HomeMy WebLinkAbout308384 02/22/17 �% "p''f� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 371294 t' ONE CIVIC SQUARE BUTLER MOTORS INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******402.56* i �_� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3232 HARPER RD CHECK NUMBER: 308384 9�,_ �,.'�: INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 CHECK DATE: 02/22/17 «ON DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 R4232100 40749 TOCS757434 201.28 KEYS FOR TACOMA TRUCK 1125 R4232100 40749 TOCS757468 201.28 KEYS FOR TACOMA TRUCK Voucher No. Warrant No. Butler Toyota Allowed 20 3232 Harper Road Indianapolis, IN 46240 In Sum of$ $ 402.56 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 40749P TOCS757468 4232100 $ 201.28 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 40749 INAL TOCS757434 4232100 $ 201.28 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except February 16, 2017 Signature $ 402.56 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund SE PARTS HOURS SERVICE Butle � MON.,THUR. 317-848-4210 f- -" x __ _ 7:30 AM TO 7.00 PM �` - 4 FRIDAY PARTS `i-' .:. .- '^" 7:30 AM TO 5:30 PM 317-848-4214 3232tHARPER RDz;96TO'AA .NORTH KEYSTONE AVE. SAT. I 1NDIANAPOLIS,,:IN-46240 8:00 AM TO 3:00 PM DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES Any warrantles on the products sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer.The Seller,BUTLER TOYOTA,hereby expressly disclaims all wartandes,either express or impllad, Including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular u ase,and BUTLER TOYOTA neither assumes are authorizes an other arson to assume for It an Ilablli in connection with the sale of said roducts. I hereby acknowledge my right,upon completion of the repairs,to inspect said vehicle and repair work belore laking delivery or possession and to reject same If not commercially acceptable.My failure to so inspect shall constitute a waiver of Nis right.Taking delivery or possession of my vehicle shall constitute my unconditional acceptance of same,acknewledging all repairs to be satisfactory,terminate my rights of rejection andior revocation,and forever discharge BUTLER TOYOTA Imm all liability thereon,including liability for breach of express or implied warranty.Arbitration required by this agreement.The parties agree that instead of litigation in a court,any dispute,controversy,or daim arising out of or relating to this transaction shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the Better Business Bureau,under its commercial arbitration rules.Such arbitration shall be conducted in Manon County,Indiana.Each party agrees to pay their ovm costs,Any judgement on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction hereof. X CUSTOMER NO. "�1 (�J 98532 ffkTAN L JENKINS 59 TAG'05831 'INVW 10'/17' CARMEL CLAY PARKS & RECREATION `Y s'9`�'74:68 LABOR RATE LICENSE NO. MILEAGE 3, 590 �R WHT/C 1411 E 116TH ST Yr/i`YMI/TACOMA 4X4/ACC CB 4WD 14 S DELW/68/16 DELIVERY MILES 1 CARMEL, IN 46032-3455 ll0/v0 TIT`.r:NOS X 5 E N 3 H X 0 4 7 6 1 4 SELLING DEALER NO. PRODUCTION DATE F.T.E.NO. P.O.NO. R.'02Y02/17 RESIDENCE PHONE B��r+�SSrRHEJi4E 6291 '#MR1777848 - - l/L - -- — -- -MO: 3591- ,. _ - J#..1..:iQ.T.(1Z_:.___:. ..........ELEGT:#tTtL.w w...... ::..._=.UMITS.:.<.<i?uSQ TEH.fS2<,.21ZI..235.` _.u. .' . C/S: cust. states cut 3 new keys and program PROGRAMMED 3 NEW KEYS PARTS------QTY---FP-NUMBER---------------DESCRIPTION--------------------UNIT PRICE- JOB # 1 3 89785-OD170 TRANSMITTER, TRAN 46.64 139.92 JOB # 1 TOTAL PARTS 139.92 JOB # 1 TOTAL LABOR & PARTS 194.80 --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- J#.2_20T(f1[LOORMATS...TNS?,. LflnRMATS.,.