f $ - 2 f $ 9 / / } C ƒ 0 \ m , Q £ F f C / E $ / A p B C k 2 $ m M # § m CL \ k { \ } 7 \ \ 9 § � ® \ omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6197 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 2/16/2017 1/17/2017 CA2548 Carmel 0... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Channel Oversight and Maintenance for December 2016 Upload File(s) 12-14-16 upload Veterans Day to YouTube 1 30.00 30.00 Rendering 12-14-16 render.mov file Songbook Celebration Show 0.8 75.00 60.00 Rendering 12-15-16 render.mov file Songbook Celebration Interviews 0.41667 75.00 31.25 Rendering 12-15-16 render.mpeg file Songbook Celebration Interviews 0.53333 75.00 40.00 Rendering 12-15-16 render.mpeg file Songbook Celebration Show 1.66667 75.00 125.00 Rendering 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews render 0.41667 75.00 31.25 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show upload to YouTube 1 30.00 30.00 Rendering 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show render.mpeg 1.91667 75.00 143.75 Rendering 12-16-16 Veterans Day render.mpeg file 1.95 75.00 146.25 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews upload to 1 30.00 30.00 YouTube Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews upload to 1 30.00 30.00 YouTube Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show upload to Vimeo 1.33333 30.00 40.00 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Show upload to TelVue 1.01667 30.00 30.50 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Songbook Celebration Interviews upload to Vimeo 1 30.00 30.00 Producer Time 12-16-16 program TelVue 0.41667 85.00 35.42 Upload File(s) 12-16-16 Veterans Day, upload to TelVue 2.58333 30.00 77.50 Producer Time 12-19-16 send Songbook Celebration YouTube links for 0.25 85.00 21.25 website Producer Time 12-20-16 program TelVue 0.15 85.00 12.75 Producer Time 12-21-16 program TelVue 0.51667 85.00 43.92 Producer Time 12-27-16 program TelVue 0.85 85.00 72.25 Tape HD Mini 12-28-16 used two 60 min.HD videotapes for Holiday Trolley 0 35.00 0.00 shoot Producer Time 12-28-16 program TelVue 0.28333 85.00 24.08 Producer Time 12-28-16 program TelVue 1.01667 85.00 86.42 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 1 omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 1/17/2017 OC6197 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project NET 30 Days 2/16/2017 1/17/2017 CA2548 Carmel 0... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Rendering 12-29-16 Burn 2 Blu-ray discs of Winter Farmers Market 2 75.00 150.00 Promo for archive library Rendering 12-29-16 Bum 2 Blu-ray discs of Indiana Bicentennial Torch 1.25 75.00 93.75 Relay for archive library Tape HD Mini 1-11-17 used two 83 min.and four 60 min. HDV videotapes 2 35.00 70.00 for the Songbook Celebration Tape HD Mini 1-11-17 used two 83 min.and two 60 min HDV videotapes for 2 35.00 70.00 the Veterans Day Ceremony y It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $1,555.34 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $1,555.34 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 2