-.:_. UNIT.S._..4. ..QQ_.TflBiS ,<215_,.. <:13 `ate 0= 0 CUSTOMER ADVISED, DEALER INSPECTED DRIVERS FLOOR FOR LOOSE OR IMPROPERLY INSTALLED FLOORMATS VEHICLE HAS O.E.M. FLOORMAT PROPERLY INSTALLED AND SECURED WITH O.E.M. FLOORMAT CLIPS ON DRIVERS FLOOR NO WORK REQUIRED AT THIS TIME PARTS------QTY---FP-NUMBER---------------DESCRIPTION---------------------UNIT PRICE- JOB # 2 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 JOB # 2 TOTAL LABOR & PARTS 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISC------CODE--------DESCRIPTION-------------------------------CONTROL NO--------- JOB # A SHPS SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 5.49 JOB # A MAT ELECTRONIC DOC FEE 0.99 TOTAL - MISC 6.48 ESTIMATE--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIVING ORIGINAL ESTIMATE OF $212.00 (+TAX) COMMENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC created 2017-01-27 12:48:00pm taken by Adam Ward TOTALS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FFEB 1 0 2011 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BUTLER TOYOTA AS THE PLACE TO HAVE TOTAL LABOR.... 54.88 YOUR VEHICLE SERVICED. IF FOR ANY REASON WE DID NOT EXCEED TOTAL PARTS.... 139.92 �a YOUR EXPECTATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 e o MANAGER PATRICK CLAYTON AT 1.866-723-5555. TOTAL G.O.G.... 0.00 C% TOTAL MISC CHG. 6.48 CID IF YOU RECEIVE A SURVEY FROM TOYOTA, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOU TOTAL MISC DISC 0.00 STAKING A FEW MOMENTS TO COMPLETE AND RETURN IT. TOTAL TAX.:.... 0.00 ou EVEN IF YOU ARE "COMPLETELY SATISFIED" PLEASE RETURN YOUR TOTAL INVOICE$ 20 :28____ > SURVEY SO THAT WE CAN INFORM OUR ASSOCIATES OF A JOB WELL Z DONE. AGAIN THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU AND a HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. E V K CUSIUMER SIGNATURE PAGE 1 OF 1 CUSTOMER COPY [ END OF INVOICE ] 10:53am SERVICE&PARTS HOURS SERVICE er MON.,THUR. 317-848-4210 7:30 AM TO 7:00 PM PARTS®r :.:.FRIDAY;" t _ -^✓ 7.30 AM TO 5.30 PM 317-848-4214 3232 HARPER-RD..-96TH AND NORTH KEYSTONE AVE. SAT. ,� INDIANAP_O.LIS,IN 46240 /' 8:00 AM TO 3:00 PM DISCLAIMER'OF.WARRANTIES'r - Anywarranties on the products sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer.The Seller,BUTLER TOYOTA,hereby expressly-disclaims-all warranties;eitherexpmss or Implied,Including any implied warranty,of merchantability or fitness for a particular ur ose.and BUTLER TOYOTA neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability In connection with the sale of said products. I hereby acknowledge my right,upon completion of the repairs,to inspect said vehicle and repair work before taking delivery or possession and to reject same if not commercially acceptable.My failure to so inspect shall constitute a waiver of this right.Taking delivery or possession of my vehicle shall constitute my unconditional aaeptance of same,acknowledging all repairs to be satisfactory,terminate my rights of rejection andror revocation,and forever discharge BUTLER TOYOTA from all liability thereon,including liabtliry for breach of express or implied warranty.Arbitration required by this agreement.The parries agree that instead of litigation in a court,any dispute,controversy,or claim arising out of or relating to this transaction shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the Better Business Bureau,under its commercial arbitration rules.Such arbitration shall be conducted in Marion County,Indiana.Each party agrees to pay their ov r vests.Any Judgement an the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction hereof. X CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO INV _`-- i O 198532 CHRIS 1882 298120%17 j�, c� -X7434'; CARMEL CLAY PARKS & RECREATION 2,753 LABOR RATE LICENSE NO. MILEAGE 0` R WHT/C IESI 1411 E 116TH ST Yr%TOYOTA%TACOMA 4X4/ACC CB 4WD 14 S DELI vpeT /16 DELIVERY MILES 1 CARMEL, IN 46032-3455 TIC I.D.NO. SELLING/DEALER NO. PRODUCTION DATE T F S X 5 E N 1 H X 0 4 7 6 3 0 F.T.E.NO. P.O.NO. R.0617 02/17 RESIDENCE PHONE 8�1$INFSS�IM6291 0"TfR1778290 UL — M0: 2753 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BUTLER TOYOTA AS THE PLACE TO HAVE TOTAL LABOR.... 54.88 YOUR VEHICLE SERVICED. IF FOR ANY REASON WE DID NOT EXCEED TOTAL PARTS.... 139.92 YOUR EXPECTATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 MANAGER PATRICK CLAYTON AT 1-866-723-5555. TOTAL G.O.G.... 0.00 TOTAL MISC CHG. 6.48 IF YOU RECEIVE A SURVEY FROM TOYOTA, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOU TOTAL MISC DISC 0.00 TAKING A FEW MOMENTS TO COMPLETE AND RETURN IT. TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 EVEN IF YOU ARE "COMPLETELY SATISFIED" PLEASE RETURN YOUR OTAWNVOICE$7 4,7_20,1, 2.8 r SURVEY SO THAT WE CAN INFORM OUR ASSOCIATES OF A JOB WELL •` _ = — DONE. AGAIN THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU AND HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE o FEB 1 0 2017 T o - U U w z z_ w E U C ' PAGE 2 OF 2 CUSTOMER COPY [ END OF INVOICE ] 10:54am Poi q0 q.c� PARTS HOURS SERV'ICE Bude MON.,THUR. 317-'848-4210 7:30 AM TO 7:00 PM /�TO O FRIDAY PARTS 7:30 AM TO 5:30 PM 317-848-4214 3232 HARPER RD.-96TH AND NORTH KEYSTONE AVE. SAT. INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46240 8:00 AM TO 3:00 PM DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES Any warranties on the products sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer.The Seller,BUTLER TOYOTA,hereby expressly tlisclaims all warranties,either express or implied,Including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular u ase,and BUTLER TOYOTA neither assumes nor authorizes an other arson to assume for it an liabilityin connection with the sale of saitl products. I hereby acknowledge my right,upon completion of the repairs,to inspect said vehicle and repair work before taking delivery or possession and to reject same if not commercially acceptable.My failure to so inspect shall constitute a warder of this right.Taking delivery at possession of my vehicle shall consRute my unconditional acceptance of same,admowledging all repairs to be satisfactory,terminate my rights of rejection and/or revocation,and forever discharge BUTLER TOYOTA from all liability thereon,including liability for breach of express or implied warranty.Arbitration required by this agreement.The parties agree that instead of litigation in a court,any dispute,controversy,or claim"sing out of or misting to this transaction shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the Better Business Bureau,under its commercial arbitration rules.Such arbitration shall be conducted in Marion County,Indiana.Each party agrees to pay their own costs.Any judgement on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction hereof. X CUSTOMER NO. 198532 QQ� ys 1882 TAG NG298 INV¢(GF 9110117 tVS-7434 (LArBjOt(R1RATE LICENSE NO. MILEAGE L 2,75301ftlk 1WVHT/C S"�' CARMEL CLAY PARKS & RECREATION 1411 E 116TH ST r77fNCS°&TACOMA 4X4/ACC CB 4WD 24 S DE 697?19/16 DELIVERY MILES 1 CARMEL, IN 46032-3455 VV'� EA HIC{.E I.j2 N% X 5 E N 1 H X 0 4 7 6 3 0 SELLING DEALER NO. PRODUCTION DATE F.T.E.IINO.r P.O.NO. R. VLCy ph702/17 RESIDENCE PHONE @(1$IP7ES$�y1C]NE 6291 ECYMM1778290 " _ / '--- --" -MO -"2753 c C/S: cust. states cut and program 3 new keys CUT KEYS PROGRAMED KEYS PARTS------QTY---FP-NUMBER---------------DESCRIPTION--------•-----------UNIT PRICE- JOB # 1 3 89785-OD170 TRANSMITTER, TRAN 46.64 139.921 V 70.1 D JOB # 1 TOTAL PARTS 139.92 � � JOB # 1 TOTAL LABOR & PARTS 194.80 F1 U 1 '017 -: :_ ..z.2uT ff��L(rO�r�AT$.wz �a r Ts' :w .<..I t TS.a. ... . (�,. c ,s.. ` ,. HE III NO BY:............ CUSTOMER ADVISED, DEALER INSPECTED DRIVERS FLOOR FOR LOOSE OR IMPROPERLY INSTALLED FLOORMATS VEHICLE HAS O.E.M. FLOORMAT PROPERLY INSTALLED AND SECURED WITH O.E.M. FLOORMAT CLIPS ON DRIVERS FLOOR NO WORK REQUIRED AT THIS TIME PARTS------QTY---FP-NUMBER---------------DESCRIPTION------------------••UNIT PRICE- ' JOB # 2 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 JOB # 2 TOTAL LABOR & PARTS 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISC------CODE--------DESCRIPTION-------------------------•-----CONTROL NO--------- JOB # A SHPS SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 5.49 JOB # A MAT ELECTRONIC DOC FEE 0.99 TOTAL - MISC 6.48 ESTIMATE--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIVING ORIGINAL ESTIMATE OF $211.07 (+TAX) COMMENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++WAITER++CC created 2017.01.27 12:47:00pm taken by Adam Ward m 0 . U m m rn 0 N U U w z w E V K K t PAGE 1 OF 2 CUSTOMER COPY [CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE] 10:54am F